Re: best practices for time-series data with massive amounts of records

2015-03-06 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

Thanks for the responses, this was very helpful.

I don't know yet what the distribution of clicks and users will be, but I
expect to see a few users with an enormous amount of interactions and most
users having very few.  The idea of doing some additional manual
partitioning, and then maintaining another table that contains the head
partition for each user makes sense, although it would add additional
latency when we want to get say the most recent 1000 interactions for a
given user (which is something that we have to do sometimes for
applications with tight SLAs).

FWIW I doubt that any users will have so many interactions that they exceed
what we could reasonably put in a row, but I wanted to have a strategy to
deal with this.

Having a nice design pattern in Cassandra for maintaining a row with the
N-most-recent interactions would also solve this reasonably well, but I
don't know of any way to implement that without running batch jobs that
periodically clean out data (which might be okay).

Best regards,

On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 8:10 AM, mck wrote:

  Here partition is a random digit from 0 to (N*M)
  where N=nodes in cluster, and M=arbitrary number.

 Hopefully it was obvious, but here (unless you've got hot partitions),
 you don't need N.

best practices for time-series data with massive amounts of records

2015-03-02 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I am designing an application that will capture time series data where we
expect the number of records per user to potentially be extremely high.  I
am not sure if we will eclipse the max row size of 2B elements, but I
assume that we would not want our application to approach that size anyway.

If we wanted to put all of the interactions in a single row, then I would
make a data model that looks like:

  id text,
  event_time timestamp,
  event blob,
  PRIMARY KEY (id, event_time))

The best practice for breaking up large rows of time series data is, as I
understand it, to put part of the time into the partitioning key (

  id text,
  date text, // Could also use year+month here or year+week or something
  event_time timestamp,
  event blob,
  PRIMARY KEY ((id, date), event_time))

The downside of this approach is that we can no longer do a simple
continuous scan to get all of the events for a given user.  Some users may
log lots and lots of interactions every day, while others may interact with
our application infrequently, so I'd like a quick way to get the most
recent interaction for a given user.

Has anyone used different approaches for this problem?

The only thing I can think of is to use the second table schema described
above, but switch to an order-preserving hashing function, and then
manually hash the id field.  This is essentially what we would do in

Curious if anyone else has any thoughts.

Best regards,

Re: how to scan all rows of cassandra using multiple threads

2015-02-25 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Gaurav,

I recommend you just run a MapReduce job for this computation.

Alternatively, you can look at the code for the C* MapReduce input format:

That should give you what you need to iterate over independent token ranges.

If you want, you can also just divide up the total token range for the
partitioner you are using into equal chunks and have each of your threads
execute a separate scan.

Best regards,

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 9:50 AM, Gaurav Bhatnagar

  I have a cassandra cluster of 3 nodes holding around 300 million rows
 of items. I have a replication factor of 3 with read/write consistency as
 Quorum. I want to scan all rows of database to generate sum of items having
 value available in column name state and value batch1 in column name
 batch. Row key for item is a 15 digit random number.
 I want to do this processing in multiple threads for instance one
 thread generating sum for one portion of data and other thread generating
 sum for another disjoint portion of data and later I would add up total
 from these 2 threads to get final sum.
 What can be the possible way to achieve this? Can I use concept of
 virtual nodes here. Each node owns set of virtual nodes.
  Can I get data owned by a particular node and this way generate sum
 on different nodes by iterating over data from virtual nodes and later
 generate total sum by doing sum of data from all virtual nodes.


Re: Why no virtual nodes for Cassandra on EC2?

2015-02-23 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi mck,

I'm not familiar with this ticket, but my understanding was that
performance of Hadoop jobs on C* clusters with vnodes was poor because a
given Hadoop input split has to run many individual scans (one for each
vnode) rather than just a single scan.  I've run C* and Hadoop in
production with a custom input format that used vnodes (and just combined
multiple vnodes in a single input split) and didn't have any issues (the
jobs had many other performance bottlenecks besides starting multiple scans
from C*).

This is one of the videos where I recall an off-hand mention of the Spark
connector working with vnodes:

Best regards,

On Sat, Feb 21, 2015 at 2:58 PM, mck wrote:

 At least the problem of hadoop and vnodes described in CASSANDRA-6091
 doesn't apply to spark.
  (Spark already allows multiple token ranges per split).

 If this is the reason why DSE hasn't enabled vnodes then fingers crossed
 that'll change soon.

  Some of the DataStax videos that I watched discussed how the Cassandra
 Spark connecter has
  optimizations to deal with vnodes.

 Are these videos public? if so got any link to them?


Re: Running Cassandra + Spark on AWS - architecture questions

2015-02-23 Thread Clint Kelly
These are both good suggestions, thanks!

I thought I had remembered reading that different virtual datacenters
should always have the same number of nodes.  I think I was mistaken about
that.  In the past we had major issues running huge analytics jobs on data
stored in HBase (it would bring down our real-time performance), so this
capability of Cassandra is great!

Best regards,

On Sun, Feb 22, 2015 at 8:02 AM, Eric Stevens wrote:

 I'm not sure if this is a good use case for you, but you might also
 consider setting up several keyspaces, one for any data you want available
 for analytics (such as business object tables), and one for data you don't
 want to do analytics on (such as custom secondary indices).  Maybe a third
 one for data which should only exist in the analytics space, such as for
 temporary rollup data.

 This can reduce the amount of data you replicate into your analytics
 space, and allow you to run a smaller analytics cluster than your
 production cluster.

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 2:43 PM, DuyHai Doan wrote:

 Cassandra would take care of keeping the data synced between the two
 sets of five nodes.  Is that correct?


 But doing so means that we need 2x as many nodes as we need for the
 real-time cluster alone

 Not necessarily. With multi DC you can configure the replication factor
 value per DC, meaning that you can have RF = 3 for the real time DC and
 RF=1 or RF=2 for the analytics DC. Thus the number of nodes can be
 different for each DC

 In addition, you can also tune the hardware. If the realtime DC is mostly
 write only for incoming data and read-only from aggregated table, it is
 less IO intensive than the analytics DC with lot of read  write to compute

 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 10:17 PM, Clint Kelly

 Hi all,

 I read the DSE 4.6 documentation and I'm still not 100% sure what a
 mixed workload Cassandra + Spark installation would look like, especially
 on AWS.  What I gather is that you use OpsCenter to set up the following:

- One virtual data center for real-time processing (e.g.,
ingestion of time-series data, replying to requests for an interactive
- Another virtual data center for batch analytics (Spark, possibly
for machine learning)

 If I understand this correctly, if I estimate that I need a five-node
 cluster to handle all of my data, under the system described above, I would
 have five nodes serving real-time traffic and all of the data replicated in
 another five nodes that I use for batch processing.  Cassandra would take
 care of keeping the data synced between the two sets of five nodes.  Is
 that correct?

 I assume the motivation for such a dual-virtual-data-center architecture
 is to prevent the Spark jobs (which are going to do lots of scans from
 Cassandra, and maybe run computation on the same machines hosting
 Cassandra) from disrupting the real-time performance.  But doing so means
 that we need 2x as many nodes as we need for the real-time cluster alone.

 *Could someone confirm that my interpretation above of what I read about
 in the DSE documentation is correct?*

 If my application needs to run analytics on Spark only a few hours a
 day, might we be better off spending our money to get a bigger Cassandra
 cluster and then just spin up Spark jobs on EMR for a few hours at night?
  (I know this is a hard question to answer, since it all depends on the
 application---just curious if anyone else here has had to make similar
 tradeoffs.)  e.g., maybe instead of having a five-node real-time cluster,
 we would have an eight-node real-time cluster, and use our remaining budget
 on EMR jobs.

 I am curious if anyone has any thoughts / experience about this.

 Best regards,

Any notion of unions in C* user-defined types?

2015-02-23 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I am building an application that keeps a time-series record of clickstream
data (clicks, impressions, etc.).  The data model looks something like:

CREATE TABLE clickstream (
  userid text,
  event_time timestamp,
  interaction frozen interaction_type,
  PRIMARY KEY (userid, timestamp)

I would like to create a user-defined type interaction_type such that it
can be different depending on whether the interaction was a click, view,

Previously we encoded such data with Avro, using Avro's unions ( and encoded the data as
blobs.  I was hoping to get away from blobs now that we have UDTs in
Cassandra 2.1, but I don't see any support for unions.

Does anyone have any suggestions?  I think I may be better of just sticking
with Avro serialization.  :(

Best regards,

Running Cassandra + Spark on AWS - architecture questions

2015-02-20 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I read the DSE 4.6 documentation and I'm still not 100% sure what a mixed
workload Cassandra + Spark installation would look like, especially on
AWS.  What I gather is that you use OpsCenter to set up the following:

   - One virtual data center for real-time processing (e.g., ingestion of
   time-series data, replying to requests for an interactive application)
   - Another virtual data center for batch analytics (Spark, possibly for
   machine learning)

If I understand this correctly, if I estimate that I need a five-node
cluster to handle all of my data, under the system described above, I would
have five nodes serving real-time traffic and all of the data replicated in
another five nodes that I use for batch processing.  Cassandra would take
care of keeping the data synced between the two sets of five nodes.  Is
that correct?

I assume the motivation for such a dual-virtual-data-center architecture is
to prevent the Spark jobs (which are going to do lots of scans from
Cassandra, and maybe run computation on the same machines hosting
Cassandra) from disrupting the real-time performance.  But doing so means
that we need 2x as many nodes as we need for the real-time cluster alone.

*Could someone confirm that my interpretation above of what I read about in
the DSE documentation is correct?*

If my application needs to run analytics on Spark only a few hours a day,
might we be better off spending our money to get a bigger Cassandra cluster
and then just spin up Spark jobs on EMR for a few hours at night?  (I know
this is a hard question to answer, since it all depends on the
application---just curious if anyone else here has had to make similar
tradeoffs.)  e.g., maybe instead of having a five-node real-time cluster,
we would have an eight-node real-time cluster, and use our remaining budget
on EMR jobs.

I am curious if anyone has any thoughts / experience about this.

Best regards,

Re: Why no virtual nodes for Cassandra on EC2?

2015-02-20 Thread Clint Kelly
BTW are the performance concerns with vnodes a big deal for Spark?  Or were
those more important for MapReduce?  Some of the DataStax videos that I
watched discussed how the Cassandra Spark connecter has optimizations to
deal with vnodes.

I would imagine that Spark's ability to cache RDDs would mean that paying a
small efficiency cost when reading data out of Cassandra initially might
not be the end of the world (especially given the benefits of using vnodes).

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 8:29 AM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi Mark,

 Thanks for your reply.  That makes sense.  I recall looking at this
 back when we were going to run Hadoop against data in Cassandra tables
 at my previous company.

 Disabling virtual nodes seems unfortunate as it would make (as I
 understand it) scaling the cluster a lot trickier.  I assume there is
 a tradeoff between the performance of analytics jobs and the ease with
 which you can change cluster size.


 On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 1:01 AM, Mark Reddy
  Hey Clint,
  Someone for DataStax can correct me here, but I'm assuming that they have
  disabled vnodes because the AMI is built to make it easy to set up a
  pre-configured mixed workload cluster. A mixture of
  (Cassandra), Analytics (Hadoop), or Search (Solr). If you take a look at
  getting started guide for both Hadoop and Solr you will see a paragraph
  instructing the user to disable vnodes for a mix workload cluster.
  This is specific to the example AMI and that type of workload. This is
 by no
  means a warning for users to disable vnodes on their
  Cassandra only clusters on EC2.
  I've used vnodes on EC2 without issue.
  On 20 February 2015 at 05:08, Clint Kelly wrote:
  Hi all,
  The guide for installing Cassandra on EC2 says that
  Note: The DataStax AMI does not install DataStax Enterprise nodes
  with virtual nodes enabled.
  Just curious why this is the case.  It was my understanding that
  virtual nodes make taking Cassandra nodes on and offline an easier
  process, and that seems like something that an EC2 user would want to
  do quite frequently.

AMI to use to launch a cluster with OpsCenter on AWS

2015-02-20 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I am trying to follow the instructions here for installing DSE 4.6 on AWS:

I was successful creating a single-node instance running OpsCenter, which I
intended to bootstrap creating a larger cluster running Cassandra and Spark.

During my first attempt, however, OpsCenter reported problems talking to
agents in the new cluster I was creating.  I ssh'ed into one of the new
instances that I created with OpsCenter and saw that this was the problem:

DataStax AMI for DataStax Enterprise

and DataStax Community

AMI version 2.4

DataStax AMI 2.5 released 02.25.2014

This AMI (version 2.4) will be left

available, but no longer updated.

These notices occurred during the startup of this instance:

[ERROR] 02/21/15-00:53:01 sudo chown -R cassandra:cassandra /mnt/cassandra:

[WARN] Permissions not set correctly. Please run manually:

[WARN] sudo chown -hR cassandra:cassandra /mnt/cassandra

[WARN] sudo service dse restart

It looks like by default, the OpsCenter GUI selects an out-of-date AMI
when you click on Create Cluster and attempt to create a brand-new
cluster on EC2.

What is the recommended image to use here?  I found a version 2.5.1 of the
autoclustering AMI (
Is that correct?  Or should I be using one of the regular AMIs listed at
?  Or just a standard ubuntu image?

FWIW, I tried just using one of the AMIs listed on the DSE 4.6 page
(ami-32f7c977), and I still see the Waiting for the agent to start
message, although if I log in, things look like they have kind of worked:

Cluster started with these options:


Raiding complete.

Waiting for nodetool...

The cluster is now in it's finalization phase. This should only take a

Note: You can also use CTRL+C to view the logs if desired:

AMI log: ~/datastax_ami/ami.log

Cassandra log: /var/log/cassandra/system.log

Datacenter: us-west-2



|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving

--  Address  Load   Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID

UN  51.33 KB   256 100.0%
 ce0d365a-d58b-4700-b861-9f30af400476  2a


Please wait 60 seconds if this is the cluster's first start...


Run: datastax_tools


Run: datastax_demos


Run: datastax_support

DataStax AMI for DataStax Enterprise

and DataStax Community

AMI version 2.5

DataStax Community version 2.1.3-1

These notices occurred during the startup of this instance:

[ERROR] 02/21/15-01:18:55 sudo chown opscenter-agent:opscenter-agent

[ERROR] 02/21/15-01:19:04 sudo chown -R opscenter-agent:opscenter-agent

[ERROR] 02/21/15-01:19:04 sudo chown -R opscenter-agent:opscenter-agent

I would appreciate any help...  I assume what I'm trying to do here is
pretty common.

Re: AMI to use to launch a cluster with OpsCenter on AWS

2015-02-20 Thread Clint Kelly
BTW I was able to use this script:

to get a cluster up and running pretty easily on AWS.  Cheers to the author
for this.

Still curious for answers to my questions above, but not as urgent.

Best regards,

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 5:36 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am trying to follow the instructions here for installing DSE 4.6 on AWS:

 I was successful creating a single-node instance running OpsCenter, which
 I intended to bootstrap creating a larger cluster running Cassandra and

 During my first attempt, however, OpsCenter reported problems talking to
 agents in the new cluster I was creating.  I ssh'ed into one of the new
 instances that I created with OpsCenter and saw that this was the problem:


 DataStax AMI for DataStax Enterprise

 and DataStax Community

 AMI version 2.4


 DataStax AMI 2.5 released 02.25.2014

 This AMI (version 2.4) will be left

 available, but no longer updated.


 These notices occurred during the startup of this instance:

 [ERROR] 02/21/15-00:53:01 sudo chown -R cassandra:cassandra /mnt/cassandra:

 [WARN] Permissions not set correctly. Please run manually:

 [WARN] sudo chown -hR cassandra:cassandra /mnt/cassandra

 [WARN] sudo service dse restart

 It looks like by default, the OpsCenter GUI selects an out-of-date AMI
 when you click on Create Cluster and attempt to create a brand-new
 cluster on EC2.

 What is the recommended image to use here?  I found a version 2.5.1 of the
 autoclustering AMI (
 Is that correct?  Or should I be using one of the regular AMIs listed at
 ?  Or just a standard ubuntu image?

 FWIW, I tried just using one of the AMIs listed on the DSE 4.6 page
 (ami-32f7c977), and I still see the Waiting for the agent to start
 message, although if I log in, things look like they have kind of worked:

 Cluster started with these options:


 Raiding complete.

 Waiting for nodetool...

