

One customer of mine can't start my Rev Apps on his new Win7 machine. After
double clicking my App with admin rights and also with right mouse "as
admin" just nothing happens, no window opens, no error message, no task
running. The only thing is the windows event log, which tells about a very
generic Application Error, EventID 1000. Up to now, my two rev apps are the
only one with this strange behaviour. Both Apps run up to today on all other
Win7 machines without any probs.

After going behind this mysterious behaviour whole day long, googling,
trying to switch off the virus scan and windows firewall I am not sure, if
it is an issue of Rev or any other component on his machine. My suspicion is
that it is related to the UAC or any other permission thing, but he has
switched off his UAC to the lowest level, and I don't know what to check for

Does anybody has seen this behaviour or has a hint, what to check for?

Thanks for any ideas





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