Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-27 Thread Thierry D.
Hi all,

Thanks to all for your suggestions.

I've found a solution to this question.

not sure if it is completely resolved, but seems to work quite well.

So, better share  in the hope it will help few of you...

I've changed the filename of my stack, that's it !

then the name and the filename properties are different, which was not
the case before.

I leave the explanations to the IDE gurus :)

ps: running the stack with Suspend Development Tools on, was also working 


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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-20 Thread Thierry D.

Le 19 mai 2010 à 23:05, Malte Pfaff-Brill a écrit :


Hello Malte,

 does your stack have any substacks that are still open?
 Rev can not destroy it in that case.

Yes, one substack and sometimes it's visible, sometimes not visible.
Then, the mainstack is closed, but still in memory.
But it's not my problem right now. ( I've pass to this one too, especially when
the substack is hidden )

 Do you reference to it with a filePath? -
 Will be reopened each time you reference to it then.

I did the test with One stack + 1 substack ( which does nothing )
So, where can I reference it with a filePath ?
I guess it's not for my case.

 Does it carry an external that is still used? - Rev won´t destroy it then 

That's probably the point.
Can someone give a definition of still in use ?

In all the externals I made, I always build a sort of ResetExternalFunction
to do all kinds of reset, freeing buffers,...
But nowhere I've seen any information about closing/unloading an external 

As for the last 10 years, starting from Metacard on Unix, then using
mostly Metacard, then using kRev, never had one of this problem.

Hmm, and I've make almost 50 externals mainly for specific  customer 
applications and few to be used  within the Rev IDE.
So, I'm not that familiar with the Rev IDE tricks.

 Other than those cases, I have never seen destroystack fail.

Different ways of coding and working with Rev...
Maybe you were lucky or maybe I'm not :)

Another point: this reminds me one thread on this list about someone
who couldn't start an external. I guess/feel that his problem could be that
his stack was still in memory, and when he restarted it, the normal process of
loading the external didn't work because the stack was already in memory.

My 2 cents.

Thanks to all for your suggestions.


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destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Thierry D.
Hi all,

from time to time, in Rev IDE ( 4.0 MacOS ) when closing a stack,
the stack is still in memory, seen in the Application browser too.

DestroyStack and DestroyWindow are set properly !
and Yes, I refresh the application browser.

It had happened few times during my developments,
and never I could find a solution ? 
More, sometimes, it works again after
a while without being able to know why.

Does it sound familiar to someone and
any idea what could cause this wrong behavior ?


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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Thierry D.

 Hi Thierry,
 Yes, I am having the same problem.
 Once in a while, even after explicitly deleting a stack with the delete 
 the stack still pops up somehow.

Thanks Mark

I'm not alone !  Half the suffering is gone :)

 I think this is due to the compexity of the IDE. Probably, the IDE team has 
 used the long ID of a stack in several places, instead of the short name of 
 the stack. If this reference to the long ID of a stack stays in memory, then 
 the IDE will be able to find the stack even after it has been removed from 

As I have only one stack and a substack within
 can't see the long-id-stack virus from my side. Agree ?

 I don't think there is a quick solution for this problem,
 besides quitting and re-starting RunRev.

Hmm, so I have to put a Red Banner for my customers :(

 Of course, it is also possible that the long ID of a stack is still available 
 in one of your own stacks.
 You might want to make sure that these references are not there.

I'll check again...


 Hi all,
 from time to time, in Rev IDE ( 4.0 MacOS ) when closing a stack,
 the stack is still in memory, seen in the Application browser too.
 DestroyStack and DestroyWindow are set properly !
 and Yes, I refresh the application browser.
 It had happened few times during my developments,
 and never I could find a solution ?
 More, sometimes, it works again after
 a while without being able to know why.
 Does it sound familiar to someone and
 any idea what could cause this wrong behavior ?

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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Thierry D.

Le 19 mai 2010 à 19:59, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

 What happens if you type into the message box:
  delete stack main stack
 Does it go away then?
 (Make sure you specify the mainstack, not the substack.)

Hmmm, as soon as I sent my email to this list,
it starts to work again :)

and without changing anything in my stack !

So, I'll try this later...


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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Thierry D.

Le 19 mai 2010 à 21:38, Richmond Mathewson a écrit :

 On 19/05/2010 22:19, J. Landman Gay wrote:
 Richmond Mathewson wrote:
 What happens if you type into the message box:
  delete stack main stack
 Does it go away then?
 (Make sure you specify the mainstack, not the substack.)
 Yes, it does!

