Re: The slides for HBaseConAsia2019 are ready

2019-08-20 Thread Misty Linville
+users@hbase, -users@infra to BCC

Thanks Duo for the great report and congratulations on such a successful

On Tue, Aug 20, 2019 at 10:56 AM Stack  wrote:

> Thanks for the writeup Duo. I added a synopsis here to the hbasecon
> archives (which should show up tonight after site build):
>  I liked this picture of
> the handsome devils in attendance...
> (We need more women committers!).
> S
> On Mon, Aug 19, 2019 at 11:10 PM 张铎(Duo Zhang) 
> wrote:
>> Thanks Stack for uploading them to slideshare
>> And for HBaseConAsia 2019, it is a successful conference. There are
>> roughly
>> 500+ attendees and more than 20 presentations. We also had a developer
>> meeting at the day after the conference, and the notes have already been
>> sent out to the dev list.
>> There are some photos:
>> All the speakers and some guests from Xiaomi.
>>  8F3A9596.JPG
>> <
>> >
>> All the committers came to the conference(except Yi Mei, she had left
>> before we took this picture...).
>>  ZQC_5908.JPG
>> <
>> >
>> From left to right: Guanghao Zhang, Zheng Hu, Phil Yang(Zhe Yang), Allan
>> Yang(Wenlong Yang), Duo Zhang, Yu Li, Wellington Chevreuil, Anoop Sam
>> John,
>> Ramkrishna S. Vasudevan, Chunhui Shen, Guangxu Cheng, Heng Chen
>> This is the main hall of the conference.
>>  8F3A9382.JPG
>> <
>> >
>> As there is a 1M limit for the email size so I can not include the
>> pictures
>> in the mail content... And more pictures can be found here:
>> And there is also article from Xiaomi tells about the conference:
>> Thanks the HBase community and thanks all the speakers See you
>> next year on HBaseConAsia 2020!

Re: Thank you Misty

2019-07-21 Thread Misty Linville
It was my pleasure. Thanks all for your support. :)

On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 1:11 AM 李响  wrote:

> Thanks very much for all your have done, Misty!
> On Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 6:29 AM Zach York 
> wrote:
> > Thank you for all you have done as our Chair, Misty! Best of luck!
> >
> > On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 10:54 AM Andrew Purtell 
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Thank you for serving as our Chair, Misty. Your reports were some of
> the
> > > best I've ever seen in my ten or so years at the ASF. Best of luck to
> you
> > > and yours in your future endeavors.
> > >
> > > On Thu, Jul 18, 2019 at 10:46 AM Misty Linville 
> > wrote:
> > >
> > > > It's been my honor to serve as your PMC chair since 2017, when I took
> > > over
> > > > from Andrew Purtell. I've decided to step back from my volunteer ASF
> > > > activities to leave room in my life for other things.
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Best regards,
> > > Andrew
> > >
> > > Words like orphans lost among the crosstalk, meaning torn from truth's
> > > decrepit hands
> > >- A23, Crosstalk
> > >
> >
> --
>李响 Xiang Li
> 手机 cellphone :+86-136-8113-8972
> 邮件 e-mail

[Announce] 张铎 (Duo Zhang) is Apache HBase PMC chair

2019-07-18 Thread Misty Linville
Each Apache project has a project management committee (PMC) that oversees
governance of the project, votes on new committers and PMC members, and
ensures that the software we produce adheres to the standards of the
Foundation. One of the roles on the PMC is the PMC chair. The PMC chair
represents the project as a Vice President of the Foundation and
communicates to the board about the project's health, once per quarter and
at other times as needed.

It's been my honor to serve as your PMC chair since 2017, when I took over
from Andrew Purtell. I've decided to step back from my volunteer ASF
activities to leave room in my life for other things. The HBase PMC
nominated Duo for this role, and Duo has kindly agreed! The board passed
this resolution in its meeting yesterday[1] and it is already official[2].
Congratulations, Duo, and thank you for continuing to honor the project
with your dedication.


