Re: checkbox state per card

2001-11-29 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Jamie wrote:

> What is the simplest way to make a checkboxe remember a separate
> state for each card?

If I understand your question, you simply set the sharedHilite property of
each checkbox to false.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Japanese on Revolution

2001-12-07 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Is anyone using Japanese text in a Revolution application? I am aware of the
> limitations with 16bit fonts but perhaps there is someone using a workaround
> that may be suitable.

What workaround are you looking for?

If you're talking about *display* of fonts, REV should work just fine as
long as the appropriate fonts and support are available on the user's
system.  MacOS requires the Japanese language kit, while Windows needs
either system level support or a third party enhancement such as those
available from TwinBridge systems (

I've built a MetaCard application that displays text in 5 languages, with
two of them being double byte Chinese.  The only limitation I found was that
text needs to be broken manually -- MC wraps lines based on spaces between
words.  Maybe MC/REV will come up with a fix to wrap by character at some



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Japanese on Revolution

2001-12-07 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Dave Cragg wrote:

> In addition to the wrapping issue, you'll have to watch for the
> mac/iso conversions that Rev automatically does in fields when
> changing between Mac and Windows. Japanese text that is Shift-JIS
> coded, for example, is the same on Mac and Windows. But Rev will try
> to convert when you switch platforms. One way round this is to keep
> the text in a custom property and load it into a field when needed,
> on openCard for example.

Another option is to store the text as external files in their own folder
and read them in at runtime or when needed (what I did in my project).  This
way writers/editors can easily make corrections to simple text files and you
just need to dump the new files into the main folder when you make updates.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Japanese on Revolution

2001-12-07 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thanks Scott for the advice. I don't think spaces will be a problem since
> Japanese does not have any, at least not single byte ones.

Actually, this is indeed a problem.  If there are no spaces present in the
text, the text will not wrap in the field, and you will get the appearance
of having only a single incomplete text line in the field.  Spaces must be
present in the text in order for MC to know where to break and wrap the



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: best way to read and write variables?

2001-12-10 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Almesjö Niklas wrote:

> Come on people.. give me a hand here. this must be a
> common task, no?
> - What is the simplest way to store variables outside
> of Rev?

Write data to a text file or another stack.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Stack Security

2001-12-10 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

> I'm writing a stack which accesses a server using a username and password.
> It there any way I can 'protect' this stack from being opened in RR or MC
> without creating a standalone?

Giving the stack a password is one way.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #57 - 12 msgs

2001-12-10 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Almesjö Niklas wrote:

> Is there any message sent when a movie (player) is
> done playing?


Query "the target" to get the short name of the player if you need it.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to pass data to a launched process

2001-12-11 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Gene Kennedy wrote:

> I have read the Transcript dictionary descriptions of the process-related
> commands
> namely: Open Process, Close Process, Write to Process and Read from Process
> but do
> not have an understanding yet as to how one actually sets up the
> inter-application
> process.
> What I'd like to do is to create two applications A & B.  Normally only app A
> would be running however under certain conditions I would like App a to open
> process B then send it some initialization data.  Then, after process B has
> done
> its work, send data back to process A (or have process a "Read from Process
> B").
> What do you use as a container in each app to send and receive the data to and
> fro?  Does anybody have an example they would be willing to share?

One way to do this (actually two ways) is AppleEvents on MacOS and DDE
(Dynamic Data Exchange) on Windows, which requires Tuviah Snyder's external
collection.  I've done this on the Windows side only, just by following the
examples in the external stack.  Let me know if this is of any use to you.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: displaying a Web page

2001-12-12 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Andre Rombauts wrote:

> How can I display a web page on a card?

REV doesn't interpret HTML, if that's what you're asking.  You either need
to parse the HTML yourself and build your own rendering of the page (pretty
major chore unless it's a simple page), or display a screenshot of the page.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: setting the default folder to the folder where the stack is..

2001-12-14 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Sjoerd Op 't Land wrote:

> So, optimized we'd get:
> function getFolderFromFilename tFilename
> set itemDel to "/"
> return item 1 to -2 of tFilename & "/"
> end function getFolderFromFilename
> Note: I wrote "set the itemDelimiter" as "set itemDel", because they're
> equivalent, and it takes MC some piece of time for each char it has process.
> So: "the shorter written, the faster compiled"
> (I note for myself, that having used the starter kit for a long time, is a
> good training for short-writing.)

The above could be even shorter:

function getFolderFromFilename tFilename
  set itemDel to "/";return item 1 to -2 of tFilename & "/"
end getFolderFromFilename

Also note that the last line should not include the word "function"



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Close Certain Process?

2001-12-14 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Josh Dye wrote:

> Is there a way to close a certain open process (Program) in Windows? I
> am running Windows 2k Pro I tried something like this...
> on mouseup
> close process "winamp.exe"
> end mouseup
> I thought that would work, but it doesn't even give me an error message. If
> you were to press "Ctrl+Alt+Delete" in Win 2k, clicked "Task Manager", then
> selected "Processes", then scroll down. I would see a lot of different
> programs, And, "winamp.exe" would be listed with the others. I want to close
> that Process. Any ideas?

If you opened a process from MC, you can check the openProcesses to see a
list of apps.

If you're trying to find any non-MC-launched apps, I don't believe there's a
built-in way to do this, but Tuviah Snyder's external collection can provide
a list of applications that are displayed as open in the task bar.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Finding

2002-01-05 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Richard D. Miller wrote:

> 2. I have a field with 500 lines, each line containing a number. How do I
> find all the lines which equal one particular value? Is there anything
> easier and faster than using something like the offset command in a loop?

If I understand your question, one way could be like the following:

put myValue into N
put fld myField into tData
put empty into tSummary
repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines of tData
  if line x of tData = N then put x & "," after tSummary
end repeat
delete last char of tSummary

The variable tSummary should contain a comma delimited list of all line
numbers in your field which match your test value.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Finding

2002-01-05 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Richard D. Miller wrote:

> Thanks for the suggestion, but I was thinking of some a little bit
> a true find or search command (which seems to be SORELY
> lacking from Rev). The routine you propose is WAY too slow for my needs. It
> might work ok for a few hundred lines, but not for thousands.

Perhaps you could define what "WAY too slow" is.  By searching a variable
instead of the field itself, MC's processing time is significantly reduced.
MC is quite fast in this regard; you may wish to try some tests.

As a small test of my own, I made a field, filled it with 5000 lines of
random numbers, and ran the routine I suggested to find all occurrences of
the number 10.  On a 450mHz Mac, MC returns the result in 1.016 seconds.
Doesn't seem too slow to me...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Finding

2002-01-05 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Geoff Canyon wrote:

> Whenever repeating your way through data, the repeat for each form is
> generally much faster.

Great point Geoff.  I didn't realize the counter would increment correctly
*within* the repeat loop.  My test file completed 50,000 lines in 10 ticks
(161 milliseconds).  So much for repeat loops being way too slow. :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RAPID SEQUENCE of audioclips on a Mac

2002-01-07 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, J. Scott Saults wrote:

> For more than 12 years I've used HyperCard and SuperCard to present
> sequences of sounds, usually recorded speech but occasionally  tones,
> to be used as stimuli in STM memory research. Arbitrary sequences of
> up to 20 sound resources can be played by simply issuing a series of
> 'play' commands. While the first sound begins playing, the remaining
> sounds are quickly loaded and cued to play in order, one immediately
> after the other. This provides a reasonably clean, reliable and
> precise sequence of sounds in which the onset-to-onset times,
> determined by the duration of the digitized samples, can be
> controlled within a few milliseconds. I can accomplish the same basic
> task in Revolution on the PC only by using the external commands of
> the MCPsych. DLLs, as far as I know. How can I do this in Revolution
> on a Mac, with or (preferably) without external commands?

As a developer, I would also like this ability in MC/REV, and have argued
over the years that having the MetaCard folks maintain control over sound
within MC would be much better than handing off audio support to QuickTime.
QT does have some advantages for playback, but seamless playback of multiple
clips is not one of them.