 The cluster is now in it's finalization phase. This should only take a

 Note: You can also use CTRL+C to view the logs if desired:

 AMI log: ~/datastax_ami/ami.log

 Cassandra log: /var/log/cassandra/system.log

 Datacenter: us-west-2



 |/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving

 --  Address  Load   Tokens  Owns (effective)  Host ID

 UN  51.33 KB   256 100.0%
  ce0d365a-d58b-4700-b861-9f30af400476  2a


 Please wait 60 seconds if this is the cluster's first start...


 Run: datastax_tools


 Run: datastax_demos


 Run: datastax_support


 DataStax AMI for DataStax Enterprise

 and DataStax Community

 AMI version 2.5

 DataStax Community version 2.1.3-1


 These notices occurred during the startup of this instance:

 [ERROR] 02/21/15-01:18:55 sudo chown opscenter-agent:opscenter-agent

 [ERROR] 02/21/15-01:19:04 sudo chown -R opscenter-agent:opscenter-agent

 [ERROR] 02/21/15-01:19:04 sudo chown -R opscenter-agent:opscenter-agent

 I would appreciate any help...  I assume what I'm trying to do here is
 pretty common.

Re: Why no virtual nodes for Cassandra on EC2?

2015-02-20 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Mark,

Thanks for your reply.  That makes sense.  I recall looking at this
back when we were going to run Hadoop against data in Cassandra tables
at my previous company.

Disabling virtual nodes seems unfortunate as it would make (as I
understand it) scaling the cluster a lot trickier.  I assume there is
a tradeoff between the performance of analytics jobs and the ease with
which you can change cluster size.


On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 1:01 AM, Mark Reddy wrote:
 Hey Clint,

 Someone for DataStax can correct me here, but I'm assuming that they have
 disabled vnodes because the AMI is built to make it easy to set up a
 pre-configured mixed workload cluster. A mixture of Real-Time/Transactional
 (Cassandra), Analytics (Hadoop), or Search (Solr). If you take a look at the
 getting started guide for both Hadoop and Solr you will see a paragraph
 instructing the user to disable vnodes for a mix workload cluster.

 This is specific to the example AMI and that type of workload. This is by no
 means a warning for users to disable vnodes on their Real-Time/Transactional
 Cassandra only clusters on EC2.

 I've used vnodes on EC2 without issue.


 On 20 February 2015 at 05:08, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi all,

 The guide for installing Cassandra on EC2 says that

 Note: The DataStax AMI does not install DataStax Enterprise nodes
 with virtual nodes enabled.

 Just curious why this is the case.  It was my understanding that
 virtual nodes make taking Cassandra nodes on and offline an easier
 process, and that seems like something that an EC2 user would want to
 do quite frequently.


Why no virtual nodes for Cassandra on EC2?

2015-02-19 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

The guide for installing Cassandra on EC2 says that

Note: The DataStax AMI does not install DataStax Enterprise nodes
with virtual nodes enabled.

Just curious why this is the case.  It was my understanding that
virtual nodes make taking Cassandra nodes on and offline an easier
process, and that seems like something that an EC2 user would want to
do quite frequently.


Re: No schema agreement from live replicas?

2015-02-03 Thread Clint Kelly
FWIW increasing the threshold for withMaxSchemaAgreementWaitSeconds to
30sec was enough to fix my problem---I would like to understand
whether the cluster has some kind of configuration problem that made
doing so necessary, however.


On Tue, Feb 3, 2015 at 7:44 AM, Clint Kelly wrote:
 Hi all,

 I have an application that uses the Java driver to create a table and then
 immediately write to it.  I see the following warning in my logs:

 [] out: 15/02/03 09:32:24 WARN
 com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: No schema agreement from live replicas
 after 10 s. The schema may not be up to date on some nodes.

 ...this seems to happen after creating a table, and the schema not being up
 to date leads to errors when trying to write the the new tables:

 [] out: Exception in thread main
 com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: unconfigured
 columnfamily schema_hash

 Any suggestions on what to do about this (other than increasing
 withMaxSchemaAgreementWaitSeconds)?  This is only a three-node test
 cluster.  I have not gotten this warning before, even on much bigger

 Best regards,

No schema agreement from live replicas?

2015-02-03 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I have an application that uses the Java driver to create a table and then
immediately write to it.  I see the following warning in my logs:

[] out: 15/02/03 09:32:24 WARN
com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: No schema agreement from live replicas
after 10 s. The schema may not be up to date on some nodes.

...this seems to happen after creating a table, and the schema not being up
to date leads to errors when trying to write the the new tables:

[] out: Exception in thread main
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.InvalidQueryException: unconfigured
columnfamily schema_hash

Any suggestions on what to do about this (other than increasing
withMaxSchemaAgreementWaitSeconds)?  This is only a three-node test
cluster.  I have not gotten this warning before, even on much bigger

Best regards,

Best practice for emulating a Cassandra timeout during unit tests?

2014-12-09 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I'd like to write some tests for my code that uses the Cassandra Java
driver to see how it behaves if there is a read timeout while accessing
Cassandra.  Is there a best-practice for getting this done?  I was thinking
about adjusting the settings in the cluster builder to adjust the timeout
settings to be something impossibly low (like 1ms), but I'd rather do
something to my test Cassandra instance (using the
EmbeddedCassandraService) to temporarily slow it down.

Any suggestions?

Best regards,

any way to get nodetool proxyhistograms data for an entire cluster?

2014-11-19 Thread Clint Kelly
If I run this tool on a given host, it shows me stats for only the cases
where that host was the coordinator node, correct?

Is there any way (other than me cooking up a little script) to
automatically get the proxyhistogram stats for my entire cluster?


Re: any way to get nodetool proxyhistograms data for an entire cluster?

2014-11-19 Thread Clint Kelly
Thanks for the reply.

We have DSE so I can use opscenter.  I was just looking for something more
precise than the graphs that I get from opscenter.

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 5:53 PM, Rahul Neelakantan wrote:

 So what do use as a good alternate to it?

 Rahul Neelakantan

 On Nov 19, 2014, at 8:48 PM, Robert Coli wrote:

 On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 3:22 PM, Clint Kelly

 Is there any way (other than me cooking up a little script) to
 automatically get the proxyhistogram stats for my entire cluster?

 OpsCenter might expose this as an aggregate, and can be used with free
 Apache Cassandra. Notice that I say might because I have no idea, because
 I don't use OpsCenter. :D


What time range does nodetool cfhistograms use?

2014-11-16 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

Over what time range does nodetool cfhistograms operate?

I am using Cassandra

I am trying to debug some very high 95th and 99th percentile read
latencies in an application that I'm working on.

I tried running nodetool cfhistograms to get a flavor for the
distribution of read latencies and also to see how many SSTables our
reads are using, and I saw different results yesterday versus this
morning, so I assume the time window is fairly tight (like an hour or
so).   I vaguely recall Aaron Morton talking about this during the
training course I took at Cassandra Summit, but I cannot find my notes
and I think the behavior of the tool with regard to time windows
changed from version to version.



Best practices for route tracing

2014-11-16 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I am trying to debug some high-latency outliers (99th percentile) in an
application I'm working on.  I thought that I could turn on route tracing,
print the route traces to logs, and then examine my logs after a load test
to find the highest-latency paths and figure out what is going on.

I did something similar to what is described here:

Under low amounts of traffic, this looks great and I can see nice trace

Total duration: 599 us (id: ae159110-6dd8-11e4-a6a1-cd4ac3ad1896)
  Executing single-partition query on
lg_users_C |   13:36:52.898 | / |  204
Acquiring sstable
references |   13:36:52.898 | / |  207
 Merging memtable
tombstones |   13:36:52.898 | / |  213
 Bloom filter allows skipping
sstable 40 |   13:36:52.898 | / |  231
 Bloom filter allows skipping
sstable 38 |   13:36:52.898 | / |  237
 Bloom filter allows skipping
sstable 37 |   13:36:52.898 | / |  243
Key cache hit for
sstable 39 |   13:36:52.898 | / |  251
   Seeking to partition indexed section in data
file |   13:36:52.898 | / |  251
   Skipped 0/4 non-slice-intersecting sstables, included 0 due to
tombstones |   13:36:52.898 | / |  455
  Merging data from memtables and 1
sstables |   13:36:52.898 | / |  457
  Read 0 live and 0 tombstoned
cells |   13:36:52.898 | / |  472

Under heavier load, however, things seem to fall over, and I get a lot of
exceptions like:

14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying, trying next host (error
is: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying, trying next host (error
is: com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.RequestHandler: Error
querying /, trying next host (error is:
com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read)
14/11/16 13:39:41 DEBUG 

Re: What time range does nodetool cfhistograms use?

2014-11-16 Thread Clint Kelly
Thanks for the quick reply!  I completely forgot about proxyhistograms!

On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 1:56 PM, DuyHai Doan wrote:

 Does it show statistics for just the current node on which I am running,
 or for the entire cluster? -- only current node.

 Are the read latencies shown the latencies within a single host, or are
 they the end-to-end latencies from the coordinator node?  -- cfhistograms
 shows metrics at table/node level, proxyhistograms shows metrics at
 cluster/coordinator level

 On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 10:31 PM, Clint Kelly

 Thanks, Mark!

 A couple of other questions about the command:

 * Does it show statistics for just the current node on which I am
 running, or for the entire cluster?
 * Are the read latencies shown the latencies within a single host, or
 are they the end-to-end latencies from the coordinator node?


 On Sun, Nov 16, 2014 at 10:05 AM, Mark Reddy
  Hi Clint,
  The values of SSTables, Write Latency and Read Latency will be reset on
  start/restart and after running the cfhistograms command itself.
  The values of Row Size and Column Count are calculated at startup and
  re-evaluated during compaction.
  On 16 November 2014 17:12, Clint Kelly wrote:
  Hi all,
  Over what time range does nodetool cfhistograms operate?
  I am using Cassandra
  I am trying to debug some very high 95th and 99th percentile read
  latencies in an application that I'm working on.
  I tried running nodetool cfhistograms to get a flavor for the
  distribution of read latencies and also to see how many SSTables our
  reads are using, and I saw different results yesterday versus this
  morning, so I assume the time window is fairly tight (like an hour or
  so).   I vaguely recall Aaron Morton talking about this during the
  training course I took at Cassandra Summit, but I cannot find my notes
  and I think the behavior of the tool with regard to time windows
  changed from version to version.

best practice for waiting for schema changes to propagate

2014-09-29 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I often have problems with code that I write that uses the DataStax Java
driver to create / modify a keyspace or table and then soon after reads the
metadata for the keyspace to verify that whatever changes I made the
keyspace or table are complete.

As an example, I may create a table called `myTableName` and then very soon
after do something like:

  .getTable(myTableName) != null)

I assume this fails sometimes because the default round-robin load
balancing policy for the Java driver will send my create-table request to
one node and the metadata read to another, and because it takes some time
for the table creation to propagate across all of the nodes in my cluster.

What is the best way to deal with this problem?  Is there a standard way to
wait for schema changes to propagate?

Best regards,

nondeterministic NoHostAvailableException occurs while dropping a table

2014-09-05 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

TL;DR - I think my unit tests are sometimes failing because of read
timeouts to an EmbeddedCassandraService when dropping a table triggers a
compaction on a highly-loaded build slave.  Does this sound reasonable?
What options should I change in my Cluster.Builder (or elsewhere) to
prevent this from happening?

Longer version of the question:

We use the EmbeddedCassandraService for unit testing and we're seeing
non-deterministic failures on some machines.  The sequence of events that
cause the failures look something like this:

   - We have a single EmbeddedCassandraService that runs for all of our
   unit tests
   - In every test class, we create a new keyspace, then create a bunch of
   tables within that keyspace and run our tests
   - When a given test class is finished, we execute some tear-down code
   that deletes the tables in the keyspace and then drops the keyspace itself
   - All of the unit tests share a single Session object

Our tests always fail when we are executing the tear-down code.  We always
get an error that looks like:

error message=All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: localhost/ (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException:
Timeout during read))
All host(s) tried for query failed (tried: localhost/
(com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during read))

I captured the output of the EmbeddedCassandraService to a log file, and
the last few lines look like:

14/09/04 04:14:34 ERROR org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable: MemoryMeter
uninitialized (jamm not specified as java agent); assuming liveRatio of
10.0.   Usually this means disabled jamm because you are
using a buggy JRE;  upgrade to the Sun JRE instead
14/09/04 04:14:34 INFO org.kiji.schema.impl.cassandra.CassandraAdmin:
Deleting table kiji_testGet_4.schema_id
14/09/04 04:14:34 INFO org.apache.cassandra.service.MigrationManager: Drop
ColumnFamily 'kiji_testGet_4/schema_id'
14/09/04 04:14:34 ERROR org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable: MemoryMeter
uninitialized (jamm not specified as java agent); assuming liveRatio of
10.0.   Usually this means disabled jamm because you are
using a buggy JRE;  upgrade to the Sun JRE instead
14/09/04 04:14:34 ERROR org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable: MemoryMeter
uninitialized (jamm not specified as java agent); assuming liveRatio of
10.0.   Usually this means disabled jamm because you are
using a buggy JRE;  upgrade to the Sun JRE instead
14/09/04 04:14:34 ERROR org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable: MemoryMeter
uninitialized (jamm not specified as java agent); assuming liveRatio of
10.0.   Usually this means disabled jamm because you are
using a buggy JRE;  upgrade to the Sun JRE instead
14/09/04 04:14:34 INFO org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore: Enqueuing
flush of Memtable-schema_keyspaces@822600288(138/1380 serialized/live
bytes, 3 ops)
14/09/04 04:14:34 INFO org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable: Writing
Memtable-schema_keyspaces@822600288(138/1380 serialized/live bytes, 3 ops)
14/09/04 04:14:35 INFO org.apache.cassandra.db.compaction.CompactionTask:
Compacted 4 sstables to
[target/cassandra/data/system/local/system-local-jb-77,].  6,147 bytes to
5,713 (~92% of original) in 497ms = 0.010962MB/s.  4 total partitions
merged to 1.  Partition merge counts were {4:1, }
14/09/04 04:14:35 INFO org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable: Completed flushing
(167 bytes) for commitlog position ReplayPosition(segmentId=1409829145687,
14/09/04 04:14:35 INFO org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore: Enqueuing
flush of Memtable-schema_columnfamilies@1313116194(0/0 serialized/live
bytes, 2 ops)
14/09/04 04:14:35 INFO org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable: Writing
Memtable-schema_columnfamilies@1313116194(0/0 serialized/live bytes, 2 ops)
14/09/04 04:14:36 INFO org.apache.cassandra.db.Memtable: Completed flushing
(68 bytes) for commitlog position ReplayPosition(segmentId=1409829145687,
14/09/04 04:14:36 INFO org.apache.cassandra.db.ColumnFamilyStore: Enqueuing
flush of Memtable-schema_columns@1575679153(0/0 serialized/live bytes, 4
14/09/04 04:14:36 INFO 

Re: cassandra-stress with clustering columns?

2014-08-19 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Mikail,

This plugin looks great!  I have actually been using JMeter + a custom
REST endpoint driving Cassandra.  It would be great to compare the
results I got from that against the pure JMeter + Cassandra (to
evaluate the REST endpoint's performance).

Thanks!  I'll check this out.

Best regards,

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Mikhail Stepura wrote:
 Are you interested in cassandra-stress in particular? Or in any tool which
 will allow you to stress test your schema?
 I believe Apache Jmeter + CQL plugin may be useful in the latter case.


 On 8/17/14 12:26, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi all,

 Is there a way to use the cassandra-stress tool with clustering columns?

 I am trying to figure out whether an application that I'm running on
 is slow because of my application logic, C* data model, or underlying
 C* setup (e.g., I need more nodes or to tune some parameters).

 My application uses tables with several clustering columns and a
 couple of additional indices and it is running quite slowly under a
 heavy write load.  I think that the problem is my data model (and
 therefore table layout), but I'd like to confirm by replicating the
 problem with cassandra-stress.

 I don't see any option for using clustering columns or secondary
 indices, but I wanted to check before diving into the code and trying
 to add this functionality.


 Best regards,

Re: cassandra-stress with clustering columns?

2014-08-19 Thread Clint Kelly
Thanks for the update, Benedict.  We are still using 2.0.9
unfortunately.  :/   I will keep that in mind for when we upgrade.

On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Benedict Elliott Smith wrote:
 The stress tool in 2.1 also now supports clustering columns:

 There are however some features up for revision before release in order to
 help generate realistic workloads. See for details.

