updater seems to stall

2010-09-01 Thread rand valentine
Hi, all. I've checked the archives and don't see any answer to this problem.
I'm running Rev 4.0 Enterprise in Windows 7 (under bootcamp on an iMac).
When I choose Check for Updates under Help, the updater opens, but seems to
stall at the beginning of the update process. Basically nothing happens, it
just says




and the progress bar makes no progress. What's going on? I checked to make
sure my registration allowed me to update, and indeed it does (good till
August 15, 2011).


rand valentine

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Rev and the iPad

2010-05-02 Thread rand valentine
I've been following the discussion a bit regarding Apple's policies that
affect the likelihood that RevMobile will ever find its way onto the iPhone
and iPad, and I appreciate the many perspectives offered, they've tempered
my own contempt for SJ a bit, though not enough for me to confer any
blessings. I'm wondering what is going to happen with our quite expensive
RevMobile licenses -- perhaps it's too early to tell, but if I can't program
for Apple mobile products, then I donĀ¹t really have any use for RevMobile,
and I hope that Rev will simply allow me to transfer the cost of it to
license renewals of versions of Rev that DO run on Apple products, though
who knows when the proverbial wild hair will cause SJ to banish all but
Objective C for my Mac as well. RevMobile was priced quite expensively,
presumably under the assumption that it was the golden egg of Rev
programming products that was finally going to get me that Lamborghini
Countach. Now it's a brick, and we need to figure out what to do. We are all
very loyal to Rev and its wonderful staff, but something reasonable will
have to be done in the face of this disastrous development.

I love the comments about HyperCard, because I too was there, especially the
BAD stacks, which outnumbered GOOD stacks at least 50 to 1. I remember! I
haven't gone NEAR the pattern palette since! I am a university professor,
and did my dissertation research using HyperCard, a dialect survey of a
North American aboriginal language spoken over much of Canada and the upper
midwest of the U.S. HyperCard greatly enabled me to do REALLY GOOD research,
and I continue to use Rev in, well, revolutionary ways in documentary
linguistic work. I don't know what I'd use if it didn't exist, I use it
every day for some programming need I have. It's not perfect-- the biggest
problem for me is the lack of really transparent Unicode usage. But it is
REALLY good. I am a language teacher, too, and I've used Rev to make some
wonderful teaching tools, and that was my primary interest in using
RevMobile, so that I could develop simple language learning tools for my
students. I cannot effectively communicate my annoyance that someone can
program yet another bloodbath game with stick figures but I cannot use the
iPad to circulate language learning programs for a dying language because I
happen to use a program that SJ has decided to sort with the goats. This is
not an idle issue for me.

I also use FMTouch, a really cute implementation of part of FileMaker on the
iDevice. My impression is that they are in some way up a creek just as Rev
is regarding enabling third party access to the vaunted App Store. They have
a wiki discussing various programming/implementation issues and talk about
something called Application Provisioning, here


It seems that this would be relevant to just about anything we might to do
with deploying to an iDevice.

rand valentine

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Question about RevMobile

2010-04-10 Thread rand valentine
Hi, all. I'm somewhat dismayed by Apple's new agreement that seems to me to
quite clearly lock out RevMobile at present. I have purchased it but not
even received it yet! And it's not cheap, as you know. I've got a question
about implementing anything on an iDevice-- say I write a cute little
program using RevMobile, and just want to run it on my own iPad (which I do
not presently own :-)) -- is this not possible -- surely the only way to get
anything on your iPad isn't through the Apple Store? How does this work? You
see, while I'd love to get rich writing nifty iDevice apps, I am primarily a
researcher, and Rev's boon to my existence has always been its capacity to
allow me to rapidly develop killer apps for research that I use and share
with a few friends who do similar research. But I'm thinking now that
perhaps I was misguided in thinking this way about iDevices PRIOR to Apple's

And I must say, although I've owned Macs since first purchasing a new
MacPlus, this latest draconian proclamation is the first time I've REALLY
SERIOUSLY felt the need to reconsider my loyalty to such a company.

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very strange rev behavior

2010-03-04 Thread rand valentine
For some reason, Rev has started taking 50 times as long to open as it used
to, and the menus are so slow as to be completely unusable. I thought the
program was frozen, just a spinning beach ball for minutes on end as it
started up, then slowly it went through the process of opening and finally
opened. But choosing any menu item just creates a spinning beach ball that
lasts for several minutes. Clicking on the Close button in a window also
produces a good minute of beach ball spinning. I downloaded a new copy of
Rev and installed it, same problem. It seems to only be Rev that is affected
by this, though it seems to be REV vs OS interface issue. I thought perhaps
some Preferences file was trashed but replaced those I could find. I'm
running Enterprise version 4.0 under Mac OS X Server Verision 10.5.8, on a
Power Mac 2.66Gz Quad Core Intel Xeon with 8Gb of memory. I S miss Rev,
I hadn't realized how important it is to my daily workflow!

Rand Valentine
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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Unicode issues ad infinitum

2008-09-15 Thread rand valentine
 Hello, fellow Revolution users. I have a quick question, though I really
doubt there's any useful answer. I have begun using a Unicode font in a
dictionary I've made of a North American aboriginal language, Ojibwe. This
language uses Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics. I am using StackRunner to
distribute beta copies of the dictionary to testers, some of whom use Macs
and some Windows (both XP and Vista). If I set a field to the Unicode
syllabics font on my Mac, everything works fine, I get the syllabics
rendering properly. I also find that I do not have problems with versions of
XP I'm running in VMware Fusion on my Macs. But several Windows XP users
report to me that they just get square boxes instead of syllabics. So my
guess is that Windows Revolution can't detect a font as a Unicode font if it
has Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics (but not say, Chinese or Japanese), so it
substitutes another Unicode font, which has no syllabics. Could this be the
problem? And is anyone aware of any way around this? All I want is for the
field to respect the font that its been assigned, instead of over-riding
with the wrong Unicode font. Am I missing something? Thanks.

rand valentine

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Re: mouseUp 1 and 3 problems

2008-04-23 Thread rand valentine
 On 23 Apr 2008, at 01:50, rand valentine wrote:
 So the problem is that I can't seem to
 right-click, then left-click. Lots of other fields I have seem to
 work fine
 doing this, so it must be something in the script?! What should I be
 for, i.e., what could be causing this? Thanks
 I don't really know about a fix, but I got strange problems with mouse
 too, maybe you can add something to the bug I filed:

  I'm not sure I understand the specifics of your bug report, but it did
allow me to conceive of a workaround for my problem -- the problem is (as
you say, I think), that a right-click and an if-statement seem to cause
weird problems. So I changed my script from an if..end if to a switch...end
switch, and now it works fine.