One thing to confirm first is that your sounds can be present as imported
audio clips, not as external files.  I'm not sure about Hypercard but I know
that SuperCard can only play multiple clips seamlessly when the clips are
stored as internal sound resources.

If your stack allows you to rely on imported sounds, the following script
may work for you.  I've done a couple of tests that seem to play imported
multiple clips back-to-back seamlessly, something which I don't believe is
doable with player objects due to inherent delay that results from loading
an unloading file references.

First, create a field named "cliplist" and enter all the names of your
imported clips that you want to play, delimited with commas
(myclip1,myclip2,myclip3,etc).  Then create a playback button with this

on mouseUp
  if the sound is not "done" then
play stop
set the uCurrClip of me to empty
exit mouseUp
  end if
  set the uCurrClip of me to 1
end mouseUp

Next, place this handler in your stack:

on runAudio
  if the sound is "done" then
if the uCurrClip of me > the number of items of fld cliplist then
  set the uCurrClip of me to empty
  exit runAudio
end if
play audioClip (item (the uCurrClip of me) of fld cliplist)
set the uCurrClip of me to the uCurrClip of me + 1
  end if
  send "runAudio" to me in 5 milliseconds
end runAudio

When clicking the playback button, the result should be that the clips in
your cliplist are played seamlessly, back-to-back, with playback ceasing as
the end of the cliplist is reached.  The principle here is to establish a
timer which constantly checks the state of sound playback in your stack;
when any playing sound has finished, the next clip in your list is played.

Hope this helps.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: RAPID SEQUENCE of audioclips on a Mac

2002-01-07 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Scott Rossi wrote:

> Next, place this handler in your stack:
> on runAudio
> if the sound is "done" then
> if the uCurrClip of me > the number of items of fld cliplist then
> set the uCurrClip of me to empty
> exit runAudio
> end if
> play audioClip (item (the uCurrClip of me) of fld cliplist)
> set the uCurrClip of me to the uCurrClip of me + 1
> end if
> send "runAudio" to me in 5 milliseconds
> end runAudio

I neglected to add this line at the beginning of the handler:

  if the uCurrClip of me is empty then exit runAudio

Anyway, things should work as expected.  Let us know if they don't.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

[OT] Re: Revolution dinner at MacWorld tonight

2002-01-10 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Geoff Canyon wrote:

> Any revolutionaries in the area can come by.

I went by the Rev booth yesterday to meet Kevin Miller and company in person
and wish them well.  I already know Kevin is very gregarious both personally
and business-wise, but after only 5 minutes of chatting, he pulled out some
Post-It(TM) notes began interrogating me about features I wanted to see
added to Rev.

For those folks who are concerned about lack of support from the Rev group,
you have little to worry about, IMO. :-)



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Brightness and Contrast

2002-01-16 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Marten van den Berg wrote:

> I already tryed to perform such a repeat loop for the brigthess case, but an
> imagae has a lot of pixels to process. I works but is far to slow. For now
> I'm using a white and a black image blending over the original image which
> works fine for displaying, but actualy I want the possibility to alter the
> original image.

Hi Marten:

I'm wondering if you might be able to share the code you used to affect your

Thanks & Regards,


Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Installing a CD on Windows, Unix

2002-01-17 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Richard D. Miller wrote:

> I'd like to hear recommendations on Windows installation programs.

I've used WiseInstall for a couple of years (recommended by Richard Gaskin).
Last I checked it was about $200 for basic install features and $400 for
editable scripts.  I started with the basic version but quickly realized
script editing was key.  I've used it to created several moderately complex
installs and it has worked well for me.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Doesn't operate properly in Windows, answer command

2002-01-18 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Richard D. Miller wrote:

> Secondly, I can't get the Answer command to work at all during runtime on
> Mac or Windows. ASK works fine, but Answer does nothing. Works fine in
> development mode, but not during Runtime.

The answer dialog is simply an additional stack that you need to include in
your own stack if you're going to distribute your stack separately from the
development environment.  I think it's called "Distribution Builder" in Rev
or something similar -- make sure review all the options here when building
your stacks as standalones.



Scott Rossi   Tactile Media - Multimedia & Design
Creative Director Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Multilingual interface

2002-01-19 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Terry Vogelaar wrote:

> Who has bright ideas on how to handle multilingual projects?

I don't know if they're bright ideas, but here's what we did.

We used a single stack to display content, with all text content, button
labels, alerts, etc stored in external text files.  All the files were
grouped in folders by language, and were provided by the client's
translators.  The benefit of this arrangement was the client could edit
content as often as they wanted, and all we had to do was swap the new text
files with the old.  We could also give development versions of the stack to
the client, and they could edit text and see the results of the editing in
place, without having to know anything about MC.

The stack had a language selection screen presented at startup.  Selecting a
language simply told the stack which set of external content to use when
loading the content into fields on various cards.

Alert/error dialog messages were all stored in a single text file for each
language, and were read into a global variable at startup for easy access.

This setup seemed to work ok, especially since text translators were located
all over the place and had different schedules for turning around
translations.  It is a lot of external files to manage, but if there's going
to be a lot of editing taking place, external files are much easier to deal


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: copy a image/binary file on a mac

2002-01-19 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Geoff Canyon wrote:

> Note that a SimpleText file has no resource fork, but does have a type and a
> creator.

This is not actually the case.  If you add any style (bold, italic, etc) of
other style edits, flags are added to the resource fork.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: messages to buttons when the mouse is already down

2002-01-21 Thread Scott Rossi

On Monday, January 21, 2002, at 02:50 PM, Michael J. Lew wrote:

> I would like to track the movement of the mouse through an array of 
> buttons by hilighting each button that the mouse (button already down) 
> passes over. However, the mouseEnter, mouseMove, mouseWithin messages 
> are only sent to the first button because that button receives the 
> mouseDown event and is the target. Similarly the mouseControl function 
> (yes, it took me a couple of tries to notice that it was a function and 
> not a message!) only returns the target.

Not sure exactly what your difficulty is here.  The mouseEnter and 
mouseLeave messages should be enough to do what you want.  If you know 
the names of all the buttons you want to respond and they're unique, you 
could do something like the following:

First, establish a custom property stack to store the names of all your 

set the uTrackButtonNames of this stack to "buttonName1, buttonName2, 
buttonName3" etc.

Then place the following in the stack script:

on mouseEnter
   if word 1 of the name of the target is not "button" then exit 
   if short name of the target is in the uTrackButtonNames of this stack 
then \
   set the hilite of the target to true
end mouseEnter

on mouseLeave
   if word 1 of the name of the target is not "button" then exit 
   if short name of the target is in the uTrackButtonNames of this stack 
then \
   set the hilite of the target to false
end mouseLeave

These handlers will only respond to button mouse events and even then 
only when the button names are part of the master name list stored in 
the custom property.  Also, if you want to update which buttons respond 
and which don't, simply update the master list.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Re Hiding Data

2002-01-21 Thread Scott Rossi

Another option is continue using the source file externally but either 
1) encoding it, such as using base 64 or some other encoding scheme 
and/or compression, or 2) placing the data within a user property of a 
stack, and password protecting the stack.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Password protecting to hide data

2002-01-23 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, January 23, 2002, at 01:39 PM, Richard D. Miller wrote:

> I'm interested in this idea of password protecting the stack, but it's 
> not
> clear from the documentation how this is done.

It's pretty straightforward:

set the password of stack myStack to mypassword

Make sure you save your stack to have the password applied.
Then, to "unlock" a stack via script:

set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword

To remove password protection from a stack:

set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword
set the password of stack myStack to empty

And save.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Password protecting to hide data

2002-01-23 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, January 23, 2002, at 02:15  PM, I wrote:

> On Wednesday, January 23, 2002, at 01:39 PM, Richard D. Miller wrote:
>> I'm interested in this idea of password protecting the stack, but it's 
>> not
>> clear from the documentation how this is done.
> It's pretty straightforward:
>set the password of stack myStack to mypassword
> Make sure you save your stack to have the password applied.
> Then, to "unlock" a stack via script:
>set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword
> To remove password protection from a stack:
>set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword
>set the password of stack myStack to empty
> And save.

