Re: OT: Mac vs Win partisanship is unnecessary

2010-07-24 Thread Steve King

Can you not use windows magnifier, from the accessories menu? This will work
on anything displayed on the screen so is application independent.

Joe wrote

I have to take exception to this. Visually challenged as I am, virtually all
Windows applications, including the Desktop, are mostly impossible for me to
read. Particularly the Dialogs. I realize there is an ability to use a
larger text, but far too limited. I need to blow things up really big.
Occasionally I'll have a problem with Mac apps as well. I really dislike the
size of things in iChat. I wish there were a way to increase the size of the
Main Menus. With my large screen I have plenty of Real Estate.

Sorry for the gripping! Wait'll my hearing gets worse. (smile)

Joe Wilkins

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Re: Build settings for Mac OSX - feedback

2010-07-09 Thread Steve King
Hi Jacqueline & Bob

I think the version is 10.5.3? But this was just from a very quick glance
and I will have to check again. It was very lpeasing it just ran though.

Yes, I meant Answer file (not ask). I do use qualifier extensions in answer
dialogue but I will check exactly how I have defined this. It looks like I
will have to change the SAC one for mac, but this isn't a big deal.

I declared the types in both the Document type and document extension part
of the standalone builder, using comma separated SAC, SACp for both. Maybe
this is not correct?

The problem with the folders is a bit different.
The structure I use is 
Documents > SAC > Dives
> Preferences
And the SAC files are in Dives, the SACp in preferences. In windows this
works as expected. In the mac I found all the files were in the SAC folder
not the lower folders, but the Dives and Preferences folders were created by
the application. When I save the files I save them with the appropriate
extension. Is the "/" in the script the same way round in all platforms?
If I save my files with the extension, do I then stil need to use   'set the
filetype to "SACp"'?

I'll have a more careful look at the code and may have to borrow the Mac for
a day to test a bit more.


J. Landman Gay wrote

Steve King wrote:

> The execution bit. Interestingly, this wasn't needed. I just dragged the
> bundle over (as created by Rev using guidance from Jacqueline) and double
> clicked the executable and it ran all on its own!

Cool. Do you know which version of OS X he's running? I wonder if that 
makes a difference.

> The problem. My application is built to save two files (text) with
> extensions SAC and SACp. These are saved (in windows) in a folder under my
> documents so I use specialfolderpath for this. The files save though not
> quite in the right place, but this is probably due to some minor fix I
> to make with specialfolders.

They should work identically, except on OS X the folder is called 
"Documents" instead of "My Documents". If you put the function's return 
value into a variable and use it that way, it should behave exactly as 
it does on Windows.

> The problem is loading them back. When I use
> the ask prompt, the saved file is present in the dialogue box but in light
> grey so I can't select it (click on it) to load it. I have another file
> (preferences) that the program saves and loads itself and interestingly
> works seemlessly, so it seems to be only a problem when using the
> Is it something to do wioth doc types and extensions? In the builder I
> declared Type and extension as SAC, SACP.

Since you're asking the use to choose an existing file, you mean the 
"answer file" command, right? The "ask file" command is for creating new 

The dimming is probably due to the file selectors you're passing in 
answer file. The syntax that works on both platforms is:

   answer file  with type "|SAC,SACp|SACSACp"

The last bit is the file types you put in your plist, with no spaces 
between. They don't need spaces or delimiters because all file type 
codes are exactly 4 characters. But -- big but -- the "SAC" type is only 
three characters so it won't work. You can have different Mac file types 
from their equivalent Windows extensions. If you add another character 
to SAC you don't necessarily have to add it to the Windows extension too.

Also, unless you've actually created your files with those file types 
assigned, the file dialog may not recognize them anyway, and they'll be 
dimmed as you describe.

You can either change your scripts to write files with the correct file 
types before you create them, or you can leave off the file specifier in 
the "answer file" command and hope your users choose the right kind of 
file. You could do some error checking when the file opens in that case 
to see if they did.