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mousebutton 1 and 3

2008-04-23 Thread rand valentine
 On 23 Apr 2008, at 01:50, rand valentine wrote:
 So the problem is that I can't seem to
 right-click, then left-click. Lots of other fields I have seem to
 work fine
 doing this, so it must be something in the script?! What should I be
 for, i.e., what could be causing this? Thanks
 I don't really know about a fix, but I got strange problems with mouse
 too, maybe you can add something to the bug I filed:

  I'm not sure I understand the specifics of your bug report, but it did
allow me to conceive of a workaround for my problem -- the problem is (as
you say, I think), that a right-click and an if-statement seem to cause
weird problems. So I changed my script from an if..end if to a switch...end
switch, and now it works fine.


  Moments later... no it doesn't... still get the same problem, which is...
after a script in a field executes on a right-click, (left)-click in the
field is then not registered until you first click in another field. Once
you do, things work fine till you right-click again.


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mouseUp 1 and 3 problems

2008-04-22 Thread rand valentine
 Hi. I've got a field with text in it. There is an elaborate script for the
field which is sensitive to which mousebutton was clicked, doing one thing
if 1 was clicked, another if 3. I keep getting a problem -- after I right
click something, and the script executes, left-clicking produces no response
in the field -- right-clicking will produce a response, and then
left-clicking works again. So the problem is that I can't seem to
right-click, then left-click. Lots of other fields I have seem to work fine
doing this, so it must be something in the script?! What should I be looking
for, i.e., what could be causing this? Thanks

rand valentine

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Re: no defaultstack

2008-02-26 Thread rand valentine
  Any way to fix this? Thanks.
 One thing you might try/consider...  If you're referencing objects across
 multiple stacks, or just running into general object reference issues, try
 to avoid manually building object references, and use the object's long id.
 In my experience, I've found the engine can get confused (or even start
 generating gibberish) if you reference objects using a description that you
 build yourself (ie fld whichField of cd whichCard of stack
 whichStack).  In my case, the situations were very complex and difficult
 to reproduce -- once I started using long id references, the script errors I
 was getting went away.
 Scott Rossi
 Creative Director
 Tactile Media, Multimedia  Design

  Thank you, Scott, and the others who have given advice on this issue. I am
now for a few days super-busy with other matters, so won't be able to
properly test your suggestions. I _did_ find that explicitly giving every
field reference card and stack coordinates allowed my scripts to execute
(seemingly) properly. I think the problem might be related to group
behavior. But what is odd is that I've been programming with Revolution for
years and don't recall having this problem, even though I've written things
equivalent to what I'm working on now (a dictionary display system). But
perhaps it _is_ different in having so many groups (6 or so) on one card.

rand valentine

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Weird Behavior

2008-02-24 Thread rand valentine
 I'm using Studio version 2.8.1 on an intel Mac running Leopard (10.5.2).
Also running Galaxy and GL2. I'm getting weird behavior that I don't
understand. An object is recognized for some things but not others. For
example, in the following script, which simply clears a field:

ON mouseUp
IF fld notes_note is not empty THEN
answer Really clear? with Cancel OR Yes
IF it is Yes THEN
put empty into fld notes_note -- notes_note
answer The note field is already empty.
END mouseUp

 In running the script, field notes_note is recognized in the IF
statement, but I get an error message Chunk: no such object when I run the
script, at the line that says put empty into fld notes_note. Anyone know
what's up? It seems to happen when I put a field into a group, more than at
other times.

rand valentine

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re; weird behavior

2008-02-24 Thread rand valentine
  I'm using Studio version 2.8.1 on an intel Mac running Leopard (10.5.2).
 Also running Galaxy and GL2. I'm getting weird behavior that I don't
 understand. An object is recognized for some things but not others. For
 example, in the following script, which simply clears a field:
 ON mouseUp
 IF fld notes_note is not empty THEN
 answer Really clear? with Cancel OR Yes
 IF it is Yes THEN
 put empty into fld notes_note -- notes_note
 answer The note field is already empty.
 END mouseUp
  In running the script, field notes_note is recognized in the IF
 statement, but I get an error message Chunk: no such object when I run the
 script, at the line that says put empty into fld notes_note. Anyone know
 what's up? It seems to happen when I put a field into a group, more than at
 other times.

I remember seeing some discussion of circumstances in which the ask and
answer dialogs would alter the execution context, resulting in the
symptoms you describe.

Whether that's happening here I can't say; I don't recall the specifics.

Anyone here know more about the ask/answer context issue, and whether
that may be the culprit here?


 Yes, if I remove the answer dialogue, then the script runs just fine. How
does one get around this bug?


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re: weird behavior

2008-02-24 Thread rand valentine
  Yes, if I remove the answer dialogue, then the script runs just fine. How
 does one get around this bug?
 For now:
  put the defaultStack into tSaveStack
  answer Really clear? with Cancel OR Yes
  put it into tVal
  set the defaultStack to tSaveStack
  IF tVal is Yes THEN
  put empty into fld notes_note -- notes_note
 For all mankind:
 It's really kinda dumb if we need to save and restore the defaultStack
 for ask/answer dialogs.  Does anyone here know the RQQC# for this issue,
 and has it been confirmed fixed as of v2.9DP4?

