Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-07-05 Thread Vishal Santoshi
I am not sure whether this is in any roadmap and as someone suggested
wishes are free...Tensorflow on flink though ambitious should be a big win.
I am not sure how operator isolation  for a hybrid GPU/CPU  would be
achieved and how repetitive execution could be natively supported by flink
but it seems that if as a developer looking at flink as filling the ML
void  that has emerged and thus being forced to chose between spark and
flink some futuristic announcement in the ML space is required and
tensorflow is that one marquee project that everyone wants to get a handle

On Wed, Jul 4, 2018, 5:10 PM Stephan Ewen  wrote:

> Hi all!
> A late follow-up with some thoughts:
> In principle, all these are good suggestions and are on the roadmap. We
> are trying to make the release "by time", meaning for it at a certain date
> (roughly in two weeks) and take what features are ready into the release.
> Looking at the status of the features that you suggested (please take this
> with a grain of salt, I don't know the status of all issues perfectly):
>   - *Proper sliding window joins:* This is happening, see
> At least inner joins will most likely make it into 1.6. Related to
> that is enrichment joins against time versioned tables, which are being
> worked on in the Table API:
>   - *Bucketing Sink on S3 and ORC / Parquet Support:* There are multiple
> efforts happening here.
> The biggest one is that the bucketing sink is getting a complete
> overhaul to support all of the mentioned features, see
> Hard to say how much will make it until the feature freeze of 1.6, but
> this is happening and will be merged soon.
>   - *ElasticBloomFilters:* Quite a big feature, I added a reply to the
> discussion thread, looking at whether this can be realized in a more
> loosely coupled way from the core state abstraction.
>   - *Per partition Watermark idleness:* Noted, let's look at this more.
> There should also be a way to implement this today, with periodic
> watermarks (that realize when no records came for a while).
>   - *Dynamic CEP patterns:* I don't know if anyone if working on this.
>CEP is getting some love at the moment, though, with SQL integration
> and better performance on RocksDB for larger patterns. We'll take a note
> that there are various requests for dynamic patterns.
>   - *Kubernetes Integration:* There are some developments going on both
> for a "passive" k8s integration (jobs as docker images, Flink beine a
> transparent k8s citizen) and a more "active" integration, where Flink
> directly talks to k8s to start TaskManagers dynamically. I think the former
> has a good chance that a first version goes into 1.6, the latter needs more
> work.
>   - *Atomic Cancel With Savepoint:* Not enough progress on this, yet. It
> is important, but needs more work.
>   - *Synchronizing streams:* Same as above, acknowledged that this is
> important, but needs more work.
>   - *Standalone cluster job isolation:* No work on this, yet, as far as I
> know.
>   - *Sharing state across operators:* This is an interesting and tricky
> one, I left some questions on the JIRA issue
> Best,
> Stephan
> On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 4:45 AM, zhangminglei <> wrote:
>> Hi, Community
>> By the way, there is a very important feature I think it should be.
>> Currently, the BucketingSink does not support when a bucket is ready for
>> user use. This situation will be very obvious when flink work with offline
>> end. We called that real time/offline integration in business. In this
>> case, we should let the user can do some extra work when the bucket is
>> ready. And here is the JIRA for this
>> Cheers
>> Minglei
>> 在 2018年6月4日,下午5:21,Stephan Ewen  写道:
>> Hi Flink Community!
>> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good
>> time to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
>> *== Suggested release timeline ==*
>> I would propose to release around *end of July* (that is 8-9 weeks from
>> now).
>> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing
>> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release
>> 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under
>> "flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5
>> release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle,
>> but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.
>> (Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and
>> run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-07-04 Thread Stephan Ewen
Hi all!

A late follow-up with some thoughts:

In principle, all these are good suggestions and are on the roadmap. We are
trying to make the release "by time", meaning for it at a certain date
(roughly in two weeks) and take what features are ready into the release.

Looking at the status of the features that you suggested (please take this
with a grain of salt, I don't know the status of all issues perfectly):

  - *Proper sliding window joins:* This is happening, see
At least inner joins will most likely make it into 1.6. Related to that
is enrichment joins against time versioned tables, which are being worked
on in the Table API:

  - *Bucketing Sink on S3 and ORC / Parquet Support:* There are multiple
efforts happening here.
The biggest one is that the bucketing sink is getting a complete
overhaul to support all of the mentioned features, see
Hard to say how much will make it until the feature freeze of 1.6, but
this is happening and will be merged soon.

  - *ElasticBloomFilters:* Quite a big feature, I added a reply to the
discussion thread, looking at whether this can be realized in a more
loosely coupled way from the core state abstraction.

  - *Per partition Watermark idleness:* Noted, let's look at this more.
There should also be a way to implement this today, with periodic
watermarks (that realize when no records came for a while).

  - *Dynamic CEP patterns:* I don't know if anyone if working on this.
   CEP is getting some love at the moment, though, with SQL integration and
better performance on RocksDB for larger patterns. We'll take a note that
there are various requests for dynamic patterns.

  - *Kubernetes Integration:* There are some developments going on both for
a "passive" k8s integration (jobs as docker images, Flink beine a
transparent k8s citizen) and a more "active" integration, where Flink
directly talks to k8s to start TaskManagers dynamically. I think the former
has a good chance that a first version goes into 1.6, the latter needs more

  - *Atomic Cancel With Savepoint:* Not enough progress on this, yet. It is
important, but needs more work.
  - *Synchronizing streams:* Same as above, acknowledged that this is
important, but needs more work.

  - *Standalone cluster job isolation:* No work on this, yet, as far as I

  - *Sharing state across operators:* This is an interesting and tricky
one, I left some questions on the JIRA issue


On Mon, Jun 25, 2018 at 4:45 AM, zhangminglei <> wrote:

> Hi, Community
> By the way, there is a very important feature I think it should be.
> Currently, the BucketingSink does not support when a bucket is ready for
> user use. This situation will be very obvious when flink work with offline
> end. We called that real time/offline integration in business. In this
> case, we should let the user can do some extra work when the bucket is
> ready. And here is the JIRA for this https://issues.apache.
> org/jira/browse/FLINK-9609
> Cheers
> Minglei
> 在 2018年6月4日,下午5:21,Stephan Ewen  写道:
> Hi Flink Community!
> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
> to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
> *== Suggested release timeline ==*
> I would propose to release around *end of July* (that is 8-9 weeks from
> now).
> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing
> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release
> 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under
> "flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5
> release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle,
> but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.
> (Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and
> run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it
> would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)
> *== Features and focus areas ==*
> We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new
> network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like
> a "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on
> integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction.
> Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed, an
> no other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to
> understand where to expect more activity during the next release cycle.
> Note that these are really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a
> comprehensive list.
> This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers,
> users, and mailing list 