I suppose it's worth mentioning that I do all this stuff from the 
message box -- these script snippets are not to be placed in your stack.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Closestack and destroystack

2002-01-23 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, January 23, 2002, at 02:02  PM, Richard D. Miller wrote:

> Let's say I've got a stack with one field in it holding data. When 
> another
> stack starts up, I want that stack to just grab the data from the first
> stack and that's it. I don't want the first stack to stay in memory

> Here's what I've done: created a closestack routine in the data stack. 
> It
> contains one line: set the destroystack of me to true.

The destroyStack property is one that is set for the stack and remains 
persistent when the stack is saved, just like the backgroundColor or any 
of the other properties.  There's no need to set the destroyStack 
property every time you open or close a stack.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: "" characters

2002-01-23 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, January 23, 2002, at 04:40  PM, Aurélien Durand wrote:

> How is it possible to include the "" charaters in a "x" expression? For
> example a name with a sub-name like Michael "Air" Jordan in an 
> expression
> like: put "Michael "Air" Jordan" into variable… The "" characters cause
> interferences and interrupt the script. Is there any way to resolve this
> problem?

   put "Michael" && quote & "Air" & quote && "Jordan" into variable


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Ask dialog and write file to disc

2002-01-24 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Magnus von Brömsen wrote:

> So, can anybody tell me what is wrong with this script:
> on mouseUp 
> ask file "Save your order" with "Untitled.txt"
> if it is empty then exit mouseUp
> open it 
> write field "totalOrder" to file it
> end mouseUp 

Looks like you're missing a line to finish the write command.  Try this:

  open file it 
  write field "totalOrder" to file it
  close file it


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Password protecting to hide data

2002-01-24 Thread Scott Rossi

The password protects the scripts of a stack and the ability to copy 
anything out of it.  It does not prevent opening a stack if you have 
MetaCard or Revolution.

If you're trying to completely hide your data, you can try these options 
(there may be others):

1) place your data in the script of a stack, or an object in the stack, 
and password protect the stack; you will then need to set the passkey of 
the stack before you try to extract the data (you may need to comment 
the lines so MC/REV doesn't try to treat your data as a script)

2) encode your data in an external text file using base64encode or other 
encoding scheme

3) store your encoded data in a user property of a stack

You'll have to try these and see if any is workable for your situation.

On Thursday, January 24, 2002, at 09:14  AM, Richard D. Miller wrote:

> I have no success with this process. I create a new stack, with one 
> field. I
> put some data in it. I set its password from the message box. I save it.
> Nothing happens. I can open the stack later and see everything in it. I 
> can
> freely access the content of the field. If I ask for its password, it 
> gives
> me back an encrypted password. I can't get this to work. Are you 
> certain it
> works in OS9 with 1.1.1? What could I be missing?
> Richard
>> It's pretty straightforward:
>> set the password of stack myStack to mypassword
>> Make sure you save your stack to have the password applied.
>> Then, to "unlock" a stack via script:
>> set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword
>> To remove password protection from a stack:
>> set the passKey of stack myStack to mypassword
>> set the password of stack myStack to empty
>> And save.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Basic Question: Text Field wrapping

2002-01-29 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Brent Neal wrote:

>>> Is there something odd with wrapping in text fields in the OS X version?

>> Does the text have spaces in it?

> No. I just tapped at random keys (i.e. asdfasfdasdf).  Consider
> SimpleText. If you hold down a single key, when it reaches the text
> field width, it starts over on the next line. That shouldn't matter.

Unfortunately, wrapping lines of text in MC/REV requires that there be
spaces among characters.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: MP3 File Support?

2002-01-30 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Rick Harrison wrote:

> Does Revolution support MP3 files at all?

You can play MP3s using a player object using standard player syntax.  Note
that on some Windows systems, playback may not occur if QuickTime is not
installed.  Otherwise, MP3s should play on Mac systems via QT and on Windows
via QT or whatever multimedia/player software is installed.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: wrapping lines of text

2002-02-03 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Mark Mitchell wrote:

> Scott Rossi writes:
> Unfortunately, wrapping lines of text in MC/REV requires that there be
> spaces among characters.
> Is this why it doesn't work with 2 byte Japanese fonts?  I notice if you "put"
> Japanese into a field (set for the appropriate
> 2byte font) it does not wrap.

Yes.  In my experience, double byte fonts (or any lines of text that do not
contain spaces) need to be wrapped manually.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using a graphic instead of the standard window shape

2002-02-04 Thread Scott Rossi

On Monday, February 4, 2002, at 07:48  AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

> I wonder...  is it possible to use a Rev command to do a snapshot of the
> desktop, but only the area that is behind the Rev application using its
> rect coordinates?  Then... import that cropped image into the 
> applications
> background, making the app appear to be invisible. Hmmm... Can a script 
> do
> this magic?

Sure, this has been before.  However, two problems have come into play 
with Mac OSX in that:
1) all windows cast live shadows on the desktop, making hidden 
application windows pretty much impossible; and
2) the live dragging of windows requires that you must A) capture the 
entire desktop at startup to use a backdrop for your window in case it 
is dragged, and B) quickly update the position of captured image as you 
drag the window around the desktop.  The result is somewhat believable 
but pretty jerky.

What is really needed here is a flexible WDEF system that works with 
OSX.  I've done some testing with Odo (a custom WDEF for Mac systems) 
which seems to indicate that it no longer works under OSX, which is not 
surprising given it was written almost 8 years ago.  But this type of 
control is something Mac developers will need to create any custom 
window shapes.  Anyone out there OSX savvy enough to write this?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Irregular Shaped Windows and Transparency

2002-02-06 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, February 6, 2002, at 02:15  AM, Matt Denton wrote:

> I'm trying to find out if there is a relatively easy way to simulate or 
> create irregularly shaped windows with transparency, similar to Audion 
> on the Mac.  I'm hoping there is a way to do it across most common 
> platforms: Mac OS9, PC and again under OSX, I haven't seen it under 
> Windows.

Easy is a relative term.

Custom window shapes can be done in MC/REV on OS9 (Odo WDEF) and Windows 
(RunRev external collection) but apparently there is not yet any way to 
handle this on OSX.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Irregular Shaped Windows and Transparency

2002-02-06 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, February 6, 2002, at 10:20  AM, Troy Rollins wrote:

>> Custom window shapes can be done in MC/REV on OS9 (Odo WDEF) and 
>> Windows
>> (RunRev external collection) but apparently there is not yet any way to
>> handle this on OSX.
> Interesting. Do you know if this supports levels of transparency or 
> just one
> bit masks?

Until OSX (and possibly XP), no system has ever supported higher than 1 
bit masking, as far as I know.  Even Audion on OS9 used a hack of 
clipping portions of the desktop within the player window and then 
placing a shadow graphic on the clipped region to make it appear as if 
the player cast dropshadows with variable translucency (8 bits).  But it 
still used a one bit mask.  So the answer to your question is, one bit 
masks only for pre OSX and XP systems.  We'll have to wait and see what 
is possible on OSX and XP.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: More hierarchical menu problems

2002-02-07 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Tim wrote:

> I have a button menu with 3 items and two of those items contain 2 sub-items
> each.  The script is fairly straightfoward:
> On menuPick
> switch tChosen
> case "item1"
> statements
> break
> case "item2"
> statements
> break
> case "item3"
> statements
> break
> case "sub-item1a"
> statements
> break
> case "sub-item1b"
> statements
> break
> case "sub-item2a"
> statements
> break
> case "sub-item2b"
> statements
> break
> end switch
> end menuPick
> When I select any sub-items I get statements executed as though I selected
> some other items. The hierarchical menu is configured with returns and tabs
> and looks OK. Could this be a bug?