  The for now script offered above solves the problem. And also, I notice
that things work fine in StackRunner, without saving the defaultStack in the
script. Thanks.


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can't find object messages

2008-02-24 Thread rand valentine
 Using Studio 2.8.1 on an intel MacBook Pro with 4gb memory, Leopard 10.5.2.
I wrote earlier about having problems with a handler not being able to
find something on the card I execute from, and someone wrote saying that
this was related to a problem with ask and answer dialogs. Now I find the
same problem occurring in a script that doesn't have an ask or answer
dialog. And the script runs without error when I don't have a breakpoint
inserted, but reports a bug when I insert a breakpoint and try to step
through it. But it's obvious that the script is not executing properly,
because some of its instructions are not being carried out (this is what led
me to investigate it). Any ideas on what's going on and how to fix it?

rand valentine

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no defaultstack

2008-02-24 Thread rand valentine
 I'm using Rev 2.8.1 Studio, MacBook Pro, 4gb memory, Leopard, and now
Revolution does not recognize the card or stack that I'm in when I execute a
script. So every field reference must be specified for the card it's on and
the stack it's in, i.e., one can't just designate:

fld whichField

 rather it must be

fld whichField of cd whichCard of stack whichStack

 I've been playing with setting the defaultstack to the toplevel stack, but
that doesn't seem to help.

 Any way to fix this? Thanks.

rand valentine

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problems displaying descenders

2006-09-21 Thread rand valentine
 Hi. I have a stack that displays text in a field so that students can read
it. However, if the I set the textSize of this field to a largish number,
such as 80, 100, 120 (so it's big enough for a classroom of students to
see), then _as I type_ the descenders of characters such as j and g are
chopped off, until I finish typing. What setting will allow me to display
the descenders as I type? I've tried adjusting the textHeight and margins,
but neither seems to do anything. Thanks.

rand valentine

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more on sound recording

2006-09-11 Thread rand valentine
 I've been experimenting with playing mp3 files in a stack I distribute to
my students using StackRunner. I've been trying to be able to record within
the stack, but have run into many problems recording on different platforms,
some of which I cannot seem to solve. But a couple of things have happened
that I wanted to share, just in case they're of value to others wiser than I

1. Initially, I was able to record with the recordinput set to imic on my
Powerbook g4 running Tiger 10.4.7. Then I started getting only garbage -- I
wasn't aware of changing any settings, other than futzing with the internal
mic vs a plug-in mic, and changing corresponding settings in the Mac System
Prefs. I also downloaded a program called dlrecorder, from dartmouth, at the
suggestion of one of the contributors to this list (Sivakatirswami).
Initially that worked, but then, _at the same time that I couldn't record
inside of my stack_, dlrecorder began to quit on start-up, telling me that
my audio card wasn't compatible. Something is screwing up the way the
audiocard interfaces with applications, undoubtedly some kind of settings
file is getting messed up. Sivakatirswami suggested that I fix my prefs,
which I did. Nothing changed. I fixed my prefs many times, but lost track of
that relationship to sound recording. Then suddenly everything started
working again on my PB, as originally. Too many variables, and I can't
figure out what is making things work and what isn't.

2. We need a good table of what transfers between platforms and what
doesn't. For example, I have been creating mp3 files, on my mac, which I
transfer to windows for use by the overwhelming majority of my students who
are windows users. But I discovered much to my chagrin that filenames that
have a ? in them don't transfer to windows -- they were simply _ignored_
when I copied files to windows. Well, where does one find out about these
sorts of gotchas in advance? I guess if one is a professional developer
this is common knowledge, but for ordinary mortals, it isn't. Since RunRev
is so clearly a cross-platform system, we need docs that specify what
restrictions there are cross-platformwise -- maybe they exist and I just
haven't found them.

 I hope this doesn't sound like a complaint about runrev -- I absolutely
adore it.

rand valentine

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runrev player, stackrunner in windows xp home

2006-09-10 Thread rand valentine
 Hi. Are there any documented limitations of the Revolution Player or
StackRunner not running in certain versions of Windows? I have a student who
is running Windows XP Home on a Sony Vaio, and who tells me he cannot run my
stacks through either the player or stackrunner -- the problem involves
playing audiofiles (mp3's) that are saved in a separate folder, and opening
pdf's that are to be launched from within my stack. Should this work, or
is it an os-level problem? The stacks I've built work just fine with
StackRunner on my Mac laptop running latest Tiger, as well as my Dell
Inspiron 5100 laptop running windows xp pro sp 2.

rand valentine

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Protecting a StackRunner (or Player) stack

2006-09-06 Thread rand valentine
 Hi, all. I've been making some really fun language learning/teaching
materials using Rev Studio 2.7.2 on my Mac running OS 10.4.7. I greatly
prefer to distribute my stuff (in other words, make it available to
students) by just using StackRunner, rather than making standalones, which
always seems to entail untold headaches. But since my stacks are
preliminary, I want to write an expiration date into them, e.g., one obvious
way to do this is check the date in a preopenstack handler, and if it's past
a certain date, just cause the stack to quit. But is there any way to
protect that preopenstack from prying eyes? Note that the students interact
with the stacks _a lot_, so I need the stacks to be totally editable in
the sense of being able to add data to text fields, click on buttons and
change settings, etc. So is there any easy way to protect a script? Thanks.

rand valentine

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Subject: Re: more on the recorder