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-24 Thread zhangminglei
Hi, Community

By the way, there is a very important feature I think it should be. Currently, 
the BucketingSink does not support when a bucket is ready for user use. This 
situation will be very obvious when flink work with offline end. We called that 
real time/offline integration in business. In this case, we should let the user 
can do some extra work when the bucket is ready. And here is the JIRA for this 


> 在 2018年6月4日,下午5:21,Stephan Ewen  写道:
> Hi Flink Community!
> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time to 
> start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
> == Suggested release timeline ==
> I would propose to release around end of July (that is 8-9 weeks from now).
> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing 
> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release 1.5. 
> You may have noticed the big set of new modules under 
> "flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5 release 
> a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle, but should 
> help make releasing more lightweight from now on.
> (Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and run 
> at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it would 
> make sense to contribute them to Flink.)
> == Features and focus areas ==
> We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new 
> network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like a 
> "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on 
> integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction. 
> Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed, an no 
> other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to understand 
> where to expect more activity during the next release cycle. Note that these 
> are really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a comprehensive list.
> This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers, 
> users, and mailing list questions.
>   - Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12
>   - Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a 
> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
>   - Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite
>   - Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, efficient timer 
> deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in RocksDB.
>   - Extends Streaming Sinks:
>  - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual 
> consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently 
> support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC, ...)
>  - Support ElasticSearch's new REST API
>   - Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot restore
>   - Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
>  - Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
>  - Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V stores)
>  - Expand SQL client
>  - Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
>  - Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-18 Thread zhangminglei> < 
> >>>> <>>> wrote:
> >>>> Since wishes are free:
> >>>> 
> >>>> - Standalone cluster job isolation: 
> >>>> 
> >>>> <> 
> >>>> < 
> >>>> <>>
> >>>> - Proper sliding window joins (not overlapping hoping window joins): 
> >>>> 
> >>>> <> 
> >>>> < 
> >>>> <>>
> >>>> - Sharing state across operators: 
> >>>> 
> >>>> <> 
> >>>> < 
> >>>> <>>
> >>>> - Synchronizing streams: 
> >>>> 
> >>>> <> 
> >>>> < 
> >>>> <>>
> >>>> 
> >>>> Seconded:
> >>>> - Atomic cancel-with-savepoint: 
> >>>> 
> >>>> <> 
> >>>> < 
> >>>> <>>
> >>>> - Support dynamically changing CEP patterns : 
> >>>> 
> >>>> <> 
> >>>> < 
> >>>> <>>
> >>>> 
> >>>> 
> >>>> On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 1:31 PM, Stephan Ewen  >>>> <> < 
> >>>> <>>> wrote:
> >>>> Hi all!
> >>>> 
> >>>> Thanks for the discussion and good input. Many suggestions fit well with 
> >>>> the proposal above.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Please bear in mind that with a time-based release model, we would 
> >>>> release whatever is mature by end of July.
> >>>> The good thing is we could schedule the next release not too far after 
> >>>> that, so that the features that did not quite make it will not be 
> >>>> delayed too long.
> >>>> In some sense, you could read this as as "what to do first" list, rather 
> >>>> than "this goes in, other things stay out".
> >>>> 
> >>>> Some thoughts on some of the suggestions
> >>>> 
> >>>> Kubernetes integration: An opaque integration with Kubernetes should be 
> >>>> supported through the "as a library" mode. For a deeper integration, I 
> >>>> know that some committers have experimented with some PoC code. I would 
> >>>> let Till add some thoughts, he has worked the most on the deployment 
> >>>> parts recently.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Per partition watermarks with idleness: Good point, could one implement 
> >>>> that on the current interface, with a periodic watermark extractor?
> >>>> 
> >>>> Atomic cancel-with-savepoint: Agreed, this is important. Making this 
> >>>> work with all sources needs a bit more work. We should have this in the 
> >>>> roadmap.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Elastic Bloomfilters: This seems like an interesting new feature - the 
> >>>> above suggested feature set was more about addressing some longer 
> >>>> standing issues/requests. However, nothing should prevent contributors 
> >>>> to work on that.
> >>>> 
> >>>> Best,
> >>>> Stephan
> >>>> 

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-18 Thread sagar loke
> with the proposal above.
> >>>>
> >>>> Please bear in mind that with a time-based release model, we would
> release whatever is mature by end of July.
> >>>> The good thing is we could schedule the next release not too far
> after that, so that the features that did not quite make it will not be
> delayed too long.
> >>>> In some sense, you could read this as as "what to do first" list,
> rather than "this goes in, other things stay out".
> >>>>
> >>>> Some thoughts on some of the suggestions
> >>>>
> >>>> Kubernetes integration: An opaque integration with Kubernetes should
> be supported through the "as a library" mode. For a deeper integration, I
> know that some committers have experimented with some PoC code. I would let
> Till add some thoughts, he has worked the most on the deployment parts
> recently.
> >>>>
> >>>> Per partition watermarks with idleness: Good point, could one
> implement that on the current interface, with a periodic watermark
> extractor?
> >>>>
> >>>> Atomic cancel-with-savepoint: Agreed, this is important. Making this
> work with all sources needs a bit more work. We should have this in the
> roadmap.
> >>>>
> >>>> Elastic Bloomfilters: This seems like an interesting new feature -
> the above suggested feature set was more about addressing some longer
> standing issues/requests. However, nothing should prevent contributors to
> work on that.
> >>>>
> >>>> Best,
> >>>> Stephan
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:23 AM, Yan Zhou [FDS Science] <
> <>> wrote:
> >>>> +1 on <
> >>>> [FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in ... <
> >>>> <>
> >>>> Reported in ML:
> <
> It's normally not a common case to have Kafka partitions not producing any
> data, but it'll probably be good to handle this as well. I ...
> >>>>
> >>>> From: Rico Bergmann>>
> >>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:12:00 PM
> >>>> To: Hao Sun
> >>>> Cc: <>; user
> >>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
> >>>>
> >>>> +1 on K8s integration
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>> Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun>>:
> >>>>
> >>>>> adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
> >>>>>> Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan  <>> wrote:
> >>>>> Hi Stephan,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Will  [ <
>> ]  (Per-partition
> watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle partitions) be
> included in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this issue on the mailing
> lists.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Thanks.
> >>>>> Ben
> >>>>>
> >>>>> 2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum>>:
> >>>>> Hi Stephan,
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be
> included in 1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6:
> >>>>>
> <