To save your files with a Mac file type, add this line somewhere before 
you do any file saving operations:

  set the filetype to "SACp" -- or SAC, but add another character

This also works with regular open/write/close file commands. It does not 
work with stacks; to set the filetype of a stack, use the stackFileType 
in the same way. You can set the filetype once on openstack and it will 
stay that way until you change it. You don't need it before every file 
save unless each one needs a different file type. Windows and Linux will 
ignore the command, it's Mac-only.


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Re: Build settings for Mac OSX - feedback

2010-07-08 Thread Steve King
Dear All,

Thanks for your help on icons and standalone builder for a windows built
deployment on OSX

Did my first test installation on a friends mac yesterady, and it worked
(sort of). 

Firstly, iconfx built the icons fine, so building mac icons with iconfx in
windows works well

The execution bit. Interestingly, this wasn't needed. I just dragged the
bundle over (as created by Rev using guidance from Jacqueline) and double
clicked the executable and it ran all on its own!

The problem. My application is built to save two files (text) with
extensions SAC and SACp. These are saved (in windows) in a folder under my
documents so I use specialfolderpath for this. The files save though not
quite in the right place, but this is probably due to some minor fix I need
to make with specialfolders. The problem is loading them back. When I use
the ask prompt, the saved file is present in the dialogue box but in light
grey so I can't select it (click on it) to load it. I have another file
(preferences) that the program saves and loads itself and interestingly this
works seemlessly, so it seems to be only a problem when using the dialogue.
Is it something to do wioth doc types and extensions? In the builder I
declared Type and extension as SAC, SACP.

Any suggestions appreciated


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Re: Build settings for Mac OSX

2010-07-06 Thread Steve King
Hi Jacqueline

Many thanks, brilliant answer, I can understand why it may have taken a
little while.

Best regards


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Re: Build settings for Mac OSX

2010-07-05 Thread Steve King
Hi David

I actually have Icofx installed but never realised it created Mac icons as
well. I've created some, I'll saee if they work when I try and install this
app later in the week.
Thanks to everyone else who suggested tools.

In the meantime, does anyone have any further guidance on what I have to put
in the various OSX standalone builder screen fields (if anything) 


>Hey Steve,
>I haven't actually had the need to build any icons for Mac as of yet,
>but according to the help file, IcoFX software (free!) is supposed to
>do the job. I can say that it works well for the Windows side for

>Here's the link:

> would be nice to know how it turns out for ya.

>Best regards,
>David C. 

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Re: Using export snapshot with a file dialogue box

2010-07-04 Thread Steve King
Hi Jacqueline

Excellent - so simple. I never realised just snapping a card would ignore
the dialogue box. I will change the code.

Definitely happens though - I have jpgs with the ask dialogue in the middle
of the card!


Jacqueline Landman Gay wrote:

Steve King wrote:
> Hi
> I am exporting a screen image of a card to file. 
> I allow the user to select a filename then save the image using the script
> below. I have had to add a 400mS wait in for the save dialogue to vanish
> before the snapshot is taken. This works OK, but is there a better way to
> it that guarantees that the save dialogue will be gone first?

I can't figure out why that's happening, since file dialogs halt the 
script until they are closed.

You could avoid the whole issue by not using the screen coordinates 
(which capture everything) and instead use the card as the reference. 
That will capture only the card's bitmap and will ignore any other 
windows that are open.

  export snapshot from this card to file UserFileName as JPEG

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Re: Rev Studio - How to determine the file location of the

2010-07-04 Thread Steve King
Hi Mark

I'm not sure I explained myself too well, but looks like this will work
either in the message box or in the stack itself I guess. What I meant was
knowing where the original stack file came from on my drive when I came to
save it again (outside the app). When using SaveAs, Rev displays the
Defaultfolder as set by the app not the original folder the file came from.
For example, if I open a file from EXCEL, then do a SaveAs I get the same
folder again. In Rev, if running the Stack changes the defaultFolder, then
SaveAs points to this folder as well. It wasn't clear to me in the docs that
the IDE folder pointers were also modified when testing an app in the IDE

This should do fine though, 

Mark Schonewille wrote:
// full path
put the effective filename of this stack into myPath

// parent folder
set the itemDel to slash
put item 1 to -2 of the effective filename of this stack into myFolder