As I said in the last email, sometimes it works just the way is has,
sometimes not.

 All that DELETE STACK does is remove it completely
 from the memory of the IDE.
 Right. But that's what he wanted. The issue is whether or not destroystack 
 is working as it's supposed to. I haven't seen any problems with it but 
 since two people think they have, that's what's under investigation.

I don't really mind from my side,
but it's annoying for those I'm sending my work...
One problem out of this is when you start again the stack, the init processing
( depending on my own design doesn't work correctly then. )
and from the user's point of view it just doesn't work !
This is the real side effect for me :(

So, I have to investigate this and make a consistent workaround.
Maybe it's because of my code, maybe not... but I need to fix it.

 Is this chap running on Win, Mac or Linux?

Hey , Richmond ! I said on Mac with Rev 4.0 :)


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Re: destroystack wrong behavior...

2010-05-19 Thread Thierry D.

Le 19 mai 2010 à 21:34, Andre Garzia a écrit :

 Been there as well, came to a little fix if you can call that a fix, instead
 of closing the stack try something along the lines of:
 delete stack myStack
 This will really take it out of the memory, so these days, I close and then
 I delete or vice versa...

So, we are at least 3 to have experienced it !

Sounds a good one.

I'll try it for a while and see...


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Re: How exactly does runrev for ipad/iphone work?

2010-05-07 Thread Thierry D.

Le 7 mai 2010 à 11:15, René Micout a écrit :

 Am I in this case in violation of § 3.3.1 ? In absolute (towards contract), 
 yes, but where are the proof ?
 If I act in this way, I don't see where is there problem...

Bonjour René,

Then, in your next reincarnation,
you will be a vulture, eating only rotten food :)


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Re: User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-04 Thread Thierry D.

Le 4 mai 2010 à 04:37, Graham  Heather Harrison a écrit :

 Jacque wrote:
 But look at the nice thread you started. 
 Yes, it has been very informative… and civilised.
 Note: If you reference externals or externalPackages for me or this 
 stack, your new External will not appear. 

Sorry. it's just wrong !

I'm doing this all the time for years.

and I  second what Mark Wieder says.


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Re: User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-04 Thread Thierry D.
 Okay, now I'm a little puzzled. I removed all the old stuff about creating a
 template stack, adding the externals property to it, and then using it to
 create a dummy stack. I then added the following code to my main stack
  on startup
if the platform is Win32 then
  set the externals of stack main to externals/midi.dll
  set the externals of stack main to externals/midi.bundle
end if
  end startup
 I can now successfully call my external, both under the IDE and as a
 standalone. However, when I examine the property sheet for my main stack
 under the IDE, the property doesn't exist. If I go into the Message Box and
  put the externalPackages of stack main
 to see what's actually loaded, it lists nothing either. Yet it must be
 there, because it's working. Shouldn't both properties exist?

Hi Paul,

Sounds it's not that easy !
Welcome to the club :)

A guess : your external is launched from another stack.

A second guess :  you have already launched your external before starting your 
or say  other way,  the previous time you launched your external, it didn't 
properly and keep running in the IDE.

Does this speaks to you ?


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Re: AW: AW: need advice for keeping file flags in a zip

2010-05-04 Thread Thierry D.

Le 4 mai 2010 à 20:22, Bob Sneidar a écrit :

 A zip program on the other hand, has to create it's own compressed file 
 structure inside the file the OS knows about. It would then be up to the 
 developer to set the flags appropriately, as the OS has no part to play with 
 what is going on inside the compressed file.

Well, as much as I understood, ditto should be aware of that. It is clearly 
explain in the man doc.
Inside the zip, it creates a special folder __MACOSX/ where all specifics 
extended flags are stored
You can see that doing an unzip -l

From tiger, to Leopard and Snow leopad they have change few default options
but it's globally all the same.

What is strange, is doing a ls -la@ and ls -laO after unzipping, the 
quarantine flag is here,
but not seen at the end of the process ?

Sounds a bug to me, or I miss something.

Doing a compress folder from the contextual menu gives the same results.

Hidden flags are propagated, but not the uchg ?


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Re: OT: need advice for keeping file flags in a zip

2010-05-03 Thread Thierry D.

Le 3 mai 2010 à 08:54, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

 still struggeling with keeping the locked flag of a file when zipping and
 unzipping. I followed exactly Thierries advice to use following syntax:
 ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc SrcFolder


 and though a locked file in Thierries environment is still locked after
 unzipping, in my environment (MacOS 10.5.8) the file isn't locked anymore
 after unzipping.