 On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 10:46 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi Mikail,

 This plugin looks great!  I have actually been using JMeter + a custom
 REST endpoint driving Cassandra.  It would be great to compare the
 results I got from that against the pure JMeter + Cassandra (to
 evaluate the REST endpoint's performance).

 Thanks!  I'll check this out.

 Best regards,

 On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Mikhail Stepura wrote:
  Are you interested in cassandra-stress in particular? Or in any tool
  will allow you to stress test your schema?
  I believe Apache Jmeter + CQL plugin may be useful in the latter case.
  On 8/17/14 12:26, Clint Kelly wrote:
  Hi all,
  Is there a way to use the cassandra-stress tool with clustering
  I am trying to figure out whether an application that I'm running on
  is slow because of my application logic, C* data model, or underlying
  C* setup (e.g., I need more nodes or to tune some parameters).
  My application uses tables with several clustering columns and a
  couple of additional indices and it is running quite slowly under a
  heavy write load.  I think that the problem is my data model (and
  therefore table layout), but I'd like to confirm by replicating the
  problem with cassandra-stress.
  I don't see any option for using clustering columns or secondary
  indices, but I wanted to check before diving into the code and trying
  to add this functionality.
  Best regards,

cassandra-stress with clustering columns?

2014-08-17 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

Is there a way to use the cassandra-stress tool with clustering columns?

I am trying to figure out whether an application that I'm running on
is slow because of my application logic, C* data model, or underlying
C* setup (e.g., I need more nodes or to tune some parameters).

My application uses tables with several clustering columns and a
couple of additional indices and it is running quite slowly under a
heavy write load.  I think that the problem is my data model (and
therefore table layout), but I'd like to confirm by replicating the
problem with cassandra-stress.

I don't see any option for using clustering columns or secondary
indices, but I wanted to check before diving into the code and trying
to add this functionality.


Best regards,

Re: cassandra-stress with clustering columns?

2014-08-17 Thread Clint Kelly
FWIW I tried just removing indices from my table and rerunning my
write load test and I got about 2x the performance.  I'm still
interested, however, in seeing whether I can replicate my table layout
in cassandra-stress, just so that I can normalize my results.

Should the presence of clustering columns make a big difference in
write performance?

On Sun, Aug 17, 2014 at 12:26 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:
 Hi all,

 Is there a way to use the cassandra-stress tool with clustering columns?

 I am trying to figure out whether an application that I'm running on
 is slow because of my application logic, C* data model, or underlying
 C* setup (e.g., I need more nodes or to tune some parameters).

 My application uses tables with several clustering columns and a
 couple of additional indices and it is running quite slowly under a
 heavy write load.  I think that the problem is my data model (and
 therefore table layout), but I'd like to confirm by replicating the
 problem with cassandra-stress.

 I don't see any option for using clustering columns or secondary
 indices, but I wanted to check before diving into the code and trying
 to add this functionality.


 Best regards,

Re: question about OpsCenter agent

2014-08-15 Thread Clint Kelly
Thanks, Mark, this was exactly what I needed!

On Thu, Aug 14, 2014 at 11:54 PM, Mark Reddy wrote:
 Hi Clint,

 You need to configure the datastax-agents so they know what machine
 OpsCenter is running on. To do this you will need to edit the address.yaml
 of the datastax-agent, located in /var/lib/datastax-agent/conf/. In this
 file you need to add the following line:

 stomp_interface: opscenter-ip-address

 This will allow your agents to connect to the OpsCenter server (opscenterd)
 over the stomp protocol ( For a more detailed look at the
 configuration options available to the datastax-agent see this page:


 On Fri, Aug 15, 2014 at 3:32 AM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi all,

 I just installed DataStax Enterprise 4.5.  I installed OpsCenter
 Server on one of my four machines.  The port that OpsCenter usually
 uses () was used by something else, so I modified
 /usr/share/opscenter/conf/opscenterd.conf to set the port to 8889.

 When I log into OpsCenter, it says 0 of 4 agents connected.

 I have started datastax-agent on all four of the nodes in my Cassandra
 cluster.  Is there another OpsCenter agent that I have to start?  I'm
 not sure how to fix this.

 I clicked on the Fix link and it prompted me You have nodes that
 need the OpsCenter agent installed.  How do I install the OpsCenter
 agent without using this GUI?  I don't recall getting prompted for
 that when I installed DSE.

 Best regards,

question about OpsCenter agent

2014-08-14 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I just installed DataStax Enterprise 4.5.  I installed OpsCenter
Server on one of my four machines.  The port that OpsCenter usually
uses () was used by something else, so I modified
/usr/share/opscenter/conf/opscenterd.conf to set the port to 8889.

When I log into OpsCenter, it says 0 of 4 agents connected.

I have started datastax-agent on all four of the nodes in my Cassandra
cluster.  Is there another OpsCenter agent that I have to start?  I'm
not sure how to fix this.

I clicked on the Fix link and it prompted me You have nodes that
need the OpsCenter agent installed.  How do I install the OpsCenter
agent without using this GUI?  I don't recall getting prompted for
that when I installed DSE.

Best regards,

Re: Cassandra process exiting mysteriously

2014-08-12 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Or,

For now I removed the test that was failing like this from our suite
and made a note to revisit it in a couple of weeks.  Unfortunately I
still don't know what the issue is.  I'll post here if I figure out it
(please do the same!).  My working hypothesis now is that we had some
kind of OOM problem.

Best regards,

On Tue, Aug 12, 2014 at 12:23 AM, Or Sher wrote:
 Clint, did you find anything?
 I just noticed it happens to us too on only one node in our CI cluster.
 I don't think there is  a special usage before it happens... The last line
 in the log before the shutdown lines in at least an hour before..
 We're using C* 2.0.9.

 On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 12:49 AM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi Rob,

 Thanks for the clarification; this is really useful.  I'll run some
 experiments to see if the problem is a JVM OOM on our build machine.

 Best regards,

 On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Robert Coli wrote:
  On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Robert Coli
  On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:11 AM, Duncan Sands
  this doesn't look like an OOM to me.  If the kernel OOM kills
  then Cassandra instantly vaporizes, and there will be nothing in the
  Cassandra logs (you will find information about the OOM in the system
  though, eg in dmesg).  In the log snippet above you see an orderly
  this is completely different to the instant OOM kill.
  Not really.
  To be clear, there's two different OOMs here, I am talking about the JVM
  OOM, not system level. As CASSANDRA-7507 indicates, JVM OOM does not
  necessarily result in the cassandra process dying, and can in fact
  clean shutdown.
  System level OOM will in fact send the equivalent of KILL, which will
  trigger the clean shutdown hook in Cassandra.

 Or Sher

Re: Cassandra process exiting mysteriously

2014-08-06 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Duncan,

Thanks for your help.

I am at a loss as to what is causing this process to stop then.  I
would not expect the Cassandra process to finish until my code calls
Process#destroy, but it seems to non-deterministically stop much
earlier sometimes.

FWIW I have seen failures on another machine this morning which also
look orderly.  These nodes never even get to the point where they
announce they are listening for CQL clients.

If anyone has any ideas on what to look for, I would really appreciate
it.  I will try turning logging up to DEBUG and see if that produces
any useful errors.

Best regards,

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:11 AM, Duncan Sands wrote:
 Hi Clint,

 INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:51,903 (line 141) Stop listening to thrift clients
   INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:51,920
 (line 182) Stop listening for CQL clients
   INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:51,930 (line 1279) Announcing shutdown
   INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:53,930 (line 683) Waiting for messaging service to
   INFO [ACCEPT-/] 2014-08-05 19:14:53,931 (line 923) MessagingService has terminated the
 accept() thread

 Does anyone have any ideas about how to debug this?  Looking around on
 google I found some threads suggesting that this could occur from an
 OOM error

 this doesn't look like an OOM to me.  If the kernel OOM kills Cassandra then
 Cassandra instantly vaporizes, and there will be nothing in the Cassandra
 logs (you will find information about the OOM in the system logs though, eg
 in dmesg).  In the log snippet above you see an orderly shutdown, this is
 completely different to the instant OOM kill.

 Ciao, Duncan.

Re: Cassandra process exiting mysteriously

2014-08-06 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Rob,

Thanks for the clarification; this is really useful.  I'll run some
experiments to see if the problem is a JVM OOM on our build machine.

Best regards,

On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:14 PM, Robert Coli wrote:
 On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:12 PM, Robert Coli wrote:

 On Wed, Aug 6, 2014 at 1:11 AM, Duncan Sands

 this doesn't look like an OOM to me.  If the kernel OOM kills Cassandra
 then Cassandra instantly vaporizes, and there will be nothing in the
 Cassandra logs (you will find information about the OOM in the system logs
 though, eg in dmesg).  In the log snippet above you see an orderly shutdown,
 this is completely different to the instant OOM kill.

 Not really.

 To be clear, there's two different OOMs here, I am talking about the JVM
 OOM, not system level. As CASSANDRA-7507 indicates, JVM OOM does not
 necessarily result in the cassandra process dying, and can in fact trigger
 clean shutdown.

 System level OOM will in fact send the equivalent of KILL, which will not
 trigger the clean shutdown hook in Cassandra.


Read timeouts with ALLOW FILTERING turned on

2014-08-05 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

Allow me to rephrase a question I asked last week.  I am performing some
queries with ALLOW FILTERING and getting consistent read timeouts like the

com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.ReadTimeoutException: Cassandra
timeout during read query at consistency ONE (1 responses were
required but only 0 replica responded)

These errors occur only during multi-row scans, and only during integration
tests on our build server.

I tried to see if I could replicate this error by reducing
read_request_timeout_in_ms when I run Cassandra on my local machine
(where I have not seen this error), but that is not working.  Are there any
other parameters that I need to adjust?  I'd feel better if I could at
least replicate this failure by reducing the read_request_timeout_in_ms
(since doing so would mean I actually understand what is going wrong...).

Best regards,

Re: Read timeouts with ALLOW FILTERING turned on

2014-08-05 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Rob,

Thanks for your feedback.  I understand that use of ALLOW FILTERING is
not a best practice.  In this case, however, I am building a tool on
top of Cassandra that allows users to sometimes do things that are
less than optimal.  When they try to do expensive queries like this,
I'd rather provide a higher limit before timing out, but I can't seem
to change the behavior of Cassandra by tweaking any of the parameters
in the cassandra.yaml file or in the DataStax Java driver's Cluster

FWIW these queries are also in batch jobs where we can tolerate the
extra latency.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Robert Coli wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Allow me to rephrase a question I asked last week.  I am performing some
 queries with ALLOW FILTERING and getting consistent read timeouts like the

 ALLOW FILTERING should be renamed PROBABLY TIMEOUT in order to properly
 describe its typical performance.

 As a general statement, if you have to ALLOW FILTERING, you are probably
 Doing It Wrong in terms of schema design.

 A correctly operated cluster is unlikely to need to increase the default
 timeouts. If you find yourself needing to do so, you are, again, probably
 Doing It Wrong.


Re: Read timeouts with ALLOW FILTERING turned on

2014-08-05 Thread Clint Kelly
Ah FWIW I was able to reproduce the problem by reducing
range_request_timeout_in_ms.  This is great since I want to increase
the timeout for batch jobs where we scan a large set of rows, but
leave the timeout for single-row queries alone.

Best regards,

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 11:42 AM, Clint Kelly wrote:
 Hi Rob,

 Thanks for your feedback.  I understand that use of ALLOW FILTERING is
 not a best practice.  In this case, however, I am building a tool on
 top of Cassandra that allows users to sometimes do things that are
 less than optimal.  When they try to do expensive queries like this,
 I'd rather provide a higher limit before timing out, but I can't seem
 to change the behavior of Cassandra by tweaking any of the parameters
 in the cassandra.yaml file or in the DataStax Java driver's Cluster

 FWIW these queries are also in batch jobs where we can tolerate the
 extra latency.

 Thanks for your help!

 Best regards,

 On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:54 AM, Robert Coli wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 10:01 AM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Allow me to rephrase a question I asked last week.  I am performing some
 queries with ALLOW FILTERING and getting consistent read timeouts like the

 ALLOW FILTERING should be renamed PROBABLY TIMEOUT in order to properly
 describe its typical performance.

 As a general statement, if you have to ALLOW FILTERING, you are probably
 Doing It Wrong in terms of schema design.

 A correctly operated cluster is unlikely to need to increase the default
 timeouts. If you find yourself needing to do so, you are, again, probably
 Doing It Wrong.


Cassandra process exiting mysteriously

2014-08-05 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi everyone,

For some integration tests, we start up a CassandraDaemon in a
separate process (using the Java 7 ProcessBuilder API).  All of my
integration tests run beautifully on my laptop, but one of them fails
on our Jenkins cluster.

The failing integration test does around 10k writes to different rows
and then 10k reads.  After running some number of reads, the job dies
with this error:

com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All
host(s) tried for query failed (tried: /
(com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during

This error appears to have occurred because the Cassandra process has
stopped.  The logs for the Cassandra process show some warnings during
batch writes (the batches are too big), no activity for a few minutes
(I assume this is because all of the read operations were proceeding
smoothly), and then look like the following:

INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:51,903 (line 141) Stop listening to thrift clients
 INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:51,920
(line 182) Stop listening for CQL clients
 INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:51,930 (line 1279) Announcing shutdown
 INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:53,930 (line 683) Waiting for messaging service to
 INFO [ACCEPT-/] 2014-08-05 19:14:53,931 (line 923) MessagingService has terminated the
accept() thread

Does anyone have any ideas about how to debug this?  Looking around on
google I found some threads suggesting that this could occur from an
OOM error 
Wouldn't such an error be logged, however?

The test that fails is a test of our MapReduce Hadoop InputFormat and
as such it does some pretty big queries across multiple rows (over a
range of partitioning key tokens).  The default fetch size I believe
is 5000 rows, and the values in the rows I am fetching are just simple
strings, so I would not think the amount of data in a single read
would be too big.

FWIW I don't see any log messages about garbage collection for at
least 3min before the process shuts down (and no GC messages after the
test stops doing writes and starts doing reads).

I'd greatly appreciate any help before my team kills me for breaking
our Jenkins build so consistently!  :)

Best regards,

Re: Cassandra process exiting mysteriously

2014-08-05 Thread Clint Kelly
HI Kevin,

Thanks for your reply.  That is what I assumed, but some of the posts
I read on Stack Overflow (e.g., the one that I referenced in my mail)
suggested otherwise.  I was just curious if others had experienced OOM
problems that weren't logged or if there were other common culprits.

Best regards,

On Tue, Aug 5, 2014 at 9:29 PM, Kevin Burton wrote:
 If there is an oom it will be in the logs.

 On Aug 5, 2014 8:17 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 For some integration tests, we start up a CassandraDaemon in a
 separate process (using the Java 7 ProcessBuilder API).  All of my
 integration tests run beautifully on my laptop, but one of them fails
 on our Jenkins cluster.

 The failing integration test does around 10k writes to different rows
 and then 10k reads.  After running some number of reads, the job dies
 with this error:

 com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.NoHostAvailableException: All
 host(s) tried for query failed (tried: /
 (com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.DriverException: Timeout during

 This error appears to have occurred because the Cassandra process has
 stopped.  The logs for the Cassandra process show some warnings during
 batch writes (the batches are too big), no activity for a few minutes
 (I assume this is because all of the read operations were proceeding
 smoothly), and then look like the following:

 INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:51,903 (line 141) Stop listening to thrift clients
  INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:51,920
 (line 182) Stop listening for CQL clients
  INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:51,930 (line 1279) Announcing shutdown
  INFO [StorageServiceShutdownHook] 2014-08-05 19:14:53,930 (line 683) Waiting for messaging service to
  INFO [ACCEPT-/] 2014-08-05 19:14:53,931 (line 923) MessagingService has terminated the
 accept() thread

 Does anyone have any ideas about how to debug this?  Looking around on
 google I found some threads suggesting that this could occur from an
 OOM error
 Wouldn't such an error be logged, however?

 The test that fails is a test of our MapReduce Hadoop InputFormat and
 as such it does some pretty big queries across multiple rows (over a
 range of partitioning key tokens).  The default fetch size I believe
 is 5000 rows, and the values in the rows I am fetching are just simple
 strings, so I would not think the amount of data in a single read
 would be too big.

 FWIW I don't see any log messages about garbage collection for at
 least 3min before the process shuts down (and no GC messages after the
 test stops doing writes and starts doing reads).

