Re: Keyboards

2010-10-22 Thread Leland Vandervort
I use the apple corded keyboard at work, and for home I use the wireless
short version (without the numeric keypad)... It took me a few days to get
used to the one at home, but now I'm equally comfortable on both.  At least
now I don't have to tote my keyboard around with me along with my Mbpro.
23 LED Cinema display with docking cables in both locations so basically
works like an iMac ;)

Now if only I can get used to the Magic Mouse  ;-)


Le 22/10/2010 19:26, « Peter Alcibiades » a
écrit :

 The Apple corded full USB is very nice.  Far better than the Cherry Strait
 which is a contender also, but the keycaps wear off.  Otherwise, Logitech
 OEM is very good value and everyone really likes it.  Or the extreme
 clickety clack made by PCKeyboards, which if they are into that sort of
 thing, people also like a lot.

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XMLRPC question

2010-10-21 Thread Leland Vandervort

Hi All, 

Apologies in advance if something along these lines has already been raised
on the mailing list ‹ having just joined the list at the suggestion of
runrev support.

I did try via the forums and looking around the wider net for some
information, but have drawn blanks.

Please see below the cruxt of the question/problem that I posted to the

Thanks in advance for any guidance, advice, pointers, etc.




From the forums:

I have an application that I'm trying to prototype that makes extensive use
of XMLRPC, including advanced data structures (such as arrays/array-refs,
hashes/hashrefs, and even arrays with embedded hashes which themselves may
contain additional arrays with further embedded hashes etc.)
I can manage to do just about any manipulation that I need to do for XMLRPC
in Perl, but I'm finding the revXMLRPC functions to be very cumbersome with
unclear documentation and almost no working examples available that I've
been able to find.  To be honest, I'm not even sure of the revXMLRPC
functions even de-serialise the encapsulated XML data to return standard
data structures, or if I then have to use additional functions from revXML
to do that.

Perl, of course, contains a number of various libraries to work with XMLRPC
and simply deserialises the data to return a data structure with which I can

Given that LiveCode/Revolution is toted as less coding, and more
productive, I'm at a loss to find an equivalent to the types of things that
I'm trying to do here.

For example, with just a few lines in Perl, I can use (in this example) a
couple of XMLRPC calls to obtain a list of virtual machines from a cloud
provider, and the current data concerning those machines.  (using the
Frontier::RPC library for this) .. example:

--- code ---
# other stuff snipped here to get to the nitty gritty
my %vms ;   #empty hash to store the details of my VMs

# login to rpc server
my $rpc = Frontier::Client-new( url = $server_url );
my $key = $rpc-call('login',$username,$password);

# got my key now start calling various methods...
my $vm_list = $rpc-call('vm.list',$key);

# now iterate the vm.list and get the info for each vm and store it into a
local hash for manipulation
foreach my $vm (@{$vm_list}) {
    my $vm_info = $rpc-call('vm_info',$key,$vm-{id});
        # store the data in my %vms hash
    $vms{$vm_info-{id}} = $vm_info ;

# now I can do whatever I like with the data...
# like iterate through the list and display some useful data...

foreach my $vm (keys %vms) {
  print VM ID:  $vms{$vm}-{id}  --  Hostname:  $vms{$vm}-{hostname}  --
State:  $vms{$vm}-{state}\n;

  # get a list of interfaces in the VM:
  print Interface List...\n;

  foreach my $if (@{$vms{$vm}-{ifaces}}) {
      print Interface ID:  $if-{id} -- Speed: $if-{bandwidth} -- Status:
--- end code ---

I can't seem to find a reasonable way to do this in livecode/revolution
with the limited examples/documentation that I have available (and I have
hard-copies of the RunRev 4.0 user manual, and the 3.0 dictionaries volumes
1 and 2) -- Just wondering if there is a relatively straightforward way of
accomplishing the equivalent of the above in livecode as I cannot find any
suitable examples after spending hours searching the forums, and the wider

Thanks in advance for any pointers, tips, or references that may be useful!



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Re: XMLRPC question

2010-10-21 Thread Leland Vandervort
Hi Andre, 

Nah.. Frontier is one of the [XML]RPC libraries available for perl in CPAN.
For client side applications it's much simpler to use than the standard
RPC::XML::Client library because it handles the mapping of the data
structures back into hashrefs and dynamically types them, whereas the
standard RPC::XML::Client needs a bit more wrap around it to do effective
typing (bool, int, string, etc.) and hashref mapping.  I don't use Frontier
for server-side though because it doesn't serialise correctly for the
complex recursive/embedded data structures that I often need -- for server
side I use RPC::XML::Server.