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-17 Thread zhangminglei
h Kubernetes should be 
>>>> supported through the "as a library" mode. For a deeper integration, I 
>>>> know that some committers have experimented with some PoC code. I would 
>>>> let Till add some thoughts, he has worked the most on the deployment parts 
>>>> recently.
>>>> Per partition watermarks with idleness: Good point, could one implement 
>>>> that on the current interface, with a periodic watermark extractor?
>>>> Atomic cancel-with-savepoint: Agreed, this is important. Making this work 
>>>> with all sources needs a bit more work. We should have this in the roadmap.
>>>> Elastic Bloomfilters: This seems like an interesting new feature - the 
>>>> above suggested feature set was more about addressing some longer standing 
>>>> issues/requests. However, nothing should prevent contributors to work on 
>>>> that.
>>>> Best,
>>>> Stephan
>>>> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:23 AM, Yan Zhou [FDS Science] >>> <>> wrote:
>>>> +1 on 
>>>> <>
>>>> [FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in ... 
>>>> <>
>>>> <>
>>>> Reported in ML: 
>>>> <>
>>>>  It's normally not a common case to have Kafka partitions not producing 
>>>> any data, but it'll probably be good to handle this as well. I ...
>>>> From: Rico Bergmann>>
>>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:12:00 PM
>>>> To: Hao Sun
>>>> Cc: <>; user
>>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>>>> +1 on K8s integration 
>>>> Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun >>> <>>:
>>>>> adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
>>>>>> Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a 
>>>>>> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other 
>>>>>> proxies.
>>>>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan >>>> <>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Stephan,
>>>>> Will  [ 
>>>>> <> ]  (Per-partition 
>>>>> watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle partitions) be 
>>>>> included in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this issue on the 
>>>>> mailing lists.
>>>>> Thanks.
>>>>> Ben
>>>>> 2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum >>>> <>>:
>>>>> Hi Stephan,
>>>>> Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included 
>>>>> in 1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6: 
>>>>> <>
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Shirley Shum
>>>>> Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink Community! The release 
>>>>> of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
>>>>> From: Stephan Ewen>>
>>>>> To: <>, user 
>>>>> mailto:user@fl

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-17 Thread Will Du
th-savepoint: Agreed, this is important. Making this work 
>>> with all sources needs a bit more work. We should have this in the roadmap.
>>> Elastic Bloomfilters: This seems like an interesting new feature - the 
>>> above suggested feature set was more about addressing some longer standing 
>>> issues/requests. However, nothing should prevent contributors to work on 
>>> that.
>>> Best,
>>> Stephan
>>> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:23 AM, Yan Zhou [FDS Science] >> <>> wrote:
>>> +1 on 
>>> <>
>>> [FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in ... 
>>> <>
>>> <>
>>> Reported in ML: 
>>> <>
>>>  It's normally not a common case to have Kafka partitions not producing any 
>>> data, but it'll probably be good to handle this as well. I ...
>>> From: Rico Bergmann>>
>>> Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:12:00 PM
>>> To: Hao Sun
>>> Cc: <>; user
>>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>>> +1 on K8s integration 
>>> Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun >> <>>:
>>>> adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
>>>>> Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a 
>>>>> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other 
>>>>> proxies.
>>>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan >>> <>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Stephan,
>>>> Will  [ 
>>>> <> ]  (Per-partition 
>>>> watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle partitions) be 
>>>> included in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this issue on the 
>>>> mailing lists.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Ben
>>>> 2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum >>> <>>:
>>>> Hi Stephan,
>>>> Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included in 
>>>> 1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6: 
>>>> <>
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Shirley Shum
>>>> Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink Community! The release 
>>>> of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
>>>> From: Stephan Ewen>>
>>>> To: <>, user 
>>>> Date: 06/04/2018 02:21 AM
>>>> Subject: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>>>> Hi Flink Community!
>>>> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time 
>>>> to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
>>>> == Suggested release timeline ==
>>>> I would propose to release around end of July (that is 8-9 weeks from now).
>>>> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing 
>>>> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release 
>>>> 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under 
>>>> "flink-end-to-end-tes

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-17 Thread zhangminglei>
>> [FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in ... 
>> <>
>> <>
>> Reported in ML: 
>> <>
>>  It's normally not a common case to have Kafka partitions not producing any 
>> data, but it'll probably be good to handle this as well. I ...
>> From: Rico Bergmann>>
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:12:00 PM
>> To: Hao Sun
>> Cc: <>; user
>> Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>> +1 on K8s integration 
>> Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun > <>>:
>>> adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
>>>> Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a 
>>>> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other 
>>>> proxies.
>>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan >> <>> wrote:
>>> Hi Stephan,
>>> Will  [ 
>>> <> ]  (Per-partition 
>>> watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle partitions) be 
>>> included in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this issue on the mailing 
>>> lists.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Ben
>>> 2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum >> <>>:
>>> Hi Stephan,
>>> Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included in 
>>> 1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6: 
>>> <>
>>> Thanks,
>>> Shirley Shum
>>> Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of 
>>> Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
>>> From: Stephan Ewen>>
>>> To: <>, user 
>>> Date: 06/04/2018 02:21 AM
>>> Subject: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>>> Hi Flink Community!
>>> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time 
>>> to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
>>> == Suggested release timeline ==
>>> I would propose to release around end of July (that is 8-9 weeks from now).
>>> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing 
>>> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release 
>>> 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under 
>>> "flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5 
>>> release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle, 
>>> but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.
>>> (Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and 
>>> run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it 
>>> would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)
>>> == Features and focus areas ==
>>> We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new 
>>> network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like 
>>> a "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on 
>>> integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction. 
>>> Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed, an 
>>> no other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to 
>>> understand where to expect more activity during the next release cycle. 
>>> Note that these are really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a 
>>> comprehensive list.
>>> This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers, 
>>> users, and mailing list questions.
>>>  - Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12
>>>  - Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a 
>>> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
>>>  - Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite
>>>  - Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, efficient 
>>> timer deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in RocksDB.
>>>  - Extends Streaming Sinks:
>>> - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual 
>>> consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently 
>>> support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC, 
>>> ...)
>>> - Support ElasticSearch's new REST API
>>>  - Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot restore
>>>  - Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
>>> - Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
>>> - Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V stores)
>>> - Expand SQL client
>>> - Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
>>> - Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB
>> -- 
>> Cheers,
>> Sagar

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-17 Thread zhangminglei
Hi, Sagar

There already has relative JIRAs for ORC and Parquet, you can take a look here: 
<> and 

For ORC format, Currently only support basic data types, such as Long, Boolean, 
Short, Integer, Float, Double, String. 


