
After a successful experience in ApacheCon 2022, the Cassandra track is
back to Community Over Code North America 2024 to be held in Denver,
Colorado, October 7-10, 2024.

I will be facilitating this track and I would like to request abstract
drafts in the following topics to be presented in this track:
- Customizing and tweaking Cassandra
- Benchmarking and testing Cassandra
- New features and improvements
- Provisioning Cassandra
- Developing with Cassandra
- Anything related to Apache Cassandra

If you are interested in presenting, please submit your title and abstract
drafts to https://communityovercode.org/call-for-presentations/ by April
1st (this is not a joke).

Provisional and generic abstracts are fine if you are unsure you will be
able to present. It will be possible to update them later if needed. At
this moment we're mostly interested in collecting rough ideas to be
presented in this track.

Please contact me if your employer is interested in sponsoring this event.
The sponsorship prospectus is available on
https://communityovercode.org/sponsors/ . If we get at least 2 sponsors we
may be able to offer a Cassandra community dinner/drinks night. ;-)

If you are planning to attend this conference and would like to
volunteer/help in the Cassandra track please contact me.

Let me know if you have any questions.

Cheers and see you in Denver! :)


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