Re: How to insert text at cursor position?

2010-04-28 Thread Claus Dreischer
Thanks Jacqueline,

that's exactly what i was looking for.
For reference, this is what i have working now:

In the field:

global g_selection

on mousedown theMouse
   put the selectedchunk into g_selection
   popup button bt_popup
end mousedown

in the popup button bt_popup:

global g_selection

on menuPick pItemName
   select g_selection

   switch pItemName
  case Non Breaking Space
 put nbsp; after the selection
  case Line Break
 put br after the selection
   end switch
end menuPick

Am 27.04.10 21:49, schrieb J. Landman Gay:
 Claus Dreischer wrote:
 The problem was here was indeed the hilite.
 put hello world into the selection
 put hello world after the selection
 in a button works.

 Putting one of the above into a popup button doen't work.

 So, is there a way to somehow store the selection before it get lost?
 Can i insert text into a field from a popup button?
 You have a couple of choices. The easiest is to just turn off
 auto-hilite and substitute your own handlers. On mousedown, hilite the
 button, on mouseUp and mouseRelease, unhilite it.
 The second way is to use a local script variable to store the
 selectedchunk. When the button is released, reselect the stored chunk:
 local sStoredChunk
 on mouseDown
  put the selectedchunk into sStoredChunk
 end mouseDown
 on mouseUp
  select sStoredChunk
 end mouseUp
 on mouseRelease
  select sStoredChunk
 end mouseRelease
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Re: How to insert text at cursor position?

2010-04-27 Thread Claus Dreischer
The problem was here was indeed the hilite.
put hello world into the selection
put hello world after the selection
in a button works.

Putting one of the above into a popup button doen't work.

So, is there a way to somehow store the selection before it get lost?
Can i insert text into a field from a popup button?


Am 26.04.10 21:59, schrieb J. Landman Gay:
 Both work, I'm not sure why the first one didn't for the OP. It works
 here. Perhaps his button had auto-hilite set to true, which steals the
 Joe Lewis Wilkins wrote:
 Actually, I find this very disturbing, since either of these
 expressions/commands would work in HyperCard; consequently, being very
 simple as they are, they should both work in Rev. I can understand
 complex deviations from HyperTalk, but not the basic, simple ones.
 What works in HyperTalk should work in RevTalk. Just my HO, but one of
 the reasons I've found Rev to be frustrating.

 Joe Wilkins
 On Apr 26, 2010, at 12:06 PM, Claus Dreischer wrote:

 doh ...

 i tried with

 put hello world into the selection

 which failed.

 Thanks Mark for the prompt response!

 Am 26.04.10 20:54, schrieb Mark Schonewille:

 put hello world after the selection

 Best regards,

 Mark Schonewille
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How to insert text at cursor position?

2010-04-26 Thread Claus Dreischer

I'm trying to perform the following:
There is a field in which the user can edit text.
There are some buttons which should help him insert some text/code at
the cursor position of that field.

How do i do that?
I looked at insert, cursor, selection, but none of these does the job.

So, which command am i looking for, or which code snipped does this task?

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Re: How to insert text at cursor position?

2010-04-26 Thread Claus Dreischer
doh ...

i tried with

put hello world into the selection

which failed.

Thanks Mark for the prompt response!

Am 26.04.10 20:54, schrieb Mark Schonewille:
 put hello world after the selection
 Best regards,
 Mark Schonewille
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revBrowserSet, search a second string

2010-02-10 Thread Claus Dreischer

i see a strange behaviour when searching a second string in a revBrowser:

First i open a revBroser and i can see the web page i stated
Then i search in that page with:

revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, search_text

sBrowserId is the Browser ID i got from revBrowserOpen
search_text is the variable containing my string to search, like Mike

I can do this repeatedly and i find the different occurences of that
string in that page. All fine here.

Now when i change the search_string to e.g. John,
nothing happens. John is not found (but he's on that page) :-/

Changing the search string again (even to Mike): Nothing happens. :-/

Resetting the search with an empty search string (like the doku said):
Nothing happens :-/

Any ideas what i could have done wrong?

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Re: revBrowserSet, search a second string

2010-02-10 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hi Terry,

thanks for taking a look!
I had no luck with handing the focus to another control here on Win XP.
Didn't cured the problem here.

But i have done some more tests:

(revBrowser alread open in a substack)

- revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, Mike

- revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, John
  works too :-)

- focus on main stack

- focus back on substack with revBrowser

- revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, Mike
  doesn't work anymore  :-/

- revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, John
  doesn't work anymore  :-(

So it looks like (at least here on Win XP), *loosing* the focus is
somewhat related to the problem.

