Re: Radius auth user add connection

2021-09-24 Thread Erdődi Zoltán

Dear Mike!

Thank you very much for your help.

It works.

2021-09-23 20:30 időpontban Mike Jumper ezt írta:

On Thu, Sep 23, 2021, 10:50 Erdődi Zoltán 

Good Day!

How do I assign a connection to a user who is authenticated with a

[2021-09-23 16:04:13] [info] 16:04:13.139 [http-nio-8080-exec-1]
o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - Login was successful for user
[2021-09-23 16:04:13] [info] 16:04:13.730 [http-nio-8080-exec-10]
DEBUG - Client request rejected: Session
associated with authentication provider "radius".

Login ok, but no RDP connection.
Where and how to define it ? or user-mapping.xml .

Neither - you would use one of the supported databases (MySQL,
PostgreSQL, etc.) and create the connection in the admin web interface
that becomes available once a database is set up. You can then create
the needed linkage between RADIUS and the connection in the database
by doing one of the following:

* Create a user in the database using the web interface (without
setting a password) having the same username as the RADIUS user, and
grant access to the connection to that user. By not setting a
password, the user will still only be able to log in using RADIUS, but
will inherit access to any connections granted to their corresponding
database user.

* Create a user group having the same name as a RADIUS group of which
the user is a member, and grant access to the connection to that

This is also how things work when combining LDAP with the database,
except that administration is made more convenient in the LDAP case
since users and groups can retrieved from the LDAP directory. Since
users/groups can't be pulled automatically from RADIUS, you need to
enter them manually.

for how this works in principle.

- Mike

Erdődi Zoltán
Informatikai Rendszergazda
Könyvtár-informatikai és Adatgazdálkodási Egység
SZTE Informatikai és Szolgáltatási Igazgatóság
H-6722 Szeged, Ady tér 10.
Tel.: +36(62)546-666

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Radius auth user add connection

2021-09-23 Thread Erdődi Zoltán

Good Day!

How do I assign a connection to a user who is authenticated with a 

[2021-09-23 16:04:13] [info] 16:04:13.139 [http-nio-8080-exec-1] DEBUG 
o.a.g.r.auth.AuthenticationService - Login was successful for user 
[2021-09-23 16:04:13] [info] 16:04:13.730 [http-nio-8080-exec-10] DEBUG - Client request rejected: Session not 
associated with authentication provider "radius".

Login ok, but no RDP connection.
Where and how to define it ? or user-mapping.xml .

Unfortunately, I could not find a proper description anywhere.

Erdődi Zoltán
Informatikai Rendszergazda
Könyvtár-informatikai és Adatgazdálkodási Egység
SZTE Informatikai és Szolgáltatási Igazgatóság
H-6722 Szeged, Ady tér 10.
Tel.: +36(62)546-666

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meg nem engedett. Amennyiben nem Ön a levél tényleges  címzettje, akkor 
nem hozhatja nyilvánosságra, nem másolhatja, nem  továbbíthatja illetve 
más módon sem használhatja az ebben az e-mailben  található 
információkat, illetve azokra nem is támaszkodhat. Az ilyen  jellegű 
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