filepaths for multiple builds

2003-06-10 Thread Edward Cawley
Hi all
I'm trying to build standalones for mac and windows and I have a 
I am developing in MacOSX.
I have a large number of images which I access by filepaths. I don't 
need to specify the hard drive in MacOSX just the file name on the hard 
drive (/river?).but when I access them in OS8&9 I need to indicate the 
hard drive name (ie /Macinosh/ well. I'm not sure what I need 
to do for Windows? I can see that I could use an if then to change the 
filepaths to fit the operating systems. But how can I find out the 
operating systems for the scripts?

A second question is an odd behavior I see when I change the image by 
changing the source filename. Sometimes there is a blank area which 
isn't drawn, not the whole image but just the bottom 10%. If I go to 
another card and return the image is complete. It isn't a empty field 
or any other object. No big deal, but it is a puzzle. Any ideas?

use-revolution mailing list

Re: use-revolution digest, Vol 1 #1475 - 17 msgs

2003-06-19 Thread Edward Cawley
On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 11:18  PM, 
 Thanks, the effective path worked like a charm.
But that leads to a new problem,
I have a stack which uses a number of images and text files which I am 
referencing by absolute path names. It works fine in the development 
stack but when I tried to build a standalone everything broke down. In 
trying to debug it I moved the stack and the associated files into a 
new folder, changed the references, using the effective path script, 
and tried to run it again. The images work OK but the text files don't 
get read. I get a message that it can't verify the path if I run it on 
OSX, and a message that it can't open the file if I try to run it on 
OS8.6. I tried changing the defaultfolder but it doesn't seem to make 
any difference. The filetype seems like it may have a role, but it 
seems to affect new files created by the app. Do I need to change 
existing files. Most are simple text or textedit files. The 
documentation doesn't seem to deal with this specific problem. Also 
where is the place to put this files in the standalone pkg? I thought I 
had developed an understanding of Rev. coming from years of hypercard, 
but now I'm not so sure.
Thanks for any help.

Message: 10
Date: Wed, 11 Jun 2003 15:51:31 -1000
Subject: Re: filepaths for multiple builds
From: Sannyasin Sivakatirswami <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
On Tuesday, June 10, 2003, at 03:26  PM, Edward Cawley wrote:

Hi all
I'm trying to build standalones for mac and windows and I have a
I am developing in MacOSX.
I have a large number of images which I access by filepaths. I don't
need to specify the hard drive in MacOSX just the file name on the
hard drive (/river?).but when I access them in OS8&9 I need to
indicate the hard drive name (ie /Macinosh/ well. I'm not
sure what I need to do for Windows? I can see that I could use an if
then to change the filepaths to fit the operating systems. But how can
I find out the operating systems for the scripts?
Ed, are the images are being distributed with your stack? and do you
have control over their location on the CD or in the distribution
directory? i.e if your directory structure can look something this.
Folder: Fantastic Image Archive/
 file: TheGreatestPix.rev
 sub-folder:  images/   
files: lots of images

the you have a ready made solution in this syntax

"put the effective filename of this stack into gPath_Where_I_Live"

and get the path for the sub directories by parsing that string. Can
give you the full script if you need it.
then the issue of determining platform-OS disappears.


A second question is an odd behavior I see when I change the image by
changing the source filename. Sometimes there is a blank area which
isn't drawn, not the whole image but just the bottom 10%. If I go to
another card and return the image is complete. It isn't a empty field
or any other object. No big deal, but it is a puzzle. Any ideas?
use-revolution mailing list

use-revolution mailing list

list linking

2008-11-08 Thread edward cawley

I'm trying to convert from old hyperCard stacks to Rev. stacks.
I think I may be able to improve the scripts but I've been having  
I have a list of plant names that I want to click on and go to a card  
with that name.