Try adding the statement you want to switch:

  on menuPick tChosen

Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Repeats and mouse events

2002-02-13 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, February 13, 2002, at 01:11  PM, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:

> The following is a script I experimented with in Hypercard which uses 
> the
> addColor XCMD to color hilite buttons, rather than the B&W button 
> Autohilite
> property. It's simple, and can be used in an offscreen handler that will
> make all the buttons which call it behave the same way, e.g., just like
> autohilite. I'd think it would belong in a group script in RR. It's the
> recoloring technique that you want to look at.
> on mouseUp
>   autoColorHilite
> end mouseUp
> on autoColorHilite
>   addColor,colorButton,bg,id of the target,"39321,26214,13107",2
>   repeat while the mouse is down
> if the mouseLoc is within the rect of the target then
>   addColor colorButton,bg,id of the target,"39321,26214,13107",2
> else addColor colorButton,bg,id of the target,"52428,39321,26214",2
>   end repeat
>   -- you can do all your mouseUp operations here OR use a mouseUp 
> handler
> end autoColorHilite

If you're looking to simply manage highlighting of buttons with a 
central script, the following is one way.

In your button script:

on mouseDown
end mouseDown

on mouseDoubleDown # include this handler to trap fast clicks
end mouseDoubleDown

on mouseUp
end mouseUp

on mouseDoubleUp # include this handler to trap fast clicks
end mouseDoubleUp

on mouseRelease
end mouseRelease

In your stack script:

on manageDownState
   if within(the target,the mouseLoc) then \
   set the backColor of the target to 0,255,0 #

use-revolution mailing list

Re: controlkeydown

2002-02-20 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, February 20, 2002, at 04:30  PM, Pierre Delain wrote:

> Sorry but when I use controlkeydown T (without the quotes, as you 
> say), I
> get a result, but the result is the same whatever the key. I if press 
> ctrl F
> or ctrl G, for example, the result is exactly the same as ctrl T!!
>  So the question remains : how to use controlkeydown to get a different
> result for ctrl T or ctrl F?

The following works for me:

on controlKeyDown K
if K = "T" then doMyTstuff
if K = "F" then doMyFstuff
end controlKeyDown


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Window positions

2002-02-21 Thread Scott Rossi

On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 03:46  AM, Richard D. Miller wrote:

> In the runtime mode (i.e. when starting up and running with a standalone
> stack and associated stacks), will Rev automatically update and save the
> topleft position of stacks under Windows, or must this be updated by 
> script?
> I thought saving was automatic.
> We have users telling us they believe they are moving stacks to certain
> positions on the screen, shutting them down, then re-opening them, only 
> to
> find they are not re-opening to the last location where they had left 
> them.
> I'd like to hear feedback on this behavior.

Stacks need to be saved in order to have window positioned saved.  
Window positions cannot be saved in standalones but you can set windows 
positions in a preOpenStack handler.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse state

2002-02-21 Thread Scott Rossi

On Thursday, February 21, 2002, at 03:27  PM, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:

>>> Doesn't "grab" do what you want? I think it suspends other messages 
>>> while
>>> the user is dragging and automatically exits when the user lets go of 
>>> the
>>> mouse button.
>> No, drag doesn't let me check whether the object has been dragged into 
>> the
>> bounds of another while the dragging is still going on.
> --
> I need to do the exact same thing in an eduware game stack. I'll be 
> watching
> for the solutions while trying my own.

Is this what you folks are trying to do?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Drawing speed

2002-02-22 Thread Scott Rossi

On Friday, February 22, 2002, at 06:22  AM, Jim Hurley wrote:

> I concede the difficulties in speedily running color vs. black and 
> white, and the improvement in the current release is much appreciated. 
> However there remains a considerable gap between MC/RR and HC. For 
> example, the following script draws concentric boxes of ever decreasing 
> size.
> on mouseUp
>   clean
>   put 100 into a
>   put  300 into b
>   put 2 into da
>   choose the line tool
>   put the ticks into startTime
>   repeat 50 --draw boxes of ever decreasing size
> drag from a,a to b,a
> drag from b,a to b,b
> drag from b,b to a,b
> drag from a,b to a,a
> add da to a
> subtract da from b
>   end repeat
>   put the ticks - startTime into field 1
>   choose the browse tool
> end mouseUp
> on clean
>   repeat until the number of images = 0
> delete image 1
>   end repeat
> end clean
> This script takes 265 ticks on average in RR and  30 ticks in HC on 
> cards of identical size. (I realize that this can be done more 
> efficiently with the rectangle tool and that a graphic would be faster 
> than an image. My  purpose was to measure the drag speed. ) The 
> discrepancy would be less in Windows.

Since I'm fairly entrenched in graphics work, this post caught my eye.  
One thing you need to keep in mind with MC/REV is that usually, not 
always, but usually there are similar ways to achieve what you've done 
before using alternate methods.  For example, I ran the above script and 
timed a rough average of 111 ticks.  Then instead of choosing the line 
tool, I chose the pencil tool, and drawing time was reduced to 37 
ticks.  Adding a "lock screen" reduced the overall time to 9 ticks -- 
virtually immediate.

> In my case, to properly implement Turtle Graphics, I hunger for a 
> speedy monochromatic drawing  mode.

I seem to recall my experience in Turtle Graphics (around 20 years ago!) 
involving the creation of a list of points that the "Turtle" then 
rendered by dragging from point to point, with pen up and pen down 
instructions.  I would imagine the above mentioned pencil tool will 
achieve what you need with no time penalty.  And also you get the 
benefit of color (back in those days the only screen color was 
phosphorescent green...).

Hope this helps.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse state

2002-02-23 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:

>> If you have a specific need that seems to require "repeat while the mouse is
>> down," post it and we'll see if we can figure a way around it.
> --
> Not exactly, but, how about this:
> on mousestilldown
> put max(81,min(557,the mouseh)) into x
> put max(167,min(287,the mousev)) into y
> set the loc of me to x,y
> end mousestilldown
> ...This is an oval (made round) button with the hilite set to true. It 'sees
> through' a black-filled rectangular box, like a spyglass, so the user can
> see portions of a color image underneath. It stays within the borders of the
> box as you drag it around. The user is looking for an object.
> When they find what they believe is the correct object, release the mouse
> button

If I understand your request, this is one way you could do the above.  Make
3 small graphics named box 1, box 2 and box 3 within the region you define.
Then place the following script in your oval:

on mouseDown
  set the uAllowMove of me to true
end mouseDown

on mouseMove x,y
  if not the uAllowMove of me then exit mouseMove
  set the loc of me to (max(81,min(557,x))),(max(167,min(287,y)))
end mouseMove

on mouseUp
  set the uAllowMove of me to empty
  put "box1,box2,box3" into bList
  repeat for each item B in bList
if within(me,loc of grc B) then
  put "You found box" && B
  exit repeat
else put empty
  end repeat
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
end mouseRelease


This should display the name (in the message box) of any box graphic that
falls within the oval when the mouse is released.

BTW, did you look at the drag example I posted a few days ago?

You might find this useful.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Polling the mouse state

2002-02-23 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:

>> on mouseRelease
>> mouseUp
>> end mouseRelease
> --
> Is this some kind of backup redundancy for PC's? As far as I know, the
> mouseUp message gets sent automatically when you release the mouse, and
> doesn't need a separate handler.

You need this handler in case the mouse is released when it falls outside
the rect of the dragged object.  You risk missing the mouseUp event if you
don't include this handler.

>> BTW, did you look at the drag example I posted a few days ago?
> --
> I haven't yet. I couldn't get it to DL. I'm using a Mac. I'll try again
> later.

I use Macs as well.  Just control click the link and choose "Download link
to disk" or equivalent.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: sort stack by short id of this card

2002-02-25 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>> I have a stack I am scripting for work.  For years I have been using this in
>> Hypercard.  It is a "Form" made of six cards (designed to print cards 1 &2 on
>> one page, cards 3 & 4 on the next page and cards 5 &6, on the last page). I
>> have rewriten it in transcript and am now setting it to copy itself, and sort
>> so that I have each form in order by field "Order Number".  (on mouseUpgo
>> first  repeat cardgo nextsort stack by short id of
>> this card)
>> Everything works fineuntill I got to Card ID 1. Now card id 1 has
>> decided it wants to be first in the card order.

> There are 6 cards for each (1) form.  The 6 cards have the same "Index
> Number". In order to keep all of the cards in order they are being sortd by
> shot id of card  When I get to id 1
> (this card is card #3 in the cequence) the cards start to get out of
> sequence.  Consiter that the first thing that happends is "go first". this
> means that card #3 is being copied fired and recieving the first id.  From
> there on the cards are copied and sorted in the wrong order.