Can anyone shine a light on his?


Am 10.02.10 23:04, schrieb Terry Judd:
 Claus - This looks like a bug (at least on OSX). As you point out the docs
 say that setting the selectedtext to empty or a string that does not occur
 in the text should 'reset' the selection - but doesn't. Certainly worth
 In the meantime it looks like you can work around it by handing the focus to
 another control. This should remove the current selection in the browser
 text and let you 'search' again. I just tried with with the browser example
 stack and doing the following...
 focus on btn browser on -- (button that toggle the browser on and off)
 ... Before changing the search string had the desired effect.
 On 11/02/10 7:35 AM, Claus Dreischer wrote:

 i see a strange behaviour when searching a second string in a revBrowser:

 First i open a revBroser and i can see the web page i stated
 Then i search in that page with:

 revBrowserSet sBrowserId, selected, search_text

 sBrowserId is the Browser ID i got from revBrowserOpen
 search_text is the variable containing my string to search, like Mike

 I can do this repeatedly and i find the different occurences of that
 string in that page. All fine here.

 Now when i change the search_string to e.g. John,
 nothing happens. John is not found (but he's on that page) :-/

 Changing the search string again (even to Mike): Nothing happens. :-/

 Resetting the search with an empty search string (like the doku said):
 Nothing happens :-/

 Any ideas what i could have done wrong?

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revBrowser with local file

2010-01-27 Thread Claus Dreischer

is it possible to display local stuff (no http://...;) with the revBrowser?
I'd like to edit some HTML code in one filed and see the result in another.
Is this possible? I tried, but failed ...

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Re: revBrowser with local file

2010-01-27 Thread Claus Dreischer
Am 27.01.10 23:09, schrieb Claus Dreischer:
 is it possible to display local stuff (no http://...;) with the revBrowser?
 I'd like to edit some HTML code in one filed and see the result in another.
 Is this possible? I tried, but failed ...

... and to answer myself:


is what i was looking for.
three slashes ...
time for bed X-)
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How to rotate a graphic

2009-11-14 Thread Claus Dreischer

there must be a realy obvious solution, but i can't see it :-/

I put a gradient on a graphic (type rectangle).
This gradient is from left to right.

Now i just want to turn it by 90 degrees, so that my gradient is from
top to bottom.

Dictionary gives my rotate and angle, but both won't do the trick.

So, how do i get a gradient from top to bottom?

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Re: How to rotate a graphic

2009-11-14 Thread Claus Dreischer

this is really getting embarrassing ...

Yes, now i can somewhat understand what the dictionary tried to tell me.
(basic embarrassment i get quite a lot when trying something new)

Yes, suddenly there are some round selection points i can use to
interactively rotate the gradient.
(This embarrassment is rather unusual even for me, as i did wear my glasses)

(now this is a good one)
I now remember buying tm|gradient. But it was lost in one of the last
updates of revolution.
(This is a new record for me)

Thanks Jan and Scott for making my day ...

... a real special one ;-)

(sitting in the shame corner)
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Re: Re-2: compress - revZip

2009-10-11 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hi David,

interesting idea!
Unfortunately i can't control the other side (the uncompressing side)
so i have to stick with normal compression.

Thanks for the reply,

Phil Davis schrieb:
 Hi Claus,
 It seems like you could compress a very large file by
 reading/compressing/writing one chunk (say 10 MB) at a time, until you
 have compressed the entire file. This approach would use the open file
 / read from file / write to file / close file approach instead of get
 url / put x after url. That way only 10 MB of the file (in my example)
 would be in memory at any time.
 This approach would require that the decompression tool be a custom
 tool. So if you are creating a solution that is Rev from end to end,
 this could work! Otherwise it won't.
 Problem: When compressed, each 10 MB chunk will have some unpredictable
 size. You would have to make a way for the decompression tool to know
 the length of each compressed chunk in the file.
 One possible solution: Keep track of the compressed sizes as you
 compress each chunk, and write all the sizes (comma-delimited) to the
 output file as a header record when all compression is finished. Then
 the decompression tool would start by reading the header record. The
 numbers in the header tell the decompress tool how much data to grab in
 each read.
 Food for thought -
 Phil Davis
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Re: compress - revZip

2009-10-10 Thread Claus Dreischer
umm ... noone?

How about only the last question:

Can i compress/revZip a 2gig file on a machine with 1gig main memory?


Claus schrieb am 24.09.2009:
 can someone please explain me the difference of these two compression
 methods in Revolution?
 Especially regarding the filesize which can be compressed/ziped and
 the quality of the compression/zip.
 Compress obviously can only compress what fits into the main memory.
 What about revZip?
 Can revZip compress a 2gig file on a 1gig machine?
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Re: Re-2: compress - revZip

2009-10-10 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hi Matthias,

thanks for the confirmation.

