FlinkKafkaConsumer problem

2020-09-02 Thread op
    hi,    i am confused about consumer group of 
FlinkKafkaConsumer,     i have two applications,with the same 
code like this:
 val bsEnv = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment
 val consumerProps = new Properties()
 consumerProps.put("bootstrap.servers", brokers)
 consumerProps.put("group.id", "test1234")

 val consumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer[String](topic,new 
 Env.execute()//---then i launch both,they have 
the same topic and  group.id,and when i send some message to the topic,i find 
both application consume all the data ,which does??t behave as kafka consumer 
group??can someone tell me why?

How to use Hbase Connector Sink

2020-06-11 Thread op
flink1.10??wen i want to sink data to hbase table like this??

 bstEnv.sqlUpdate("""CREATE TABLE circle_weight (
     rowkey String,
     info ROW