On 02/08/2013 09:38 AM, Jean-Marc Spaggiari wrote:

I'm trying to bild hadoop-deb with bigtop 0.3.0 to get the libdfs
files because I'm not able to compile them manually.

However, seems that bigtop is not able too ;)

First, the script try to retrieve the 1.0.1 version of hadoop, but
it's no more available in the website. I was able to find it in
another folder and I placed it into the dl folder.

Now, it's failing on the parsechangelog part of the script :(


Any idea how I can fix that? I tried to replace the 1.0.1 jar by the
1.0.3 (the one I need) and got the exact same error.



Hi Jean-Marc,

This ought to work, so there must be some issue somewhere.
The only thing I found from googling around is some reference to the french locale not being parsed correctly by the deb scripts.

So could you try setting your locale in english so dates do not contain accents?


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