[1] The minutes have not yet posted at the time of this email, but will be
available at

[REPORT] HBase Quarterly report Apr-Jun 2019

2019-07-10 Thread Misty Linville

HBase submits a report to the ASF board once a quarter, to inform the board
about project health. I'm sending the report to the user@ and dev@ mailing
lists because you are the project, and for transparency. If you have any
questions about the report or the running of the project, you can pose them
to any PMC member or committer, or send an email to,
which every PMC member subscribes to.

## Description:

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware.

hbase-connectors is a collection of integration points with other projects.
The initial release includes artifacts for use with Apache Kafka and Apache

hbase-filesystem contains HBase project-specific implementations of the
Apache Hadoop FileSystem API. It is currently experimental and internal to
the project.

## Issues:

The HBase PMC previously requested mediation from the ASF membership on an
internal PMC matter, and are withdrawing the request. The individual is not
currently active in the HBase project. This item will be omitted from
future reports, unless new issues arise. See

Board-only information removed from public report.

## Activity:

There have been lots of interesting discussions on the dev@ mailing list.
- HBase 1.2.x is at the end of maintenance (EOM). 1.2.x users are
encouraged to upgrade to the current stable line (1.4.9) or even newer if
they are able.
- We had more discussions of EOLing the 2.0.x line, and decided to release
a 2.0.6 release first. (
We started talking about HBase 3 and we'd like to hear your thoughts. (
- We're looking for users who are using "Preemptive Fast Fail." If that's
you, please weigh in. (
- We mostly wrapped up the 6+ month move to git-box. (,
and improved the documentation for reviewers and committers (
- Toward modularizing HBase code for ease of maintenance and releases, we
created new repositories for hbase-connectors, hbase-native-client,
hbase-filesystem. (,,,,
- We improved the Downloads page by removing all references to from it. (
- We had several heart-felt discussions, on dev@ and private@, about the
responsibility of the PMC in voting for release candidates, Release Manager
burn-out, the meaning of +0 votes, whether to continue testing a RC after
it is sunk, and other related topics. Some of those discussions are
available to the public. (,,
See the items below about voting.
- Anoop started a Google Group for people interested in hosting or
attending HBase meet-ups in India (
- Josh Elser organized and attended the first NoSQL Day on May 21 in
Washington, DC, and wrote up a report. (
- A team of developers expressed interest in getting HBase running on ARM,
and offered to help manage some testing infrastructure. (

[REPORT] HBase quarterly report Jan-Mar 2019

2019-04-11 Thread Misty Linville

HBase submits a report to the ASF board once a quarter, to inform the board
about project health. I'm sending the report to the user@ and dev@ mailing
lists because you are the project, and for transparency. If you have any
questions about the report or the running of the project, you can pose them
to me or any other PMC member or committer, or send an email to, which every PMC member subscribes to.


## Description:

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware.

hbase-thirdparty is a set of internal artifacts used by the project to
mitigate the impact of our dependency choices on the wider ecosystem.

## Issues:

Board-only information removed from public report.

## Activity:

There have been lots of interesting discussions on the dev@ mailing list.
- We have nearly all the infrastructure ready to complete the move to
Gitbox. (
- An interesting discussion occurred about the frequency of releases in the
2.1.x line (
The discussion included a sub-discussion about what it will take to
separate the hbck took from the main project, and another sub-discussion
about time-based releases and release cadence in general. It's worth a read.
- A conversation is underway about getting the branch-2 line ready for the
"stable" pointer. (
- We asked ourselves what our greatest friction point is when attracting
new contributors. We'd love for you to weigh in. (
- Sean Busbey, the release manager for 1.2, proposes that 1.2.12 (currently
a release candidate) be the last release in the 1.2 line. (

Planning is underway for the next HBaseCon Asia! Contact Duo Zhang <> to get involved.

The HBase project is working toward the goal of more frequent minor
releases and fewer unprompted maintenance releases. In total this quarter,
HBase had 7 releases over this quarter, across 3 release lines, and
hbase-thirdparty had 1 release.