I have tried this script:
on mousedown
   local x, xxx
--lock screen
--Use this script to capture a line of text in a variable
--field must be LOCKED

  set the listBehavior of field "flora-cn" to true
set the visible of field 1 to true
set the locktext of me to true
put  clickLine() into x
put the selectedtext  of line x of bkgnd field "Flora-CN" of group id  
2589 of card id 3064 of stack "/Users/ecawley/Documents/River- 
main.rev" into xxx

set the locktext of me to true
set the visible of field 1 to false
unlock screen
--text is in xxx now and you may do anything you wish with it
push card
go to card xxx
end mousedown

I think that the problem is in the format of clickLine() and the  

Is this the best approach?

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Re: use-revolution Digest, Vol 62, Issue 10

2008-11-09 Thread edward cawley

Hi Joe,
Tried your fix, I had to modify it a bit:
go cd the value of the clickline
It compiled ok and it worked - went to the cd, but I got an error  

executing at 2:19:20 PM
TypeHandler: error in statement
Object  Flora-sn
Linego cd the value of the clickline

I tried it without the the and it wouldn't compile, also tried it with  
mousedown, same thing,

Any ideas?

On Nov 9, 2008, at 9:14 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  

Hi Edward,

I think you can do all of this with one statement, assuming the cds
have the names shown on the list:

on mouseUp
go cd value of the clickline
end mouseup

I hope I've not misunderstood what you're trying to do. I would lock
the field before using it, but you can cmd/click on an unlocked field
and it should work. At least I'm doing that all the time. HTH,

Joe Wilkins

On Nov 8, 2008, at 10:13 AM, edward cawley wrote:

I'm trying to convert from old hyperCard stacks to Rev. stacks.
I think I may be able to improve the scripts but I've been having
I have a list of plant names that I want to click on and go to a
card with that name.
I have tried this script:
  on mousedown
 local x, xxx
--lock screen
--Use this script to capture a line of text in a variable
--field must be LOCKED


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Re: list linking

2008-11-11 Thread edward cawley

Hi Joe,
Still working on the problem. Still getting an execution error. On  
debugging it occurs after I have gone to the new card, but the error  
refers to the original cards script. In looking at the guide I found a  
reference problems with the dynamicPaths properties that is carried  
over from hypercard stacks. But I can't find what that property of the  
Rev stack is, or how/where to change it?

I also have another problem. I have a 2 lists of plant names,common  
and scientific on overlapping fields. If I click on the common name I  
need to go to the card by it's scientific name. I thought I could  
change the go to by sending a click to the line on the scientific name  

click at line x of field "flora-sn"
send "mouseup" to "bkgnd field flora-sn" at  the clickloc , "xx"
I also tried several permutations and none seem to work. Am I on the  
wrong track?

On Nov 10, 2008, at 10:57 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED]  


Hi Edward,

Maybe if you changed it to read: go cd (the value of the clickline)

It doesn't look like much of a change, but compilers can be  


Joe Wilkins

On Nov 9, 2008, at 12:41 PM, edward cawley wrote:

Hi Joe,
Tried your fix, I had to modify it a bit:
go cd the value of the clickline
It compiled ok and it worked - went to the cd, but I got an error
executing at 2:19:20 PM
TypeHandler: error in statement
Object  Flora-sn
Linego cd the value of the clickline

I tried it without the the and it wouldn't compile, also tried it
with mousedown, same thing,
Any ideas?

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push card problem

2008-11-26 Thread edward cawley
My push card has stopped working in a stack I've been working with.  
Where do I look to see what, if anything, is being stored. When I go  
to pop a card I get a flash of a cd and then back to the card I was on.

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Animated GIF

2010-09-11 Thread edward cawley
II have an application which uses several animated Gif's that was  
running with no problems. I had a button which went to a test card. I  
modified the stack to drop the test button. The gif on that card had  
an icon for the button. I used pixen to erase the icon image from Gif.  
The edited Animated Gif run fine in Quicktime as does the original  
Animated Gif. If I replace the original gif with the edited gif, using  
the same file name the Gif image shows up but does not animate. If I  
replace it with the original one it works fine. Any ideas whats wrong?