Relying on the short ID numbers seems pretty limiting.  Is there any reason
you can't create your own numbering system and use that to sort the cards?

For example, establish a user property for each card, like "uSortNumber":

   set the uSortNumber of this cd to XX

Each time you duplicate your cards, the user property will be duplicated
with each card, so you'll have to update the numbers (properties).

Then sort your stack's cards by this property:

   sort cards of this stack by the uSortNumber of this cd


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: apply the profile of one button to another

2002-02-25 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Sivakatirswami wrote:

> Let me try to restate this in the bare-est of terms as so far I can't figure
> it out
> Make a button, set a profile with attributes call it "MacOSstandard"
> Now, how does one apply this to another button(s)?
> should be simple I know, but somehow, it is escaping me.

Sounds like you could use the templateButton...


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: A helping Hand with Graphics speed and masks

2002-02-26 Thread Scott Rossi

On Tuesday, February 26, 2002, at 03:49  AM, Matt Denton wrote:

> I'm building a cute little app that displays a series off five animated 
> objects, based on a series of timed events, animating usually only one 
> object at a time.  I'm having a lot of trouble getting the 'speed' up 
> and keeping it consistent.  I know some clever cookies on this list 
> have worked out or found ways to speed up -- sometimes many many 
> multiples of speed increase, such as pencil tool instead of line tool 
> for turtle graphics -- all sorts of graphics and text handling.  I'm 
> hoping someone can help...

> The problem is I have 10 objects, each with masks attached.  Originally 
> I fudged the masks, and tried animated GIFs with but that blew out my 
> project size as I had to 'render off' about 200 animations, ie no 
> masks.  Surprisingly the animated GIFs didn't seem to perform very well 
> anyway...???

FWIW, animated GIFs *should* work fine.  I've built a lot of things you 
shouldn't do with animated GIFs in MC and have had good results.  One 
stack in particular ran between 30 and 40 animated GIFs simultaneously, 
randomly changing frames and positions, and this worked flawlessly on 
Mac systems (but choked on Win98), so I'm not sure why you are 
experiencing problems as you describe.  Your laptop *may* have an old 
video driver (if there is one) or high power optimization settings.

Keep in mind you don't have to rely on the built in frame timing of the 
GIF -- you can use MC/REV to display any frame of the GIF at any time.  
I often purposely set frame timing to 1 fps when building GIFs for use 
in MC/REV so I can see the results on screen when controlled via 
script.  Write your own scripts to manage GIF playback, and take note of 
the following functions:
- frameCount
- repeatCount
- currentFrame

And now that we can control the blendLevel of images, you can play 
animated GIFs translucently, while moving them across the screen and 
controlling their frame rate as desired.  This is a somewhat 
underestimated feature of MC/REV for creating animation that in some 
cases rivals video.

As far as PNGs go, my experience has been that manual image swapping 
(via setting the icon of a button) can achieve almost the same 
speed/performance as animated GIF, even with 8 bit masks, as long as the 
images do not overlap.  As soon as the objects touch, the playback speed 
drops to about 1/2 of normal speed or less.

Kudos must go to the MC/REV teams for providing all this control over 
images.  Now we just need to get some antialiased text and draw objects 
in there... :-)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Adding contents to a option button

2002-02-27 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, February 27, 2002, at 02:24  PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

> How can I add contents for a button via a script?

Put "Option 1" & cr & "Option 2" & cr & "Option 3" into btn 1


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Debugging on MacOS 7.5

2002-03-04 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Dan Friedman wrote:

> I am having reports of my REV application crashing on startUp on MacOS 7.5.
> So, I installed 7.5 on an old Mac I have lying around and attempted to
> install Revolution on it to debug.

If you can determine this, check the underlying version of MetaCard.
MetaCard 2.3 and earlier should run on MacOS 7.6 and earlier, but the latest
versions of MC won't work.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Constraining 'grab'

2002-03-04 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:

>> He posted it a couple of weeks ago.
> --
> Thanks. I'll have to play with the text of it, it wouldn't download. Nothing
> I have would recognize it.
> I tried to translate with StuffitDeluxe, but no go. Is it supposed to be a
> download stack?

Since you appear to be on a Mac, just go to
control click on the drag_sample link and choose "Download Link to Disk" or


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Constraining 'grab'

2002-03-05 Thread Scott Rossi

On Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 10:26  AM, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:

> I don't understand why
> you use both 'on mouseUp' and on 'mouseRelease'. Aren't they the same 
> thing?

No.  MouseRelease is used to trap when the user releases the mouse 
outside of the dragged control.  A control cannot receive a mouseUp 
message if the mouse is not within the rect of the control.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: scrolling Fields

2002-03-05 Thread Scott Rossi

On Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 10:14  AM, Ian Summerfield wrote:

>>> I'd like to scroll 3 fields side by side (the look of a table-3
>>> columns).
>>> How do I get them to scroll together?
>> Group the fields and use a separate scrollbar object to scroll the
>> group.  Lock the group to keep its size from changing.
> Are you saying to make the fields normal rectangles, ones that don't 
> scroll
> but are big enough to show all the data, then scroll them within the 
> group?

Yes.  You will scroll the group in which the fields appear, not the 
fields themselves.  If necessary, you can use the formattedHeight and 
formattedWidth properties for setting the dimensions of your fields.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Converting long seconds

2002-03-06 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I cannot seem to find the method for converting the long seconds (as in the
> pendingMessages) to the time/ this not possible?

Maybe this does what you want...

function dateAndTime
  put the long seconds into D
  put D into T
  convert D to long date
  convert T to long time
  return D && T
end dateAndTime


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Constraining 'grab'

2002-03-07 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Ken Norris (dialup) wrote:

> How do you release the mouse button outside an object you're dragging? By
> definition, it is within the dragged object, so it's a "mouseUp" situation,
> unless you "beat the clock" by deliberately moving the cursor so fast that
> the dragged object can't catch up, and are able to release the mouse button
> before it does.

The above situation is quite common.  This is why you must have a
mouseRelease handler among your scripts.  I think Geoff already explained
this, but here are some more examples:

1) Like your example above, a very large or translucent object almost NEVER
follows the mouse precisely; there is always a lag while the object tries to
keep up with the mouse position, thus it is possible to release the mouse
while it falls outside the rect of the dragged object.

2) If you drag an object but your cursor moves beyond the edge of the
application window, your mouse no longer falls within the rect of the
dragged object.

3) If you drag an object to the edge of a constraining region, the cursor
will move outside the rect of the dragged object.

The drag sample stack illustrates item 3 above.  If you still have not
downloaded this stack, do so.  You'll probably find it useful.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Transparency

2002-03-20 Thread Scott Rossi

On Tuesday, March 19, 2002, at 03:15  PM, Bill Vlahos wrote:

> It looks like you can make object, including fields, transparent. In 
> fact it looks like you can do it three ways on the Mac. Two are for all 
> platforms and one is Mac only. Two are both set in the ink propery and 
> the other is simply the opaque property.
> Generic: notScrXor
> Mac only: transparent
> My question is can any of these be set for %transparency? This comes 
> from examples in Mac OS X using the Quartz graphics engine.

