Cannot find row when using 3 indices for search, able to find it using only 2

2011-04-20 Thread Constantin Teodorescu
Cassandra 0.7.4 on 4 nodes Linux Ubuntu 10.10 i386 , 32 bit

root@bigcouch-106:/etc/cassandra# nodetool -h ring
Address Status State   LoadOwnsToken Normal  1.8 GB  22.33%
 4778396862879243066278530647513341098   Up Normal  1.48 GB 28.12%
 52627163731801348483758292043565262417 Normal  1.21 GB 27.22%
 98934176951395683802275136006692518904 Normal  1.12 GB 22.33%

I am using keyspace 'bnd' , columnfamily 'pet' described as

update column family pet with column_metadata = [
  {column_name: P_cui,  validation_class:UTF8Type, index_type:
  {column_name: P_nume,  validation_class:UTF8Type, index_type: KEYS},
  {column_name: P_prenume, validation_class:UTF8Type, index_type: KEYS}

Trying to find a row using 2 indices (P_cui and P_prenume) works:
[default@bnd] get pet where P_cui='1670518330770' and
RowKey: RO1492360605
= (column=A1RO35486663, value=313a463a323030332d30342d30313a32333730,
= (column=P_adresa, value=4c4954454e49, timestamp=1303181522507175)
= (column=P_cui, value=1670518330770, timestamp=1303181522507175)
= (column=P_nume, value=Manoliu, timestamp=1303181522507175)
= (column=P_prenume, value=CONSTANTIN, timestamp=1303181522507175)
= (column=P_tip, value=36, timestamp=1303253832349129)

1 Row Returned.

I am able to find it using the other 2 indices (P_prenume and P_nume) works
[default@bnd] get pet where P_prenume='CONSTANTIN' and P_nume='Manoliu';
RowKey: RO1492360605
= (column=A1RO35486663, value=313a463a323030332d30342d30313a32333730,
= (column=P_adresa, value=4c4954454e49, timestamp=1303181522507175)
= (column=P_cui, value=1670518330770, timestamp=1303181522507175)
= (column=P_nume, value=Manoliu, timestamp=1303181522507175)
= (column=P_prenume, value=CONSTANTIN, timestamp=1303181522507175)
= (column=P_tip, value=36, timestamp=1303253832349129)

1 Row Returned.


Trying to find the same row using 3 indices not working:
[default@bnd] get pet where P_cui='1670518330770' and P_prenume='CONSTANTIN'
and P_nume='Manoliu';

0 Row Returned.

Any clues?

Re: Cannot find row when using 3 indices for search, able to find it using only 2

2011-04-20 Thread Constantin Teodorescu
Thank you, I'll wait for 0.7.5 distribution when it will be shipped to test
it again!
Up to now, I'm satisfied with cassandra, we are evaluating it for migrating
our PostgreSQL solution to a mixed [couchdb + bigcouch + cassandra]
architecture !
Best regards,

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 1:15 AM, Jonathan Ellis wrote:

 sounds like

CQL in future 8.0 cassandra will work as I'm expecting ?

2011-04-20 Thread Constantin Teodorescu
My use case is as follows: we are using in 70% of the jobs information
retrieval using keys, column names and ranges and up to now, what we have
tested suits our need.
However, the rest of 30% of the jobs involve full sequential scan of all
records in the database.

I found some web pages describing the next good thing for cassandra 0.8
release, CQL, and I'm wondering: the CQL execution will involve separate
processes running simultaneously on all nodes in the cluster that will do
the filtering and pre-sorting phase on the local stored data (using
indexes when available) and then execute the merge phase on a single node
(that one that have received the request) ?

Best regards,