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image files in standalone

2010-11-04 Thread edward cawley
I have an app which has about 100 images and text files which are sent to 16 
cards. The text image and audio files are all in a resources folder. Everything 
works fine on my desktop, but when I try to build a desktop it is made and will 
run but while the text files are read from the resources folder and buttons 
work fine the images,audio and one video do not show. the image areas show but 
the images are not loaded. an example of the image files: < 
any suggestions?___
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standalone image problem

2010-11-06 Thread edward cawley

I'm trying to build for both Mac OS X and windows, but I'm concentrating on Mac 
until I get it to work. I have Snow Leopard installed.The folder structure is 
./Resources/map_animation.gif for a typical file I have included the open stack 
code and the opencard code for one of the cards. I also will include(attached) 
screen capture of the folders location . As I said the stack works, ie. clik on 
the field or button and it will go to the next cd, all the text files are read 
and shown but the images (gif & jpeg), audio, and one video clip do not show. 
Since it is showing the files it looks like it is finding the files in the 
folder but not showing them.

on preopenstack
   --set the topleft of this stack to 30,30
   set the defaultfolder to "resources/"
   set the decorations of this stack to "title,close"
   set the topleft of this stack to 0,0
   set the height of this stack to 750
   set the width of this stack to 1280
   set the loc of this stack to 640,400
   hide  menubar
end preopenstack

on openCard
   global pname
   set the filename of image 1 to "resources/BKG.paneling.jpg"
   set the filename of image 2 to "resources/deck_animation.gif"
  set the currenttime of player 1 to 0
  set the filename of player 1 to "resources/river1"
  start player 1
end openCard

On Nov 5, 2010, at 11:02 AM, wrote:

> Message: 2
> Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 11:36:39 -0600
> From: Devin Asay 
> Subject: Re: image files in standalone
> To: How to use Revolution 
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
> On Nov 4, 2010, at 11:07 AM, edward cawley wrote:
> Hello Edward,
> What platform are you building for? What does your folder structure look 
> like? Do you set the defaultFolder in order to locate the resource folder?
> Devin
> Devin Asay
> Humanities Technology and Research Support Center
> Brigham Young University
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Re: standalone image problem

2010-11-10 Thread edward cawley
After thirty odd years of programing in HyperCard/MetaCard/Revolution/LiveCode 
it's nice to feel like a newbe again, it means I'm still learning. Thanks for 
all the suggestions, I finally realized that I had forgotten to check the "copy 
referenced files" box so the media files , the  were not placed in 
the app bundle.
The media-images, audio files and a video are all shown. But I still have a 
problem. I have a number of text files which are loaded successively in a field 
on a card. None of them load in the standalone. They do not get loaded into the 
bundle since they are not filenames.
This script work fine on the desktop:
on putinfo
   global tt,pname,iiname,az,ttt,z,cdname1,zz
  put  param (1)  into az
  put param (2) into tt
  put tt&az into ttt
  put iiname &ttt into z
put "file:"& z  into zz
  put URL zz into field "info" on cd tt
end putinfo

on putHinfo
  global iiname,az,tt,aaz,ttt,zz
  put  param(1)  into az
  put param(2) into tt
  put az into ttt
  put iiname & ttt into aaz
   put "file:"&aaz  into zz
  put URL zz into field "habinfo" on cd tt
 end putHinfo
az & tt are passed from opencard or button code. Every thing else load so it 
seems to be finding all the files. That doesn't seem to be the problem. Any 
other ideas? How do I get the text files in the bundle?