You can easily fake this by setting the field's fill to none and placing 
an image object behind the field with whatever translucency you want.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: done and wait

2002-03-20 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, March 20, 2002, at 12:28  PM, Klaus Major wrote:

>>  I would like to create some complex presentations to include sound,
>> movement of items on the screen.
>> ...
>> I can only get the "wait" to work with the "sound is done"
>> ...
>> how do I manage to do the following?
>> ...
>> wait until movestopped
>> show Y visual effect Z
>> wait until visual is done

visual effect Z with sound "mySound.wav"


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

More Fun with mouseMove

2002-03-20 Thread Scott Rossi

In the quest for ever more easy/efficient scripts, the following seems 
to work very well for a custom stack drag routine.  Just place this 
script in a button and you should be off and dragging.

on mouseDown
   set the uAllowDrag of me to true
end mouseDown

on mouseMove x,y
   if not the uAllowDrag of me then exit mouseMove
   put globalLoc(x & "," & y) into tLoc
   set topLeft of this stack to \
   item 1 of tLoc - item 1 of the clickLoc,\
   item 2 of tLoc - item 2 of the clickLoc
end mouseMove

on mouseUp
   set the uAllowDrag of me to empty
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
end mouseRelease

Note: I can't recall if MC Corp wants to eliminate the screenMouseLoc 
function; if not, then the mouseMove handler could be written with one 
less line:

on mouseMove
   if not the uAllowDrag of me then exit mouseMove
   set topLeft of this stack to \
   item 1 of the screenMouseLoc - item 1 of the clickLoc,\
   item 2 of the screenMouseLoc - item 2 of the clickLoc
end mouseMove


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: OS X background pattern?

2002-03-25 Thread Scott Rossi

On Monday, March 25, 2002, at 03:35  PM, Dar Scott wrote:

> How do I get the OS X background pattern?

Only modal windows and dialogs have this appearance when the backPattern 
of the main stack is set to empty.  If you want a toplevel stack to user 
to use this pattern, you'll have to use an image and set the backPattern 
of your topLevel stack to the ID of the image.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Using 2-bit Fonts

2002-03-26 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, David Lee Fish wrote:

> I'm building a Japanese language study application and am having problems
> with the fields containing Japanese 2-bit fonts.
> When the contents of a field are in something like Palatino or Helvetica,
> everything works fine but of course the Japanese looks like nonsense.
> When I set the same field and its contents to a Japanese font, like Osaka,
> the text appears correctly,  but line breaks become wacky, I can't edit the
> contents of the field, and clicktext and clickchunk return the entire line.
> What's up?

Unfortunately, there are some limitations with double byte character fonts
in MC/REV:

1) They can't be input reliably, only displayed

2) They must be manually wrapped using spaces as line breaks


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Comparisons with Flash MX?

2002-03-27 Thread Scott Rossi

On Wednesday, March 27, 2002, at 09:28  AM, Ken Ray wrote:

> Not to sway anyone from Rev, but the promise of MX is the ability to 
> run on
> all platforms (including PDAs). There is already support for Flash 5 on 
> the
> latest crop of Pocket PCs, and I know they either currently have or will
> have soon an MX player for Pocket PCs.

Not to mention menu systems of DVDs...

For me, the differentiating features between Flash and MC/REV is 
efficient animation.  If you want to develop compact polished animation 
sequences with morph effects and streaming audio/video, you'll be hard 
pressed to find anything that competes with Flash.

Also, a compelling aspect of Flash is (as Ken said) its promise of 
ubiquity.  Apparently, Macromedia is establishing partnerships with 
hardware/software developers to get Flash everywhere.  One can argue 
that Flash is not a "real" application development environment such as 
MC/REV, but you can't ignore it when MC/REV is not available for your 
delivery platform (browser, PDA, etc).


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: drawing with the "drag" command

2002-03-30 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Brad Allen wrote:

> I'm trying to script the drawing of a hexmap, with each hex having an
> individual set of properties. This is easy to do by manually drawing
> each hex, but I'm having trouble automating this process because of a
> weird quirk of the drag command.
> Whenever I use the drag command with a drawing tool (such as regular
> polygon), Revolution creates a graphic which appears to be the
> expected size, but in fact is part of a bigger graphic which always
> ends up being the size of the entire card window.
> Here is an example script which gives this result:
> on drawHexTest
> set the polysides to 6
> choose regular polygon
> drag from "50,50" to "50,80"
> end drawHexTest
> If I iterate the drag command, each subsequent graphic is within the
> same "canvas" and has the very same id. How can I draw individualized
> graphic objects?

The reg poly tool is used to make image objects.  Try this instead:

  set the style of the templateGraphic to "regular"
  set the rect of templateGraphic to 0,0,40,40
  set the polysides of the templateGraphic to 6
  create graphic


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Naming a card

2002-04-04 Thread Scott Rossi

> after trying to rename the cards several times and working through the 
> debug
> window I can see cards 1-31 are named...but that's it...not 32-on. which
> shows me it might have worked .the script seems to be hanging on the 
> "set
> the name of card part".

> put the cardnames of this stack into MyCards
> put 1 into MyX
> repeat for each line MyLine in MyCards
>   set the name of card MyLine to "Page" & MyX
> put MyX +1 into MyX
> end repeat

Could this work instead?
(run in new stack; creates a set of 100 cards with numbered names)

on buildCards
lock screen
set the name of this card to "Page1"
repeat with N = 2 to 100
   create cd
   set the name of this card to "Page" & N
end repeat
end buildCards


Scott Rossi
Creative Director, Tactile Media

use-revolution mailing list

Re: how send file

2002-04-07 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, John Cuccio wrote:

> How do I change that file or add a file to that folder. Like I do on my
> local hard drive.
> I tried 
> put field 2 into url myfile  -- this does not work

put field 2 into url ("file:" & myFile)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: New registry keys

2002-04-12 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Dar Scott wrote:

> Will setRegistry() automatically make keys?
> (This is one area where I'd rather not experiment.)

Yes.  And experimenting is fine.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: mouseUp and ?? not in pendingMessages

2002-04-16 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Dar Scott wrote:

> I noticed that mouseUp does not show up in pendingMessages.
> What other "pending messages" do not show up in pendingMessages?

I believe the only pending messages returned are those explicitly sent by

   send myMsg to me in 10 seconds


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Where do you put your scripts?

2002-05-03 Thread Scott Rossi

>> Ideally, one should only have to maintain one instance of any
>> control or handler, if that instance is placed in the right spot
>> in the message hierarchy.
> I'm not sure how to do that in many cases.
> Suppose I have cards as maps of several buildings.  Suppose I have
> thermostat "controls" spread all over the maps.  It would be nice
> to be able to maintain one group for all, but I don't know of an
> easy way.

If the same thermostat is present across multiple cards, place the
thermostat in a group with background behavior set to true.  If the readout
of the thermostat is different across multiple cards but the controls that
affect the thermostat are the same, setup the controls as previously
described, but use a card-local readout for each card.

> I might have one thermostat control library and it might be good to
> keep a master thermostat group on a card there.  But what if
> thermostats are used by a variety of control libraries.

Separate what can be used commonly across multiple applications and what
needs to be localized for a specific instance.

> Suppose a couple of those thermostats are modified for controlling
> ovens or for controlling humidity.

Use a general thermostat routine that has subroutines for different
applications (ovens, humidity, etc).

> Suppose I use thermostats in several standalones.

The keep your thermostat routine in an external stack and access it as


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Download Woes

2002-05-15 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Dan Friedman"  wrote:

> I want to download a stack from my web site as a way to update my users.
> However, all I seem to get are errors.
> First, I post the stack as a binary file to my web site.  Then, I just run
> this:
> put ""; into fileToDL
> put "file:/Macintosh HD/myProduct/mystack.rev" into fileToSave
> put url fileToDL into url fileToSave
> After it downloads and I try to "mystack.rev",  I get: "There was a problem
> opening that stack: stack was corrupted by a non-binary file transfer."
> Anything jump out at you?   What am I doing wrong?


put "binfile:/Macintosh HD/myProduct/mystack.rev" into fileToSave

"binfile" means binary file, which is what you want when reading a stack.
Otherwise, "file" means you're reading your stack as a text file.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Switch,Case Structure

2002-05-17 Thread Scott Rossi

> switch (myVar)
> case 1
> doOne
> break
> case 2
> doTwo
> break
> case 3
> doThree
> break
> end switch
> When I do this in my handler, the switch and case lines are aligned
> rather than indented so I've probably pooched something. Any ideas?

What happens if you remove the parenthesis from myVar?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Is there a 'minmize this stack' function?

2002-05-21 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Chipp Walters"  wrote:

> I'm wondering if I can iconify or minimize a window from script. Any ideas?

See the iconic property.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Mac visible file bit?

2002-05-25 Thread Scott Rossi

>> I don't see any native capability to do this within MC/Rev, so you would
>> need an external to do this.