 I'd greatly appreciate any help before my team kills me for breaking
 our Jenkins build so consistently!  :)

 Best regards,

Re: Occasional read timeouts seen during row scans

2014-08-04 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

1. I saw this issue in an integration test with a single CassandraDaemon
running, so I don't think it was a time synchronization issue.

2. I did not look in the log for garbage collection issues, but I was able
to reproduce this 100% deterministically, so I think it was an issue having
to do with the organization and size of my data.  I have been unable to fix
this by retrying failed reads (because this behavior, when it occurs, is

I was looking for some kind of guidance on how to tune Cassandra to
increase or decrease this timeout threshold such that I can tolerate a
higher timeout in the cluster and so that I can reproduce this in some unit
or integration tests.

Also if anyone has any ideas on how my particular table layout might lead
to these kinds of problems, that would be great.  Thanks!

Best regards,

On Sat, Aug 2, 2014 at 4:40 AM, Jack Krupansky

 Are you seeing garbage collections in the log at around the same time as
 these occasional timeouts?

 Can you identify which requests are timing out? And then can you try some
 of them again and see if they succeed at least sometimes and how long they
 take then?

 Do you have a test case that you believe does the worst case for
 filtering? How long does it take?

 Can you monitor if the timed-out node is compute bound or I/O bound at the
 times of failure? Do you see spikes for compute or I/O?

 Can your app simply retry the timed-out request? Does even a retry
 typically fail, or does retry get you to 100% success? I would note that
 even the best distributed systems do not guarantee zero failures for
 environmental issues, so apps need to tolerate occasional failures.

 -- Jack Krupansky

 -Original Message- From: Duncan Sands
 Sent: Saturday, August 2, 2014 7:04 AM
 Subject: Re: Occasional read timeouts seen during row scans

 Hi Clint, is time correctly synchronized between your nodes?

 Ciao, Duncan.

 On 02/08/14 02:12, Clint Kelly wrote:

 BTW a few other details, sorry for omitting these:

   * We are using version 2.0.4 of the Java driver
   * We are running against Cassandra 2.0.9
   * I tried messing around with the page size (even reducing it down to a
 record) and that didn't seem to help (in the cases where I was
 observing the

 Best regards,

 On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I am seeing occasional read timeouts during multi-row queries, but I'm
 having difficulty reproducing them or understanding what the problem

 First, some background:

 Our team wrote a custom MapReduce InputFormat that looks pretty
 similar to the DataStax InputFormat except that it allows queries that
 touch multiple CQL tables with the same PRIMARY KEY format (it then
 assembles together results from multiple tables for the same primary
 key before sending them back to the user in the RecordReader).

 During a large batch job in a cluster and during some integration
 tests, we see errors like the following:

 com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.ReadTimeoutException: Cassandra
 timeout during read query at consistency ONE (1 responses were
 required but only 0 replica responded)

 Our queries look like this:

 SELECT token(eid_component), eid_component, lg, family, qualifier,
 version, value FROM kiji_it0.t_foo WHERE lg=? AND family=? AND
 qualifier=?  AND token(eid_component) = ? AND token(eid_component) =

 Our tables look like the following:

 CREATE TABLE kiji_it0.t_foo (
   eid_component varchar,
   lg varchar,
   family blob,
   qualifier blob,
   version bigint,
   value blob,
   PRIMARY KEY ((eid_component), lg, family, qualifier, version))
 WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (lg ASC, family ASC, qualifier ASC, version

 with an additional index on the lg column (the lg column is
 *extremely* low cardinality).

 (FWIW I realize that having ALLOW FILTERING is potentially a Very
 Bad Idea, but we are building a framework on top of Cassandra and
 MapReduce that allows our users to occasionally make queries like
 this.  We don't really mind taking a performance hit since these are
 batch jobs.  We are considering eventually supporting some automatic
 denormalization, but have not done so yet.)

 If I change the query above to remove the WHERE clauses, the errors
 go away.

 I think I understand the problem here---there are some rows that have
 huge amounts of data that we have to scan over, and occasionally those
 scans take so long that there is a timeout.

 I have a couple of questions:

 1. What parameters in my code or in the Cassandra cluster do I need to
 adjust to get rid of these timeouts?  Our table layout is designed

Occasional read timeouts seen during row scans

2014-08-01 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi everyone,

I am seeing occasional read timeouts during multi-row queries, but I'm
having difficulty reproducing them or understanding what the problem

First, some background:

Our team wrote a custom MapReduce InputFormat that looks pretty
similar to the DataStax InputFormat except that it allows queries that
touch multiple CQL tables with the same PRIMARY KEY format (it then
assembles together results from multiple tables for the same primary
key before sending them back to the user in the RecordReader).

During a large batch job in a cluster and during some integration
tests, we see errors like the following:

com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.ReadTimeoutException: Cassandra
timeout during read query at consistency ONE (1 responses were
required but only 0 replica responded)

Our queries look like this:

SELECT token(eid_component), eid_component, lg, family, qualifier,
version, value FROM kiji_it0.t_foo WHERE lg=? AND family=? AND
qualifier=?  AND token(eid_component) = ? AND token(eid_component) =

Our tables look like the following:

CREATE TABLE kiji_it0.t_foo (
 eid_component varchar,
 lg varchar,
 family blob,
 qualifier blob,
 version bigint,
 value blob,
 PRIMARY KEY ((eid_component), lg, family, qualifier, version))
WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (lg ASC, family ASC, qualifier ASC, version DESC);

with an additional index on the lg column (the lg column is
*extremely* low cardinality).

(FWIW I realize that having ALLOW FILTERING is potentially a Very
Bad Idea, but we are building a framework on top of Cassandra and
MapReduce that allows our users to occasionally make queries like
this.  We don't really mind taking a performance hit since these are
batch jobs.  We are considering eventually supporting some automatic
denormalization, but have not done so yet.)

If I change the query above to remove the WHERE clauses, the errors go away.

I think I understand the problem here---there are some rows that have
huge amounts of data that we have to scan over, and occasionally those
scans take so long that there is a timeout.

I have a couple of questions:

1. What parameters in my code or in the Cassandra cluster do I need to
adjust to get rid of these timeouts?  Our table layout is designed
such that its real-time performance should be pretty good, so I don't
mind if the batch queries are a little bit slow.  Do I need to change
the read_request_timeout_in_ms parameter?  Or something else?

2. I have tried to create a test to reproduce this problem, but I have
been unable to do so.  Any suggestions on how to do this?  I tried
creating a table similar to that described above and filling in a huge
amount of data for some rows to try to increase the amount of space
that we'd need to skip over.  I also tried reducing
read_request_timeout_in_ms from 5000 ms to 50 ms and still no dice.

Let me know if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions.  At a minimum
I'd like to be able to reproduce these read timeout errors in some
integration tests.


Best regards,

Re: Occasional read timeouts seen during row scans

2014-08-01 Thread Clint Kelly
BTW a few other details, sorry for omitting these:

   - We are using version 2.0.4 of the Java driver
   - We are running against Cassandra 2.0.9
   - I tried messing around with the page size (even reducing it down to a
   single record) and that didn't seem to help (in the cases where I was
   observing the timeout)

Best regards,

On Fri, Aug 1, 2014 at 5:02 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 I am seeing occasional read timeouts during multi-row queries, but I'm
 having difficulty reproducing them or understanding what the problem

 First, some background:

 Our team wrote a custom MapReduce InputFormat that looks pretty
 similar to the DataStax InputFormat except that it allows queries that
 touch multiple CQL tables with the same PRIMARY KEY format (it then
 assembles together results from multiple tables for the same primary
 key before sending them back to the user in the RecordReader).

 During a large batch job in a cluster and during some integration
 tests, we see errors like the following:

 com.datastax.driver.core.exceptions.ReadTimeoutException: Cassandra
 timeout during read query at consistency ONE (1 responses were
 required but only 0 replica responded)

 Our queries look like this:

 SELECT token(eid_component), eid_component, lg, family, qualifier,
 version, value FROM kiji_it0.t_foo WHERE lg=? AND family=? AND
 qualifier=?  AND token(eid_component) = ? AND token(eid_component) =

 Our tables look like the following:

 CREATE TABLE kiji_it0.t_foo (
  eid_component varchar,
  lg varchar,
  family blob,
  qualifier blob,
  version bigint,
  value blob,
  PRIMARY KEY ((eid_component), lg, family, qualifier, version))
 WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (lg ASC, family ASC, qualifier ASC, version DESC);

 with an additional index on the lg column (the lg column is
 *extremely* low cardinality).

 (FWIW I realize that having ALLOW FILTERING is potentially a Very
 Bad Idea, but we are building a framework on top of Cassandra and
 MapReduce that allows our users to occasionally make queries like
 this.  We don't really mind taking a performance hit since these are
 batch jobs.  We are considering eventually supporting some automatic
 denormalization, but have not done so yet.)

 If I change the query above to remove the WHERE clauses, the errors go

 I think I understand the problem here---there are some rows that have
 huge amounts of data that we have to scan over, and occasionally those
 scans take so long that there is a timeout.

 I have a couple of questions:

 1. What parameters in my code or in the Cassandra cluster do I need to
 adjust to get rid of these timeouts?  Our table layout is designed
 such that its real-time performance should be pretty good, so I don't
 mind if the batch queries are a little bit slow.  Do I need to change
 the read_request_timeout_in_ms parameter?  Or something else?

 2. I have tried to create a test to reproduce this problem, but I have
 been unable to do so.  Any suggestions on how to do this?  I tried
 creating a table similar to that described above and filling in a huge
 amount of data for some rows to try to increase the amount of space
 that we'd need to skip over.  I also tried reducing
 read_request_timeout_in_ms from 5000 ms to 50 ms and still no dice.

 Let me know if anyone has any thoughts or suggestions.  At a minimum
 I'd like to be able to reproduce these read timeout errors in some
 integration tests.


 Best regards,

Re: Index creation sometimes fails

2014-07-25 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Tyler,

FWIW I was not able to reproduce this problem with a smaller example.  I'll
go ahead and file the JIRA anyway.  Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 3:05 PM, Tyler Hobbs wrote:

 On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 4:59 PM, Clint Kelly

 I will post a JIRA, along with directions on how to get this to
 happen.  The tricky thing, though, is that this doesn't always happen,
 and I cannot reproduce it on my laptop or in a VM.

 Even if you can't reproduce, just include as many details as you can.  C*
 and driver versions, schemas, logs, etc.

 BTW you mean the datastax JIRA, correct?

 Oops! Yes, I meant, not
 the batch statement docs :)

 Tyler Hobbs

Re: Index creation sometimes fails

2014-07-17 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Tyler,

Thanks for replying.  This is good to know that I am not going crazy!  :)

I will post a JIRA, along with directions on how to get this to
happen.  The tricky thing, though, is that this doesn't always happen,
and I cannot reproduce it on my laptop or in a VM.

BTW you mean the datastax JIRA, correct?

Best regards,

On Wed, Jul 16, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Tyler Hobbs wrote:

 On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Is there some way to get the driver to block until the schema code has
 propagated everywhere?  My currently solution feels rather janky!

 The driver *should* be blocking until the schema has propagated already.  If
 it's not, that's a bug.  I would check the changelog and JIRA for related
 tickets, and if you don't find anything, open a new ticket with details and
 steps to repro:

 Tyler Hobbs

How to maintain the N-most-recent versions of a value?

2014-07-17 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi everyone,

I am trying to design a schema that will keep the N-most-recent
versions of a value.  Currently my table looks like the following:

rowkey text,
family text,
qualifier text,
version long,
value blob,
PRIMARY KEY (rowkey, family, qualifier, version))
WITH CLUSTER ORDER BY (rowkey ASC, family ASC, qualifier ASC, version DESC));

Is there any standard design pattern for updating such a layout such
that I keep the N-most-recent (version, value) pairs for every unique
(rowkey, family, qualifier)?  I can't think of any way to do this
without doing a read-modify-write.  The best thing I can think of is
to use TTL to approximate the desired behavior (which will work if I
know how often we are writing new data to the table).  I could also
use LIMIT N in my queries to limit myself to only N items, but that
does not address any of the storage-size issues.

In case anyone is curious, this question is related to some work that
I am doing translating a system built on HBase (which provides this
keep the N-most-recent-version-of-a-cell behavior) to Cassandra
while providing the user with as-similar-as-possible an interface.

Best regards,

Re: Index creation sometimes fails

2014-07-15 Thread Clint Kelly
FWIW I was able to work around this problem by having my code run the
following loop:

while (the index doesn't exit and we haven't hit our limit of number of tries):
try to create the index
read from system.schema_columns to see if the index exists
if so, then break
if not, pause 5 seconds

This loop took three iterations to create the index.

Is this expected?  This seems really weird!

Best regards,

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:54 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:
 BTW I have seen this using versions 2.0.1 and 2.0.3 of the java driver
 on a three-node cluster with DSE 4.5.

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:51 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have some code that I've been fiddling with today that uses the
 DataStax Java driver to create a table and then create a secondary
 index on a column in that table.  I've testing this code fairly
 thoroughly on a single-node Cassandra instance on my laptop and in
 unit test (using the CassandraDaemon).

 When running on a three-node cluster, however, I see strange behavior.
 Although my table always gets created, the secondary index often does
 not!  If I delete the table and then create it again (through the same
 code that I've written), I've never seen the index fail to appear the
 second time.

 Does anyone have any idea what to look for here?  I have no experience
 working on a Cassandra cluster and I wonder if maybe I am doing
 something dumb (I basically just installed DSE and started up the
 three nodes and that was it).  I don't see anything that looks unusual
 in OpsCenter for DSE.

 The only thing I've noticed is that the presence of output like the
 following from my program after executing the command to create the
 index is perfectly correlated with successful creation of the index:

 14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: Received
 event EVENT CREATED kiji_retail2.t_model_repo, scheduling delivery
 14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 [Control connection] Refreshing schema for kiji_retail2
 14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: Refreshing
 schema for kiji_retail2
 14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 Checking for schema agreement: versions are
 14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 Checking for schema agreement: versions are
 14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 Checking for schema agreement: versions are
 14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 Checking for schema agreement: versions are
 14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 Checking for schema agreement: versions are

 If anyone can give me a hand, I would really appreciate it.  I am out of 

 Best regards,

Re: Index creation sometimes fails

2014-07-15 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi DuyHai,

Thanks for the response.  Is the recommended best practice therefore
to do what I describe above?

Is there some way to get the driver to block until the schema code has
propagated everywhere?  My currently solution feels rather janky!


Best regards,

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 11:32 AM, DuyHai Doan wrote:
 As far as I know, schema propagation always takes some times in the cluster.
 On this mailing list some people in the past faced similar behavior.

 On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 8:20 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 FWIW I was able to work around this problem by having my code run the
 following loop:

 while (the index doesn't exit and we haven't hit our limit of number of
 try to create the index
 read from system.schema_columns to see if the index exists
 if so, then break
 if not, pause 5 seconds

 This loop took three iterations to create the index.

 Is this expected?  This seems really weird!

 Best regards,

 On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:54 PM, Clint Kelly
  BTW I have seen this using versions 2.0.1 and 2.0.3 of the java driver
  on a three-node cluster with DSE 4.5.
  On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:51 PM, Clint Kelly
  Hi everyone,
  I have some code that I've been fiddling with today that uses the
  DataStax Java driver to create a table and then create a secondary
  index on a column in that table.  I've testing this code fairly
  thoroughly on a single-node Cassandra instance on my laptop and in
  unit test (using the CassandraDaemon).
  When running on a three-node cluster, however, I see strange behavior.
  Although my table always gets created, the secondary index often does
  not!  If I delete the table and then create it again (through the same
  code that I've written), I've never seen the index fail to appear the
  second time.
  Does anyone have any idea what to look for here?  I have no experience
  working on a Cassandra cluster and I wonder if maybe I am doing
  something dumb (I basically just installed DSE and started up the
  three nodes and that was it).  I don't see anything that looks unusual
  in OpsCenter for DSE.
  The only thing I've noticed is that the presence of output like the
  following from my program after executing the command to create the
  index is perfectly correlated with successful creation of the index:
  14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: Received
  event EVENT CREATED kiji_retail2.t_model_repo, scheduling delivery
  14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
  [Control connection] Refreshing schema for kiji_retail2
  14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: Refreshing
  schema for kiji_retail2
  14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
  Checking for schema agreement: versions are
  14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
  Checking for schema agreement: versions are
  14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
  Checking for schema agreement: versions are
  14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
  Checking for schema agreement: versions are
  14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
  Checking for schema agreement: versions are
  If anyone can give me a hand, I would really appreciate it.  I am out
  of ideas!
  Best regards,

Index creation sometimes fails

2014-07-14 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi everyone,

I have some code that I've been fiddling with today that uses the
DataStax Java driver to create a table and then create a secondary
index on a column in that table.  I've testing this code fairly
thoroughly on a single-node Cassandra instance on my laptop and in
unit test (using the CassandraDaemon).