> ------
> Message: 13
> Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 04:21:14 -0500
> From: edward cawley 
> Subject: standalone image problem
> To:
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> I'm trying to build for both Mac OS X and windows, but I'm concentrating on 
> Mac until I get it to work. I have Snow Leopard installed.The folder 
> structure is ./Resources/map_animation.gif for a typical file I have included 
> the open stack code and the opencard code for one of the cards. I also will 
> include(attached) screen capture of the folders location . As I said the 
> stack works, ie. clik on the field or button and it will go to the next cd, 
> all the text files are read and shown but the images (gif & jpeg), audio, and 
> one video clip do not show. Since it is showing the files it looks like it is 
> finding the files in the folder but not showing them.
> on preopenstack
>   --set the topleft of this stack to 30,30
>   set the defaultfolder to "resources/"
>   set the decorations of this stack to "title,close"
>   set the topleft of this stack to 0,0
>   set the height of this stack to 750
>   set the width of this stack to 1280
>   set the loc of this stack to 640,400
>   hide  menubar
> end preopenstack
> on openCard
>   global pname
>   set the filename of image 1 to "resources/BKG.paneling.jpg"
>   set the filename of image 2 to "resources/deck_animation.gif"
>  set the currenttime of player 1 to 0
>  set the filename of player 1 to "resources/river1"
>  start player 1
> end openCard
> On Nov 5, 2010, at 11:02 AM, wrote:
> Message: 14
> Date: Sat, 6 Nov 2010 10:05:28 +
> From: John Dixon 
> Subject: RE: standalone image problem
> To: 
> Message-ID: 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi Edward...
> Will this work for you ?
> global gtheFolder
> on preopenstack
>   set itemDel to "/"
>   put item 1 to -2 of (the effective fileName of this stack) & "/resources" 
> into gtheFolder
>   set the defaultfolder to gtheFolder
>   --set the topleft of this stack to 30,30
>   --set the defaultfolder to "resources/"
>   set the decorations of this stack to "title,close"
>   set the topleft of this stack to 0,0
>   set the height of this stack to 750
>   set the width of this stack to 1280
>   set the loc of this stack to 640,400
>   hide  menubar
> end preopenstack
> on openCard
>   global pname
>   set the filename of image 1 to "./resources/BKG.paneling.jpg"
>   set the filename of image 2 to "./resources/deck_animation.gif"
>   set the currenttime of player 1 to 0
>   set the filename of player 1 to "./resources/river1"
>   start player 1
> end openCard
> be well
> Dixie

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movie in a standalone

2010-11-12 Thread edward cawley
Well thanks to the list have a much better understanding of getting things into 
a bundle. I didn't know you could place a file directly into the resource in 
the bundle, instead of letting the standalone maker do it. It is working fine 
now in finding the files.
But now a new problem, i play a short video movie with the following script:
on openCard
   global pname,pic
   set filename of image "1" to "Resources/BKG.paneling.jpg"
   show image 1
 set the currentTime of player 1 to 0
  set the filename of  player 1 to "resources/"
  set the showController of player 1 to false
  play player 1 --""
end openCard

on playstopped
   set the currentTime of player 1 to 0
go cd "pool 13-a"
end playstopped

It works fine on the  desktop but in the standalone the cd opens, I can see the 
first frame of the movie, but then it goes right to the next card without 
playing the movie. Any ideas?

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Desktop to iPad

2010-11-18 Thread edward cawley
Just starting to look at Revmobile, I have an app which runs on desktop . I'd 
like to modify it to the ipad. I reduced the stack size to 1000,700 which 
should fit the ipad. I have an animated Gif on the first card with a dimension 
of 700,452. When I make a landscape iPad on the simulator only a portion of the 
image is shown. Now the simulation iPad app is not the actual size of the ipad. 
Would the image show up in the actual device? If not, what do I have to do to 
see what the ipad image would be?___
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Scrolling in image

2010-04-16 Thread edward cawley
I have a large map image on a card, bigger than the cd window. I would  
like to scroll around the map by moving the image within the window  
using the mouse.

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