> 在 2018年6月17日,上午11:11,sagar loke  写道:
> We are eagerly waiting for 
>   - Extends Streaming Sinks:
>  - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual 
> consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently 
> support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC, ...)
> Especially for ORC and Parquet sinks. Since, We are planning to use 
> Kafka-jdbc to move data from rdbms to hdfs. 
> Thanks,
> On Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 5:08 PM Elias Levy  <>> wrote:
> One more, since it we have to deal with it often:
> - Idling sources (Kafka in particular) and proper watermark propagation: 
> FLINK-5018 / FLINK-5479
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 2:58 PM, Elias Levy  <>> wrote:
> Since wishes are free:
> - Standalone cluster job isolation: 
> <>
> - Proper sliding window joins (not overlapping hoping window joins): 
> <>
> - Sharing state across operators: 
> <>
> - Synchronizing streams: 
> <>
> Seconded:
> - Atomic cancel-with-savepoint: 
> <>
> - Support dynamically changing CEP patterns : 
> <>
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 1:31 PM, Stephan Ewen  <>> wrote:
> Hi all!
> Thanks for the discussion and good input. Many suggestions fit well with the 
> proposal above.
> Please bear in mind that with a time-based release model, we would release 
> whatever is mature by end of July.
> The good thing is we could schedule the next release not too far after that, 
> so that the features that did not quite make it will not be delayed too long.
> In some sense, you could read this as as "what to do first" list, rather than 
> "this goes in, other things stay out".
> Some thoughts on some of the suggestions
> Kubernetes integration: An opaque integration with Kubernetes should be 
> supported through the "as a library" mode. For a deeper integration, I know 
> that some committers have experimented with some PoC code. I would let Till 
> add some thoughts, he has worked the most on the deployment parts recently.
> Per partition watermarks with idleness: Good point, could one implement that 
> on the current interface, with a periodic watermark extractor?
> Atomic cancel-with-savepoint: Agreed, this is important. Making this work 
> with all sources needs a bit more work. We should have this in the roadmap.
> Elastic Bloomfilters: This seems like an interesting new feature - the above 
> suggested feature set was more about addressing some longer standing 
> issues/requests. However, nothing should prevent contributors to work on that.
> Best,
> Stephan
> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:23 AM, Yan Zhou [FDS Science]  <>> wrote:
> +1 on 
> <>
> [FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in ... 
> <>
> <>
> Reported in ML: 
> <>
>  It's normally not a common case to have Kafka partitions not producing any 
> data, but it'll probably be good to handle this as well. I ...
> From: Rico Bergmann mailto:i...@

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-16 Thread sagar loke
We are eagerly waiting for

  - Extends Streaming Sinks:
 - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual
consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently
support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC,

Especially for ORC and Parquet sinks. Since, We are planning to use
Kafka-jdbc to move data from rdbms to hdfs.


On Sat, Jun 16, 2018 at 5:08 PM Elias Levy 

> One more, since it we have to deal with it often:
> - Idling sources (Kafka in particular) and proper watermark propagation:
> FLINK-5018 / FLINK-5479
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 2:58 PM, Elias Levy 
> wrote:
>> Since wishes are free:
>> - Standalone cluster job isolation:
>> - Proper sliding window joins (not overlapping hoping window joins):
>> - Sharing state across operators:
>> - Synchronizing streams:
>> Seconded:
>> - Atomic cancel-with-savepoint:
>> - Support dynamically changing CEP patterns :
>> On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 1:31 PM, Stephan Ewen  wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> Thanks for the discussion and good input. Many suggestions fit well with
>>> the proposal above.
>>> Please bear in mind that with a time-based release model, we would
>>> release whatever is mature by end of July.
>>> The good thing is we could schedule the next release not too far after
>>> that, so that the features that did not quite make it will not be delayed
>>> too long.
>>> In some sense, you could read this as as "*what to do first*" list,
>>> rather than "*this goes in, other things stay out"*.
>>> Some thoughts on some of the suggestions
>>> *Kubernetes integration:* An opaque integration with Kubernetes should
>>> be supported through the "as a library" mode. For a deeper integration, I
>>> know that some committers have experimented with some PoC code. I would let
>>> Till add some thoughts, he has worked the most on the deployment parts
>>> recently.
>>> *Per partition watermarks with idleness:* Good point, could one
>>> implement that on the current interface, with a periodic watermark
>>> extractor?
>>> *Atomic cancel-with-savepoint:* Agreed, this is important. Making this
>>> work with all sources needs a bit more work. We should have this in the
>>> roadmap.
>>> *Elastic Bloomfilters:* This seems like an interesting new feature -
>>> the above suggested feature set was more about addressing some longer
>>> standing issues/requests. However, nothing should prevent contributors to
>>> work on that.
>>> Best,
>>> Stephan
>>> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:23 AM, Yan Zhou [FDS Science] <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> +1 on
>>>> [FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in ...
>>>> <>
>>>> Reported in ML:
>>>> It's normally not a common case to have Kafka partitions not producing any
>>>> data, but it'll probably be good to handle this as well. I ...
>>>> --
>>>> *From:* Rico Bergmann 
>>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:12:00 PM
>>>> *To:* Hao Sun
>>>> *Cc:*; user
>>>> *Subject:* Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>>>> +1 on K8s integration
>>>> Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun :
>>>> adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
>>>> > Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
>>>> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other 
>>>> proxies.
>>>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan 

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-16 Thread Elias Levy
One more, since it we have to deal with it often:

- Idling sources (Kafka in particular) and proper watermark propagation:
FLINK-5018 / FLINK-5479