Claus. schrieb:
 Hi Claus,
 tried revzip out here with 4GB data on a 3gig Machine: No, it does not work.
 Btw:The same does work here with 7-zip.
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compress - revZip

2009-09-25 Thread Claus Dreischer

can someone please explain me the difference of these two compression
methods in Revolution?

Especially regarding the filesize which can be compressed/ziped and
the quality of the compression/zip.

Compress obviously can only compress what fits into the main memory.
What about revZip?
Can revZip compress a 2gig file on a 1gig machine?


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Re: Sad News...

2009-01-18 Thread Claus Dreischer

Not beeing a native speaker, i have difficulties putting my sadness into words.

For those of you, who not had the opportunity to 
meet Éric in person (like at  the Malta 
conference), this is how i will remember him:

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Re: Re: Win Style Stack Resizer broken?

2008-04-11 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hi Bill,

its filed under number 6340.


- original Nachricht 

Betreff: Re: Win Style Stack Resizer  broken?
Gesendet: So, 06. Apr 2008
Von: Bill Marriott[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Yup, happens on Windows (but not Mac). Go ahead and file a report in RQCC
  New Mainstack
  Development - Object Library - Win Style Stack Resizer - Place
  (move mouse over placed graphic)
  executing at 2:20:59 PM
  Type cursor: can't find image
  Object Win Style Stack Resizer
  Line set cursor to the cWinCursor of me
  Hint 200308
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--- original Nachricht Ende 

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Win Style Stack Resizer broken?

2008-04-06 Thread Claus Dreischer


can someone please try the following:

New Mainstack
Development - Object Library - Win Style Stack Resizer - Place Object

(move mouse over placed graphic)

executing at 2:20:59 PM
Typecursor: can't find image
Object  Win Style Stack Resizer
Lineset cursor to the cWinCursor of me

I don't think this is supposed to happen, right?

Win XP
Rev 2.9.0

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negative bits

2008-04-02 Thread Claus Dreischer

maybe someone has done this already ...

I'd like to convert integers into binary ones and zeros like
input: 9 - output 1001 or depending on the size of the output: 1001

This can be done with the baseConvert function:
   baseConvert( 9, 10, 2 ) gets me my 1001

BUT (and we finaly get to the point)
converting a *negative* integer number won't get me the desired result:
   baseconvert( -9, 10, 2 )  - -1001

The anticipated result would be 0111

So, how do i get there?
Am i missing something?

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Re: Re: negative bits

2008-04-02 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hi Mark,

thank you very much, this does the trick!

For reference, i expanded Marks's function to use tLength = 32 bits:

function toBits tNum, tLength
put binaryencode( N, tNum ) into tBytes
get binarydecode( B*, tBytes, tBits )

repeat with i = 1 to tLength 
put char -i of tBits before my_bits
end repeat

return my_bits
end toBits

Again, thanks Mark for the fast response!


- original Nachricht 

Betreff: Re: negative bits
Gesendet: Mi, 02. Apr 2008

 Claus, you could do this:
 on toBits tNum
 put binaryencode(n, tNum) into tBytes -- n is 4 bytes, if your  
 numbers aren't going to be big, you could use 's' -- 2 bytes
 get binarydecode(B*, tBytes, tNum)
 return tNum
 end toBits
 On 2 Apr 2008, at 15:10, Claus Dreischer wrote:
  maybe someone has done this already ...
  I'd like to convert integers into binary ones and zeros like
  input: 9 - output 1001 or depending on the size of the output:  
  This can be done with the baseConvert function:
 baseConvert( 9, 10, 2 ) gets me my 1001
  BUT (and we finaly get to the point)
  converting a *negative* integer number won't get me the desired  
 baseconvert( -9, 10, 2 )  - -1001
  The anticipated result would be 0111
  So, how do i get there?
  Am i missing something?
  use-revolution mailing list
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--- original Nachricht Ende 

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Re: Re: negative bits

2008-04-02 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hi Bill,

not even close ;-)
(just kidding)

I needed to generate a sinus table with that generic bit representation 
(two's-complement) for a VHDL project.
Two's-complement is the internal format in which signed integers are stored.
Rev and Mark saved me.