2006-08-31 Thread rand valentine
 Thanks to the people who have given me information about recording sound in
Revolution on both mac and pc. The bottom line for me is that it doesn't
seem remotely work _at all_. While I was able to get something to work on my
g4 laptop initially (by using the imic input and playing with the system
settings independently), now nothing works, all I get are super, super slow
unrecognizable recordings, whether the recordinput is imic, emic or dflt. I
wonder why this is, and why such an important function is in such bad shape.
I'm using 2.7.2. For those of us who use runrev to produce language
materials, this capacity to record in the program is quite important, since
it provides a means for students to compare their pronunciations with those
of native speakers (by just recording the student and then ab-ing the
student's sound and the native speaker's)

rand valentine
u of wisconsin-madison

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mics and sound recording

2006-08-29 Thread rand valentine
 Hi, all. I'm kind of an amateur at Revolution, in the sense that I don't
program for a direct living. But I use it a lot. I'm using Studio 2.7.2 on a
Mac 17 portable running the latest Tiger incarnation. I'm always
discovering new cool stuff in RunRev. Today I discovered the tools for audio
recording, and I've been experimenting. Since I use RunRev for building
language learning tools, this record thing is really useful. But I have a
couple of questions.

1. the recordInput setting lets you specify a recording source, with two
choices being imic for internal microphone, and emic for external
microphone. Now by my thinking, you should choose emic if you are plugging
a microphone into your computer, and imic if you're using the built-in.
But it doesn't seem to work this way. If I plug in an external mike and
choose emic, _no_ recording is made. If I plug in an external with imic
chosen, I get a recording, but it's noticeably hissy. Does anyone have any
idea of what's going on here? I mean, what I am doing wrong, or what do I
not understand. 

2. Is dflt a better setting, since it would look to the system for
guidance? Help! And thank you!

rand valentine

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more on the recorder

2006-08-29 Thread rand valentine
 Well, I've had some interesting experiences recording sound into Revolution
(Studio 2.7.2). Here's what I've found:

1. If I set the inputsource to dflt on my g4 powerbook, and try to record,
I get audio files that sounds like pigs on acid. I'm sure my students would
find this entertaining, but not exactly what I want to do. The only working
choice on the Mac (Tiger) seems to be imic Nothing else works, either
producing silence or the above stated porcophony. And I have to choose imic
regardless of whether I'm using the internal or a plug-in mike. But this
only works if I go to the System Preferences Sound settings, and _there_
change the input source to either internal or external. That setting seems
to override anything in RunRev.

2. When I take my file over to my Dell 5100 running latest Windows, the only
setting that works is dflt I don't think this dell has a built-in mike,
and have been recording with an external. That works fine, as long as
inputsource is dflt Using imic or emic doesn't seem to work. I haven't
looked at the Windows system pref to see if there might be any variables
there to play with. Too many variables in the world.

 Please let me know if you've written up some notes on these sorts of
things, or even could point me to a well-coded stack. Thanks so much.

rand valentine

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revolution player vs. stackrunner launching documents

2006-08-27 Thread rand valentine
 Hi, dear Revolution cognoscenti, I need your help with some development I'm
doing. I'm an instructor, and have been using Revolution Studio (2.7.2) on a
Mac with the latest OS to develop some language learning materials that I
will distribute to students. The students will be using both windows and
macs. In the past, I've been very successful in using StackRunner to
distribute things, and it's worked better than the Revolution Player in the
past -- meaning that more people were able to run my stacks with StackRunner
than the Rev Player, perhaps because SR is cleaner, as it says on the Sons
of Thunder webpage. Some people seem to have _ancient_ Windows computers
that choke on nearly everything. But now I've run into a small problem --
StackRunner doesn't seem to be able to implement the launch document
command (I assume some library isn't available), and I want to use that to
provide students with access to millions of pdfs. I notice that the Player
_does_ allow use of launch document. So here's my question:

1. What's the status of the Rev Player -- is it robust, and is it likely the
bulk of your typical student community of Windows users will be able to use
it to play my stacks (the only real demand is that they use lots of sound,
but I've no problem with sounds testing with StackRunner on Windows?

2. Is there some other way to launch documents that _is_ likely implemented
in StackRunner?

 Thanks so much for any comments.

rand valentine

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simple textheight question

2006-07-16 Thread rand valentine
 Hello, all. I have a simple problem -- I have made a very simple stack that
I use for presentations -- it has a text field in which I type text that my
audience can see as I type. My problem is that if I make this field's
textSize a large number, e.g., above 24 point or so, then the descenders
(e.g., in the letters 'g' and 'p') do not show up as I type them, but only
when I type a return in the field -- and changing the textheight property
doesn't seem to remedy this. What can I do to have the field display
descenders for large font sizes as I type characters? Thanks.

rand valentine

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StackFormat and Stack Reversion

2006-03-06 Thread Rand Valentine
  Hi, all. Forgive a dumb question, I read the lists often, but  
often too miss days. I've tried to search on my question using the  
Google advanced search to search the list, but had no luck, which  
baffles me because I recall some discussion pertaining to my question.

  I got an update of DreamCard to 2.7, then promptly forgot about  
the backwards compatibility issues with the DreamCard Player, and  
StackRunner. I am teaching a class in Ojibwe and have developed many  
materials with DreamCard, which my students can then play with  
either player. But checking tonight, I noticed that neither the DC  
Player nor StackRunner can play 2.7 stacks, and I also noticed that  
there's not a Player update at the runrev site. Then I tried using  
the plug-in called StackFormat, and kept getting an error saying that  
there was a problem with the script but that the stack was locked, so  
I was out of luck there too. I tried to download an update of  
StackRunner, which it invited me to do. Upon update it vanished from  
my plugins menu. So I went and checked the plug-ins folder and found  
a _text-file_ called StackFormat. I tried to be clever and change its  
type to the type of other 2.7 stacks I have, but alas, no StackFormat  
anymore. So, several questions. A. Once you save a stack in 2.7  
format, there is no way to get it back to 2.6 (the only reason I use  
2.7 is because I prefer the helps format in it). B. Is there any  
documentation for StackFormat? C. What happened to StackFormat on  
update? By the way I use a Mac with the latest version of OS X. Thanks.