On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 2:58 PM, Elias Levy 

> Since wishes are free:
> - Standalone cluster job isolation: https://issues.
> - Proper sliding window joins (not overlapping hoping window joins):
> - Sharing state across operators: https://issues.
> - Synchronizing streams:
> Seconded:
> - Atomic cancel-with-savepoint:
> browse/FLINK-7634
> - Support dynamically changing CEP patterns :
> jira/browse/FLINK-7129
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 1:31 PM, Stephan Ewen  wrote:
>> Hi all!
>> Thanks for the discussion and good input. Many suggestions fit well with
>> the proposal above.
>> Please bear in mind that with a time-based release model, we would
>> release whatever is mature by end of July.
>> The good thing is we could schedule the next release not too far after
>> that, so that the features that did not quite make it will not be delayed
>> too long.
>> In some sense, you could read this as as "*what to do first*" list,
>> rather than "*this goes in, other things stay out"*.
>> Some thoughts on some of the suggestions
>> *Kubernetes integration:* An opaque integration with Kubernetes should
>> be supported through the "as a library" mode. For a deeper integration, I
>> know that some committers have experimented with some PoC code. I would let
>> Till add some thoughts, he has worked the most on the deployment parts
>> recently.
>> *Per partition watermarks with idleness:* Good point, could one
>> implement that on the current interface, with a periodic watermark
>> extractor?
>> *Atomic cancel-with-savepoint:* Agreed, this is important. Making this
>> work with all sources needs a bit more work. We should have this in the
>> roadmap.
>> *Elastic Bloomfilters:* This seems like an interesting new feature - the
>> above suggested feature set was more about addressing some longer standing
>> issues/requests. However, nothing should prevent contributors to work on
>> that.
>> Best,
>> Stephan
>> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:23 AM, Yan Zhou [FDS Science] > > wrote:
>>> +1 on
>>> [FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in ...
>>> <>
>>> Reported in ML: http://apache-flink-user-maili
>>> skewness-causes-watermark-not-being-emitted-td11008.html It's normally
>>> not a common case to have Kafka partitions not producing any data, but
>>> it'll probably be good to handle this as well. I ...
>>> --
>>> *From:* Rico Bergmann 
>>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:12:00 PM
>>> *To:* Hao Sun
>>> *Cc:*; user
>>> *Subject:* Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>>> +1 on K8s integration
>>> Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun :
>>> adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
>>> > Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
>>> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
>>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan 
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Stephan,
>>> Will  [ ]
>>> (Per-partition watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle
>>> partitions) be included in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this
>>> issue on the mailing lists.
>>> Thanks.
>>> Ben
>>> 2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum :
>>> Hi Stephan,
>>> Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included
>>> in 1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6:
>>> box/%3cCAMq=OU7gru2O9JtoWXn1Lc1F7NKcxAyN6A3e58kxctb4b508RQ@m

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-09 Thread sihua zhou
Hi Stephan,

Thanks very much for your response! That gave me the confidence to continue to 
work on the Elastic Filter. But even though we have implemented it(based on 
1.3.2) and used it on production for a several months, If there's one commiter 
is willing to guide me(since it's not a very trivial work, and IMO our current 
implementation base on 1.3.2 is a bit hacker, a design reviews would be really 
helpful) to bring it into flink, I will be very grateful.

Best, Sihua

On 06/9/2018 04:31,Stephan Ewen wrote:
Hi all!

Thanks for the discussion and good input. Many suggestions fit well with the 
proposal above.

Please bear in mind that with a time-based release model, we would release 
whatever is mature by end of July.
The good thing is we could schedule the next release not too far after that, so 
that the features that did not quite make it will not be delayed too long.
In some sense, you could read this as as "what to do first" list, rather than 
"this goes in, other things stay out".

Some thoughts on some of the suggestions

Kubernetes integration: An opaque integration with Kubernetes should be 
supported through the "as a library" mode. For a deeper integration, I know 
that some committers have experimented with some PoC code. I would let Till add 
some thoughts, he has worked the most on the deployment parts recently.

Per partition watermarks with idleness: Good point, could one implement that on 
the current interface, with a periodic watermark extractor?

Atomic cancel-with-savepoint: Agreed, this is important. Making this work with 
all sources needs a bit more work. We should have this in the roadmap.

Elastic Bloomfilters: This seems like an interesting new feature - the above 
suggested feature set was more about addressing some longer standing 
issues/requests. However, nothing should prevent contributors to work on that.


On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:23 AM, Yan Zhou [FDS Science]  

+1 on

[FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in ...
Reported in ML:
 It's normally not a common case to have Kafka partitions not producing any 
data, but it'll probably be good to handle this as well. I ...

From: Rico Bergmann 
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:12:00 PM
To: Hao Sun; user
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
+1 on K8s integration 

Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun :

adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
> Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a Library", 
> and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.

On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan  wrote:

Hi Stephan,

Will  [ ]  (Per-partition 
watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle partitions) be included 
in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this issue on the mailing lists.


2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum :

Hi Stephan,

Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included in 1.6? 
There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6:

Shirley Shum

Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of 
Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time

From: Stephan Ewen 
To:, user 
Date: 06/04/2018 02:21 AM
Subject: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

Hi Flink Community!

The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time to 
start talking about what to do for release 1.6.

== Suggested release timeline ==

I would propose to release around end of July (that is 8-9 weeks from now).

The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing 
automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release 1.5. 
You may have noticed the big set of new modules under "flink-end-to-end-tests" 
in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5 release a bit, and needs to 
continue as part of the coming release cycle, but should help make releasing 
more lightweight from now on.

(Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and run at 
data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it would make 
sense to contribute them to Flink.)

== Features and focus areas ==

We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new 
network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like a 
"tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on 
integrations, tooling, and reducing user frictio

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-08 Thread Elias Levy
Since wishes are free:

- Standalone cluster job isolation:
- Proper sliding window joins (not overlapping hoping window joins):
- Sharing state across operators:
- Synchronizing streams:

- Atomic cancel-with-savepoint:
- Support dynamically changing CEP patterns :

On Fri, Jun 8, 2018 at 1:31 PM, Stephan Ewen  wrote:

> Hi all!
> Thanks for the discussion and good input. Many suggestions fit well with
> the proposal above.
> Please bear in mind that with a time-based release model, we would release
> whatever is mature by end of July.
> The good thing is we could schedule the next release not too far after
> that, so that the features that did not quite make it will not be delayed
> too long.
> In some sense, you could read this as as "*what to do first*" list,
> rather than "*this goes in, other things stay out"*.
> Some thoughts on some of the suggestions
> *Kubernetes integration:* An opaque integration with Kubernetes should be
> supported through the "as a library" mode. For a deeper integration, I know
> that some committers have experimented with some PoC code. I would let Till
> add some thoughts, he has worked the most on the deployment parts recently.
> *Per partition watermarks with idleness:* Good point, could one implement
> that on the current interface, with a periodic watermark extractor?
> *Atomic cancel-with-savepoint:* Agreed, this is important. Making this
> work with all sources needs a bit more work. We should have this in the
> roadmap.
> *Elastic Bloomfilters:* This seems like an interesting new feature - the
> above suggested feature set was more about addressing some longer standing
> issues/requests. However, nothing should prevent contributors to work on
> that.
> Best,
> Stephan
> On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:23 AM, Yan Zhou [FDS Science] 
> wrote:
>> +1 on
>> [FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in ...
>> <>
>> Reported in ML: http://apache-flink-user-maili
>> skewness-causes-watermark-not-being-emitted-td11008.html It's normally
>> not a common case to have Kafka partitions not producing any data, but
>> it'll probably be good to handle this as well. I ...
>> --
>> *From:* Rico Bergmann 
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:12:00 PM
>> *To:* Hao Sun
>> *Cc:*; user
>> *Subject:* Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>> +1 on K8s integration
>> Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun :
>> adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
>> > Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
>> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan 
>> wrote:
>> Hi Stephan,
>> Will  [ ]
>> (Per-partition watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle
>> partitions) be included in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this
>> issue on the mailing lists.
>> Thanks.
>> Ben
>> 2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum :
>> Hi Stephan,
>> Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included
>> in 1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6:
>> box/%3cCAMq=OU7gru2O9JtoWXn1Lc1F7NKcxAyN6A3e58kxctb4b508RQ@m
>> Thanks,
>> Shirley Shum
>> [image: Inactive hide details for Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47
>> AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happ]Stephan
>> Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of Apache
>> Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
>> From: Stephan Ewen 
>> To:, user 
>> Date: 06/04/2018 02:21 AM
>> Subject: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>> --
>> Hi Flink Community!
>> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!)

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-08 Thread Stephan Ewen
Hi all!

Thanks for the discussion and good input. Many suggestions fit well with
the proposal above.

Please bear in mind that with a time-based release model, we would release
whatever is mature by end of July.
The good thing is we could schedule the next release not too far after
that, so that the features that did not quite make it will not be delayed
too long.
In some sense, you could read this as as "*what to do first*" list, rather
than "*this goes in, other things stay out"*.

Some thoughts on some of the suggestions

*Kubernetes integration:* An opaque integration with Kubernetes should be
supported through the "as a library" mode. For a deeper integration, I know
that some committers have experimented with some PoC code. I would let Till
add some thoughts, he has worked the most on the deployment parts recently.

*Per partition watermarks with idleness:* Good point, could one implement
that on the current interface, with a periodic watermark extractor?

*Atomic cancel-with-savepoint:* Agreed, this is important. Making this work
with all sources needs a bit more work. We should have this in the roadmap.

*Elastic Bloomfilters:* This seems like an interesting new feature - the
above suggested feature set was more about addressing some longer standing
issues/requests. However, nothing should prevent contributors to work on


On Wed, Jun 6, 2018 at 6:23 AM, Yan Zhou [FDS Science] 

> +1 on
> [FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in ...
> <>
> Reported in ML: http://apache-flink-user-mailing-list-archive.2336050.n4.
> not-being-emitted-td11008.html It's normally not a common case to have
> Kafka partitions not producing any data, but it'll probably be good to
> handle this as well. I ...
> --
> *From:* Rico Bergmann 
> *Sent:* Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:12:00 PM
> *To:* Hao Sun
> *Cc:*; user
> *Subject:* Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
> +1 on K8s integration
> Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun :
> adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
> > Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan 
> wrote:
> Hi Stephan,
> Will  [ ]
> (Per-partition watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle
> partitions) be included in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this
> issue on the mailing lists.
> Thanks.
> Ben
> 2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum :
> Hi Stephan,
> Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included in
> 1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6:
> mbox/%3cCAMq=OU7gru2O9JtoWXn1Lc1F7NKcxAyN6A3e58kxctb4b508RQ@
> Thanks,
> Shirley Shum
> [image: Inactive hide details for Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47
> AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happ]Stephan
> Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of Apache
> Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
> From: Stephan Ewen 
> To:, user 
> Date: 06/04/2018 02:21 AM
> Subject: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
> --
> Hi Flink Community!
> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
> to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
> *== Suggested release timeline ==*
> I would propose to release around *end of July* (that is 8-9 weeks from
> now).
> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing
> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release
> 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under
> "flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5
> release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle,
> but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.
> (Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and
> run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it
> would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)
> *== Features and focus areas ==*
> We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new
> network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-05 Thread Yan Zhou [FDS Science]
+1 on

[FLINK-5479] Per-partition watermarks in 
Reported in ML:
 It's normally not a common case to have Kafka partitions not producing any 
data, but it'll probably be good to handle this as well. I ...

From: Rico Bergmann 
Sent: Tuesday, June 5, 2018 9:12:00 PM
To: Hao Sun
Cc:; user
Subject: Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

+1 on K8s integration

Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun>>:

adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
> Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a Library", 
> and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.

On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan>> wrote:
Hi Stephan,

Will  [ ]  (Per-partition 
watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle partitions) be included 
in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this issue on the mailing lists.


2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum>>:

Hi Stephan,

Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included in 1.6? 
There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6:

Shirley Shum

[Inactive hide details for Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink 
Community! The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happ]Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 
02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened 
(yay!) - so it is a good time

From: Stephan Ewen>>
To:<>, user>>
Date: 06/04/2018 02:21 AM
Subject: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

Hi Flink Community!

The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time to 
start talking about what to do for release 1.6.

== Suggested release timeline ==

I would propose to release around end of July (that is 8-9 weeks from now).

The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing 
automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release 1.5. 
You may have noticed the big set of new modules under "flink-end-to-end-tests" 
in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5 release a bit, and needs to 
continue as part of the coming release cycle, but should help make releasing 
more lightweight from now on.

(Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and run at 
data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it would make 
sense to contribute them to Flink.)

== Features and focus areas ==

We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new 
network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like a 
"tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on 
integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction.

Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed, an no 
other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to understand where 
to expect more activity during the next release cycle. Note that these are 
really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a comprehensive list.

This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers, users, 
and mailing list questions.

  - Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12

  - Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a 
Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.

  - Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite

  - Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, efficient timer 
deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in RocksDB.