When running on a three-node cluster, however, I see strange behavior.
Although my table always gets created, the secondary index often does
not!  If I delete the table and then create it again (through the same
code that I've written), I've never seen the index fail to appear the
second time.

Does anyone have any idea what to look for here?  I have no experience
working on a Cassandra cluster and I wonder if maybe I am doing
something dumb (I basically just installed DSE and started up the
three nodes and that was it).  I don't see anything that looks unusual
in OpsCenter for DSE.

The only thing I've noticed is that the presence of output like the
following from my program after executing the command to create the
index is perfectly correlated with successful creation of the index:

14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: Received
event EVENT CREATED kiji_retail2.t_model_repo, scheduling delivery
14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
[Control connection] Refreshing schema for kiji_retail2
14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: Refreshing
schema for kiji_retail2
14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
Checking for schema agreement: versions are
14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
Checking for schema agreement: versions are
14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
Checking for schema agreement: versions are
14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
Checking for schema agreement: versions are
14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
Checking for schema agreement: versions are

If anyone can give me a hand, I would really appreciate it.  I am out of ideas!

Best regards,

Re: Index creation sometimes fails

2014-07-14 Thread Clint Kelly
BTW I have seen this using versions 2.0.1 and 2.0.3 of the java driver
on a three-node cluster with DSE 4.5.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2014 at 5:51 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:
 Hi everyone,

 I have some code that I've been fiddling with today that uses the
 DataStax Java driver to create a table and then create a secondary
 index on a column in that table.  I've testing this code fairly
 thoroughly on a single-node Cassandra instance on my laptop and in
 unit test (using the CassandraDaemon).

 When running on a three-node cluster, however, I see strange behavior.
 Although my table always gets created, the secondary index often does
 not!  If I delete the table and then create it again (through the same
 code that I've written), I've never seen the index fail to appear the
 second time.

 Does anyone have any idea what to look for here?  I have no experience
 working on a Cassandra cluster and I wonder if maybe I am doing
 something dumb (I basically just installed DSE and started up the
 three nodes and that was it).  I don't see anything that looks unusual
 in OpsCenter for DSE.

 The only thing I've noticed is that the presence of output like the
 following from my program after executing the command to create the
 index is perfectly correlated with successful creation of the index:

 14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: Received
 event EVENT CREATED kiji_retail2.t_model_repo, scheduling delivery
 14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 [Control connection] Refreshing schema for kiji_retail2
 14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: Refreshing
 schema for kiji_retail2
 14/07/14 17:40:01 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 Checking for schema agreement: versions are
 14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 Checking for schema agreement: versions are
 14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 Checking for schema agreement: versions are
 14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 Checking for schema agreement: versions are
 14/07/14 17:40:02 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.ControlConnection:
 Checking for schema agreement: versions are

 If anyone can give me a hand, I would really appreciate it.  I am out of 

 Best regards,

Setting up DSE 4.5 for mixed workload with BYOH

2014-07-02 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi everyone,

Apologies if this is the incorrect forum for a question like this.

I am going to set up a mixed-workload (real-time and analytics)
installation of DSE 4.5 using bring-your-own Hadoop (BYOH).  We are
using CDH 5.0.

I was reviewing the installation instructions, and I came across the
following comment here:

6. Observe workload isolation best practices. Do not enable vnodes.

Does this mean that the use of vnodes is not compatible with a
mixed-workload installation?  Or with BYOH?  I am confused why this
would be the case.

If anyone can clarify, I would greatly appreciate it.

Best regards,

Re: Setting up DSE 4.5 for mixed workload with BYOH

2014-07-02 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Tupshin,

Thanks for the quick reply.  Is the performance concern from the
Hadoop integration needing to set up separate SELECT operations for
all of the unique vnode ranges?

Best regards,

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Tupshin Harper wrote:
 For performance reasons, you shouldn't enable vnodes on any Cassandra/DSE
 datacenter that is doing hadoop analytics workloads.  Other DCs in the
 cluster can use vnodes.


 On Jul 2, 2014 5:50 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 Apologies if this is the incorrect forum for a question like this.

 I am going to set up a mixed-workload (real-time and analytics)
 installation of DSE 4.5 using bring-your-own Hadoop (BYOH).  We are
 using CDH 5.0.

 I was reviewing the installation instructions, and I came across the
 following comment here:

 6. Observe workload isolation best practices. Do not enable vnodes.

 Does this mean that the use of vnodes is not compatible with a
 mixed-workload installation?  Or with BYOH?  I am confused why this
 would be the case.

 If anyone can clarify, I would greatly appreciate it.

 Best regards,

Re: Setting up DSE 4.5 for mixed workload with BYOH

2014-07-02 Thread Clint Kelly
Sorry BTW in case what I wrote below is unclear, is the concern that
the Hadoop InputFormat (as an example) will need to have a separate
InputSplit (which corresponds to a SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE
token(baz)  min AND token(baz)  max) for every vnode instead of for
every token?

(I assume this would be an increase of several orders of magnitude in
the number of input splits.)

Best regards,

On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 6:04 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:
 Hi Tupshin,

 Thanks for the quick reply.  Is the performance concern from the
 Hadoop integration needing to set up separate SELECT operations for
 all of the unique vnode ranges?

 Best regards,

 On Wed, Jul 2, 2014 at 6:00 PM, Tupshin Harper wrote:
 For performance reasons, you shouldn't enable vnodes on any Cassandra/DSE
 datacenter that is doing hadoop analytics workloads.  Other DCs in the
 cluster can use vnodes.


 On Jul 2, 2014 5:50 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi everyone,

 Apologies if this is the incorrect forum for a question like this.

 I am going to set up a mixed-workload (real-time and analytics)
 installation of DSE 4.5 using bring-your-own Hadoop (BYOH).  We are
 using CDH 5.0.

 I was reviewing the installation instructions, and I came across the
 following comment here:

 6. Observe workload isolation best practices. Do not enable vnodes.

 Does this mean that the use of vnodes is not compatible with a
 mixed-workload installation?  Or with BYOH?  I am confused why this
 would be the case.

 If anyone can clarify, I would greatly appreciate it.

 Best regards,

Re: Is the tarball for a given release in a Maven repository somewhere?

2014-05-22 Thread Clint Kelly
Probably!  I'll give that a try, thanks!

On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Chris Burroughs wrote:
 Maven central has bin.tar.gz  src.tar.gz downloads for the
 'apache-cassandra' artifact.  Does that work for your use case?

 On 05/20/2014 05:30 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am using the maven assembly plugin to build a project that contains
 a development environment for a project that we've built at work on
 top of Cassandra.  I'd like this development environment to include
 the latest release of Cassandra.

 Is there a maven repo anywhere that contains an artifact with the
 Cassandra release in it?  I'd like to have the same Cassandra tarball
 that you can download from the website be a dependency for my project.
   I can then have the assembly plugin untar it and customize some of
 the conf files before taring up our entire development environment.
 That way, anyone using our development environment would have access
 to the various shell scripts and tools.

 I poked around online and could not find what I was looking for.  Any
 help would be appreciated!

 Best regards,

Re: Is the tarball for a given release in a Maven repository somewhere?

2014-05-21 Thread Clint Kelly
Thanks, Lewis.  I created a ticket here:

For now I just copied the cassandra and scripts
into my project, along with custom configuration files.  We already
have all of the necessary JARs in our project's lib directory, since
our code depends on them anyway.

Best regards,

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Lewis John Mcgibbney wrote:
 Hi Clint,

 On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 5:29 AM,

 Is the tarball for a given release in a Maven repository somewhere?

 Hi all,


 I poked around online and could not find what I was looking for.  Any
 help would be appreciated!

 A Maven repos? No. Currently tar.gz builds are not generated and signed with
 the Cassandra release process and sent to MCentral.
 This is an ideal opportunity for someone to intervene and improve this
 process... log a Jira ticket as it would only benefit people if they can
 find these artifacts in MCental as well.

 You can however, ALWAYS find archived releases of Cassandra (as with EVERY
 Apache release) under
 Specifically you will be looking here
 It is up to the Cassandra release manager and PMC generally to keep the main
 distribution server clean and uncluttered so hence the reason non-current
 releases are automatically pulled down to archive.a.o

Is the tarball for a given release in a Maven repository somewhere?

2014-05-20 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I am using the maven assembly plugin to build a project that contains
a development environment for a project that we've built at work on
top of Cassandra.  I'd like this development environment to include
the latest release of Cassandra.

Is there a maven repo anywhere that contains an artifact with the
Cassandra release in it?  I'd like to have the same Cassandra tarball
that you can download from the website be a dependency for my project.
 I can then have the assembly plugin untar it and customize some of
the conf files before taring up our entire development environment.
That way, anyone using our development environment would have access
to the various shell scripts and tools.

I poked around online and could not find what I was looking for.  Any
help would be appreciated!

Best regards,

Re: Cassandra token range support for Hadoop (ColumnFamilyInputFormat)

2014-05-16 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Anton,

One approach you could look at is to write a custom InputFormat that
allows you to limit the token range of rows that you fetch (if the
AbstractColumnFamilyInputFormat does not do what you want).  Doing so
is not too much work.

If you look at the class RowIterator within CqlRecordReader, you can
see code in the constructor that creates a query with a certain token

ResultSet rs = session.execute(cqlQuery,
type.compose(type.fromString(split.getEndToken())) );

 I think you can make a new version of the InputFormat and just tweak
this method to achieve what you want.  Alternatively, if you just want
to get a sample of the data, you might want to change the InputFormat
itself such that it chooses to query only a subset of the total input
splits (or CfSplits).  That might be easier.

Best regards,

On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 6:29 PM, Anton Brazhnyk wrote:

 I'm reading data from C* with Spark (via ColumnFamilyInputFormat) and I'd 
 like to read just part of it - something like Spark's sample() function.
 Cassandra's API seems allow to do it with its 
 ConfigHelper.setInputRange(jobConfiguration, startToken, endToken) method, 
 but it doesn't work.
 The limit is just ignored and the entire column family is scanned. It seems 
 this kind of feature is just not supported
 and sources of AbstractColumnFamilyInputFormat.getSplits confirm that (IMO).
 1. Am I right that there is no way to get some data limited by token range 
 with ColumnFamilyInputFormat?
 2. Is there other way to limit the amount of data read from Cassandra with 
 Spark and ColumnFamilyInputFormat,
 so that this amount is predictable (like 5% of entire dataset)?


Hadoop InputFormat that supports multiple queries

2014-05-12 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi everyone,

I couple of months ago I started working on a new Hadoop InputFormat
that we needed for something at my work.  It is in a semi-working
state now so I thought I would post a link in case anyone is

At the time I started working on this, I wanted a driver that used the
DataStax Java driver.  I saw that the most recent Cassandra release
uses the Java driver to Hadoop integration, so that somewhat obviates
what I was doing, but it has a couple of other features that folks
might find useful:

* You can combine the results of multiple queries to multiple tables
* You can group rows based on the partition key, plus some optional
subset of the clustering columns

Thanks to the folks on the list who helped answer my questions while I
was writing this.

Best regards,

Re: Error evicting cold readers when launching an EmbeddedCassandraService for a second time

2014-05-02 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Duy Hai,

I was just trying to be extra-paranoid and to make sure that any screw up
in one unit test did not at all affect the environment for my other unit

What do you mean by truncating tables BTW?

Best regards,

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 11:05 AM, DuyHai Doan wrote:

 Hello Clint

  Why do you need to remove all SSTables or dropping keyspace between tests
 ? Truncating tables is not enough to have clean and repeatable tests ?


  Duy Hai DOAN

 On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 5:54 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:


 I am deleting all of the directories for SSTables, etc. between tests.
 My goal is for each test to start off with a completely blank-slate
 Cassandra install.

 I can more-or-less get what I want by just keeping the same
 EmbeddedCassandraSession active through *all* of my unit tests and then
 just creating and dropping keyspaces every test, but I'd like to know how
 to totally start over if I'd like to.


 Best regards,

 On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:15 AM, DuyHai Doan wrote:

 Hello Clint

  Just one question, are you sure that nothing from your code remove the
 SSTables between tests ? I'm using extensively the same infrastructure than
 the EmbeddedCassandraService with Achilles and I have no such issue so far


 On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Clint Kelly

 Hi all,

 I have a unit test framework for a Cassandra project that I'm working
 on.  For every one of my test classes, I delete all of the data file,
 commit log, and saved cache locations, start an EmbeddedCassandraService,
 and populate a keyspace and tables from scratch.

 Currently, the unit tests that run in my first test class work fine,
 but those in my second class die with this error:
 (No such file or directory)

 This error happens immediately after I call

 I turned on debugging and traced through the code, and I see this right
 before the error message:

 14/04/30 11:22:47 DEBUG org.apache.cassandra.service.FileCacheService:
 Evicting cold readers for

 This seems to happen in a callback when a value (in this case, a file
 reader) is evicted from a Guava cache.

 I assume that the problem that I have is something like the following:

- There is some kind of reading thread associated with
- Even after I stop my EmbeddedCassandraService and blow away all
of the data file, commit log, and saved cache locations from my first 
test, the information about the reader for the now-deleted data file 
- Later when this reference expires in the cache and Cassandra goes
to notify the reader, the error occurs because the file no longer 

 Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this?

 Best regards,

Re: Error evicting cold readers when launching an EmbeddedCassandraService for a second time

2014-05-01 Thread Clint Kelly

I am deleting all of the directories for SSTables, etc. between tests.  My
goal is for each test to start off with a completely blank-slate Cassandra

I can more-or-less get what I want by just keeping the same
EmbeddedCassandraSession active through *all* of my unit tests and then
just creating and dropping keyspaces every test, but I'd like to know how
to totally start over if I'd like to.


Best regards,

On Thu, May 1, 2014 at 2:15 AM, DuyHai Doan wrote:

 Hello Clint

  Just one question, are you sure that nothing from your code remove the
 SSTables between tests ? I'm using extensively the same infrastructure than
 the EmbeddedCassandraService with Achilles and I have no such issue so far


 On Wed, Apr 30, 2014 at 8:43 PM, Clint Kelly

 Hi all,

 I have a unit test framework for a Cassandra project that I'm working
 on.  For every one of my test classes, I delete all of the data file,
 commit log, and saved cache locations, start an EmbeddedCassandraService,
 and populate a keyspace and tables from scratch.

 Currently, the unit tests that run in my first test class work fine, but
 those in my second class die with this error:
 (No such file or directory)

 This error happens immediately after I call

 I turned on debugging and traced through the code, and I see this right
 before the error message:

 14/04/30 11:22:47 DEBUG org.apache.cassandra.service.FileCacheService:
 Evicting cold readers for

 This seems to happen in a callback when a value (in this case, a file
 reader) is evicted from a Guava cache.

 I assume that the problem that I have is something like the following:

- There is some kind of reading thread associated with
- Even after I stop my EmbeddedCassandraService and blow away all of
the data file, commit log, and saved cache locations from my first unit
test, the information about the reader for the now-deleted data file still
- Later when this reference expires in the cache and Cassandra goes
to notify the reader, the error occurs because the file no longer exists.

 Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this?

 Best regards,

Error evicting cold readers when launching an EmbeddedCassandraService for a second time

2014-04-30 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I have a unit test framework for a Cassandra project that I'm working on.
For every one of my test classes, I delete all of the data file, commit
log, and saved cache locations, start an EmbeddedCassandraService, and
populate a keyspace and tables from scratch.

Currently, the unit tests that run in my first test class work fine, but
those in my second class die with this error:
(No such file or directory)

This error happens immediately after I call

I turned on debugging and traced through the code, and I see this right
before the error message:

14/04/30 11:22:47 DEBUG org.apache.cassandra.service.FileCacheService:
Evicting cold readers for

This seems to happen in a callback when a value (in this case, a file
reader) is evicted from a Guava cache.

I assume that the problem that I have is something like the following:

   - There is some kind of reading thread associated with
   - Even after I stop my EmbeddedCassandraService and blow away all of the
   data file, commit log, and saved cache locations from my first unit test,
   the information about the reader for the now-deleted data file still exists.
   - Later when this reference expires in the cache and Cassandra goes to
   notify the reader, the error occurs because the file no longer exists.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this?