You might also want to read in the dictionary about the defaultFolder  

Message: 14
Date: Sun, 4 Jul 2010 11:14:14 +0100
From: "Steve King" 
Subject: Rev Studio - How to determine the file location of the
currently   open Rev file
Content-Type: text/plain;   charset="us-ascii"


This is a very simple question, but driving me nuts! In the application I am
working on I set the default folder to My Documents. When I want to save the
current Rev file (in IDE) as a new filename, SaveAs drops back to the
'default' folder, not the original folder location for the Rev file itself.
I can't see any way of determining where the  Rev file was previously
stored, so I can navigate back to the correct folder and save a new filename
there, there doesn't seem to be a properties option. 


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Build settings for Mac OSX

2010-07-04 Thread Steve King

I normally only build windows versions of Rev apps, but I am trying for the
first time to build an OSX version.

Reading the User Manual, there is stuff like plist, file types, creator
signature and file types .. All a bit confusing for a windows user. (I know,
windows is normally a bit confusing for MAC users!)

My application generates two custom text files, .SAC, .SACp. Can someone
help with the settings I should fill in the OSX buile page (studio 4)  

Also, are there any free WINDOWS apps for building MAC Icons that anyone is
aware of?


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Rev Studio - How to determine the file location of the currently open Rev file

2010-07-04 Thread Steve King

This is a very simple question, but driving me nuts! In the application I am
working on I set the default folder to My Documents. When I want to save the
current Rev file (in IDE) as a new filename, SaveAs drops back to the
'default' folder, not the original folder location for the Rev file itself.
I can't see any way of determining where the  Rev file was previously
stored, so I can navigate back to the correct folder and save a new filename
there, there doesn't seem to be a properties option. 


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Re: Problem with script working in IDE but not in Standalone

2010-07-03 Thread Steve King
Hi Jim

Thanks for the help. Problem seemed to be something really strange with Rev.
I rebuilt several times with the same effect, then closed Rev and it crashed
on closing. I reopened, reloaded the file, rebuilt again now the standalone

Very strange, but thanks for your help. I'll certainly use this approach in
debugging in future.


--- Jim Ault wrote --
Save a copy of your stack as 'whateverTheName2.rev'
Add one field to the card (assuming your stack only has one card) and
name it "eventLog"
Add a line to each IF branch as follows:

> On CloseField
>  if the highlight of button "Nominal" of group "Dive_Plan" then
>  put fld "Depth" & "m" into fld "Image_Depth"
  put "1" && the short name of me & cr after fld eventLog
>  else
>  put fld "Depth_B"  & "m" into fld "Image_Depth"
  put "2" && the short name of me & cr after fld eventLog
> end if
> end CloseField

> on CloseField
>   if the highlight of button "Nominal" of group "Dive_Plan" then
>  put Nom_Stop & return into fld "Image_18m"
  put "3" && the short name of me & cr after fld eventLog
>  else
>  put Back_Stop  into fld "Image_18m"
  put "4" && the short name of me & cr after fld eventLog
> end if
> end CloseField

Now when you trigger the scripts you will know which ones fire, which  
branch and in which order.
Try it in the development environment (IDE) and in the compiled app.

This could give you the clue you need.
Hope this helps.

Jim Ault
Las Vegas

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Using export snapshot with a file dialogue box

2010-07-03 Thread Steve King

I am exporting a screen image of a card to file. 

I allow the user to select a filename then save the image using the script
below. I have had to add a 400mS wait in for the save dialogue to vanish
before the snapshot is taken. This works OK, but is there a better way to do
it that guarantees that the save dialogue will be gone first? At the moment
I know 100mS is plenty on my system so I have selected 400mS as margin

   ask file  "Save Dive/Air Plan image as:" with the DefaultFolder with
filter "JPG File, *.JPG" 
   put it into UserFileName
   if it is not empty then   
  set the itemdelimiter to "."
  if item 2 of UserFileName is empty then
 put UserFileName & ".jpg" into UserFileName
  end if
  wait 400 milliseconds
  Put the rect of this stack into MyScreen
  export snapshot from rect MyScreen to file UserFileName as JPEG
  Answer "Screen saved as" & UserFileName with "OK"
   end if


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Problem with script working in IDE but not in Standalone studio 4

2010-07-03 Thread Steve King

I have a button scrip that did work in standalone, and always works in the
IDE but now will not work in the standalone!