Another goal, spanning several quarters, is to solicit more non-binding
votes on release candidates, as non-binding votes are one signal of broader
community engagement.
- HBase 2.1.3 RC1 had 40% non-binding votes (
- We voted on and failed several release candidates this quarter. We had
less participation from non-binding voters this quarter.
As a reminder, anyone on the dev@ list can test and provide feedback on a
release candidate, and cast a non-binding vote.

One new committer was added this quarter, and one committer joined the PMC.
More details below. Thanks to the new committers and PMC members for
agreeing to take on more responsibilities in the project.

## Health report:

We've bounced back from the holiday dip in activity. Specifically, we have
fixed a lot of JIRA issues this quarter!

## PMC changes:

 - Currently 45 PMC members.
 - Peter Somogyi was added to the PMC on Mon Jan 21 2019.

## Committer base changes:

 - Currently 79 committers.
 - Xu Cang was added as a committer on Fri Feb 01 2019

## Releases:

- 2.0.4 was released on Thu Jan 3 2019
- 2.1.2 was released on Tue Jan 8 2019
- 1.2.10 was released on Wed Jan 16 2019
- 2.1.3 was released on Wed Feb 13 2019
- 1.2.11 was released on Sun Feb 24 2019
- 2.0.5 was released on Sun Mar 24 2019
- 2.1.4 was released on Mon Mar 25 2019
- hbase-thirdparty 2.2.0 was released on Tue Apr 2, 2019

## Mailing list activity:

- 1051 subscribers (down -5 in the last 3 months):
- 1115 emails sent to list (997 in previous quarter)

- 2236 subscribers (down -17 in the last 3 months):
- 117 emails sent to list (119 in previous quarter)

## JIRA activity:

 - 494 JIRA tickets created in the last 3 months  (up from 405 last quarter)
 - 436 JIRA tickets closed/resolved in the last 3 months  (up from 332 last

HBase quarterly report Oct-Dec 2018

2019-01-09 Thread Misty Linville

HBase submits a report to the ASF board once a quarter, to inform the board
about project health. I'm sending the report to the user@ and dev@ mailing
lists because you are the project, and for transparency. If you have any
questions about the report or the running of the project, you can pose them
to me or any other PMC member or committer, or send an email to, which every PMC member subscribes to.


## Description:

Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware.

hbase-thirdparty is a set of internal artifacts used by the project to
mitigate the impact of our dependency choices on the wider ecosystem.

## Issues:

Board-only information removed from public report.

## Activity:

There have been lots of interesting discussions on the dev@ mailing list.
- Discussion is ongoing about plans to move to Gitbox and ways the project
can accommodate users who prefer to contribute using Github. (
- An interesting discussion occurred about the frequency of releases in the
2.1.x line (
The discussion included a sub-discussion about what it will take to
separate the hbck took from the main project, and another sub-discussion
about time-based releases and release cadence in general. It's worth a read.
- A proposal to retire the 1.3 line resulted in Francis Liu stepping in to
be the release manage for the line, because his team relies on that branch.
Francis is aiming for a quarterly release cadence. In the same discussion,
Andrew Purtell and Sean Busbey discuss how they have been managing 1.2 and
1.4 lines, and plans for the 1.5 line. (
- Another discussion of 1.x release cadences was started by Andrew Purtell,
including specific plans for the 1.5 branch. (
- Another interesting discussion resulted in improved understanding and
documentation of the process for editing and rebuilding pages on the HBase
website that don't result from building the documentation. (
- Speaking of 1.5, the first snapshot is available for testing. (

Josh Elser started a discussion on the PMC list about the definition of and
parameters for an HBaseCon event, who can run one, and other guidelines,
informed by his work organizing HBaseCon US 2018. He's working on some
project-facing documentation, which promises to be helpful for future
organizers of HBase-related events worldwide.

The HBase project is working toward the goal of more frequent minor
releases and fewer unprompted maintenance releases. In total this quarter,
HBase had 8 releases over this quarter, across 5 release lines.