> I thought it would probably take an external to do it.  I'll probably have
> to dust off that codewarrior "C" compiler. Yuk... what a pain after working
> with Rev.  Even Applescript won't do it!

Are you sure about that?  Did you try here?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Mac visible file bit?

2002-05-25 Thread Scott Rossi

>> I don't see any native capability to do this within MC/Rev, so you would
>> need an external to do this.

Just as a challenge, I looked into this a bit more and found this:

At the top of the page you will find Caliban's XCMDs, a large collection of
Hypercard externals.  Download this package, open the stack in ResEdit, open
the XCMD resource and copy the 10th resource in the list named "SetVisible"
into your MC/Rev stack.

Then in your MC/Rev stack, use the following script to hide a file:

  answer file "Locate file:"
  put it into tPath
  delete char 1 of tPath
  replace "/" with ":" in tPath
  SetVisible tPath,false

WARNING:  make sure you know exactly which file you're playing with because
it will disappear.  You would do well to save the original filepath and then
replace "false" in the above script with "true".

This worked for me on OS9.2.2.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: revGoURL solution found

2002-05-26 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Barry Levine wrote:

> before actually using "puy myVar into URL..."etc. sets the creator and
> type to IE and all is resolved. When I use the "revGoURL" command, IE is
> either launched or comes to the foreground and the file is opened.
> Problem resolved...on Macs, anyway. We'll have to see how the
> distribution version on Windows behaves.

Windows works based on file suffix.  If your filename ends in htm or html,
the page will open in the user's default browser.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: copying and saving stacks

2002-06-05 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Kee Nethery"  wrote:

> I have two stacks that are essentially exactly the same except
> they are named differently in the file system and they have different
> stack name properties.
> So why is Revolution balking at me when I try to open both at the same time?
> Asks me if I want to purge the other one when I open the second stack.
> What is up?

Are you sure the stack names are different?  MC/Rev looks at the name of the
stack that is displayed in the stack's titlebar (the name of the stack),
which is usually different from the filename used on the desktop.  Changing
filenames on the desktop does *not* give a stack a new name.  You can read
more in the docs under filename and stack name.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: copying and saving stacks

2002-06-06 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Rob Cozens"  wrote:

> Several people have rersponded regarding the difference between the
> "stack name" and the file name.  I think at least some people are
> referring to the stack's LABEL, not its name.
> A stack's name is the last item of its fileName.  If the stack has no
> label, the stack name appears in the window title.  A stack's label,
> if there is one, replaces its name in the window title.

It might be helpful to keep in mind there are three names that can be
addressed when referring to stacks:

- the name of the stack
- the label of the stack
- the filename of the stack

All three can be different.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Apple Disc Burner access?

2002-06-06 Thread Scott Rossi

(Apologies if this appears as a duplicate post.)

> Is there anything I can call from within Rev that would permit my
> application to burn data CDs?

It appears that DiscBurner can be scripted so AppleScript looks like the way
to go (which be done from within MC/Rev).


Disc Burner Suite: Terms to control the Disc Burner application

burn: Write data to a writable disc
burn  a list of disk  -- The disc to burn

erase: Erase a rewritable disc
erase  a list of disk  -- The disc to erase

quit: Quit the Disc Burner

Class application: Properties of the Proxy Disk application
name  string  [r/o]  -- the name
version  version  [r/o]  -- the version of the application
current disc  disk  [r/o]  -- the disc currently in the CD or DVD disc

Class disk: A disk
Plural form:
ID  small integer  [r/o]  -- the unique ID of this disc (usually a small
negative number)
kind  CDROM/CDR/CDRW/Audio CD/DVD/DVDRAM/DVDR/locked disk/hard disk
[r/o]  -- the kind of this disc
writable  boolean  [r/o]  -- can the disc be written?
rewritable  boolean  [r/o]  -- can the disc be erased and rewritten?



Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Default Font on MacOS X?

2002-06-06 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  wrote:

> Any way to change the default font to our own
> settings?

Setting the textFont of the stack itself causes all controls in that stack
to use the stack's font as the default.

   set the textFont this stack to "myspecialfont"

> Any chance Rev could emulate the drop shadows for text?

I don't think Rev will do this natively -- you'd probably have to use images
or "fake" dropshadows that are simply offset fields or "faceless" buttons.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Apple Disc Burner access?

2002-06-06 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Barry Levine wrote:

> Is there anything I can call from within Rev that would permit my
> application to burn data CDs?

It appears that DiscBurner can be scripted so AppleScript is probably the
way to go.


Disc Burner Suite: Terms to control the Disc Burner application

burn: Write data to a writable disc
burn  a list of disk  -- The disc to burn

erase: Erase a rewritable disc
erase  a list of disk  -- The disc to erase

quit: Quit the Disc Burner

Class application: Properties of the Proxy Disk application
name  string  [r/o]  -- the name
version  version  [r/o]  -- the version of the application
current disc  disk  [r/o]  -- the disc currently in the CD or DVD disc

Class disk: A disk
Plural form:
ID  small integer  [r/o]  -- the unique ID of this disc (usually a small
negative number)
kind  CDROM/CDR/CDRW/Audio CD/DVD/DVDRAM/DVDR/locked disk/hard disk
[r/o]  -- the kind of this disc
writable  boolean  [r/o]  -- can the disc be written?
rewritable  boolean  [r/o]  -- can the disc be erased and rewritten?



Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: joking right?

2002-06-06 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Nicholas Thieberger"  wrote:

> So, having purchased Revolution, at no real cost to the manufacturer
> as it is downloaded from the web, you now provide the documentation
> that should have been part of the original purchase, and charge US
> $79 or $99?

Wait a minute -- "no real cost to the manufacturer"?  How do you expect the
folks who built the product and wrote the detailed documentation to earn a
living, much less support the product?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: item delimiter

2002-06-07 Thread Scott Rossi

(again, not sure if the original message ever made it to the list)

Another option for an item delimiter character is formFeed (what I use).
This shows up as box character on Mac and Windows systems (not sure about
UNIX), either solid or outline, depending on the app.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Text files driving me mad

2002-06-13 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Ben Rubinstein"  wrote:

> I just create a global
> somewhere in my initialisation:
>   global kCR
>   put numtochar(13) into kCR
> Then I use kCR everywhere I think I should be able to use CR.  Of course
> it's annoying that I can't create it as a constant; and I have to remember
> to declare the global in every script where I reference it... but I don't
> end up with a bunch of workarounds, just a bunch of bugs (when I forget to
> declare it, or when it didn't get initialised).

A tangent off the original issue... if you don't want to have to declare a
global, you can always give your stack a custom property:

set the kCR of this stack to numtochar(13)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Text files driving me mad

2002-06-13 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Ben Rubinstein"  wrote:

> Good point.  Any idea of the relative speed of this versus a global?

Doubtful there is any in this case.  Plus properties are persistent even
after quitting so no need to declare them once they're created.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: shareware/demoware

2002-06-14 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Ben Rubinstein wrote:

> Just a reminder that - in the current state of Rev - anything which has to
> be known to the algorithm, is probably also known to anyone who looks at the
> stack in a text editor.

Give your stack a password and the scripts are fairly well protected.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: how to capture 'movestack' end?

2002-06-14 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Chipp Walters wrote:

> I need some help. I'd like to execute a command at the
> end of a movestack, but the movestack message is sent
> multiple times while the stack is being dragged
> around. For instance:
> on moveStack
> beep
> end moveStack
> will create a sequence of beeps for as long as you
> drag the stack around (PC, not Linux, not sure about
> Mac). If I insert a lock messages, I get a beep at the
> beginning of the movestack and nothing at the end. How
> can I 'trap' the end of the moveStack??

