Hi everybody,
I'm quite new to Flink and Flink Statefun and I'm trying to understand the
deployment techniques on k8s.
I wish to understand if it's feasible to deploy a statefun project
separating the different functions on separate deployments (in order to
have some functions as remote and some as embedded) all connected to the
same master. The idea is that I can scale the deployments independently
using the Kubernetes HPA and these instances cooperate automatically using
the same master. For example, given a flow like kafka -> fn a -> fn b ->

* Remote function A (plus ingress) in deployment fn-a, where the function
process is deployed as another container in the same pod
* embedded function B (plus egress) in deployment fn-b
* master deployment in flink-master

Does that make sense at all in Flink architecture? If it's feasible, do you
have any example?


Francesco Guardiani
Website: https://slinkydeveloper.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SlinkyGuardiani

Github: https://github.com/slinkydeveloper

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