  - Extends Streaming Sinks:
 - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual 
consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently support 
formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC, ...)
 - Support ElasticSearch's new REST API

  - Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot restore

  - Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
 - Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
 - Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V stores)
 - Expand SQL client
 - Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
 - Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-05 Thread Rico Bergmann
+1 on K8s integration 

> Am 06.06.2018 um 00:01 schrieb Hao Sun :
> adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
> > Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a 
> > Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
>> On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan  wrote:
>> Hi Stephan,
>> Will  [ ]  (Per-partition 
>> watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle partitions) be 
>> included in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this issue on the mailing 
>> lists.
>> Thanks.
>> Ben
>> 2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum :
>>> Hi Stephan,
>>> Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included in 
>>> 1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6: 
>>> Thanks,
>>> Shirley Shum
>>> Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of 
>>> Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
>>> From: Stephan Ewen 
>>> To:, user 
>>> Date: 06/04/2018 02:21 AM
>>> Subject: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>>> Hi Flink Community!
>>> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time 
>>> to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
>>> == Suggested release timeline ==
>>> I would propose to release around end of July (that is 8-9 weeks from now).
>>> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing 
>>> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release 
>>> 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under 
>>> "flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5 
>>> release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle, 
>>> but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.
>>> (Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and 
>>> run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it 
>>> would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)
>>> == Features and focus areas ==
>>> We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new 
>>> network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like 
>>> a "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on 
>>> integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction. 
>>> Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed, an 
>>> no other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to 
>>> understand where to expect more activity during the next release cycle. 
>>> Note that these are really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a 
>>> comprehensive list.
>>> This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers, 
>>> users, and mailing list questions.
>>>   - Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12
>>>   - Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a 
>>> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
>>>   - Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite
>>>   - Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, efficient 
>>> timer deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in RocksDB.
>>>   - Extends Streaming Sinks:
>>>  - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual 
>>> consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently 
>>> support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC, 
>>> ...)
>>>  - Support ElasticSearch's new REST API
>>>   - Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot restore
>>>   - Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
>>>  - Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
>>>  - Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V stores)
>>>  - Expand SQL client
>>>  - Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
>>>  - Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-05 Thread Hao Sun
adding my vote to K8S Job mode, maybe it is this?
> Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.

On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:01 PM Ben Yan  wrote:

> Hi Stephan,
> Will  [
>  ]
> (Per-partition watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle
> partitions) be included in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this
> issue on the mailing lists.
> Thanks.
> Ben
> 2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum :
>> Hi Stephan,
>> Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included
>> in 1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6:
>> Thanks,
>> Shirley Shum
>> [image: Inactive hide details for Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47
>> AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happ]Stephan
>> Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of Apache
>> Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
>> From: Stephan Ewen 
>> To:, user 
>> Date: 06/04/2018 02:21 AM
>> Subject: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
>> --
>> Hi Flink Community!
>> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good
>> time to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
>> *== Suggested release timeline ==*
>> I would propose to release around *end of July* (that is 8-9 weeks from
>> now).
>> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing
>> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release
>> 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under
>> "flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5
>> release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle,
>> but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.
>> (Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and
>> run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it
>> would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)
>> *== Features and focus areas ==*
>> We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new
>> network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like
>> a "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on
>> integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction.
>> Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed,
>> an no other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to
>> understand where to expect more activity during the next release cycle.
>> Note that these are really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a
>> comprehensive list.
>> This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers,
>> users, and mailing list questions.
>>   - Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12
>>   - Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
>> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
>>   - Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite
>>   - Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, efficient
>> timer deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in RocksDB.
>>   - Extends Streaming Sinks:
>>  - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual
>> consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently
>> support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC,
>> ...)
>>  - Support ElasticSearch's new REST API
>>   - Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot
>> restore
>>   - Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
>>  - Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
>>  - Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V
>> stores)
>>  - Expand SQL client
>>  - Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
>>  - Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-05 Thread Ben Yan
Hi Stephan,

Will  [ ]  (Per-partition
watermarks in FlinkKafkaConsumer should consider idle partitions) be
included in 1.6? As we are seeing more users with this issue on the mailing


2018-06-05 5:29 GMT+08:00 Che Lui Shum :

> Hi Stephan,
> Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included in
> 1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6:
> Thanks,
> Shirley Shum
> [image: Inactive hide details for Stephan Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47
> AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happ]Stephan
> Ewen ---06/04/2018 02:21:47 AM---Hi Flink Community! The release of Apache
> Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
> From: Stephan Ewen 
> To:, user 
> Date: 06/04/2018 02:21 AM
> Subject: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features
> --
> Hi Flink Community!
> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
> to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
> *== Suggested release timeline ==*
> I would propose to release around *end of July* (that is 8-9 weeks from
> now).
> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing
> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release
> 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under
> "flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5
> release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle,
> but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.
> (Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and
> run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it
> would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)
> *== Features and focus areas ==*
> We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new
> network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like
> a "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on
> integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction.
> Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed, an
> no other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to
> understand where to expect more activity during the next release cycle.
> Note that these are really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a
> comprehensive list.
> This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers,
> users, and mailing list questions.
>   - Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12
>   - Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
>   - Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite
>   - Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, efficient
> timer deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in RocksDB.
>   - Extends Streaming Sinks:
>  - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual
> consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently
> support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC,
> ...)
>  - Support ElasticSearch's new REST API
>   - Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot restore
>   - Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
>  - Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
>  - Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V stores)
>  - Expand SQL client
>  - Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
>  - Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-04 Thread Che Lui Shum

Hi Stephan,

Will FLINK-7129 (Support dynamically changing CEP patterns) be included in
1.6? There were discussions about possibly including it in 1.6:

Shirley Shum

From:   Stephan Ewen 
To:, user 
Date:   06/04/2018 02:21 AM
Subject:[DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

Hi Flink Community!

The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.

== Suggested release timeline ==

I would propose to release around end of July (that is 8-9 weeks from now).

The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing
automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release
1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under
"flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5
release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle,
but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.

(Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and
run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it
would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)

== Features and focus areas ==

We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new
network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like
a "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on
integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction.

Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed, an
no other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to
understand where to expect more activity during the next release cycle.
Note that these are really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a
comprehensive list.

This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers,
users, and mailing list questions.

  - Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12

  - Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other

  - Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite

  - Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, efficient
timer deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in RocksDB.

  - Extends Streaming Sinks:
     - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual
consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently
support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet,
ORC, ...)
     - Support ElasticSearch's new REST API

  - Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot restore

  - Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
     - Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
     - Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V stores)
     - Expand SQL client
     - Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
     - Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-04 Thread Till Rohrmann
Before removing the legacy code, I would still wait a bit and see what the
user feedback is. The legacy mode is a good safety net against severe
deployment regressions. Thus, it should be a very conscious decision to
remove the code.

As far as I know, there is currently nobody actively working on FLINK-7883.
Fixing it properly requires a bit of work (e.g. redesigning the source
interface) and will need a committer to act as a shepherd. But it is
definitely a feature which is quite important to have.


