Hi Frederic,

I’ve once (upon a time 😊) had a similar situation when we changed from Flink 
1.8 to Flink 1.13 … It took me a long time to figure out.
Some hints where to start to look:

  *   _metadata file is used for
     *   Job manager state
     *   Smallish keyed state (in order to avoid too many small state files)
     *   Operator state (non-keyed)
  *   Does the operator that is getting blocked in initialization use operator 
     *   Look for some condition that might cause it growing
     *   In my case back then, a minor condition caused the operator state 
being duplicated per operator parallelism when loading from a savepoint, which 
caused exponential growth per savepoint cycle
  *   You can obtain a local copy of this savepoint and try to load it by means 
of the state-processor-api
     *   Breaking into the debugger, at some point the _metadata file gets 
loaded and allows to determine which state actually had the run-away and what 
might have caused duplication

I hope this helps


From: Frederic Leger <frederic.le...@asklocala.com>
Sent: Monday, August 28, 2023 12:30 PM
To: user@flink.apache.org
Subject: Checkpoint/savepoint _metadata

⚠EXTERNAL MESSAGE – CAUTION: Think Before You Click ⚠

Hi team,

We use flink 1.16.0 with openjdk-11-jre mainly to run streaming jobs.
We do checkpoints with 2 min interval and savepoint when deploying new job 
We also use rocksdb state backend for most of them.

We had a streaming job running for long without any issue and during a new 
deployment we could not launch it anymore, it was getting stuck on CREATING on 
one task, then was failing and restarting and so on.
In this Flink job, we handle a large data stream using key-based grouping. 
Inside a processFunction, we use MapState[Long, String] as our state storage, 
which keeps data with associated time limits (TTL) of 30 days.

The most relevant error we got from the logs was :

2023-08-02 12:40:52,186 ERROR akka.remote.EndpointWriter                        
           [] - Transient association error (association remains live)
akka.remote.OversizedPayloadException: Discarding oversized payload sent to 
 max allowed size 10485760 bytes, actual size of encoded class 
org.apache.flink.runtime.rpc.messages.RemoteRpcInvocation was 42582878 bytes.

The solution to solve this issue was to increase akka.framesize from default 
(10MB) to 50MB
akka.framesize: 52428800b

After 16h of uptime, we wanted to move back the job to its initial cluster as 
it was running fine since then, but after the savepoint done, we could not 
launch it back and got this error :

2023-08-03 08:49:06,474 ERROR akka.remote.EndpointWriter                        
           [] - Transient association error (association remains live)
akka.remote.OversizedPayloadException: Discarding oversized payload sent to 
 max allowed size 52428800 bytes, actual size of encoded class 
org.apache.flink.runtime.rpc.messages.RemoteRpcInvocation was 679594586 bytes.

After some research it seems to be related to _metadata file written when 
checkpointing/savepointing and this file has grown up amazingly in the past 16h 
from 50MB to more than 600MB if we compare the first ERROR and the last one.

Since then we were unable to launch back the job.

Increasing akka.framesize from 50MB to 1GB permit to avoid the above errors, 
but one task was remaining in CREATING state until failure.
We started to get java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space on the 
jobmanager, then timeout between the taskmanagers and jobmanager.
The heap size set to avoid the OOM on the jobmanager was from 2GB to 20GB.
Increasing timeouts lead to other errors, like java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java 
heap space on the taskmanagers and so on to finally timeout and fail.

2023-08-03 10:28:32,191 INFO  
org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.TaskExecutor           [] - The heartbeat 
of ResourceManager with id be6b26eb0a0a54e636c9fbfc5f9815f3 timed out.
2023-08-03 10:28:32,191 INFO  
org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.TaskExecutor           [] - Close 
ResourceManager connection be6b26eb0a0a54e636c9fbfc5f9815f3.
2023-08-03 10:28:32,191 INFO  
org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.TaskExecutor           [] - Connecting to 
2023-08-03 10:28:38,411 INFO  
org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.TaskExecutor           [] - The heartbeat 
of JobManager with id 39d49002792d881da6a5e7266c8ee58b timed out.
2023-08-03 10:28:38,412 INFO  
org.apache.flink.runtime.taskexecutor.TaskExecutor           [] - Close 
JobManager connection for job f89626c718a36aa0240f8746b8b5a690.

As far as we understand, metadata should never become that huge unless we are 
doing something wrong(?).
Does someone have an idea on how we can diagnose this ?
We have kept a copy of the culprit metadata files and are in the process of 
taking a look at their content, but don't have a precise idea of what we should 
look for.

Any suggestions are welcome.

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