Another goal, spanning several quarters, is to solicit more non-binding
votes on release candidates, as non-binding votes are one signal of broader
community engagement. Here are a few examples:
- HBase 1.3.3 RC0 had 40% non-binding votes (
- HBase 1.4.8 RC0 had 50% non-binding votes (
- HBase 2.1.1 RC0 also had 50% non-binding votes (

As a reminder, anyone on the dev@ list can test and provide feedback on a
release candidate, and cast a non-binding vote.

Lars Hofhansl is in the process of organizing a bay-area HBase developer
meet-up at Salesforce. If you're interested, participate in the thread. (

Two new committers were added this quarter, and two committers joined the
PMC. More details below. Thanks to the new committers and PMC members for
agreeing to take on more responsibilities in the project.

## Health report:

Despite a slow holiday quarter, the HBase project shows a high level of
engagement, as seen through release cadence, deep and meaningful discussion
on mailing lists, discussion and documentation of processes, and

Re: [ANNOUNCE] New HBase committer Jingyun Tian

2018-11-14 Thread Misty Linville
Congratulations, and thanks for opting to spend more time making HBase the
software and the project better!

On Wed, Nov 14, 2018, 3:26 AM Anoop John  Congrats Jingyun !!!
> -Anoop-
> On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 8:18 AM Jingyun Tian  wrote:
> > Thank you all!
> >
> > Sincerely,
> > Jingyun Tian
> >
> > On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 8:59 AM stack  wrote:
> >
> > > Welcome jingyun.
> > > S
> > >
> > > On Mon, Nov 12, 2018, 11:54 PM 张铎(Duo Zhang)  > wrote:
> > >
> > > > On behalf of the Apache HBase PMC, I am pleased to announce that
> > Jingyun
> > > > Tian has accepted the PMC's invitation to become a committer on the
> > > > project. We appreciate all of Jingyun's generous contributions thus
> far
> > > and
> > > > look forward to his continued involvement.
> > > >
> > > > Congratulations and welcome, Jingyun!
> > > >
> > >
> >

HBase quarterly report Jul-Sep 2018

2018-10-09 Thread Misty Linville

HBase submits a report to the ASF board once a quarter, to inform the board
about project health. I'm sending the report to the user@ and dev@ mailing
lists because you are the project. If you have any questions about the
report or the running of the project, you can pose them to me or any other
PMC member or committer, or send an email to,
which every PMC member subscribes to.


Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware.

hbase-thirdparty is a set of internal artifacts used by the project to
mitigate the impact of our dependency choices on the wider ecosystem.


Board-only information removed from public report.


- 2.1.0 was released on Tue Jul 17 2018
- 1.4.6 was released on Sun Jul 29 2018
- 2.0.2 was released on Sat Sep 01 2018
- 1.4.7 was released on Sun Sep 02 2018
- 1.2.7 was released on Sat Sep 15 2018


The second annual HBaseCon Asia was held in Beijing, China, on Aug. 17,
2018. The event was hosted by Alibaba, sponsored by Didi, Huawei, and
Xiaomi. Admission was free to attendees, and a live stream allowed
worldwide participation. In total, 494 individuals attended locally and the
livestream accumulated 14796 views. Thanks to Yu Li and all organizers for
coordinating the event. [Event summary]( [Photos,
videos, slides](

A developer meet-up occurred in conjunction with HBaseCon Asia on August
18, 2018. Around 30 people attended. [Michael Stack took notes](
Key discussion points included testing, proposals for using Github in our
workflow, a discussion about user experienc for new HBase users, and more.

Three more developer meet-ups occurred in September in China:

- September 1 in HangZhou
- September 8 in ShangHai
- September 15 in ShenZhen

More than 200 people attended locally and hundreds participated via
[Details and recordings]( are available (in

In total, HBase had 5 releases over this quarter, across 4 release lines.

Toshihiro Suzuki was added as a committer on Wed Aug 01 2018.

Zach York joined the PMC on October 5, 2018 (out of this reporting period).

Stay tuned for more committer and PMC member announcements next month, as
they just missed the report cut-off date!

Thanks to the new committers and PMC members for agreeing to take on more
responsibilities in the project.


The dev@ mailing list saw a negligible decline in subscribers and nearly
identical traffic as the last quarter.