Another way to do this would be to place the following script in a button or
graphic in your stack.

on mouseDown
  set the uAllowDrag of me to the clickH & "," & the clickV
end mouseDown

on mouseMove x,y
  if the uAllowDrag of me is empty then exit mouseMove
  put globalLoc(x&","&y) into tLoc
  set topLeft of this stack to \
  item 1 of tLoc - item 1 of the uAllowDrag of me,\
  item 2 of tLoc - item 2 of the uAllowDrag of me
end mouseMove

on mouseUp
  set the uAllowDrag of me to empty
  answer "The drag is done."
end mouseUp

on mouseRelease
end mouseRelease



Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: shareware/demoware

2002-06-14 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Dreamscape Software wrote:

> That's not what we mean.  Open the stack in a text editor.  For example,
> take that stack in Windows and remove the ".mc" or ".rev" extension and
> replace it with ".txt" and then your in.  You then have access to all of the
> scripts.

Sure, but if you set the password of the stack the scripts are tokenized.
They're accessible but they're not really readable.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: shareware/demoware

2002-06-14 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Dar Scott wrote:

> Are comments and white space lost?

No.  But make sure you remember your password to get back into the scripts.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: How to handle 'movestack' ??

2002-06-15 Thread Scott Rossi

> What I'm trying to accomplish is the illusion of creating a 'transparent'
> windwow, where after moved, moves offscreen, grabs what's underneath (import
> snapshot) put's it on the stack and moves in back onscreen --- all quickly!

Apparently you missed the post yesterday about code for dragging a window,
but regardless, you might want to try this:

Note: make sure to save the file to disk as opposed to opening it from the


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #490 - 6 msgs

2002-06-24 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  wrote:

> Sound Studio 2.01 for OSX has a fantastic "Sound Edit" like interface,
> give it a go (Shareware but not expensive).

Thanks for the recommendation -- I'll look into this.  (Cacophony looks good
too for more than two tracks.)


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: answer file DLOG

2002-06-25 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, yves COPPE wrote:

> Is it possible, when you use the script :
> to make that the DLOG opens in a specific folder ?

Is this what you want?

  answer file "Locate File:" with "absolute/path/of/your/folder/"


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: answer file DLOG

2002-06-27 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Ken Ray wrote:

> Actually, Scott, it's even wierder. If you pass just the drive letter,  for
> example "C:/", under Win2K with "answer file", it will open pointing to the
> C: drive, as in:
> answer file "Pick a file" with "C:/"
> Note that this works with "A", "D", etc. as well (just make sure you have
> something in the drive).
> However, if you supply anything else, it opens  to the last used folder in
> MC. (In my case it is several subfolders deep.) With "answer folder",
> however, you always get it pointing to "My Computer".

I also noted the above behavior on Win2K.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Almost There

2002-07-05 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Dan Shafer"  wrote:

> I get a stack that looks like it runs but the data never gets updated.

Is your data stack part of a Rev-built standalone application?  If yes, you
cannot save data to a standalone, you need to keep your data stacks separate
from the standalone engine.

If your data stack is not part of a standalone, are you saving the stack
before quitting?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Participation in Improvement List

2002-07-07 Thread Scott Rossi

> I just noticed SuperCard
> 3.6 is $149, e.g. Please, no flaming comparisons. I never liked
> SuperCard's bifurcated development environment and convoluted editor,
> either, and I doubt that it's even yet cross-platform.

If you're referring to SuperCard's (previously) separate layout and runtime
environments, I for one very much liked this approach and believe it has
several merits.  Regardless, I used to be a die-hard SuperCard user in need
of a card-based way to do Windows development.  Years ago I discovered
MetaCard (Revolution's base technology) and have stuck with it ever since.
IMO, there's very little one can do in SuperCard that can't be done in
MC/Rev, and there's a lot that can be done in MC/Rev that can't be done in

The MC/Rev technology and this list have served me very well over the years,
and now a decent portion of my professional income is derived from MetaCard
projects (wasn't really able to pull this off with SuperCard).  For myself,
$1000 was well worth the initial investment, but if you're interested in
cost comparisons of related technologies, I believe list member Richard
Gaskin put together a list some time ago that stacks up the main players in
the market.

Best Regards,

Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: numberFormat prop

2002-07-09 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Steve Messimer"  wrote:

> it would be nice to see an example of how the
> numberFormat should work.

I believe the numberFormat is a global property, not applied to specific
controls.  So you simply say "set the numberFormat to 0.00" and then any
scripts currently executing use this format.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: The sound of silence

2002-07-10 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Ro Nagey"  wrote:

> I imported a sound into my stack "curly.wav"
> There's a button that says:  --
> on mouseup
>  play audioclip "curly.wav"
>  answer the result
> end mouseup
> the result is random and increasing

You might want to check the sampling/bit rate of the file as well.  While
sound editors can play pretty much any sound file, MC/Rev is more picky.
Make sure your files use standard sampling rates such as 44k, 22k, 11k and
bit rates of 8 bit and 16 bit.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Updating Data Substacks

2002-07-11 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Dan Shafer wrote:

> It just occurred to me that the RR model which requires me to create
> a separate stack to hold the data for my app might be an obstacle to
> product upgrades.
> My mainstack is a splasher. My substacks are a palette (which can
> change) and the primary data stack (which will change). If in my next
> rev of the product, I wish to add features (e.g., a menu or even a
> button on that stack with some new functions), I would expect to ask
> my users to replace their current stack with the new one. But that
> will, obviously, result in the loss of all their data.
> How should this work? What am I missing?

Two options I can think of:

Good) Keep your data separate from the UI.  This way you can update the UI
independently of the data.

Not So Good) If you really want to keep the UI and data in the same stack,
include an "export data" option or similar in the stack.  When a user wants
to upgrade they hit "export" and then import the exported data into the
upgrade stack.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Updating Data Substacks

2002-07-11 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, Dan Shafer wrote:

>> Good) Keep your data separate from the UI.  This way you can update the UI
>> independently of the data.
> Thanks for the fast reply, Scott.
> But this would require storing it in a text file and managing all the
> data manipulation stuff or alternatively using a database, right? If
> I have to do those things to keep data from being munged when I
> upgrade the app, I might just as well use a conventional programming
> environment! Transparency of data storage is crucial to stackware
> applications.

If I understand your correctly, the answer is no.  Data can be stored in a
stack, in fields, user props, whatever you want.  Personally, I use mirrored
controls in the UI stack and the data stack -- this makes it easy to keep
track of where the data is going.  To write/store the data, I open the data
stack invisibly and write any data changes/updates in the UI stack to the
data stack on closeField messages.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director

Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Cross-platform text-to-speech

2002-07-15 Thread Scott Rossi

Recently, "Ken Norris (dialup)"  wrote:

> I guess I've been spoiled by the Mac's ability to speak. Too bad Windows
> doesn't offer similar utilities.

It does.  Look in the built-in help under Narrator.  Not sure how available
this is on various system versions, but then again, speech functionality is
not installed on all Macs either.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Some Basic Misunderstandings/Problems with RunRev - aka Help!

2004-04-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "David Burgun" wrote:

> "Then PLEASE could someone just tell
> me how I save a Standalone Stack PLEASE!!!".

See the reply from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  There's your answer.


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Development & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: file list anomaly

2004-04-14 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "Richard Gaskin"  wrote:

> I'm curious: 
> what determines the order of files returned in "the files" on Win systems?

By the same token, what causes multiple selected documents in an OS X Finder
window to open in seemingly random order?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Disappearing (Euro) Dollars

2004-04-20 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "Rob Cozens"  wrote:

> I have a text file containing the Euro currency symbol.  I'd like to
> tell you what that character is; however, if I copy it from the text
> file and paste in in the Message Box:
> put charToNum("[my pasted character]")
> the Message Box changes to
> put charToNum(" [numToChar(172)]")
> and the result is 32.

What font are you using to display the Euro symbol?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

Re: Disappearing (Euro) Dollars

2004-04-20 Thread Scott Rossi
Recently, "Rob Cozens"  wrote:

> I have a text file containing the Euro currency symbol.  I'd like to
> tell you what that character is; however, if I copy it from the text
> file and paste in in the Message Box:
> put charToNum("[my pasted character]")
> the Message Box changes to
> put charToNum(" [numToChar(172)]")
> and the result is 32.

Seems to work here under Rev 2.1.2.

Can cut and paste between fields and charToNum reports 219.

Maybe a 2.2 issue?


Scott Rossi
Creative Director
Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design

use-revolution mailing list

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