MacOS 10.6 here. Could it be this ? new ditto version in it  ?

 So the difference must be in any other test parameter. What
 I have tried is following:
 -  Actually I am not sure, if the flag gets lost while zipping or
 unzipping. Anyhow, after unzipping, controlling the information of the file,
 the flag is lost
 -  I tried different zip tools for zipping and unzipping (ditto,
 7zip, gui tar) with same result

No, no !

--sequesterRsrc works only with PKZip

Do in a terminal:  ditto -h

Usage: ditto [ options ] src [ ... src ] dst

options are any of:
-X  do not descend into directories with a different device ID
-c  create an archive at dst (by default CPIO format)
-x  src(s) are archives
-z  gzip compress CPIO archive
-j  bzip2 compress CPIO archive
-k  archives are PKZip

--sequesterRsrc copy resources via polite directory (PKZip only)


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Re: AW: OT: need advice for keeping file flags in a zip

2010-05-03 Thread Thierry D.

Le 3 mai 2010 à 09:56, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

Another thought :

Have you all the rights ( user and group )  to do so ?

May be worth a try with this one :

sudo ditto ...

Good luck

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Re: User Extensions/Externals

2010-05-03 Thread Thierry D.

Le 3 mai 2010 à 19:56, J. Landman Gay a écrit :

 The dummy stack trick is just a clever work-around to allow you to load an 
 external on demand. It isn't required. It sounds like what changed was the 
 standalone builder rather than the way externals work, but I'm not sure 
 either how that works under the hood.
 Sometimes I wish that dummy stack trick hadn't been announced. It's very 
 handy when you need it for some reason in particular, but it causes a lot of 
 confusion too. I never use it.

It's a clever trick ( from Mark W. if I remember well ) when one is writing 
This way one can set automatically to the dummy stack the path of the external 
builded in Xcode.

Usually, for one external, we have few builds. the simplest case is one for 
and one for release. They are 2 differents files in your Xcode environment , and
it's tricky to always be aware to upload the right one...
But from the user's point of view, it's not that usefull, maybe a bit 

Concerning  your recipie from the previous email, it works only in your context.
Pass your stack and your external to someone, and you're stuck again !

That was why the lesson about how to safely attach your external...  was made.
  ( useful  only for those sharing stack + external associated with. )

From my little point of view, if the external property was relative to the path 
the stack instead of the engine. it would be less troublesome

My 2 french centimes


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Re: How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?

2010-05-01 Thread Thierry D.

Le 1 mai 2010 à 14:50, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

 since I don't find a way how to preserve the lock status of a file,

Hi Tiemo,

This command did work for me on Snow Leopard :

ditto -v -rsrcFork /source /destination

I could keep all hidden and immutable flags !



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Re: AW: How to translate a rev path to an absolut unix path?

2010-05-01 Thread Thierry D.

Le 1 mai 2010 à 17:47, Tiemo Hollmann TB a écrit :

 Bon soir Thierry,
 your proposal seems to be half the way.

Bonsoir Tiemo,

So, did check with your specs.
add a bundle folder in my dir, hide and lock a test file inside the bundle 
and did this :

-- create a zip file keeping all specifics macos flags

 ditto -c -k --sequesterRsrc SrcFolder

-- check what is inside the zip file
 unzip -l

  Length Date   TimeName
 6148  04-23-10 19:05.DS_Store
0  05-01-10 21:28__MACOSX/
   82  04-23-10 19:05   __MACOSX/._.DS_Store
0  04-18-10 07:32   .localized
   13  05-01-10 15:32   f1
   82  05-01-10 15:32   __MACOSX/._f1
   15  05-01-10 15:32   f2
0  05-01-10 21:10tdzx.bundle/
0  04-27-10 11:22 tdzx.bundle/Contents/
 1225  04-27-10 11:26 tdzx.bundle/Contents/Info.plist
0  04-29-10 09:17tdzx.bundle/Contents/MacOS/
   216920  04-29-10 09:17   tdzx.bundle/Contents/MacOS/tdzimgdatafilter
0  04-27-10 11:22 tdzx.bundle/Contents/Resources/
0  04-27-10 11:22 tdzx.bundle/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/
   92  04-27-10 11:22   
   13  05-01-10 21:10   tdzx.bundle/test
0  05-01-10 21:28__MACOSX/tdzx.bundle/
   82  05-01-10 21:10   __MACOSX/tdzx.bundle/._test

-- You can see these __MACOSX/ files. they store the flags values.

 ditto -x -k Z

Done !