- original Nachricht 

Betreff: Re: negative bits
Gesendet: Mi, 02. Apr 2008
Von: Bill Marriott[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Hi Claus,
 I assume the reason why you're anticipating this result is because you are 
 used to Excel's DEC2BIN function available with the Analysis Add-On
 Excel's DEC2BIN can only handle values between -512 to +511. And the results
 it produces will of course be numbers that don't convert back the way you 
 expect in Revolution, either. For example, 0111 is 247 in Rev.
 If you want to get results consistent with Excel, the answer is to create 
 your own custom functions, DEC2BIN and BIN2DEC, that follow Excel's rules.
 - Bill
 Claus Dreischer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in 
 message news:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 maybe someone has done this already ...
 I'd like to convert integers into binary ones and zeros like
 input: 9 - output 1001 or depending on the size of the output: 
 This can be done with the baseConvert function:
baseConvert( 9, 10, 2 ) gets me my 1001
 BUT (and we finaly get to the point)
 converting a *negative* integer number won't get me the desired result:
baseconvert( -9, 10, 2 )  - -1001
 The anticipated result would be 0111
 So, how do i get there?
 Am i missing something?
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--- original Nachricht Ende 

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Re: Re: [semi OT] encryption of pdf files

2008-01-10 Thread Claus Dreischer
You may want to take a look at PStill on Windows, Linux, Solaris, AIX, HP UX, 


- original Nachricht 


 yep... but is there any way to use a third party software to apply
 that kind of protection to pdf files generated on the fly by Rev
 cgi scripts on a Linux server, or do I have to tweek my Rev / pdf
 code by myself ?

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change textfont

2008-01-04 Thread Claus Dreischer


i'm looking for an elegant way to change the font used everywhere in 
all stacks, fields, buttons, etc. of a programm.

I can't use repeat for each because it will only work on chunktype,
not on fields or buttons.

Does anyone have a elegant function for this?
I would like not to use something like

on change_font my_new_font
   set the textfont of btn button_1 of stack stack_1 to my_new_font
   set the textfont of btn button_2 of stack stack_1 to my_new_font
end change_font

This is a fall back solution for the cases when revFontLoad fails.
I then try to use Arial and when even this is not present, i use System.

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Re: Re: change textfont

2008-01-04 Thread Claus Dreischer
Thanks Mark,

that did the trick!

For later reference (someone searching the eMail archives),
this is the function i use now:

ON change_font new_font
-- replaces all fonts on every control on every stack
put the short name of the topstack  into my_topstack
REPEAT WITH n = 1 to the number of controls in stack my_topstack
set the textfont of control n to new_font
END repeat

put the substacks of stack my_topstack into my_substacks
REPEAT FOR each line my_sub in my_substacks
REPEAT WITH n = 1 to the number of controls in stack my_sub
set the textfont of control n of stack my_sub to new_font
END repeat
END repeat
END change_font


- original Nachricht 

Betreff: Re: change textfont
Gesendet: Fr, 04. Jan 2008

 Claus, you need the 'control' keyword:
   repeat with n = 1 to the number of controls in this stack
  set the textfont of control n of this stack to someFont
   end repeat
 On 4 Jan 2008, at 14:44, Claus Dreischer wrote:
  i'm looking for an elegant way to change the font used everywhere  
  in all stacks, fields, buttons, etc. of a programm.
  I can't use repeat for each because it will only work on chunktype,
  not on fields or buttons.
  Does anyone have a elegant function for this?
  I would like not to use something like
  on change_font my_new_font
 set the textfont of btn button_1 of stack stack_1 to  
 set the textfont of btn button_2 of stack stack_1 to  
  end change_font

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Re: Re: change textfont

2008-01-04 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hi Mark,

thanks again for your answer, but for my needs, 
that would not help because i use different styles and sizes of the used font.

The documentation (textFont property) says:

 Note:  Setting the textFont to empty also sets the textSize and textStyle 
properties of the object or chunk to empty.


- original Nachricht 

Betreff: Re: change textfont
Gesendet: Fr, 04. Jan 2008

 I should have added that if you want all your controls to have the  
 same font, then it might be better to set the textFont of all of them  
 to empty, so they inherit their font from the stack. Then you can  
 change everything just by changing the stack's font.

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Re: Re: Problem with FocusIn

2007-11-05 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hello Devin,

i think i do want to use the closeField message :-)
because i want to know when a field *has* changed.

The card has several fields like name, company, street, address, etc.
a save button, to buttons for up and down paging, a new button and a delete 

What i'd like to achive is to remember the user to save his changes,
when he changed a field and not saved it by pushing the save button.
So i need a flag like some-fields-have-changed to evaluate when he is 
pressing the up or down button, 
or when he's leaving the card.