Rand Valentine
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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trouble downloading dreamcard

2006-02-25 Thread Rand Valentine

I am having the same problem. In my case, I tried downloading the
installer for Dreamcard (several times) from this page:
http://downloads.runrev.com/dreamcard/ ... The installer downloads OK,
but then, on expanding, the following message appears:

An error has occurred while expanding the file
install_download.app.sit (The archive may contain damaged content).
Error #17538

This is particularly worrying as I only bought Dreamcard one month  
and the last thing I want is to be obsolete so quickly,  
particularly if

Dreamcard is going to be dropped.

  I had the same problem, so I downloaded the most recent version of  
(free) StuffIt Expander, at:


  This solved my problem. I'm using the latest version of Mac OS X.

Rand Valentine
University of Wisconsin-Madison

1168 Van Hise Hall
(608) 262-2292

American Indian Studies
317 Ingraham Hall
(608) 263-5501

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Re: DreamCard Player and possible problems

2006-02-04 Thread Rand Valentine

Rand, if you want a simpler method of distribution, you can check out


It is a stripped-down version of DreamCard Player that doesn't include
RevOnline or any other stuff, and has been adopted by a number of  
for stack distribution because it can be configured to  
automatically open a
stack when it launches and doesn't provide its own interface to  
get in the


Check it out..

  Thanks so much, Ken, that was very helpful. It didn't solve my  
student's problem, but it did help me with another problem I wrote to  
the list about awhile ago, namely that I couldn't get the DC Player  
to start on my Windows laptop running XP Home Edition. The  
StackRunner works fine on that laptop, so I'm very happy about that.  
Thanks for making this program, too, Ken, your outfit is a real  
blessing for us DreamCard users.

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list
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dreamcard player and memory

2006-02-03 Thread Rand Valentine
  Hello, dear Revolution experts. I've been developing a dictionary  
for my students of Ojibwe (an Algonquian language), using mainly my  
Mac PowerBook running the latest OS and DreamCard 2.61. Everything  
works just great for me, whether I run my stacks in DreamCard itself  
or with the Player, but I have one student who uses a fairly  
antiquated Windows computer, and who cannot open one of the substacks  
in my dictionary application (a set of about 100 cards with htmltext  
notes). He used to be able to open this substack, but no longer can  
-- I've been adding to it over the past month, but it would seem odd  
that anything I've added would push him over the threshold of  
openability. Is this likely a memory allocation issue on his  
computer, or could it possibly be something else? I was wondering too  
if the stack Revonline Viewer might be taking up memory, and if I  
could remove it from memory (does simply closing it do that?).  
Anyway, any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.

Rand Valentine
University of Wisconsin-Madison

1168 Van Hise Hall
(608) 262-2292

American Indian Studies
317 Ingraham Hall
(608) 263-5501

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Unable to initialise message installing DreamCard Player

2006-01-21 Thread Rand Valentine
  I have just installed the evaluation version of DreamCard on a  
(pretty zippy and new) Dell laptop I have which is running Windows  
ME. I have tried several times to install the DreamCard Player, but  
keep getting a message, when the DC player first tries to start up,  

Unable to initialise - insufficient system resources 65536

  Does anyone have a clue as to what this is about? DreamCard itself  
installs fine.

Rand Valentine
University of Wisconsin-Madison

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problems with ftp

2004-09-06 Thread rand valentine
 Hi, everyone. I'm having a vexing problem with ftp-downloading a series of
files in a repeat loop. I need to download three files. The loop is very
simple, something akin to:

repeat with counter = 1 to 3
  put decompress(url ftpPath/filecounter.gz) into temp
  put temp into fld counter
end repeat

 The ftp commands are straightforward, but what happens is that the first
file gets put in the third field, and the other fields aren't updated. So it
seems like the put command _isn't_ blocking. What can I do to fix this? I'm
still using rev 2.2. Thanks.


use-revolution mailing list

counting empty items

2004-05-24 Thread rand valentine
 If I do this:

set the itemDelimiter to tab
put the number of items of tab  tab  tab  tab

 1 is returned.

why not 4? I don't get it.

 -- if I do this:

set the itemDelimiter to tab
put empty into item 4 of testVariable
put the number of items of testVariable

 3 is returned.


rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

deleting lines from a text file

2004-05-21 Thread rand valentine
  I've experimented a bit with attempting to delete lines from a text file.
The following simple script should readily allow the deletion of a line,
no?? --

on mouseUp
  answer file what file?
  put file:  it into theFile
  delete line 2 of url theFile
end mouseUp

 This produces an error of type chunk, with the specific message: can't
find object.

 Things work fine if you change delete to put empty into, but that
creates the problem that some of you have pointed out, ie, that the
delimiter is not deleted.

 Could someone else verify this, so that I know it's a bug and not bad karma
:-)? Thanks.

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

delete and put empty in url file: structures

2004-05-20 Thread rand valentine
 Hi, all. I am wondering if I have found a bug in runrev version 2.2 running
under mac os x.3.3. here is the problem:

if i have a script line that goes

   delete line x of url file:someFile.txt

the script crashes saying that the object cannot be found

but if i change the script to:

   put empty into line x of url file:someFile.txt

 then the script works. Even the transcript docs say that delete and put
empty... are equivalents. Why would the script crash with delete then but
not with put empty? I know there are no other errors with this script (ie,
the problem isn't about finding files or anything like that, it's _strictly_
about deleting a line), though I'm not sure if the error occurs with every
call to delete a line in every url file structure. this drove me batty
this morning, till i figured out what the problem was.


rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

ugly tabbed buttons

2004-05-19 Thread rand valentine
 hi, all. i notice in my stacks that my tabbed buttons no longer look like
nice tabs, but instead look like a thin, sectioned bar with a displaced drop
shadow behind them, ie, they don't look like tabbed buttons anymore, though
they still work okay. something crashed the proper gui for tabbed buttons.
and when i create a new tabbed button, it has the same hideous appearance.
is this a bug in 2.2? or did i wreck rev somehow? i'm using latest panther
mac os x. thanks.

rand valentine 

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 8, Issue 31

2004-05-19 Thread rand valentine
 Welcome to Panther :-)
 This is the new look for tabbed buttons in Panther, you haven't done
 anything and there is no fix.