The card has several fields in two sets that take action when data is
entered, fields are set so that retunr gives Close Field message.

I then have a radio button that selects either set 1 or set 2 fields, Each
of the two buttons has the same script (below) that simply sends CloseField
to each of the fields so that they update themselves. 

on mouseUp
   send CloseField to fld "18m"
   send CloseField to fld "15m"
   send CloseField to fld "12m"
   send CloseField to fld "9m"
   send CloseField to fld "6m"
   send CloseField to fld "3m"
   send CloseField to fld "ABT"
   send CloseField to fld "ABT_B"
   send CloseField to fld "RNT"
   send CloseField to fld "RNT_B"
   send CloseField to fld "Depth"
   send CloseField to fld "Depth_B"
end mouseUp 

It works fine in the IDE but will not work when in a Standalone. Oddly, the
Flds "18m" though to "3m" do seem to work, the others don't!

For info script of fld "BT" is (which doesn't update fld "Image_depth"

On CloseField  
  if the highlight of button "Nominal" of group "Dive_Plan" then 
  put fld "Depth" & "m" into fld "Image_Depth"
  put fld "Depth_B"  & "m" into fld "Image_Depth"
end if
end CloseField

And script of fld "18m" is (which does update fld "Image_18m)

on CloseField
   if the highlight of button "Nominal" of group "Dive_Plan" then 
  put Nom_Stop & return into fld "Image_18m"
  put Back_Stop  into fld "Image_18m"
end if
end CloseField

Anyone seen this before and have any suggestions??


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Re: Problems with MenuPick

2010-06-20 Thread Steve King
Thanks Mark, that works fine



>Saturday, June 19, 2010, 10:00:52 AM, you wrote:

>> Send "menupick Dive Planner"

>> Unfortunately, this switches the card but not the tabs.

>Try setting the menuHistory of the tab control.

>-Mark Wieder 

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Problems with MenuPick

2010-06-19 Thread Steve King

I have a set of tabbed cards navigated by 

on menupick thecard
   go to card theCard
   pass MenuPick
end menupick

This works fine in normal navigation. In a button of one of the tabbed cards
I load data then put it into the fields of various cards then as the last
statement switch to the first tabbed card. I do this simple by

Send "menupick Dive Planner"

Unfortunately, this switches the card but not the tabs.

I have tried changing Dive Planner to Dive_Planner just in case it doesn't
like space, no effect

Any suggestions what may be wrong or how I can force the tab to change as I
always go to the same card?

Note that I am working in the IDE with Rev Studio 4.


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RE: Survey Caution

2010-05-29 Thread Steve King
I also noticed only halfway through the second pageand hopefully went back
and corrected everything, BUT it is clear that an awful lot of responses
will be totally incorrect.

Hopefully, they will re-release the survey with a more conventional order.
Pain to do it again though.

Generally, I believe the team do look at the threads


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Can't access Resource centre

2010-05-24 Thread Steve King

When I click on Resource centre he Rev menu bar, nothing happens. It used to
work but has recently stopped

Any suggestions?


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RE:Windows 7 question

2010-05-21 Thread Steve King
Hi Francis

I have just checked the platform command on Win 7 and it returns Win32 on my
machine (a 32 bit windows). There are of course many Win 64 machines around
these days so I tried with a 64 bit laptop. It also reports Win32


PS - you are right, sometimes I do dream of a Mac

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Subject: Re: Creating Mac standalone on Windows Studio?

2010-05-19 Thread Steve King
Hi Paul, Richard

Thanks for your help. I should be able to get it working from this, even if
I have to help the user myself!

>Unfortunately, Apple's Unix core will require an extra step to deploy

>The folder you see is what Apple calls a "bundle", and contains all the 
>parts and pieces the app needs to run, things that are embedded into a 
>single file on Windows.

