
I can run guacamole in docker, unfortunately I can't set some properties via environment variables, because the start.sh script has no actions for it.

I would like to set enable-environment-properties: true (https://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/configuring-guacamole.html#guacamole-properties) and an openid-scope with groups (https://guacamole.apache.org/doc/gug/openid-auth.html) according to the documentation both included in version 1.5.4.

But my start.sh only contains the following section in the docker container of version 1.5.4.

 # Update config file
    set_property "openid-authorization-endpoint" "$OPENID_AUTHORIZATION_ENDPOINT"
    set_property "openid-jwks-endpoint" "$OPENID_JWKS_ENDPOINT"
    set_property "openid-issuer" "$OPENID_ISSUER"
    set_property "openid-client-id" "$OPENID_CLIENT_ID"
    set_property "openid-redirect-uri" "$OPENID_REDIRECT_URI"
    set_optional_property "openid-username-claim-type" "$OPENID_USERNAME_CLAIM_TYPE"     set_optional_property "openid-groups-claim-type" "$OPENID_GROUPS_CLAIM_TYPE"     set_optional_property "openid-max-token-validity" "$OPENID_MAX_TOKEN_VALIDITY"
a `set_optional_property "openid-scope" "$OPENID_SCOPE"` is not included there. The same applies to `enable-environment-properties: true`.

The required code parts have been added to the master branch in february 2023 (https://github.com/apache/guacamole-client/pull/794 GUACAMOLE-1733: Add missing optional configuration options from docke... ). Is there a forecast when this will be added to a release? Or a workaround to get it running in Docker

best regards

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