Tres belles fetes du muguet :)


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Re: How to transfer a UNIX executable through Rev

2009-11-25 Thread Thierry D .

Le 25 nov. 09 à 08:12, Richard Miller a écrit :

Here's what I am doing. Not sure why this doesn't work.

Could it be that you only need to set the executable bit ?

chmod +x your file


I want to transfer the UNIX executable portion of a Mac rev  
application bundle via ftp. I take the file; compress it to a .gz  
file; ftp it; then decompress it. The file size is identical upon  
arrival, but it is no longer recognized as an executable... only a  
text document.

I am using binfile throughout (put the compress of url  
binfile:xxx into url binfile:xxx.gz). What am I missing?  I am  
transferring from a Mac server to a Mac computer.

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Application Browser not showing group items

2009-11-25 Thread Thierry D.


Siince 2 days, the Application browser doesn't show me
any controls belonging to a group !

I can see them on the screen, can list them from the properties palette
( top - right inspect button ).

Running Rev4 on MacOS x

Any insights ?


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Re: How to transfer a UNIX executable through Rev

2009-11-25 Thread Thierry D.

Le 25 nov. 09 à 13:07, Richard Miller a écrit :


Could be. I'm not familiar with this.

I'm trying this:

get shell (chmod + x MyExecutableFileName)

typo ?

Need to be +x , not + x !

When I run this in the msg box, it returns 1. But I see no change  
to the app. It still looks like a text document... not a Unix  
Executable File

try get shell( ls -l ) then.

you should see in  something like this :

-rw-rw-r--   1 thierry  thierry   2979 Feb  5  2007 rev2perlInit.c
-rw-r--r--   1 thierry  thierry   2559 Mar 28  2007 ToCopyInStack.dat
-rwxrwxrwx   1 thierry  thierry   3797 Mar 28  2007
-rw-r--r--   1 thierry  thierry577 Feb  2  2007 rev2perl.c

r: read
w: write
x: executable

1st 3 letters for user, next 3 for group, last 3 for others.

On my samples, you can see that can be executed by all,
but not the other files.


Here's what I am doing. Not sure why this doesn't work.

Could it be that you only need to set the executable bit ?

chmod +x your file


I want to transfer the UNIX executable portion of a Mac rev  
application bundle via ftp. I take the file; compress it to a .gz  
file; ftp it; then decompress it. The file size is identical upon  
arrival, but it is no longer recognized as an executable... only  
a text document.

I am using binfile throughout (put the compress of url  
binfile:xxx into url binfile:xxx.gz). What am I missing?  I  
am transferring from a Mac server to a Mac computer.

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Re: Application Browser not showing group items

2009-11-25 Thread Thierry D .

Siince 2 days, the Application browser doesn't show me
any controls belonging to a group !

I can see them on the screen, can list them from the properties  

( top - right inspect button ).

Is the selectGroupedControls property of the group set to false?
If so then the Application Browser won't list the controls.

Hi Trevor,

You Win !

I've seen it, but wat I missed was to close and re-open the
Application Browser after setting this property to true

Thanks a lot,


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right click on a list field

2009-11-18 Thread Thierry D.

Hi all,

Can someone confirm that we can't select a line in a list field
when right clicking on any line ?

Rev4 - MacOsx

And any quick workaround ?


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Re: right click on a list field

2009-11-18 Thread Thierry D.

Le 18 nov. 09 à 12:44, Klaus Major a écrit :

Bonjour Thierry,

Halo Klaus,

Du hast mir den Tag gerettet !

Ich danke dir.

Hi all,

Can someone confirm that we can't select a line in a list field
when right clicking on any line ?

Rev4 - MacOsx

And any quick workaround ?

add this to the field script:

on mouseUp what
  if what = 3 then
select line (word 2 of the mouseline) of me
  end if
end mouseUp


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Re: Setting Stack Externals on Mac

2009-11-16 Thread Thierry D .

Le 16 nov. 09 à 18:22, Jim Bufalini a écrit :


Can someone give me the code for setting the externals of a stack  
on a Mac

Standalone? On PC it is:

Have a look at runrev lessons.
Trevor did a nice lesson about this.



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revolution on linux with JWM

2009-11-04 Thread Thierry D .

Hi all,

can someone confirm ( or not ) any success installing
revolution on any linux box with the JWM window manager ?

Thanks for any info or pointers.


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