I am glad to announce a release of Cayenne 4.2.M3. The release is stabilizing, 
so there are only a few new features. 

A notable one is support for annotated callback methods on entity classes 
(mapping those in the Modeler is annoying). Though we are still working out the 
performance aspects of it. So consider it "preview", and I'd advise to wait 
till the next release before going all in with annotations.

The most important part of the release is bug fixes though. I had a couple of 
personal blockers that prevented me from switching to 4.2 previously, such as 
incorrect SQL identifier quotation [1], MySQL 8 date time handling [2] (!! this 
may be a breaking change if you already used 4.2 with MySQL 8), precision of 
reverse-engineered dat/time types [3] and a few more. 

So I am looking forward to using M3 myself, and recommend an upgrade to all the 
current 4.2 users.


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAY-2686
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAY-2691
[3] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CAY-2694

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