 Oy, these tabs are so ugly compared to the pre-panther tabs )-:. But thanks
to all you dear gurus who took the time to reply to my question, that is
clearly the problem.


use-revolution mailing list

uglification of tabbed buttons

2004-05-18 Thread rand valentine
 hi, all. i notice in my stacks that my tabbed buttons no longer look like
nice tabs, but instead each looks like a thin, sectioned bar with a
displaced drop shadow behind them, ie, they don't look like tabbed buttons
anymore, though they still work okay. something crashed the proper gui for
tabbed buttons. and when i create a new tabbed button, it has the same
hideous appearance. is this a bug in 2.2? or did i wreck rev somehow? i'm
using latest panther mac os x. thanks.

rand valentine

p.s. i sent this note previously from a different email address and it
bounced. forgive me if you have had to read this twice.

use-revolution mailing list

simulating a mouseclick on a certain line in a list field

2003-12-20 Thread rand valentine
 hello, dear revolution gurus. i have a list field that has a mouseUp script
attached to it, which does something based on the value of the clicked-on
line. But how do I simulate clicking on a particular line in a field, ie,
how do I send the listfield, in essence, a virtual click on a particular
line, so that the mouseUp script, which needs the clickLine to function,
works properly? I hope this is clear. Thanks.

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

saves and shutdowns

2003-10-26 Thread rand valentine
 Hi, everyone. I'm using rev 2.1.1 with mac os x (jaguar) and trying to make
a simple data collection application. Basically I have the data saved in
textfiles, which are loaded into the stack when the stack is opened. When
the user quits, I want to save the updated information back into the

 A couple of points. To load the textfiles, I locate them using the
following script in the preOpenStack of the data collection stack. The
textfiles are in a folder called data which is in the same folder as the
data collection stack. In the following, this stack refers to the data
collection stack

on preOpenStack
  put the effective filename of this stack into thePath
  set the itemDelimiter to /
  delete last item of thePath
  put /data after thePath
  set the defaultFolder to thePath
  put url file:wordlist into fld wordlist
  put url file:sentences into fld savedSentences
  put url file:settings into theSettings
end preOpenStack

  Now when I try to trap the user's quitting with

on shutdownRequest
  (save the collected information to the textfiles)
  pass shutdownRequest
end shutdownRequest


on shutdown
  (save the collected information to the textfiles)
end shutdown

  neither of these results in the files being saved.

-- However, if i put the following:

on closeStack
  (save the collected information to the textfiles)
end closeStack

  then it works.

Here are my questions:

1. Why can't I effectively trap a shutdown request?

2. When I make the stack into an application, does the closeStack function
still apply to the application file's quitting? I mean, it's not a stack
anymore, right?

3. How come, even when I use a closeStack handler and successfully save the
information to textFiles, I have to click on the filenames in the Finder in
order for the proper (new) modification time of the saved textfile to show
up in the Finder?


rand valentine


use-revolution mailing list

additional icons

2003-10-18 Thread rand valentine
  Hi, all. I'm wondering if there is anywhere where I can easily get more
icons to add to a kind of general store of them for standard Revolution
development. For example, there are only a couple of next and previous
navigational icons in the standard set, and they ain't that pretty, nor are
the metacard icons that are included with RunRev. We could all use a couple
of dozen more, I'm sure! So here are my questions:

1. where can I find additional (pretty) icons? What are the factors that one
must consider with icons in general in RunRev? Where can I find a good
discussion of this?

2. how consistent are icons across platforms, esp. Mac and Windows? Eg,
can I insert an icon in a stack I'm developing on a Mac and will it then
show up all pretty under Windows (assuming it begins that way on the Mac)?



use-revolution mailing list

problems with google and list archive

2003-10-18 Thread rand valentine
 Hi, all. I noticed a problem when I tried to google the list archive in my
normal fashion, e.g., entering into the google search field:

icons site:lists.runrev.com

 Well, google produces a nice list, but when you click on the link google
provide, it doesn't link to the appropriate message. Now the links look like

lists.runrev.com/pipermail/metacard/ 2003-April/004592.html

 So we see that messages are stored by year-month/ and then a number, such
as 004562, above. But somehow the new system has massively screwed this up.
Is there a way around this, or is it being fixed? thanks.


use-revolution mailing list

memory dimensions in stacks and standalones

2003-10-18 Thread rand valentine
 Hi, all.

1. I'm working on a set of stacks which will provide quite a bit of
information, representing a kind of encyclopedic dictionary of an American
Indian language. I'm manipulating a lot of this info with various global
arrays, and I'm wondering what sorts of limits on memory I need to think
about. For example, I want to include a citation database -- that is, a
collection of texts which can be used to provide examples to users of the
dictionary -- this database could easily grow to 5 megabytes in size. If I
have say, five other array files open that together take up 10-15 megabytes,
will this be a problem? I just have no idea of how memory management works
with runrev stacks (or any application!). And of course, I want my final
dictionary to be a standalone. What do I need to worry about?

