> but on the cassandra -f process, It keeps sending every 5 seconds
Your explanation is a bit confusing. 

> WARN 16:01:44,042 ClusterName mismatch from / big 
> cluster!=Test Cluster

The .123 machine is contacting this machine and asking to join the ring. 
Possibly because the 123 machine has the ip for this one as a seed, or it's in 
the gossip data. 

Can you shut down the .123 machine ?
Aaron Morton
Freelance Developer

On 14/06/2012, at 2:06 AM, Cyril Auburtin wrote:

> I joined a ring, then left it
> now my local ring is just showing my local cassndra node, like intended
> but on the cassandra -f process, It keeps sending every 5 seconds
> WARN 16:01:44,042 ClusterName mismatch from / big 
> cluster!=Test Cluster
> where big cluster is the cluster name used when in the previous ring
> Why do I keep receiving this alerts? is it because still 
> tries to be in the ring?
> Should I run nodetool decommission (token that had my node) on that node? to 
> stop this alert?
> thx for explanations

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