Hi Folks,

Tomorrow February 10th, Pablo Estrada, Thomas Grogh, Hector Paredes and
Mariann Nagy will deliver a second Apache Beam user empathy workshop[1],
this time in Mexico City. This workshop will be also sponsored by Wizeline
Academy & Google.

As you might remember, we ran a first edition[2] back on December 2nd in
Guadalajara. The purpose of these workshops is to let us study and
understand the adoption barriers of Apache Beam. We'll be consolidating
findings from both workshops and sharing insights with the mailing list
after this session.

If you're in Mexico and want to say hi to our team, feel free to stop by.
If you're interested in running similar efforts reach out to me and I'll be
happy to share resources and connect with you.

Happy Friday!

[1] https://academy.wizeline.com/apache-beam/
[2] https://lists.apache.org/list.html?*@beam.apache.org:lte=1y:workshop

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