Best regards,

Per-keyspace partitioners?

2014-04-09 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi everyone,

Is there a way to change the partitioner on a per-table or per-keyspace

We have some tables for which we'd like to enable ordered scans of rows, so
we'd like to use the ByteOrdered partitioner for those, but use Murmur3 for
everything else in our cluster.

Is this possible?  Or does the partitioner have to be the same for the
entire cluster?

Best regards,

Re: Meaning of token column in system.peers and system.local

2014-03-31 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Theo,

Thanks for your response.  I understand what you are saying with
regard to the load balancing.  I posted my question to the DataStax
list and one of the folks there answered it.  I put his response below
(for anyone who may be curious):

Sylvain Lebresne

4:03 AM (4 hours ago)

to java-driver-us.
The system tables are a bit specific in the sense that they are local
to the node that coordinate the query. And by default the java driver
round robin the queries over the node of the cluster. The result is
that more likely than not, your two system queries (on system.local
and system.peers) do not reach the same coordinator, hence what you

It's possible to enforce that both query goes to the same coordinator
by mean of modifying/providing a custom load balancing policy. You
could for instance write a wrapper Statement class, that allow to
specify which node is supposed to be contacted, and then write a
custom load balancing policy that recognize this wrapper class and
force the user provided host if there is one (and say fallback on
another load balancing policy otherwise). Or, simpler but somewhat
less flexible, if all you want is to have 2 requests go to the same
coordinator (which is enough to get all tokens of a cluster really),
then you can make sure to use TokenAwarePolicy (a good idea anyway),
and make sure both query have the same routing key (whatever it is
is not all that important, you can use an empty ByteBuffer), see

Note that I would agree that what's suggested above is slightly
involved and could be supported more natively by the driver. And I
do plan on exposing the cluster tokens more simply in particular
(probably directly from the Host object, it's just a todo not yet
done. And I'll probably add the load balancing stuff + Statement
wrapper I describe above, because that's probably somewhat generally
useful for debugging for instance.  Still, it's possible to do
currently, just a bit more involved than is probably necessary.


On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 3:30 AM, Theo Hultberg wrote:
 your assumption about 256 tokens per node is correct.

 as for you second question, it seems to me like most of your assumptions are
 correct, but I'm not sure I understand them correctly. hopefully someone
 else can answer this better. tokens are a property of the cluster and not
 the keyspace. the first replica of any token will be the same for all
 keyspaces, but with different replication factors the other replicas will

 when you query the system.local and system.peers tables you must make sure
 that you don't connect to other nodes. I think the inconsistency you think
 you found is because the first and second queries went to different nodes.
 the java driver will connect to all nodes and load balance requests by


 On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 4:06 AM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 BTW one other thing that I have not been able to debug today that maybe
 someone can help me with:

 I am using a three-node Cassandra cluster with Vagrant.  The nodes in my
 cluster are,, and

 If I use cqlsh to connect to, I see unique sets of tokens
 when I run the following three commands:

 select tokens from system.local
 select tokens from system.peers where peer=
 select tokens from system.peers where peer=

 This is what I expect.  However, when I tried making an application with
 the Java driver that does the following:

 Create a Session by connecting to
 From that session, select tokens from system.local
 From that session, select tokens, peer from system.peers

 Now I get the exact-same set of tokens from system.local and from the row
 in system.peers in which peer=

 Anyone have any idea why this would happen?  I'm not sure how to debug
 this.  I see the following log from the Java driver:

 14/03/30 19:05:24 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: Starting new
 cluster with contact points [/]
 14/03/30 19:05:24 INFO com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: New Cassandra
 host / added
 14/03/30 19:05:24 INFO com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: New Cassandra
 host / added

 I'm running Cassandra 2.0.6 in the virtual machine and I built my
 application with version 2.0.1 of the driver.

 Best regards,

 On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Clint Kelly

 Hi all,

 I am working on a Hadoop InputFormat implementation that uses only the
 native protocol Java driver and not the Thrift API.  I am currently trying
 to replicate some of the behavior of
 Cassandra.client.describe_ring(myKeyspace) from the Thrift API.  I would
 like to do the following:

 Get a list of all of the token ranges for a cluster
 For every token range, determine the replica nodes on which the data in
 the token range resides

Re: Cassandra Chef cookbook - weird bug with broadcast_address:

2014-03-31 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Marcin,

You are correct that I am using Vagrant.  Sorry for not specifying that.

OMG you are correct.  I spent about an hour over the weekend trying to
figure out what was going on.  I got confused because listen_address
is also set to node[:ipaddress], and listen_address was always set
correctly, but that is because it was set directly.  Oh my goodness.
Thanks for your help, this is really really embarrassing!

Best regards,

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 8:27 AM, Marcin Cabaj wrote:
 Hi Clint,

 I'm guessing you are using vagrant. The thing is cassandra-chef-cookbook use
 template cassandra.yaml.erb, where you can find:
 broadcast_address: %= node[:cassandra][:broadcast_address] % which in
 turn is equal to node[:ipaddress].
 Value of node[:ipaddress] depends on how do you configure networking in
 vagrant/vbox, with default networking configuration node[:ipaddress] is
 equal hence your broadcast_address.
 You can setup networking in different way or setup attribute
 node[:cassandra][:broadcast_address] manually.

 On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 3:03 AM, Clint Kelly wrote:


 Has anyone used the Cassandra Chef cookbook and seen
 broadcast_address: in /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml?  I looked
 through the source code for the cookbook and I have no idea how this is

 I was able to fix this by just commenting out the broadcast_address in the
 template for /etc/cassandra/cassanrda.yaml and moving on, but this is pretty

 Best regards,

Meaning of token column in system.peers and system.local

2014-03-30 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

I am working on a Hadoop InputFormat implementation that uses only the
native protocol Java driver and not the Thrift API.  I am currently trying
to replicate some of the behavior of
*Cassandra.client.describe_ring(myKeyspace)* from the Thrift API.  I would
like to do the following:

   - Get a list of all of the token ranges for a cluster
   - For every token range, determine the replica nodes on which the data
   in the token range resides
   - Estimate the number of rows for every range of tokens
   - Groups ranges of tokens on common replica nodes such that we can
   create a set of input splits for Hadoop with total estimated line counts
   that are reasonably close to the requested split size

Last week I received some much-appreciated help on this list that pointed
me to using the system.peers table to get the list of token ranges for the
cluster and the corresponding hosts.  Today I created a three-node C*
cluster in Vagrant ( and
tried inspecting some of the system tables.  I have a couple of questions

1. *How many total unique tokens should I expect to see in my cluster?*  If
I have three nodes, and each node has a cassandra.yaml with num_tokens =
256, then should I expect a total of 256*3 = 768 distinct vnodes?

2. *How does the creation of vnodes and their assignment to nodes relate to
the replication factor for a given keyspace?*  I never thought about this
until today, and I tried to reread the documentation on virtual nodes,
replication in Cassandra, etc., and now I am sadly still confused.  Here is
what I think I understand.  :)

   - Given a row with a partition key, any client request for an operation
   on that row will go to a coordinator node in the cluster.
   - The coordinator node will compute the token value for the row and from
   that determine a set of replica nodes for that token.
  - One of the replica nodes I assume is the node that owns the vnode
  with the token range that encompasses the token
  - The identity of the owner of this virtual node is a
  cross-keyspace property
  - And the other replicas were originally chosen based on the
  replica-placement strategy
  - And therefore the other replicas will be different for each
  keyspace (because replication factors and replica-placement strategy are
  properties of a keyspace)

3. What do the values in the token column in system.peers and
system.local refer to then?

   - Since these tables appear to be global, and not per-keyspace
   properties, I assume that they don't have any information about replication
   in them, is that correct?
   - If I have three nodes in my cluster, 256 vnodes per node, and I'm
   using the Murmur3 partitioner, should I then expect to see the values of
   tokens in system.peers and system.local be 768 evenly-distributed values
   between -2^63 and 2^63?

4. Is there any other way, without using Thift, to get as much information
as possible about what nodes contain replicas of data for all of the token
ranges in a given cluster?

I really appreciate any help, thanks!

Best regards,

Cassandra Chef cookbook - weird bug with broadcast_address:

2014-03-30 Thread Clint Kelly

Has anyone used the Cassandra Chef cookbook and seen
broadcast_address: in /etc/cassandra/cassandra.yaml?  I looked
through the source code for the cookbook and I have no idea how this is

I was able to fix this by just commenting out the broadcast_address in the
template for /etc/cassandra/cassanrda.yaml and moving on, but this is
pretty strange!

Best regards,

Re: Meaning of token column in system.peers and system.local

2014-03-30 Thread Clint Kelly
BTW one other thing that I have not been able to debug today that maybe
someone can help me with:

I am using a three-node Cassandra cluster with Vagrant.  The nodes in my
cluster are,, and

If I use cqlsh to connect to, I see unique sets of tokens
when I run the following three commands:

select tokens from system.local
select tokens from system.peers where peer=
select tokens from system.peers where peer=

This is what I expect.  However, when I tried making an application with
the Java driver that does the following:

   - Create a Session by connecting to
   - From that session, select tokens from system.local
   - From that session, select tokens, peer from system.peers

Now I get the exact-same set of tokens from system.local and from the row
in system.peers in which peer=

Anyone have any idea why this would happen?  I'm not sure how to debug
this.  I see the following log from the Java driver:

14/03/30 19:05:24 DEBUG com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: Starting new
cluster with contact points [/]
14/03/30 19:05:24 INFO com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: New Cassandra host
/ added
14/03/30 19:05:24 INFO com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster: New Cassandra host
/ added

I'm running Cassandra 2.0.6 in the virtual machine and I built my
application with version 2.0.1 of the driver.

Best regards,

On Sun, Mar 30, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi all,

 I am working on a Hadoop InputFormat implementation that uses only the
 native protocol Java driver and not the Thrift API.  I am currently trying
 to replicate some of the behavior of
 *Cassandra.client.describe_ring(myKeyspace)* from the Thrift API.  I
 would like to do the following:

- Get a list of all of the token ranges for a cluster
- For every token range, determine the replica nodes on which the data
in the token range resides
- Estimate the number of rows for every range of tokens
- Groups ranges of tokens on common replica nodes such that we can
create a set of input splits for Hadoop with total estimated line counts
that are reasonably close to the requested split size

 Last week I received some much-appreciated help on this list that pointed
 me to using the system.peers table to get the list of token ranges for the
 cluster and the corresponding hosts.  Today I created a three-node C*
 cluster in Vagrant ( and
 tried inspecting some of the system tables.  I have a couple of questions

 1. *How many total unique tokens should I expect to see in my cluster?*
 If I have three nodes, and each node has a cassandra.yaml with num_tokens =
 256, then should I expect a total of 256*3 = 768 distinct vnodes?

 2. *How does the creation of vnodes and their assignment to nodes relate
 to the replication factor for a given keyspace?*  I never thought about
 this until today, and I tried to reread the documentation on virtual nodes,
 replication in Cassandra, etc., and now I am sadly still confused.  Here is
 what I think I understand.  :)

- Given a row with a partition key, any client request for an
operation on that row will go to a coordinator node in the cluster.
- The coordinator node will compute the token value for the row and
from that determine a set of replica nodes for that token.
   - One of the replica nodes I assume is the node that owns the
   vnode with the token range that encompasses the token
   - The identity of the owner of this virtual node is a
   cross-keyspace property
   - And the other replicas were originally chosen based on the
   replica-placement strategy
   - And therefore the other replicas will be different for each
   keyspace (because replication factors and replica-placement strategy are
   properties of a keyspace)

 3. What do the values in the token column in system.peers and
 system.local refer to then?

- Since these tables appear to be global, and not per-keyspace
properties, I assume that they don't have any information about replication
in them, is that correct?
- If I have three nodes in my cluster, 256 vnodes per node, and I'm
using the Murmur3 partitioner, should I then expect to see the values of
tokens in system.peers and system.local be 768 evenly-distributed values
between -2^63 and 2^63?

 4. Is there any other way, without using Thift, to get as much information
 as possible about what nodes contain replicas of data for all of the token
 ranges in a given cluster?

 I really appreciate any help, thanks!

 Best regards,

How to tear down an EmbeddedCassandraService in unit tests?

2014-03-28 Thread Clint Kelly

I have a question about how to use the EmbeddedCassandraService in unit
tests.  I wrote a short collection of unit tests here:

I'm trying to start up a new EmbeddedCassandraService for each unit test.
I looked at the Cassandra source code to try to see how that happens there
and replicated it as well as I could here.  My first unit test works great,
but in subsequent unit tests I get this error:

(No such file or directory)

I assume that this is because I am not shutting down the
EmbeddedCassandraService in the first unit test correctly (I do not have
any @After method).

Does anyone have any advice on how to clean up the EmbeddedCassandraService
between unit tests?  I can instead create the EmbeddedCassandraService in a
static @BeforeClass method and then have every unit test use a different
keyspace, but that strikes me as somewhat sloppy and I'd rather understand
what I'm doing well enough to be able to have one service per test if


Best regards,

Building a maven project that depends on Cassandra 2.0.6 or 2.1 beta?

2014-03-03 Thread Clint Kelly

Can anyone instruct me about how to set up a maven project that depends on
either 2.0.6 or 2.1?  I am interested in using some of the new features
(e.g., static columns) in my current project.  Being able to just install
one of these versions in my local maven repository would be good enough for
now (until either of these becomes an official release).  Usually I can do
this myself pretty easily, but I've become a little bit lost with Ant and
Cassandra and given up after a few hours.  :)

Alternatively, if there is a repo from which I can grab 2.0.6 somewhere,
that would be great.  Thanks!

Best regards,

Re: CQL: Any way to have inequalities on multiple clustering columns in a WHERE clause?

2014-02-28 Thread Clint Kelly
Yes, thank you!

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 10:26 PM, DuyHai Doan wrote:

 Clint, what you want is this :

 select * from foo where key=something and fam = 'Info' and (qual,version)
  ('A',2013) and qual  'D' ALLOW FILTERING

 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 6:57 AM, Clint Kelly


 Is there any way to have inequalities comparisons on multiple clustering
 columns in a WHERE clause in CQL?  For example, I'd like to do:

 select * from foo where fam = 'Info' and qual  'A' and qual  'D' and
 version  2013 ALLOW FILTERING;

 I get an error:

 Bad Request: PRIMARY KEY part version cannot be restricted (preceding
 part qual is either not restricted or by a non-EQ relation)

 when I try this.  Is there any way to make a query like this work?  I
 understand that this query will not be a nice, continuous scan of data, but
 I'd rather have a slower query than have to do all of this filtering on the
 client side.  Any other suggestions?

 BTW my table looks like this:

   key text,
   fam text,
   qual text,
   version int,
   val text,
   PRIMARY KEY (key, fam, qual, version)
   bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.01 AND
   caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
   comment='' AND
   dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.00 AND
   gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
   index_interval=128 AND
   read_repair_chance=0.10 AND
   replicate_on_write='true' AND
   populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND
   default_time_to_live=0 AND
   speculative_retry='99.0PERCENTILE' AND
   memtable_flush_period_in_ms=0 AND
   compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND
   compression={'sstable_compression': 'LZ4Compressor'};

 Best regards,

Re: Getting the most-recent version from time-series data

2014-02-28 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Tupshin,

Thanks for your help once again, I really appreciate it.  Quick question
regarding the issue of token-aware routing, etc.  Let's say that I am using
the table described earlier:

CREATE TABLE time_series_stuff (
  key text,
  family text,
  version int,
  val text,
  PRIMARY KEY (key, family, version)

I want to retrieve values for the most-recent version of every family for a
given key, doing something like:

SELECT * from time_series_stuff where key='mykey'

but getting only one version per family.

All of this data should live on the same node (or set of replica nodes),
correct?  I am specifying the partition key here, and I thought that only
the partition key determined on what physical nodes data exists.
Therefore, I would think that all of the results from this query would come
from a single replica node (or set of replica nodes, if the consistency
level is greater than 1).

Would you mind clarifying?  Thanks a lot!

Best regards,

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 4:56 AM, Tupshin Harper wrote:

 And one last clarification. Where I said stored procedure earlier, I
 meant prepared statement. Sorry for the confusion. Too much typing while


 On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Tupshin Harper tups...@tupshin.comwrote:

 I failed to address the matter of not knowing the families in advance.