2. If I were to put my citation database in a text file, in order to look
something up in that file, does the whole file have to be in memory?



use-revolution mailing list

copying text from lists.runrev.com

2003-10-01 Thread rand valentine
hi, all. i have a really basic question. often, when i have a question about
runrev, instead of bugging/bothering the list, i open my browser and do a
google search on the list archive for relevant info, e.g. if i were
wondering about how arrays work (which I am!), then I would type:

array site:lists.runrev.com

well, this is great, because it's easy to follow threads, and i _should_ be
able to cut and paste a given thread to produce nice little threaded
studies of topics. but here's my problem: whenever i paste a message in
mac os x.2.6 [and x.2.8] (and i haven't tried other systems) all of the
quoted material (with lines beginning with  or ) in a message
collapses into a single paragraph, eg,

Yves, As long as cPoints only has student data (i.e. every element in cPoints
is what you'll be checking), you can do this: put  into myList put 1 into
elementNum repeat for each element e in cPoints if e = 5 then put line
elementNum of keys(cPoints)  cr after myList end if add 1 to elementNum end
repeat Hope this helps, 

now, the display in my browser has a line break before each  or . why are
the cr's before  so spineless, i.e., does anyone know why my computer
converts this into the useless mess above, and how i might correct it? i've
tried everything i can think of. does it have something to do with mac vs
windows linefeed/cr stuff? thanks.


use-revolution mailing list

opaque fields not scrolling correctly

2003-09-30 Thread rand valentine
rand valentine wrote:

   I am using mac os x.2.6, and have a problem with opaque fields when i
 scroll them. if i scroll a field back to the top, there are seeming fine
 horizontal white lines in the field's contents that render the contents
 unreadable until i click in the field or otherwise manipulate it. if i turn
 the field's opaque setting off, the field doesn't have this problem.
 But I don't want all of my fields transparent. Is there some field setting
 that corrects this? I checked the archive but could not find comment on
 this, it must be a common complaint. Thanks.

klaus major wrote in response:

 this is a bug in the 2.1 engine and already reported.

 Hopefully we might see an update in the near future ;-)

yesterday i discovered that if i turn off the three dimensional property
for the (opaque) field, then it  works just fine. it's just not as pretty.


use-revolution mailing list

opaque fields scrolling problem

2003-09-29 Thread rand valentine
  I am using mac os x.2.6, and have a problem with opaque fields when i
scroll them. if i scroll a field back to the top, there are seeming fine
horizontal white lines in the field's contents that render the contents
unreadable until i click in the field or otherwise manipulate it. if i turn
the field's opaque setting off, the field doesn't have this problem. But I
don't want all of my fields transparent. Is there some field setting that
corrects this? I checked the archive but could not find comment on this, it
must be a common complaint. Thanks.

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

arrays as custom properties or custom property sets

2003-08-27 Thread rand valentine
 i have been reading old posts to the list to try and figure out as much as
I can about using custom properties and custom property sets to store arrays
of data. But there is some indeterminancy in the list posts, as one might
expect, since they almost always address very specific needs. So, could
someone knowledgeable clarify for me how exactly one differentially loads
(and accesses) an array as a custom property versus a custom property set? I
want to have about 6 arrays, all as distinct custom properties, but in the
same set. My reason for doing things this way is simple -- if I make each
array a differnt custom property set, don't i always have to be setting the
custom property set to the appropriate one in order to access that array's
data? Thanks so much.

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

updating databases

2003-06-24 Thread rand valentine
 Hi, everyone. I have been working at making a dictionary database, using
runrev 2.0.1 and Valentina VXCMD, on Mac OS 9.2.2. Now since I am kind of a
beginner with sql, I have been trying to play it safe as far as having
cursors and that sort of stuff goes . So what I do is

1. build a simple select all query using the database query builder, which
opens the Valentina database.

2. I then execute a revDataFromQuery command that loads a scrolling field
with the whole data set.

3. Then I click on a line in the scrolling field to load that record's field
values into individual revolution text fields (not designated as database
fields in any way).

4. I have handlers that record the entry value of a given field, and the
exit value -- if these are different, I then try to update the particular
field in the particular record in the Valentina database, which is
identified by a unique code. To do this, I use a revExecuteSQL command that
contains an UPDATE sql command to update the appropriate record in the
Valentina db.

But that record never seems to get updated! Why not? Am I fundamentally
wrong in my understanding about something? I have also tried using a
revCommitDatabase instruction following the attempted update, but again,
when i go to the database query builder and refresh the * query, the
record i'm trying to change is unchanged. Any help would be great

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

tabbing into combo boxes

2003-06-21 Thread rand valentine
 Is there a way to open a combo box's menu when the user tabs into it, so
that they can then just choose from the list of menu choices without having
to pop the menu manually? Thanks.

use-revolution mailing list

Re: installing valentina vxcmd

2003-06-15 Thread rand valentine
  I am still struggling to install the valentina database xcmd on my mac
10.2.6 system (with revolution 2.0.1). Has anyone done this successfully?
According to the author of Valentina, it's a simple matter of dragging the
macho version of the xcmd into the Revolution 2.0.1 folder -- but this does
not work for me, the xcmd is not accessible inside Revolution. Furthermore,
the xcmd bundle looks like a Canvas (graphics program) tool, and when
double-clicked on, opens Canvas. Could anyone remotely clue me on how to get
this to work properly? Thanks. By the way, the xcmd works fine on mac os 9.

use-revolution mailing list

Using Valentina

2003-06-13 Thread rand valentine
  Could someone knowledgeable about Valentina help me a bit? I figure I
could try posting these questions to the Valentina list, but since the
readers here know runrev better, I thought I'd try here first.

I am trying to install the xcmd so I can use Valentina, but I am uncertain
about the exact procedure. I'm using Mac OSX.2.6 and Rev 2.0.1

a. Which Valentina XCMD do I use, the one called VXCMD_Carbon_MC or the one
called VXCMD_Macho? What is Macho?

b. To install, according to the scant directions in Valentina, you copy the
CODE resource from a specified file into the stack you want to use Valentina
with. I did that.

c. AND you put the XCMD in the same folder as Runtine Revolution.

d. AND the docs say: For windows and macho versions for new stack, you must
set the externals property of your stack to the path of the external. Do
we have to do this? (I tried). And if we do, what is the form of the
externals command?