>Within the bundle at this path:

>   /.app/Contents/MacOS/

>...where it says  you'll find the actual executable.  But since 
>it was generated from Windows it has no executable bit, which Unix-based 
>file systems need to run a file as an executable.

>To make the app runnnable you'll need to copy the *.app bundle to a Mac, 
>then on the Mac use Terminal to change the permissions on the executable 
>using chmod.

>If there's an easier way to generate Mac standalones from Windows I 
>haven't found it.


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Creating Mac standalone on Windows Studio?

2010-05-19 Thread Steve King
Hi All

I know nothing at all of Macs

I have Rev Studio (windows) and in the standalone builder there is a Mac
(OSX) tab and when I build my Windows Standalone, I also get a Mac folder.

Is this a Mac standlone of any type? If so, how is it used. What is OSX?

I never build for Macs, it just happens in the club this application is for
there is one Mac user. All the rest are windows users.


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RE: Problems with Windows Print orientation

2010-05-03 Thread Steve King
Hi Jacqueline

Good idea, but this didn't seem to work either.
I did also try deleting the last reset of the orientation (in the past I
have had problems with Rev racing on before Windows had caught up...) but no
different, so it's not that.

Temprorarily I have adjusted scaling to fit on a portrait. Will have to
think on it a bit more


Steve King wrote:
> Hi Jacqueline
> Yes, the Printer libraries are included in the standalone build, I've let
> Rev sort out libraries itself and also tried manually including. This has
> effect though

Didn't really think it would, since your script doesn't use the "rev-" 
printing commands. You could probably omit that library without any 

> Code is :
> on mouseUp
>--answer printer (just me experimenting)
>--answer page setup (Just me experimenting)
>get the PrintPaperOrientation
>Put it into Old_Orientation
>Set the PrintPaperOrientation to "Landscape"
>set the printmargins to 72,30,72,30
>Set the PrintScale to 0.75
>Set the LockScreen to True
>set the visible of group "TAB" to false
>Set the visible of button "Print" to false
>Print this card
>set the visible of group "TAB" to True
>Set the visible of button "Print" to True
>Set the LockScreen to False
>set the visible of fld "Printing" to True
>-- This is just a dummy to the user while I wait 2 seconds 
>wait for 2 seconds
> set the visible of fld "Printing" to False
>Set the PrintPaperOrientation to Old_Orientation
> end mouseUp

This looks fine to me, but the docs do mention that the orientation 
won't change until "open printing" is called. Theoretically the "print 
card" command should do that behind the scenes, which makes me wonder 
why it works in the IDE but not in your standalone. But on the off 
chance that's what's wrong, try substituting your "print this card" line 
with this:

open printing
print this card
close printing

That may give the engine the wake-up it needs.

Jacqueline Landman Gay |
HyperActive Software   |

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RE: problems with Tabbed Panels

2010-05-03 Thread Steve King
HI Jacqueline

Unfortunately, I had already done it by creating a blank new card from one
of the 'good' ones and then copying the objects over. Works fine now.
However, this is really good to know - much easier than the way I did it :-)

Thanks for the help

Steve King wrote:
>>... I suspect If I delete the offending cards and regenerate new cards all
>> will be well now.

>You don't really need to generate new cards. Just choose one card's 
>group as the one you want to share. Delete the duplicate group on each 
>of the other cards. Then choose "place group" from the Object menu, and 
>the shared one will appear on the card.

>Jacqueline Landman Gay |
>HyperActive Software   |

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Re: Printing in Windows

2010-05-03 Thread Steve King
Hi Jacqueline

Yes, the Printer libraries are included in the standalone build, I've let
Rev sort out libraries itself and also tried manually including. This has no
effect though

Code is :

on mouseUp
   --answer printer (just me experimenting)
   --answer page setup (Just me experimenting)
   get the PrintPaperOrientation
   Put it into Old_Orientation
   Set the PrintPaperOrientation to "Landscape"

   set the printmargins to 72,30,72,30
   Set the PrintScale to 0.75
   Set the LockScreen to True
   set the visible of group "TAB" to false
   Set the visible of button "Print" to false