 Hello Claus,


  The solution to my problem is the closeField message, which is only  
  sent when the content *has* changed.
 What you want is the exitField message. It is sent when leaving the  
 field and the content has not changed.
  check the field locking.
  from the docs:
  If the control is an unlocked field or a button whose menuMode is  
  comboBox, the openField message is sent to it instead of the  
  focusIn message.
  A locked field receives the focusIn message when the user tabs to  
  it or otherwise makes it active (focused), or when text in it is  
  selected by a handler.
  i have problems with the focusIn message.
  What i want to achive is to remember the value of a field
  when the user is editing it (on focusIn). After that (on focusOut),
  i would like to check the new value against the remembered one.
  If they are different, the change has to be saved,
  so i ask the user to do so when he's leaving the card.
  I think the focusIn message is not sent because even something like
  on focusIn
  end focusIn
  does not work.
 Devin Asay
 Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
 Brigham Young University

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Re: Klaus' problem with focus

2007-11-05 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hello Peter,

it was so very obvious to me that it has to be something with focus that i 
would have sworn Klaus' left hand for that ...
Glad he wasn't around ;-)


 This is another classic example of what Ken expressed so clearly.
 I read the entry in the dictionary several times, and even knowing the
 had to work hard at grasping that this what what to use when you wanted to
 check for if the user wants to save changes before exiting a card.
 The entry itself would have been enormously increased in usefulness if there
 were a section below it called 'Main things you can use this for'.
 Even more so if in addition to this there had been a link from an entry 
 like 'confirm changes' or 'ask whether to save'.

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Problem with FocusIn

2007-11-04 Thread Claus Dreischer


i have problems with the focusIn message.

What i want to achive is to remember the value of a field
when the user is editing it (on focusIn). After that (on focusOut),
i would like to check the new value against the remembered one.
If they are different, the change has to be saved,
so i ask the user to do so when he's leaving the card.

I think the focusIn message is not sent because even something like

on focusIn
end focusIn

does not work.
Even the example in the dictionary is not working.

Obviously i am missing something here. Any ideas?


BTW: It's 2.9.0 dp1 on a Win2k box
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Re: Problem with FocusIn

2007-11-04 Thread Claus Dreischer


on a side note:
It's nice that some people are trying to improve the documentation 
(wiki, etc.),
but on the other hand, there are people (me) who even can't read the 
existing documentaion =:-/

The solution to my problem is the closeField message, which is only 
sent when the content *has* changed.

Thanks Stephen!


check the field locking.

from the docs:

If the control is an unlocked field or a button whose menuMode is 
comboBox, the openField message is sent to it instead of the 
focusIn message.

A locked field receives the focusIn message when the user tabs to it 
or otherwise makes it active (focused), or when text in it is 
selected by a handler.


i have problems with the focusIn message.

What i want to achive is to remember the value of a field
when the user is editing it (on focusIn). After that (on focusOut),
i would like to check the new value against the remembered one.
If they are different, the change has to be saved,
so i ask the user to do so when he's leaving the card.

I think the focusIn message is not sent because even something like

on focusIn
end focusIn

does not work.


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extract every code out of stack

2006-05-30 Thread Claus Dreischer

i somehow managed to mess up one of my stacks ...
(Main stack has a preOpenStack handler, the substacks don't. 
But now some substacks perform the preOpenStack handler of the main stack when 
opening these substacks. 
I don't have a clue how to fix that.  :-(  )

Is there a way to get all the code from all the objects in all the stacks?
So i can build the whole thing again from scratch.

Something like:

repeat for eack stack my_stack
  repeat for each card my_card of stack my_stack
repeat for each object my_object of card my_card of stack my_stack
   put my_stack  my_card  my_object  the script of object my_object 
of card my_card of stack my_stack after my_scripts
end repeat
  end repeat
end repeat

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Re: extract every code out of stack

2006-05-30 Thread Claus Dreischer

Hi Claus,

nice to read you again :-)

Hallo (kleiner) Klaus ;-)


(Main stack has a preOpenStack handler, the substacks don't.
But now some substacks perform the preOpenStack 
handler of the main stack when opening these 

you can change the script of your mainstack like this:

on preopenstack
  if the short name of the target  the short name of this stack then
  exit preopenstack
  end if
end preopenstack

and you are out of the tailor :-D
(Hint: literal translation of a german saying)

seams i was on the wood way :-D (another german translation)

Thanks, I'll be using this now.
There must be some major misunderstanding on my 
side regarding the message path ...

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Re: extract every code out of stack

2006-05-30 Thread Claus Dreischer

Hi Claus,

Hi Mark,

Sure, you could extract every script of every object, but that will 
probably not solve the problem. The actual problem is that you need 
to get aware of the message hierarchy.