  Is it: set the externals of this stack to ./VXCMD_Macho? (this is the
example given in the Valentina docs for an external named VXCMD_Macho_MC.

  Thank your for any help you can provide.

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

using database query builder

2003-06-12 Thread rand valentine
  I have several questions about working with Rev and databases (I'm using
Valentina xcmd for now on a mac running os 10.2.6).

1. When I open my main working stack, I have a Database Query Builder
(hereafter DBQB) connection that connects to a Valentina database that
presently has two tables, BasicLexicon and Keys. I have two queries, one for
the table BasicLexicon and one for the table Keys. When I run


  I get the answer: 4

  Why not 1, 2, or 3? Why 4 for the database ID? It doesn't matter if I quit
Runrev, turn off my computer, etc. I always get 4.

2. In DBQB, I set a certain field as the primary field for a given query.
But whenever I recheck the query, the primary field is listed as None
until I click the refresh query button. Why would this be?

3. Previously I reported that I was able to use revDataFromQuery to get the
results of a join, that is, request data from two distinct tables and have
it stitched together. But now this no longer works -- when I execute the
revDataFromQuery using the command that worked before, I get:


and that's all. Any ideas on what's going on? Also, if I can't do a join in
this way, how _do_ I do one?

Thanks so much.

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

substack behavior

2003-06-11 Thread rand valentine
  Greetings to all, and many thanks for all of the helpful posts to this
list. I'm working on a fairly elaborate database (a dictionary research
tool), using RR 2.0. I want to be able to provide myself and my research
partner with reference materials, and the logical way to do this would seem
to be to have floating substacks that provide different kinds of information
in fields. But when I open a substack, I have to negotiate all of the open
stack, close stack, etc. stuff -- but what I really want is just a floating
window that provides information -- is there any way to suppress the
open-stack messages and that sort of stuff? It's easy enough to have a blank
open-stack handler in the sub-stack, e.g.,

on openstack

end openstack

but this seems kludgy and there may be all sorts of handlers going off that
I'm unaware of -- is there like a global setting for a stack that goes --
pretend this isn't a stack but just a popup window? Thanks.

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

sql joins and the revDataFromQuery function

2003-06-11 Thread rand valentine
 I am working on a database using Valentina and RunRev. I am just learning
sql and have discovered that sql joins will be key to a lot of my
development. So I constructed a join, which looks like the following:

SELECT BasicLexicon.Nishnaabemwin, BasicLexicon.PoS, Keys.Key, Keys.PoS,
Keys.SubKey, Keys.UniqueCode FROM BasicLexicon, Keys WHERE
BasicLexicon.UniqueCode = Keys.UniqueCode

 The details aren't important -- Basically, all this is doing is getting
information from _two_ different tables in a Valentina database, and
stitching them together. Here's my question -- Why does this work with the
following function call:

  put revDataFromQuery(,,1,myJoin,) into fld dataset

This does exactly what I want! What puzzles me is the fact that the
revDataFromQuery seems to require a single database ID:


So how can this join succeed, since it's looking up two distinct queries as
defined by the Database Query Builder, and I only passed it the index of one
(1)? Is this a bug soon to be corrected, or am I missing something? Thanks.

rand valentine 

use-revolution mailing list

arrow keys in fields

2002-03-08 Thread Rand Valentine

I am having a hard time getting arrow keys to work as I want in a text
field. I want pressing the arrow keys to move me within the text of the
field, not jump to another field. The textArrows property is presumably
designed to handle this, but it doesn't seem to work properly with a
grouped field-- pressing an arrow key causes a jump to another field (or
a jump _somewhere_), but does move the cursor within the field. What am
I doing wrong?

rand valentine

use-revolution mailing list

Various questions

2002-01-29 Thread rand valentine

  Hi, all. I really appreciate everyone's contributions to this list,
both those taking time to pose questions and of course those who provide
answers. I've been a HyperCard user since it was first introduced, and
have used it extensively for various linguistic-related projects. I
wrote my phd dissertation using HyperCard to organize data (a dialect
study of the North American aboriginal language Ojibwe). I am presently
teaching at the University of Wisconsin (Madison) in American Indian
Studies, seeking to help preserve the Ojibwe language (most aboriginal
languages in the world will die out in the next two generations due to
pressures of globalization). Most of my Revolution work will involve
producing stacks to help language learners. I use Mac OS9, X.1.2, and
Windows 2000. I built my first runrev language stack today, and have a
couple of questions for the group:

1. If you use a player and external sounds, is there any way to
relativize the path to the sounds? For example, I have cards that have
Ojibwe written on them, and when the user clicks on a button, my
pronunciation of the Ojibwe is heard-- via a player that finds an audio
(wav) file. But how do I generalize the paths in the players so that a
downloaded copy of the runrev stack with associated audiofiles will be
able to find the audio files without the user's having to know how to
link files? Could you use the default folder to good effect in this
case? Help!

2. How necessary is it to have external audio files? What is the size
threshold in terms of final stack size? For example, if I have a set of
say 25 audio files that are each about 50K, will it really tax a typical
Windows or Mac system to have all of these audio files embedded in a
single RunRev file (ie, overload memory to load this stack)? What
guidelines can be given as to size? This would really help novice

3. To the RunRev team: We need a stack repository, where people can
upload stacks to give others ideas about developing their own materials.
This will only help Revolution thrive as a commercial product. The docs
for runrev are a great start, but they are still very limited. Stack
examples will help people with particular interests to see
implementations of projects of the sort that they themselves are
undertaking. It's funny-- runrev produces in me the same kind of
loyalty/devotion that the mac does- something about aesthetics and the
quality of life. I _love_ this program. It will help Ojibwe to survive.

Okay, enough for now. Thanks for your help, dear fellow programmers.

rand valentine
u of wisconsin-madison

use-revolution mailing list