 I can't really recommend any solution to that other than storing the list
 of families in another structure that is readily queryable. I don't know
 how many families you are thinking, but if it is in the millions or more,
 You might consider constructing another table such as:
 CREATE TABLE families (
   key int,
   family text,
   PRIMARY KEY (key, family)

 store your families there, with a knowable set of keys (I suggest
 something like the last 3 digits of the md5 hash of the family). So then
 you could retrieve your families in nice sized batches
 SELECT family FROM id WHERE key=0;
 and then do the fan-out selects that I described previously.


 On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:15 PM, Tupshin Harper tups...@tupshin.comwrote:

 Hi Clint,

 What you are describing could actually be accomplished with the Thrift
 API and a multiget_slice with a slicerange having a count of 1. Initially I
 was thinking that this was an important feature gap between Thrift and CQL,
 and was going to suggest that it should be implemented (possible syntax is
 in which is almost
 a superset of this feature).

 But then I was convinced by some colleagues, that with a modern CQL
 driver that is token aware, you are actually better off (in terms of
 latency, throughput, and reliability), by doing each query separately on
 the client.

 The reasoning is that if you did this with a single query, it would
 necessarily be sent to a coordinator that wouldn't own most of the data
 that you are looking for. That coordinator would then need to fan out the
 read to all the nodes owning the partitions you are looking for.

 Far better to just do it directly on the client. The token aware client
 will send each request for a row straight to a node that owns it. With a
 separate connection open to each node, this is done in parallel from the
 get-go. Fewer hops. Less load on the coordinator. No bottlenecks. And with
 a stored procedure, very very little additional overhead to the client,
 server, or network.


 On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Clint Kelly

 Hi everyone,

 Let's say that I have a table that looks like the following:

 CREATE TABLE time_series_stuff (
   key text,
   family text,
   version int,
   val text,
   PRIMARY KEY (key, family, version)
   bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.01 AND
   caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
   comment='' AND
   dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.00 AND
   gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
   index_interval=128 AND
   read_repair_chance=0.10 AND
   replicate_on_write='true' AND
   populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND
   default_time_to_live=0 AND
   speculative_retry='99.0PERCENTILE' AND
   memtable_flush_period_in_ms=0 AND
   compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND
   compression={'sstable_compression': 'LZ4Compressor'};

 cqlsh:fiddle select * from time_series_stuff ;

  key| family  | version | val
  monday | revenue |   3 | $$
  monday | revenue |   2 |$$$
  monday | revenue |   1 | $$
  monday | revenue |   0 |  $
  monday | traffic |   2 | medium
  monday | traffic |   1 |  light
  monday | traffic |   0 |  heavy

 (7 rows)

 Now let's say that I'd like to perform a query that gets me the most
 recent N versions of revenue and traffic.

 Is there a CQL query to do this?  Let's say that N=1.  Then I know that
 I can do:

 cqlsh:fiddle select

Re: Combine multiple SELECT statements into one RPC?

2014-02-28 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Sylvain,

Thanks for your response.  I am writing code to allow users to query a
table that looks something like this:

CREATE TABLE time_series_stuff (
  key text,
  family text,
  qualifier text,
  version long,
  val blob,
  PRIMARY KEY (key, family, qualifier, version)
) WITH CLUSTERING ORDER BY (family ASC, qualifier ASC, version DESC)

To a user, working with this table looks something like working with a
nested map (from family - qualifier - version - value).

A user of our system can create a single data request that indicates that
he or she would like to fetch data for a given (family, qualifier, version)
value, but a user can also do things like:

   - Specify only a (family, qualifier) - fetch all of the versions
   - Specify (family, qualifier, min and max versions) - fetch all of the
   versions in a range
   - Specify (family) - fetch all qualifiers, all versions in a family
   - Specify (family, *, min and max versions) - fetch all values with
   version range for any qualifier


So some of the data requests from users can translate into multiple C*
SELECT statements.  I was just looking for a way to combine them into a
single client / server transaction, if possible.  At the moment I'm just
issuing multiple SELECT statements, which is fine, but I was wondering if
there was a way to combine them together somehow.

Thanks for your help!

Best regards,

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 1:05 AM, Sylvain Lebresne sylv...@datastax.comwrote:

 On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 1:00 AM, Clint Kelly

 Hi all,

 Is there any way to use the DataStax Java driver to combine multiple
 SELECT statements into a single RPC?  I assume not (I could not find
 anything about this in the documentation), but I just wanted to check.

 The short answer is no.

 The slightly longer answer is that the DataStax Java driver uses the
 so-called native protocol. And that protocol does not allow to have
 multiple SELECT into a single protocol message (the protocol is not really
 RPC-based strictly speaking so I'll assume you meant one client-server
 message here), and it follows that the driver can't either. But I'll note
 that the reason why the protocol doesn't have such a thing is that it's
 generally a better idea to parallelize your SELECT client side, though
 since you haven't provided much context for you question I'd rather not go
 into too much details here since that might be off-topic.


Re: Getting the most-recent version from time-series data

2014-02-28 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Tupshin,

BTW, you asked earlier about the number of different distinct family
values.  There could easily be millions of different families, each with
many different values.  Right now I see two options:

   1. Query the table once just to get all of the distinct families, then
   do separate queries for each family to get the most-recent version.
   2. Read back all of the versions of all of the families and then filter
   on the client side.

Neither one of these are great solutions, although once we have users
reading back millions of values in a single query, they will have to
indicate (to our software that sits on top of C*) that they are going to
use paging, and then we are going to be doing multiple client / server
operations anyway.  I'd just like to minimize them.  :)

Best regards,

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi Tupshin,

 Thanks for your help once again, I really appreciate it.  Quick question
 regarding the issue of token-aware routing, etc.  Let's say that I am using
 the table described earlier:

 CREATE TABLE time_series_stuff (
   key text,
   family text,
   version int,
   val text,
   PRIMARY KEY (key, family, version)

 I want to retrieve values for the most-recent version of every family for
 a given key, doing something like:

 SELECT * from time_series_stuff where key='mykey'

 but getting only one version per family.

 All of this data should live on the same node (or set of replica nodes),
 correct?  I am specifying the partition key here, and I thought that only
 the partition key determined on what physical nodes data exists.
 Therefore, I would think that all of the results from this query would come
 from a single replica node (or set of replica nodes, if the consistency
 level is greater than 1).

 Would you mind clarifying?  Thanks a lot!

 Best regards,

 On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 4:56 AM, Tupshin Harper tups...@tupshin.comwrote:

 And one last clarification. Where I said stored procedure earlier, I
 meant prepared statement. Sorry for the confusion. Too much typing while


 On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:36 PM, Tupshin Harper tups...@tupshin.comwrote:

 I failed to address the matter of not knowing the families in advance.

 I can't really recommend any solution to that other than storing the
 list of families in another structure that is readily queryable. I don't
 know how many families you are thinking, but if it is in the millions or
 more, You might consider constructing another table such as:
 CREATE TABLE families (
   key int,
   family text,
   PRIMARY KEY (key, family)

 store your families there, with a knowable set of keys (I suggest
 something like the last 3 digits of the md5 hash of the family). So then
 you could retrieve your families in nice sized batches
 SELECT family FROM id WHERE key=0;
 and then do the fan-out selects that I described previously.


 On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:15 PM, Tupshin Harper tups...@tupshin.comwrote:

 Hi Clint,

 What you are describing could actually be accomplished with the Thrift
 API and a multiget_slice with a slicerange having a count of 1. Initially I
 was thinking that this was an important feature gap between Thrift and CQL,
 and was going to suggest that it should be implemented (possible syntax is
 in which is
 almost a superset of this feature).

 But then I was convinced by some colleagues, that with a modern CQL
 driver that is token aware, you are actually better off (in terms of
 latency, throughput, and reliability), by doing each query separately on
 the client.

 The reasoning is that if you did this with a single query, it would
 necessarily be sent to a coordinator that wouldn't own most of the data
 that you are looking for. That coordinator would then need to fan out the
 read to all the nodes owning the partitions you are looking for.

 Far better to just do it directly on the client. The token aware client
 will send each request for a row straight to a node that owns it. With a
 separate connection open to each node, this is done in parallel from the
 get-go. Fewer hops. Less load on the coordinator. No bottlenecks. And with
 a stored procedure, very very little additional overhead to the client,
 server, or network.


 On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 7:48 PM, Clint Kelly

 Hi everyone,

 Let's say that I have a table that looks like the following:

 CREATE TABLE time_series_stuff (
   key text,
   family text,
   version int,
   val text,
   PRIMARY KEY (key, family, version)
   bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.01 AND
   caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
   comment='' AND
   dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.00 AND
   gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
   index_interval=128 AND

Any way to get a list of per-node token ranges using the DataStax Java driver?

2014-02-28 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi everyone,

I've been working on a rewrite of the Cassandra InputFormat for Hadoop 2
using the DataStax Java driver instead of the Thrift API.

I have a prototype working now, but there is one bit of code that I have
not been able to replace with code for the Java driver.  In the
InputFormat#getSplits method, the old code has a call like the following:

  map = client.describe_ring(ConfigHelper.getInputKeyspace(conf));

This gets a list of the distinct token ranges for the Cassandra cluster.

The rest of getSplits then takes these key ranges, breaks them up into
subranges (to match the user-specified input split size), and then gets the
replica nodes for the various token ranges (as the locations for the

Does anyone know how I can do the following with the native protocol?

   - Get the distinct token ranges for the C* cluster
   - Get the set of replica nodes for a given range of tokens?

I tried looking around in Cluster and Metadata, among other places, in the
API docs, but I didn't see anything that looked like it would do what I


Best regards,

Re: Resetting a counter in CQL

2014-02-28 Thread Clint Kelly
Great, thanks!

On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:38 PM, Tyler Hobbs wrote:

 On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 6:32 PM, Clint Kelly

 What is the best known method for resetting a counter in CQL?  Is it best
 to read the counter and then increment it by a negative amount?

 Do this.

   Or to delete the row and then increment it by zero?

 Don't do this.  When you delete a counter, you are basically saying I
 will never use this counter again.  If you try to use it again, the
 behavior is undefined. It's one of the documented limitations of counters.

 Tyler Hobbs

Re: Naming variables in a prepared statement in the DataStax Java driver

2014-02-27 Thread Clint Kelly
Ah never mind, I see, currently you can refer to the ?'s by name by using
the name of the column to which the ? refers.  And this works as long as
each column is present only one in the statement.

Sorry for the extra list traffic!

On Thu, Feb 27, 2014 at 7:33 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:


 Is there a way to name the variables in a prepared statement when using
 the DataStax Java driver?

 For example, instead of doing:

 ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ... // some application logic
 String query = SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = ?;
 PreparedStatement preparedStatement = session.prepare(query);
 BoundStatement boundStatement = preparedStatement.bind(byteBuffer);

 I'd like to be able to be able to name the fields indicated by the ?s,

 ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ... // some application logic
 String query = SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = ?bar; // I just made up
 this syntax
 PreparedStatement preparedStatement = session.prepare(query);
 BoundStatement boundStatement = preparedStatement.bind(bar, byteBuffer);

 Looking at the DataStax API docs, it seems like there should be a way to
 be able to do this, but I can't tell for sure.

 This would be particularly useful when I have some application logic in
 which I have very long queries with lots of bound variables and then
 sometimes extend them with different clauses.  Right now this code gets
 very verbose, because I cannot figure out how to break up my bind
 statements to bind different values to a bound statement in separate
 statements.  In other words, I'd like to be able to do something like:

 BoundStatement boundStatement = // Create from a prepared statement
 boundStatement = boundStatement.bind( ... ); // Bind all of the values
 that I use in every flavor of this query
 if ( ... )  {
  boundStatement = boundStatement.bind(some field, someVal);
 else {
  boundStatement = boundStatement.bind(other field, otherVal);


 Best regards,

CQL: Any way to have inequalities on multiple clustering columns in a WHERE clause?

2014-02-27 Thread Clint Kelly

Is there any way to have inequalities comparisons on multiple clustering
columns in a WHERE clause in CQL?  For example, I'd like to do:

select * from foo where fam = 'Info' and qual  'A' and qual  'D' and
version  2013 ALLOW FILTERING;

I get an error:

Bad Request: PRIMARY KEY part version cannot be restricted (preceding
part qual is either not restricted or by a non-EQ relation)

when I try this.  Is there any way to make a query like this work?  I
understand that this query will not be a nice, continuous scan of data, but
I'd rather have a slower query than have to do all of this filtering on the
client side.  Any other suggestions?

BTW my table looks like this:

  key text,
  fam text,
  qual text,
  version int,
  val text,
  PRIMARY KEY (key, fam, qual, version)
  bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.01 AND
  caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
  comment='' AND
  dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.00 AND
  gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
  index_interval=128 AND
  read_repair_chance=0.10 AND
  replicate_on_write='true' AND
  populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND
  default_time_to_live=0 AND
  speculative_retry='99.0PERCENTILE' AND
  memtable_flush_period_in_ms=0 AND
  compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND
  compression={'sstable_compression': 'LZ4Compressor'};

Best regards,

Re: Update multiple rows in a CQL lightweight transaction

2014-02-26 Thread Clint Kelly
Thanks for your help everyone.

Sylvain, as I understand it, the scenario I described above is not resolved
by CASSANDRA-6561, correct?

(This scenario may not matter to most folks, which is totally fine, I just
want to make sure that I understand.)

Should I instead look into using the Thrift API to address this?

Best regards,

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 11:30 PM, Sylvain Lebresne sylv...@datastax.comwrote:

 Sorry to interfere again here but CASSANDRA-5633 will not be picked up
 because pretty much everything it was set to fix is fixed by
 CASSANDRA-6561, this is *not* a syntax problem anymore.

 On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 3:18 AM, Tupshin Harper tups...@tupshin.comwrote:

 Unfortunately there is no option to vote for a resolved ticket, but if
 you can propose a better syntax that people agree on, you could probably
 get some fresh traction on it.

  On Feb 25, 2014 7:20 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:

 Hi Tupshin,

 Thanks for your help!  Unfortunately in my case, I will need to do a
 compare and set in which the compare is against a value in a dynamic column.

 In general, I need to be able to do the following:

- Check whether a given value exists in a dynamic column
- If so, perform some number of insertions / deletions for dynamic
columns in the same row (i.e., with the same partition key as the dynamic
column used for the compare)

 I think you are correct that I need to be
 implemented.  Is there any way to vote for that to get picked up again?  :)

 Best regards,

 On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Tupshin Harper tups...@tupshin.comwrote:

 Hi Clint,

 That does appear to be an omission in CQL3. It would be possible to
 simulate it by doing
 UPDATE foo SET z = 10 WHERE x = 'a' AND y = 1 IF t= 2 AND z=10;
 UPDATE foo SET t = 5,z=6 where x = 'a' AND y = 4

 However, this does a redundant write to the first row if the condition
 holds, and I certainly wouldn't recommend doing that routinely.

 Alternatively, depending on your needs, you might be able to use a
 static column (coming with 2.0.6) as your conditional flag, as that column
 is shared by all rows in the partition.


 On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 3:57 PM, Clint Kelly

 Hi Tupshin,

 Thanks for your help; I appreciate it.

 Could I do something like the following?

 Given the same table you started with:

 x | y | t | z
  a | 1 | 2 | 10
  a | 2 | 2 | 20

 I'd like to write a compare-and-set that does something like:

 If there is a row with (x,y,t,z) = (a,1,2,10), then update/insert a
 row with (x,y,t,z) = (a,3,4,5) and update/insert a row with (x,y,t,z)
 = (a,4,5,6).

 I don't see how I could do this with what you outlined above---just
 curious.  It seems like what I describe above under the hood would be
 a compare-and-(batch)-set on a single wide row, so it maybe is
 possible with the Thrift API (I have to check).

 Thanks again!