THIS must be the main problem ;-)

It was my understanding, that the preOpenStack message is only sent 
to the (sub)stack that is going to open, not that it's going to the 
(main)stack that triggered the opening of the (sub)stack too (and all 
other substacks without an own preOpenStack handler).

Start by moving the preOpenStack handler of the main stack to the 
card script of the first card of that stack. When you open the main 
stack now, the preOpenStack handler in the card script will run, but 
if you open a substack, it will not.


So, again, the problem was sitting in front of the screen ...   X-)



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Re: identify broken images

2004-12-27 Thread Claus Dreischer
Have you tried the size property on the image ?
if the size of image im_1 =  0 then ...

Hi Thierry,
yes, i tried it now:  :-(  doesn't work either.
Thanks for the answer,
use-revolution mailing list

Re: identify broken images

2004-12-27 Thread Claus Dreischer
At 10:38 Uhr -0800 27.12.2004, Alejandro Tejada wrote:
on Mon, 27 Dec 2004
Claus Dreischer signed his e-mail with
the following link:
Very nice example of graphic processing
in the server!
What are the steps to achieve this?
Thanks in advance!
ooopsi, i forgot to remove the sig.
That's not mine, i ...  aeh .. borrowed it from someone ...
use-revolution mailing list

Re: identify broken images

2004-12-27 Thread Claus Dreischer
At 16:22 Uhr -0600 27.12.2004, Derek Bump wrote:
I did notice that compairing the imagePixmapID is giving me clues 
to solve the problem.  If the image is a referenced image, and it 
is broken, it seems to be reporting empty.  If the image is not 
referenced, and it is broken, the imagePixmapID is reporting a 
negative number.  Is this what your looking for...

if (the imagePixmapID of img test) is empty then
   answer This image is broken and unreadable.
   exit to top
end if
Derek Bump
Hi Derek,
THAT'S exactly what i was looking for!
Thank you.
Now, how can this information come back to  bug 762?
Can you put this solution/information there so that other people can find it?
Once again, thanks Derek.
(the tall one ;)
use-revolution mailing list

identify broken images

2004-12-26 Thread Claus Dreischer
i have a small problem i don't see a simple solution for.
Maybe someone here has one.
I want to display JPGs from file, so i make a
put URL (binfile:  my_file) into image im_1
This is working OK.
But when the JPG in the filepath my_file is faulty (broken download 
or something)
The above line displays an empty image im_1.

I now want to identify these faulty images.
I tried the following with no result:
if the imagedata of image im_1 is not empty then ...
if image im_1 is not empty then ...
if the length of image im_1  0 then ...
Has anyone an idea how to identify an empty image?
(its not realy empty but nothing is displayed)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Image Format Use... Was: export snapshot

2004-11-07 Thread Claus Dreischer
At 10:32 Uhr -0400 07.11.2004, Jim Carwardine wrote:
This begs the question in my mind as to the universal usefulness of either
png or jpeg.  Is one better than another universally or is there a more
appropriate situation to use one or the other?
PNG is a lossles format.
So if you have a black/white logo, a screenshot, etc. this is the 
format to use.

JPG is a lossy format, means it saves diskspace by not reproducing 
the EXACT original image.
Use it when you have photos and other full color graphics.

Hope this short comparison was understandable.
use-revolution mailing list

How to resize an image?

2004-06-27 Thread Claus Dreischer
I'm looking for an elegant way to resize (shrink) an image.
Changing the width and the height only affects the display.
Saving this image to file results in the original image with the original size.
So this won't do.
Has anyone an elegant way to save a thumnail of an image?

PS: Let's see who as nothing better to do on a sunday than reading 
this list ;-)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to resize an image? solved.

2004-06-27 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hallo Claus,

Hi Klaus,
(thanks for your time on this warm and not so rainy sunday :-)
Has anyone an elegant way to save a thumbnail of an image?
There are probably 2 (or more ;-) ways to do this...
1. Use Trevors excellent QT External to create a preview image of ANY size...
I was looking for an elegant/Transcript-only solution.
An external would have been the last resort ...

2. Built-in solution: no external required :-)
Size your original image as you like (lock loc!)
Create a new image and script:
set the width of img the new one to the widht of img the original one
set the height of img the new one to the heigth of img the original one
set the imagedata of img the new one to the imagedata of img the 
original one

Now you have a new image that you can export as jpg or do whatever 
you want with :-)

Hope that helps...
That's exactly what i was looking for!
I haven't found it in the transcript dictionary when i was searching 
for a solution,
but there you can read:

The imageData, unlike the contents of the image container, is based 
on the picture as it's presented on the screen, not stored in the 
image object. This means that if you resize an image, the content of 
the image does not change, but its imageData does. If you create an 
image and then reduce its size, its imageData reflects the 
scaled-down, displayed image, not the original full-scale image. If 
you create a second image and set its imageData property to the 
imageData of the original image, resizing the first image back to the 
original dimensions displays the original image at full resolution, 
but resizing the second image does not, because setting its imageData 
transferred only the scaled-down version of the original.