As for multidimensional arrays (hashes), all I can say is WIN WIN WIN.  I
use these extensively in Perl, C# (under the guise of Dictionary, or
simply multiple declared structures) and C++/Qt (under the guise of

I'm still trying to get to grips with Rev/LiveCode since as you can probably
tell, being used to object-oriented algorithmic languages (Perl, C++, C#,
etc) it's a completely different mindset when moving to a very high level,
almost natural, language... As Yoda said .. you must unlearn what you have
learned... Fine for a 900 year old muppet ... LOL

My primary use of Rev/LiveCode is prototyping, especially for cross
platform, but if it's something that in the end is robust, quick, and still
cross-platform, then I can simply deploy with Rev and be done with it :)
(Plus, I am interested in the mobile application deployment options as



Le 21/10/2010 23:39, « Andre Garzia » a écrit :

 Hello There Leland,
 Be welcome. Are you calling Userland Frontier server with that XML-RPC code?
 Well, let my curiosity be put aside and let us get back to business. Our
 XML-RPC library is barebones, it works but it is basically some convenient
 methods wrapping our XML generation library. Mind you that some time ago,
 LiveCode (then known as Revolution) had no multidimensional arrays, so
 building structs and more complex objects was not trivial since we could not
 match them to some of our data types.
 Now LiveCode has multidimensional arrays which are not actually arrays but
 hash tables. So we could map back and forth complex structs/arrays with ease
 but no one bothered to write those routines. I bet people here have their
 own home cooked solution.
 I built in dozens of lines a routine to pick an array (LiveCode one) and
 build a struct out of it. Works well and is used internally for testing on
 the company I work for. I haven't build the reverse routine to pick from
 XML-RPC response and decode it back to something addressable.
 Mind you that building that routine is not actually difficult, it is just
 tedious and error prone but it is simple. These days I am somewhat busy but
 as soon as I have free time, I will address this problem. In the mean while,
 I suggest that you use a combination of XML-RPC and XML routines to extract
 your data. You can make it generic enough so that you can feed it any
 XML-RPC response and get an array back, the trick is the iteration routine
 to recursively extract arrays and structs from inside arrays and structs.
 So making a summary, right now, you don't have fancy routines for making an
 XML-RPC a nice object if the response contains complex structures but you
 have helper XML and XML-RPC methods that make building such function an
 approachable task that can be finished in couple hours.
 sorry for not being more helpful right now.
 PS: I am somewhat disornganized with my projects, there might be the case
 that I've built this function in the past and forgot about it. Will check
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Re: XMLRPC question

2010-10-21 Thread Leland Vandervort
Hi Mark, 

Thanks for the tip.  Will check out your libSOAP, though there are some
small (but majorly significant) differences between SOAP and pure XMLRPC,
especially for the service that I'm trying to prototype for.  (basically a
client to control, provision, and monitor virtual server resources that one
has with a certain cloud VPS provider).

I would just bite the bullet and do it all in C++/Qt, but that takes quite a
bit of time, and for it to be truly cross-platform, I have to build it on
three separate platforms with modifications to the headers, paths, and
makefiles each time, which makes it somewhat cumbersome.  (Been down that
route before when I did an app for our support team that had to run on
Linux, Windows and Mac... -- actually that's the reason I bought the Mac in
the first place, and since I did I've been using it as my primary
workstation ever since, though I still extensively also use Linux, and
windows to a lesser extent -- vendor agnostic style !)



Le 21/10/2010 23:50, « Mark Wieder » a écrit :

 Welcome to the list. In addition to what Andre's already posted,
 It's certainly possible in perl to create some densely terse routines,
 so I think the claim of less coding is quite relative, and depends
 somewhat on what libraries you already have available to you. From
 your perl snippets it looks like you're dealing with web services on a
 remote server. In that case the library I put on revOnline may be of
 some help to you: libSOAP. I've tried to encapsulate some of the
 complexities of dealing with XMLRPC in an easy (easier) to use and
 more rev^H^H^Hlivecode-friendly format. Your phrase relatively
 straightforward again is in the eye of the beholder, but hopefully
 this may give you something to start with.

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Re: XMLRPC question

2010-10-21 Thread Leland Vandervort

I seem to be having memory flashbacks to one time at a coffee shop (no
coffee present) in Dam square in Amsterdam... Hmmm...



Le 21/10/2010 23:56, « Bob Sneidar » a écrit :

 So THAT'S why I can't figure them out! I quit smoking hash a long time ago!
 And do they really make tables specifically for smoking hash?? Something's not
 right. It may be me.
 On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:39 PM, Andre Garzia wrote:
 Now LiveCode has multidimensional arrays which are not actually arrays but
 hash tables.
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