 Best regards,

 On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Tupshin Harper
  #5633 was actually closed  because the static columns feature
  ( which has
  checked in to the 2.0 branch but is not yet part of a release (it
 will be in
  That feature will let you update multiple rows within a single
 partition by
  doing a CAS write based on a static column shared by all rows within
  Example extracted from the ticket:
  x text,
  y bigint,
  t bigint static,
  z bigint,
  PRIMARY KEY (x, y) );
  insert into foo (x,y,t, z) values ('a', 1, 1, 10);
  insert into foo (x,y,t, z) values ('a', 2, 2, 20);
  select * from foo;
  x | y | t | z
   a | 1 | 2 | 10
   a | 2 | 2 | 20
  (Note that both values of t are 2 because it is static)
   begin batch update foo set z = 1 where x = 'a' and y = 1; update
 foo set z
  = 2 where x = 'a' and y = 2 if t = 4; apply batch;
   [applied] | x | y| t
   False | a | null | 2
  (Both updates failed to apply because there was an unmet conditional
 on one
  of them)
  select * from foo;
   x | y | t | z
   a | 1 | 2 | 10
   a | 2 | 2 | 20
  begin batch update foo set z = 1 where x = 'a' and y = 1; update foo
 set z =
  2 where x = 'a' and y = 2 if t = 2; apply batch;
  (both updates succeeded because the check on t succeeded)
  select * from foo;
  x | y | t | z
   a | 1 | 2 | 1
   a | 2 | 2 | 2
  Hope this helps.
  On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 6:05 PM, DuyHai Doan
  Hello Clint
   The Resolution status of the JIRA is set to Later, probably the
  implementation is not done yet. The JIRA was opened to discuss
 about impl

Combine multiple SELECT statements into one RPC?

2014-02-26 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi all,

Is there any way to use the DataStax Java driver to combine multiple SELECT
statements into a single RPC?  I assume not (I could not find anything
about this in the documentation), but I just wanted to check.


Best regards,

Re: Update multiple rows in a CQL lightweight transaction

2014-02-25 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Tupshin,

Thanks for your help!  Unfortunately in my case, I will need to do a
compare and set in which the compare is against a value in a dynamic column.

In general, I need to be able to do the following:

   - Check whether a given value exists in a dynamic column
   - If so, perform some number of insertions / deletions for dynamic
   columns in the same row (i.e., with the same partition key as the dynamic
   column used for the compare)

I think you are correct that I need to be implemented.  Is
there any way to vote for that to get picked up again?  :)

Best regards,

On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 2:32 PM, Tupshin Harper wrote:

 Hi Clint,

 That does appear to be an omission in CQL3. It would be possible to
 simulate it by doing
 UPDATE foo SET z = 10 WHERE x = 'a' AND y = 1 IF t= 2 AND z=10;
 UPDATE foo SET t = 5,z=6 where x = 'a' AND y = 4

 However, this does a redundant write to the first row if the condition
 holds, and I certainly wouldn't recommend doing that routinely.

 Alternatively, depending on your needs, you might be able to use a static
 column (coming with 2.0.6) as your conditional flag, as that column is
 shared by all rows in the partition.


 On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 3:57 PM, Clint Kelly

 Hi Tupshin,

 Thanks for your help; I appreciate it.

 Could I do something like the following?

 Given the same table you started with:

 x | y | t | z
  a | 1 | 2 | 10
  a | 2 | 2 | 20

 I'd like to write a compare-and-set that does something like:

 If there is a row with (x,y,t,z) = (a,1,2,10), then update/insert a
 row with (x,y,t,z) = (a,3,4,5) and update/insert a row with (x,y,t,z)
 = (a,4,5,6).

 I don't see how I could do this with what you outlined above---just
 curious.  It seems like what I describe above under the hood would be
 a compare-and-(batch)-set on a single wide row, so it maybe is
 possible with the Thrift API (I have to check).

 Thanks again!

 Best regards,

 On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Tupshin Harper
  #5633 was actually closed  because the static columns feature
  ( which has been
  checked in to the 2.0 branch but is not yet part of a release (it will
 be in
  That feature will let you update multiple rows within a single
 partition by
  doing a CAS write based on a static column shared by all rows within the
  Example extracted from the ticket:
  x text,
  y bigint,
  t bigint static,
  z bigint,
  PRIMARY KEY (x, y) );
  insert into foo (x,y,t, z) values ('a', 1, 1, 10);
  insert into foo (x,y,t, z) values ('a', 2, 2, 20);
  select * from foo;
  x | y | t | z
   a | 1 | 2 | 10
   a | 2 | 2 | 20
  (Note that both values of t are 2 because it is static)
   begin batch update foo set z = 1 where x = 'a' and y = 1; update foo
 set z
  = 2 where x = 'a' and y = 2 if t = 4; apply batch;
   [applied] | x | y| t
   False | a | null | 2
  (Both updates failed to apply because there was an unmet conditional on
  of them)
  select * from foo;
   x | y | t | z
   a | 1 | 2 | 10
   a | 2 | 2 | 20
  begin batch update foo set z = 1 where x = 'a' and y = 1; update foo
 set z =
  2 where x = 'a' and y = 2 if t = 2; apply batch;
  (both updates succeeded because the check on t succeeded)
  select * from foo;
  x | y | t | z
   a | 1 | 2 | 1
   a | 2 | 2 | 2
  Hope this helps.
  On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 6:05 PM, DuyHai Doan
  Hello Clint
   The Resolution status of the JIRA is set to Later, probably the
  implementation is not done yet. The JIRA was opened to discuss about
  strategy but nothing has been coded so far I guess.
  On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 12:02 AM, Clint Kelly
  Does anyone know how I can modify multiple rows at once in a
  lightweight transaction in CQL3?
  I saw the following ticket:
  but it was not obvious to me from the comments how (or whether) this
  got resolved.  I also couldn't find anything in the DataStax
  documentation about how to perform these operations.
  I'm in particular interested in how to perform a compare-and-set
  operation that modifies multiple rows (with the same partition key)
  using the DataStax Java driver.
  Best regards,

Re: Getting the most-recent version from time-series data

2014-02-25 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for the suggestion!  I see a couple of problems with this approach:

1. I do not know a priori all of the family names (so I still would not
know what value to use for LIMIT).

2. The versions here are similar to timestamps, so one family may get
updated far more often than the other.  Hence, if I order all of my data by
version, then the first 1000 rows in version order could all be from the
same family---I want to just get  the most recent value (or N-most recent
values) for each unique family.

I don't think there is a way to do this without performing some client-side
filtering, but I thought I'd see if anyone has any ideas.  I'm translating
a framework that was originally designed on top of HBase, so offering this
kind of functionality (by using HBases timestamp dimension) was
previously easy.  :)

Best regards,

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 4:51 PM, Jonathan Lacefield


One approach would be to create a copy of this table and switch the
 clustering columns around so version precedes family.  This way you
 could easily grab the 1st, 2nd, N version rows.  Would this help you
 in your situation?


  On Feb 25, 2014, at 7:49 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:
  Hi everyone,
  Let's say that I have a table that looks like the following:
  CREATE TABLE time_series_stuff (
key text,
family text,
version int,
val text,
PRIMARY KEY (key, family, version)
bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.01 AND
caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
comment='' AND
dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.00 AND
gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
index_interval=128 AND
read_repair_chance=0.10 AND
replicate_on_write='true' AND
populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND
default_time_to_live=0 AND
speculative_retry='99.0PERCENTILE' AND
memtable_flush_period_in_ms=0 AND
compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND
compression={'sstable_compression': 'LZ4Compressor'};
  cqlsh:fiddle select * from time_series_stuff ;
   key| family  | version | val
   monday | revenue |   3 | $$
   monday | revenue |   2 |$$$
   monday | revenue |   1 | $$
   monday | revenue |   0 |  $
   monday | traffic |   2 | medium
   monday | traffic |   1 |  light
   monday | traffic |   0 |  heavy
  (7 rows)
  Now let's say that I'd like to perform a query that gets me the most
 recent N versions of revenue and traffic.
  Is there a CQL query to do this?  Let's say that N=1.  Then I know that
 I can do:
  cqlsh:fiddle select * from time_series_stuff where key='monday' and
 family='revenue' limit 1;
   key| family  | version | val
   monday | revenue |   3 | $$
  (1 rows)
  cqlsh:fiddle select * from time_series_stuff where key='monday' and
 family='traffic' limit 1;
   key| family  | version | val
   monday | traffic |   2 | medium
  (1 rows)
  But what if I have lots of families and I want to get the most recent
 N versions of all of them in a single CQL statement.  Is that possible?
  Unfortunately I am working on something where the family names and the
 number of most-recent versions are not known a priori (I am porting some
 code that was designed for HBase).
  Best regards,

Re: Update multiple rows in a CQL lightweight transaction

2014-02-24 Thread Clint Kelly
Hi Tupshin,

Thanks for your help; I appreciate it.

Could I do something like the following?

Given the same table you started with:

x | y | t | z
 a | 1 | 2 | 10
 a | 2 | 2 | 20

I'd like to write a compare-and-set that does something like:

If there is a row with (x,y,t,z) = (a,1,2,10), then update/insert a
row with (x,y,t,z) = (a,3,4,5) and update/insert a row with (x,y,t,z)
= (a,4,5,6).

I don't see how I could do this with what you outlined above---just
curious.  It seems like what I describe above under the hood would be
a compare-and-(batch)-set on a single wide row, so it maybe is
possible with the Thrift API (I have to check).

Thanks again!

Best regards,

On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 11:38 AM, Tupshin Harper wrote:
 #5633 was actually closed  because the static columns feature
 ( which has been
 checked in to the 2.0 branch but is not yet part of a release (it will be in

 That feature will let you update multiple rows within a single partition by
 doing a CAS write based on a static column shared by all rows within the

 Example extracted from the ticket:
 x text,
 y bigint,
 t bigint static,
 z bigint,
 PRIMARY KEY (x, y) );

 insert into foo (x,y,t, z) values ('a', 1, 1, 10);
 insert into foo (x,y,t, z) values ('a', 2, 2, 20);

 select * from foo;

 x | y | t | z
  a | 1 | 2 | 10
  a | 2 | 2 | 20
 (Note that both values of t are 2 because it is static)

  begin batch update foo set z = 1 where x = 'a' and y = 1; update foo set z
 = 2 where x = 'a' and y = 2 if t = 4; apply batch;

  [applied] | x | y| t
  False | a | null | 2

 (Both updates failed to apply because there was an unmet conditional on one
 of them)

 select * from foo;

  x | y | t | z
  a | 1 | 2 | 10
  a | 2 | 2 | 20

 begin batch update foo set z = 1 where x = 'a' and y = 1; update foo set z =
 2 where x = 'a' and y = 2 if t = 2; apply batch;


 (both updates succeeded because the check on t succeeded)

 select * from foo;
 x | y | t | z
  a | 1 | 2 | 1
  a | 2 | 2 | 2

 Hope this helps.


 On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 6:05 PM, DuyHai Doan wrote:

 Hello Clint

  The Resolution status of the JIRA is set to Later, probably the
 implementation is not done yet. The JIRA was opened to discuss about impl
 strategy but nothing has been coded so far I guess.

 On Sat, Feb 22, 2014 at 12:02 AM, Clint Kelly


 Does anyone know how I can modify multiple rows at once in a
 lightweight transaction in CQL3?

 I saw the following ticket:

 but it was not obvious to me from the comments how (or whether) this
 got resolved.  I also couldn't find anything in the DataStax
 documentation about how to perform these operations.

 I'm in particular interested in how to perform a compare-and-set
 operation that modifies multiple rows (with the same partition key)
 using the DataStax Java driver.


 Best regards,

Update multiple rows in a CQL lightweight transaction

2014-02-21 Thread Clint Kelly

Does anyone know how I can modify multiple rows at once in a
lightweight transaction in CQL3?

I saw the following ticket:

but it was not obvious to me from the comments how (or whether) this
got resolved.  I also couldn't find anything in the DataStax
documentation about how to perform these operations.

I'm in particular interested in how to perform a compare-and-set
operation that modifies multiple rows (with the same partition key)
using the DataStax Java driver.


Best regards,

Buffering for lots of INSERT or UPDATE calls with DataStax Java driver?

2014-02-08 Thread Clint Kelly

Is there a recommended way to perform lots of INSERT operations in a
row when using the DataStax Java driver?

I notice that the RecordWriter for the CQL3 Hadoop implementation in
Cassandra does some per-data-node buffering of CQL3 queries.  The
DataStax Java driver, on the other hand, supports asynchronous query

In a situation in which we are doing lots of and lots of writes (like
a RecordWriter for Hadoop), do we need to do any buffering or can we
just fire away session.executeAsync(...) calls as soon as they are


Best regards,

Re: Buffering for lots of INSERT or UPDATE calls with DataStax Java driver?

2014-02-08 Thread Clint Kelly
Ah yes, thanks!  I had forgotten about the use of batches for this purpose.

Appreciate the help, cheers!

Best regards,

On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 1:24 PM, DuyHai Doan wrote:
 Is there a recommended way to perform lots of INSERT operations in a row
 when using the DataStax Java driver?  -- Yes, use UNLOGGED batches. More
 info here:

 On Sat, Feb 8, 2014 at 10:19 PM, Clint Kelly wrote:


 Is there a recommended way to perform lots of INSERT operations in a
 row when using the DataStax Java driver?

 I notice that the RecordWriter for the CQL3 Hadoop implementation in
 Cassandra does some per-data-node buffering of CQL3 queries.  The
 DataStax Java driver, on the other hand, supports asynchronous query

 In a situation in which we are doing lots of and lots of writes (like
 a RecordWriter for Hadoop), do we need to do any buffering or can we
 just fire away session.executeAsync(...) calls as soon as they are


 Best regards,

CQL3 delete using or ?

2014-02-08 Thread Clint Kelly

Is there any way to perform a delete in CQL of all rows where a
particular columns (that is part of the primary key) is less than a
certain value?  I believe that the corresponding SELECT statement
works, as in this example:

cqlsh:fiddle describe table foo;

  key text,
  fam text,
  qual text,
  version int,
  val text,
  PRIMARY KEY (key, fam, qual, version)
  bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.01 AND
  caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND
  comment='' AND
  dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.00 AND
  gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND
  index_interval=128 AND
  read_repair_chance=0.10 AND
  replicate_on_write='true' AND
  populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND
  default_time_to_live=0 AND
  speculative_retry='99.0PERCENTILE' AND
  memtable_flush_period_in_ms=0 AND
  compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND
  compression={'sstable_compression': 'LZ4Compressor'};

cqlsh:fiddle select * from foo;

 key   | fam  | qual | version | val
 Clint | info | hair |   5 |  brown
 Clint | info | hair |  10 | blonde

(2 rows)

cqlsh:fiddle select val from foo where key='Clint' and fam='info' and
qual='hair' and version = 5;


(1 rows)

cqlsh:fiddle delete val from foo where key='Clint' and fam='info' and
qual='hair' and version = 5;
Bad Request: Invalid operator LTE for PRIMARY KEY part version

I assume the only way I can implement the functionality I'm looking
for is to do a select, get a list of all of the elements that I want
to delete, and then delete them in a big batch statement.  Is that


Best regards,

Re: Cassandra 2.0 with Hadoop 2.x?

2014-02-06 Thread Clint Kelly
Thunder, Cyril, thanks for your responses.

FWIW I started working on writing a set of InputFormat and
OutputFormat classes that use the DataStax Java driver instead of the
thrift client.  That seems to be going pretty well.  I am not sure if
I can eliminate all of the thrift code, but at least the RecordReader
was pretty easy to implement using only the DataStax driver.  I can
post a link if anyone is curious (once it is done).  The DataStax
driver has automatic paging and a few other nice features that made
the code more concise.

Best regards,

On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 3:36 PM, Thunder Stumpges wrote:
 Hello Clint,

 Yes I was able to get it working after a bit of work. I have pushed the
 branch with the fix (which is currently quite a ways behind latest). You can
 compare to yours I suppose. Let me know if you have any questions.


 On Tue, Feb 4, 2014 at 1:40 PM, Cyril Scetbon wrote:


 Look for posts from Thunder Stumpges in this mailing list. I know he has
 succeeded to make it Hadoop 2.x work with Cassandra 2.x

 For those who are interested in using it with Cassandra 1.2.13 you can use
 the patch

 It uses Cloudera CDH4 repository for Hadoop Classes but you can use


 On 03 Feb 2014, at 19:10, Clint Kelly wrote:

  Has anyone out there used Cassandra 2.0 with Hadoop 2.x?  I saw this
  discussion on the Cassandra JIRA:
  but the fix referenced
  ( is for
  Cassandra 1.2.
  I put together a similar patch for Cassandra 2.0 for anyone who is
  but I'm wondering if there is a more official solution to this
  problem.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!
  Best regards,

Cassandra 2.0 with Hadoop 2.x?

2014-02-03 Thread Clint Kelly

Has anyone out there used Cassandra 2.0 with Hadoop 2.x?  I saw this
discussion on the Cassandra JIRA:

but the fix referenced
( is for
Cassandra 1.2.

I put together a similar patch for Cassandra 2.0 for anyone who is interested:

but I'm wondering if there is a more official solution to this
problem.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks!

Best regards,