   Print this card

   set the visible of group "TAB" to True
   Set the visible of button "Print" to True
   Set the LockScreen to False

   set the visible of fld "Printing" to True
   -- This is just a dummy to the user while I wait 2 seconds 
   wait for 2 seconds
set the visible of fld "Printing" to False
   Set the PrintPaperOrientation to Old_Orientation
end mouseUp

Any help appreciated

>Subject: Re: Printing in Windows
>To: How to use Revolution 
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

>>Steve King wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I am also having problems printing in Windows. 
>> In development, setting print orientation works fine. In the standalone
>> doesn't. I get Landscape in the development but portrait (the printer
>> default) in the standalone. 
>> I do the following
>> Read printer orientation
>> Store it
>> Set it to landscape
>> Print
>> Wait 2 seconds (incase being set to portrait to quickly)
>> Set back to portrait
>> Any suggestions?

>If you're using any of the "rev" prefixed print commands, you need to 
>include the Printing library in the standalone. It doesn't sound like 
>that's the problem though. Can you post the relevant part of your script?

>Jacqueline Landman Gay 

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Re trouble with Tab Panels

2010-05-03 Thread Steve King
Hi Mark

That sort of fixed it - should have guessed from background saying put after
card in message path Realised I had two problems though, one not passing
and secondly the tab panel seems to have a different group ID on one card.
So now it works on two cards (having same Tab panel ID)  and not quite right
on the third, with a different ID. I suspect I put this one in maually on
card 1 before I designated as background on card 2 and created card 3 from
that. I suspect If I delete the offending cards and regenerate new cards all
will be well now.

Many Thanks

>Sunday, May 2, 2010, 12:34:34 PM, you wrote:

>> I am using simply..
>> On MenuPick theCard
>> Go to Card theCard
>> End MenuPick

>> Any suggestions?


>On MenuPick theCard
 > Go to Card theCard
 > Pass MenuPick
>End MenuPick

>-Mark Wieder

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Printing in Windows

2010-05-02 Thread Steve King
Hi All

I am also having problems printing in Windows. 

In development, setting print orientation works fine. In the standalone it
doesn't. I get Landscape in the development but portrait (the printer
default) in the standalone. 

I do the following

Read printer orientation
Store it
Set it to landscape
Wait 2 seconds (incase being set to portrait to quickly)
Set back to portrait

Any suggestions?


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Trouble with Tabbed Panel in Windows

2010-05-02 Thread Steve King
Hi All

Any help would be appreciated

I am using Rev 4.0, windows 7

With the tabbed Panel I find it takes multiple clicks on the tab to get the
tab to change colour correctly. First click changes card, then second
changes tab highlght

I am using simply..
On MenuPick theCard
Go to Card theCard
End MenuPick

Any suggestions?


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RE: Doing an action when focussing out of a field

2010-04-30 Thread Steve King
Thanks Zyrip

Exactly what I was looking for - worked first time


>2010/4/30 Steve King :
>> Hi All
>> I know this is going to be really really basic, but I haven't used Rev
for a
>> couple of years and cannot get this simple thing to work
>> Enter characters into a field
>> When losing focus from that field, take the content of that filed, add
>> contents of field B and put into field C. A bit spreadsheet like
>> I have tried OnFocusOut ... Put.. but the target fld "C" is not updated!
>> have also tried with MouseUp and OnReturn still target Fld C does not
>> Cheers
>> Steve

>Hi Steve,

>Have you try exitField or closeField messages?

>ExitField performs when you leave a field which its content have not
>CloseField performs when you leave a field after update it.


>-Zryip TheSlug- wish you the best! 8)

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Doing an action when focussing out of a field

2010-04-30 Thread Steve King
Hi All

I know this is going to be really really basic, but I haven't used Rev for a
couple of years and cannot get this simple thing to work

Enter characters into a field
When losing focus from that field, take the content of that filed, add
contents of field B and put into field C. A bit spreadsheet like

I have tried OnFocusOut ... Put.. but the target fld "C" is not updated! I
have also tried with MouseUp and OnReturn still target Fld C does not update


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