Just to clarify, support for Windows on Cassandra is there in 2.2, and that
is what Jonathan was referring to in his keynote. Support for an OS and
having a Support Team are two different things (DataStax's support team
supports DataStax Enterprise licensed customers).

Also, Cassandra Summit was a conference for Cassandra, hosted by DataStax.
Throughout Jonathan's keynote, he was addressing Apache Cassandra, not
DataStax Enterprise.

Hope that helps clear the muddy waters!

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Solutions Engineer | 512.952.0909 | phil.bayl...@datastax.com

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On Wed, Oct 28, 2015 at 12:26 PM, Troy Collinsworth <
troycollinswo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Jonathan Ellis slide showing windows support was at 1:02:18 minutes into
> the Cassandra Summit Keynote. At 1:07:30 Jonathan specifically said, *“Windows
> support…in 2.2 it is production ready first class citizen, we expect it to
> be on a level playing field with our linux support”*.
> I sent DataStax a copy of the keynote slide and the time it was shown and
> the quote Jonathan made with the time in the keynote he made it. That's
> when Datastax told me they don't currently support windows and probably
> won't by January-March timeframe. This is an opportunity for another
> company to step up and provide production Windows support.
> So a co-founder and employee of Datastax stood on stage and
> implied/stretched the truth about production Windows support for Cassandra.
> How do you know a salesman is lying? His lips are moving.
> Troy

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