
I am quite new to Calcite or ZetaSQL SQL dialects, but I did read all the doc I could find and could not make below code work. Any ideas what I could be doing wrongly? (Beam 2.44 or latest main builds behave the same, DirectRunner)


CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE pub_sub_example(
    event_timestamp TIMESTAMP,
    `type` VARCHAR,
    `value` INTEGER
TYPE pubsub
LOCATION 'projects/some-project/topics/etl-raw-user-behaviour'
TBLPROPERTIES '{"format":"json"}';


Below properly returns results:

```SELECT * FROM pub_sub_example LIMIT 2;```

But below ones works indefinitely


    `type` AS type_kind,
    TUMBLE_START(event_timestamp, INTERVAL '1' SECOND) AS win,
    COUNT(*) AS count_of_messages
FROM pub_sub_example
GROUP BY TUMBLE(event_timestamp, INTERVAL '1' SECOND), `type`


Moreover when I do:


    type_kind VARCHAR,
    win TIMESTAMP,
    count_of_messages INTEGER
TYPE parquet
LOCATION 'gs://etl-user-behaviour/output'
TBLPROPERTIES '{"file_name_suffix":".parquet", "shard_name_template":"/SSSSS_of_NNNNN", "mime_type":"application/vnd.apache.parquet"}'

    `type` AS type_kind,
    TUMBLE_START(event_timestamp, INTERVAL '1' SECOND) AS win,
    COUNT(*) AS count_of_messages
FROM pub_sub_example
GROUP BY TUMBLE(event_timestamp, INTERVAL '1' SECOND), `type`;


I do get error that I cannot understand:

groupByKey cannot be applied to non-bounded PCollection in the
GlobalWindow without a trigger. Use a Window.into or Window.triggering transform prior to GroupByKey. (state=,code=0)

I think that I am providing a window as `TUMBLE(event_timestamp, INTERVAL '1' SECOND)` in the exact `GROUP BY` step but it still threats the table as in `GlobalWindow`?

Moreover I did find in Calcite SQL docs that this kind of windowing is depreciated: https://calcite.apache.org/docs/reference.html#grouped-window-functions and even DataFlow SQL examples do use new syntax (https://cloud.google.com/dataflow/docs/reference/sql/streaming-extensions) that is present also in Calcite (https://calcite.apache.org/docs/reference.html#tumble) but Beam SQL does not parse it. Any idea what is the roadmap for this functionalities?

Really appreciate quick reply.

Best regards

Wiśniowski Piotr

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