So, again, beeing able to read is a clear advantage  X-)
use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to resize an image?

2004-06-27 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hallo Claus,
Hi again,

Solution number 3:
...resize your image and take a snapshot of that region, if possible...

tried that. To much overhead if the image is not entirely displayed 
or the stack in the background, etc.

Solution number 2 was perfect for my needs.

Klaus Major

use-revolution mailing list

RE: toolTip with more than 1 line

2004-06-07 Thread Claus Dreischer
  i know that the info in a toolTip should be short,
 but sometimes it's more readable when there are 2 or 3 small lines in
 a toolTip.
 The Dict says:
 The toolTip of a control is a single line of text.
 So, is there no way?
Using the normal tooltip mechanism, no. But you can fake your own with a
palette stack, a single field, and trapping mouseenter/mouseleave from a
Ken Ray

Thanks Ken,
I'll try this.
use-revolution mailing list

toolTip with more than 1 line

2004-06-06 Thread Claus Dreischer
i know that the info in a toolTip should be short,
but sometimes it's more readable when there are 2 or 3 small lines in 
a toolTip.

The Dict says:

The toolTip of a control is a single line of text.

So, is there no way?
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Newbie Question

2004-04-04 Thread Claus Dreischer
Having just recently installed Rev 2.2, I am not able to use icons I 
have used in the past. 32x32,16 color .ico files.
 If 2.2 has altered something to prevent this, can anyone tell me 
what the new requirements would be?
You now need an icon-file with 9 icons in it:

16 * 16, XP
32 * 32, XP
48 * 48, XP
16 * 16, 256 colors
32 * 32, 256 colors
48 * 48, 256 colors
16 * 16, 16 colors
32 * 32, 16 colors
48 * 48, 16 colors
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Newbie Question

2004-04-04 Thread Claus Dreischer
Hi Claus,
Hi Klaus,


Cool, thanks a lot for this info
(I presume XP stands for 32 bit color depth?)
I guess so.
All the Icon Editors i tryed, refer to this type of icon as XP
Have a lazy sunday...
Don't worry about that ;-)
(Just got back from lunch ...)

Klaus Major
use-revolution mailing list

Re: Can I embed PDF driver in a Rev stack built for distribution?

2003-01-30 Thread Claus Dreischer
Ray Bennett wrote:

Very clever idea, Geoff!  Thanks!  I'll give it a go.

What about an image reference within PDF?  For instance, if I wanted to 
change the logo on the letterhead, but could guarantee that it was 
exactly the same size logo everytime?   Don't want to change this into a 
PDF thread, but if there's a way to do that, it'd 100% solve my problem!

Hi Ray,

i don't think this will work.

PDF is a file with objects in it (like pictures, text, etc.)
One of this object is a reference object. Here are the offsets in BYTES 
to the other objects.

So changing one object (changing text, exchanging graphics) will fail 
when the new object has not the same size (in bytes) as the the old one.

Acrobat Reader can restore them sometimes when it can idetify the start 
token of each object. Maybe a Save can produce a correct PDF then.


PS: This time it's for the list. Sorry about my last eMail.

Thanks gobs.

On Wednesday, Jan 29, 2003, at 09:53 America/New_York, Geoff Canyon wrote:

Many have made suggestions already, but just to throw another on the pile:

If your printing format is just text in a PDF and is similar from one 
time to the next, it might be fairly straightforward to do this:

  1. Create a document that looks the way you want it to. Wherever 
text needs to be placed, put an identifiable placeholder. Something 
like thisIsPlaceholderText1 should do.
  2. Print the document to PDF. Use whatever tools you like.
  3. Open the resulting PDF file and look for the placeholder text you 
included in the document.
  4. Use the PDF file as a template, and when you want to print to 
PDF just replace the placeholder text with the text you want to  print.

This is probably impractical for anything more complicated that a 
standard business letter, but if that's what you want, it's probably 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Serendipity Library Update 20030123

2003-01-25 Thread Claus Dreischer

Rob Cozens

God bless the French  Germans!
War should never be a first resort.
True peace cannot exist in a world where the most powerful nation is 
also its most malevolent.
use-revolution mailing list

Hello Rob,

I've read your mail in the runrev list.
I'll just want say that i like your brave statement.
Even more because we don't have the free speach some repliers in the 
runrev list was referring to.
We all (should) know that the war is a fact to come.
Its all about oil and power, nothing more.