On Mon, Jun 4, 2018 at 11:50 AM Antoine Philippot <> wrote:

> Hi Stephen,
> Is it planned to consider this ticket
> about an atomic
> cancel-with-savepoint ?
> It is my main concern about Flink and I have to maintain a fork myself as
> we can't afford dupplicate events due to reprocess of messages between a
> savepoint and real job stop each time we deploy a new version of our job.
> Antoine
> Le lun. 4 juin 2018 à 11:21, Stephan Ewen  a écrit :
>> Hi Flink Community!
>> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good
>> time to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
>> *== Suggested release timeline ==*
>> I would propose to release around *end of July* (that is 8-9 weeks from
>> now).
>> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing
>> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release
>> 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under
>> "flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5
>> release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle,
>> but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.
>> (Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and
>> run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it
>> would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)
>> *== Features and focus areas ==*
>> We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new
>> network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like
>> a "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on
>> integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction.
>> Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed,
>> an no other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to
>> understand where to expect more activity during the next release cycle.
>> Note that these are really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a
>> comprehensive list.
>> This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers,
>> users, and mailing list questions.
>>   - Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12
>>   - Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
>> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
>>   - Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite
>>   - Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, efficient
>> timer deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in RocksDB.
>>   - Extends Streaming Sinks:
>>  - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual
>> consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently
>> support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC,
>> ...)
>>  - Support ElasticSearch's new REST API
>>   - Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot
>> restore
>>   - Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
>>  - Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
>>  - Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V
>> stores)
>>  - Expand SQL client
>>  - Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
>>  - Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-04 Thread Antoine Philippot
Hi Stephen,

Is it planned to consider this ticket about an atomic
cancel-with-savepoint ?

It is my main concern about Flink and I have to maintain a fork myself as
we can't afford dupplicate events due to reprocess of messages between a
savepoint and real job stop each time we deploy a new version of our job.


Le lun. 4 juin 2018 à 11:21, Stephan Ewen  a écrit :

> Hi Flink Community!
> The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
> to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.
> *== Suggested release timeline ==*
> I would propose to release around *end of July* (that is 8-9 weeks from
> now).
> The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing
> automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release
> 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under
> "flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5
> release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle,
> but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.
> (Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and
> run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it
> would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)
> *== Features and focus areas ==*
> We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new
> network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like
> a "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on
> integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction.
> Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed, an
> no other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to
> understand where to expect more activity during the next release cycle.
> Note that these are really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a
> comprehensive list.
> This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers,
> users, and mailing list questions.
>   - Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12
>   - Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
> Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.
>   - Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite
>   - Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, efficient
> timer deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in RocksDB.
>   - Extends Streaming Sinks:
>  - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual
> consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently
> support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC,
> ...)
>  - Support ElasticSearch's new REST API
>   - Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot restore
>   - Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
>  - Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
>  - Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V stores)
>  - Expand SQL client
>  - Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
>  - Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB

Re:[DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-04 Thread sihua zhou
Hi Stephan,

could you please also consider the "Elastic Filter " feature discussioned in 

Best, Sihua

On 06/4/2018 17:21,Stephan Ewen wrote:
Hi Flink Community!

The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good time
to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.

*== Suggested release timeline ==*

I would propose to release around *end of July* (that is 8-9 weeks from

The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing
automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of release
1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under
"flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5
release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release cycle,
but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.

(Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created and
run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in which way it
would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)

*== Features and focus areas ==*

We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the new
network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following something like
a "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next release more on
integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction.

Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets reviewed, an
no other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a help to
understand where to expect more activity during the next release cycle.
Note that these are really the coarse focus areas - don't read this as a
comprehensive list.

This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with committers,
users, and mailing list questions.

- Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12

- Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as a
Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other proxies.

- Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite

- Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, efficient
timer deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in RocksDB.

- Extends Streaming Sinks:
- Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for eventual
consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and efficiently
support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows (Parquet, ORC,
- Support ElasticSearch's new REST API

- Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot restore

- Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
- Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
- Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V stores)
- Expand SQL client
- Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
- Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB

Re: [DISCUSS] Flink 1.6 features

2018-06-04 Thread Chesnay Schepler

Will we remove the legacy mode for 1.6?
I can see value in keeping it for now so that legacy issues are still 
visible on master, but at the same time removing this code would reduce 
a lot of complexity and ambiguity in the codebase...

On 04.06.2018 11:21, Stephan Ewen wrote:

Hi Flink Community!

The release of Apache Flink 1.5 has happened (yay!) - so it is a good 
time to start talking about what to do for release 1.6.

*== Suggested release timeline ==*

I would propose to release around _end of July_ (that is 8-9 weeks 
from now).

The rational behind that: There was a lot of effort in release testing 
automation (end-to-end tests, scripted stress tests) as part of 
release 1.5. You may have noticed the big set of new modules under 
"flink-end-to-end-tests" in the Flink repository. It delayed the 1.5 
release a bit, and needs to continue as part of the coming release 
cycle, but should help make releasing more lightweight from now on.

(Side note: There are also some nightly stress tests that we created 
and run at data Artisans, and where we are looking whether and in 
which way it would make sense to contribute them to Flink.)

*== Features and focus areas ==*

We had a lot of big and heavy features in Flink 1.5, with FLIP-6, the 
new network stack, recovery, SQL joins and client, ... Following 
something like a "tick-tock-model", I would suggest to focus the next 
release more on integrations, tooling, and reducing user friction.

Of course, this does not mean that no other pull request gets 
reviewed, an no other topic will be examined - it is simply meant as a 
help to understand where to expect more activity during the next 
release cycle. Note that these are really the coarse focus areas - 
don't read this as a comprehensive list.

This list is my first suggestion, based on discussions with 
committers, users, and mailing list questions.

  - Support Java 9 and Scala 2.12
  - Smoothen the integration in Container environment, like "Flink as 
a Library", and easier integration with Kubernetes services and other 

  - Polish the remaing parts of the FLIP-6 rewrite

  - Improve state backends with asynchronous timer snapshots, 
efficient timer deletes, state TTL, and broadcast state support in 

  - Extends Streaming Sinks:
 - Bucketing Sink should support S3 properly (compensate for 
eventual consistency), work with Flink's shaded S3 file systems, and 
efficiently support formats that compress/index arcoss individual rows 
(Parquet, ORC, ...)

 - Support ElasticSearch's new REST API

  - Smoothen State Evolution to support type conversion on snapshot 

  - Enhance Stream SQL and CEP
 - Add support for "update by key" Table Sources
 - Add more table sources and sinks (Kafka, Kinesis, Files, K/V 

 - Expand SQL client
 - Integrate CEP and SQL, through MATCH_RECOGNIZE clause
 - Improve CEP Performance of SharedBuffer on RocksDB