I'm curious if my Bundeskanzler (german cancelor) will hold his position 
 or if he will help the US with AWACS or something.

There will be war, it was decided and there is nothing we can do.
It's sad but it's the reality.

I'll email you directly because i'm not as brave as you are.
(A german taking postion against the US is a Nazi by default)

	Claus Dreischer.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to create a MPEG movie

2002-07-23 Thread Claus Dreischer


How to create a MPEG movie,,


 Now, we want to diagnose the fix it for the next upgrade of the
 presentation. Is there a way to query an MPG to determine the CODEC under
 which it was exported? This would help. One could presume if the codec turns
 out to be the exactly same as the small ones, then it has more to do with
 the machine's processing power (i.e maybe our windoz machine doesn't cut it
 for larger movies...) But if the codec is different, then we need to know
 that before we re-run the MPGs from the original data. The movie team
 doesn't want to touch it again until I can give them a definitive answer to
 what codec will work (for sure) on both platforms regardless of the size of
 the movie. If post compression diagnosis of an MPG is not possible, then at
 least an answer to the last question should suffice.

I'm not shure what you mean with the term CODEC here.

The spec of MPEG 1 or 2 is not floating, it's (rock) solid.

The only thing that could (should) vary are the parameters used to 
encode the movie, like resolution, bitrate, GOP structure, etc.
So it's not important which programm made the MPEG stream as long as the 
used parameters were correct.

To look inside the parameters of an MPEG stream,
i use the Bitrate Viewer BV:

The free version should give you enough information.


use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to create a MPEG movie

2002-07-17 Thread Claus Dreischer


Hi Peter,
(first time i can give an answer here :)

 What tool(s) would allow me to create a movie in .MPEG format? How is that
 usually done? What is .MPEG, as opposed to .AVI with some compressor?

Most used MPEG formats are MPEG 1 (Video CD) and MPEG 2 (Super Video CD, 

Best (quality/cost) programm for encoding is the Tsunami MPEG Encoder, 
TMPGEnc. It's Windows only.

AVI, for my understanding, is a kind of container for various formats.

I did some VideoCDs and SuperVideoCDs (you can whatch them with your 
If you have further questions regarding the encoding, i may help you.

 Thanks for all answers!



use-revolution mailing list

Re: Manual announcement

2002-06-06 Thread Claus Dreischer


Heather Williams wrote:
 Dear all,
 I am happy to announce that at last, finally, the long awaited printed
 documentation for Revolution is AVAILABLE TO ORDER!!
 You can go to our online ordering pages at
 and place your order for a full set of Revolution manuals, comprising the
 Transcript Dictionary in two volumes (yes, there really is that much of it)
 and the User Guide, a substantial volume in its own right.
 The total cost is $99, for all three volumes, *including* postage and
 packing to anywhere in the world.
 For a limited period until the end of June, we are offering a $20 discount
 on that price. So don't delay, get on over to our website and place your
 order now. Stocks are limited, first come first served.

Just visited your webshop.

There is no 
*including* postage and packing to anywhere in the world.

According the shop this costs extra 35$ (at least inside EU).
This keeps me from ordering at the moment.

Or will my credit card just show the promised 79$ ?

Can someone please fix the shop.

pleasepleaseplease  :)

Claus Dreischer.
use-revolution mailing list

how to start a RunRev built application on OS X

2002-05-14 Thread Claus Dreischer


how can i start a RunRev built application on Mac OS X in the shell?
I need to be able to start my application via a cron-job or 
from remote via ssh.

I think i must tell the finder to start my application,
but how do i do that on Mac OS X?

Next question: 
How can i make a commandline application, 
meaning no gui just stdin/stdout for Mac OS X?

Deselecting everything but Internet Libraries in the Resources tab of the
Distribution builder does not help. 
Still there is the empty stack/window.

Last question: 
Where in the docs i could have found the answers ;) ?

Claus Dreischer.
use-revolution mailing list

Re: how to start a RunRev built application on OS X

2002-05-14 Thread Claus Dreischer

John DeSoi wrote:
 At 3:04 PM +0200 5/14/02, Claus Dreischer wrote:
 how can i start a RunRev built application on Mac OS X in the shell?
 I need to be able to start my application via a cron-job or
 from remote via ssh.
 Look at the man page for 'open'

Just what i was looking for.
Thanks :)
 John DeSoi, Ph.D.

use-revolution mailing list