The user@ mailing list lost 23 subscribers along with a negligible increase
in traffic over the last quarter.

76 committers (+1 from last quarter)
42 PMC members (+0 from last quarter)
413 JIRA tickets created (down from 497 last quarter)
343 JIRA tickets closed/resolved (down from 428 last quarter)

Re: HBaseConAsia2018 successfully held

2018-08-21 Thread Misty Linville
Congratulations to you and all involved in organizing this successful
event, Yu Li! Thank you for your leadership.

It would be great if any attendees on these lists would to share their
experiences from event. It's awesome to see the growth of the HBase
community in Asia.


On Mon, Aug 20, 2018, 11:54 PM Yu Li  wrote:

> Dear all,
> As chairman of the conference, I'm glad to announce the success of
> HBaseConAsia2018 (Aug. 17th, Beijing, China). There were totally 494
> attendees at scene and 14796 views from live broadcast. Shared are part of
> the pictures and more coming, slides and videos will be uploaded later
> (will use another thread for notification when it's ready).
>  HBaseConAsia2018_Pictures
> Please also allow me to express my great thanks to all PC members (both
> community PC and Alibaba local PC). We wouldn't have made it without your
> help!
> Just let us know if you have any suggestions about the conference, and
> let's expect the next year!
> Best Regards,
> Yu

HBase quarterly report Apr - June 2018

2018-07-10 Thread Misty Linville

HBase submits a report to the ASF board once a quarter, to inform the board
about project health. I'm sending the report to the user@ and dev@ mailing
lists because you are the project, and for transparency. If you have any
questions about the report or the running of the project, you can pose them
to me or any other PMC member or committer, or send an email to, which every PMC member subscribes to.



Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational
database. Apache HBase gives you low latency random access to billions of
rows with millions of columns atop non-specialized hardware.

hbase-thirdparty is a set of internal artifacts used by the project to
mitigate the impact of our dependency choices on the wider ecosystem.


Board-only information removed from public report.


HBase 1.4.4 was released on April 30 2018.

HBase 2.0.0 was released on April 30 2018.

HBASE was released on June 12 2018.

HBase was released on June 13 2018.

HBase 2.0.1 was released on June 20 2018.

HBase 1.4.5 was released on June 20, 2018.

The "stable" pointer for downstream users is now HBase


HBaseCon US took place at Joseph McEnery Convention Center in San Jose, CA,
on June 18, 2018, simultaneous with PhoenixCon 2018. There were 180
attendees including 27 women. 120 of these attendees were there
specifically for HBaseCon. Some relevant quotes from the post-event
- "I appreciate all talks, especially those showing unexpected use-cases or
developments in the community."
- "20 minute sessions are great since folks from the community can share
short stories of their experience using HBase."
- "Focus on technical context was refreshing"
Thanks again to Josh Elser and his team at Hortonworks for organizing and
facilitating HBaseCon.

An HBase meet-up took place in Beijing on June 6th in preparation for
HBaseCon Asia 2018. Around 100 people attended in person, and the event was
live-streamed to over 10,000 audience members. Several PMC members were in
attendance. Three remote presenters recorded videos to be shown at the

The second annual HBaseCon Asia is being held in Beijing, China, on Aug.
17, 2018. The event will be hosted by Alibaba, sponsored by Didi, Huawei,
and Xiaomi. Admission will be free to attendees. The call for papers closed
June 30, and resulted in 28 submissions, currently under review. Thanks to
Yu Li for coordinating the event.

HBase 2.0 was released on May 4, 2018, followed up HBase 2.0.1 on June 20.
The HBase 2.0.x line represents the work of over four years and includes
new features, improvements, and bug fixes encompassing 4623 JIRAs. Some of
the new features include the compacting memstore, a rewrite of the
assignment manager, quotas, big performance improvements to the bucket
cache, lots of stability improvements, and much better test coverage.
Thanks to Michael Stack for shepherding this release into the world.

CVE-2018-8025 was addressed by releasing HBase,, 1.4.5, and
2.0.1. For more information about this vulnerability, see
To report an HBase vulnerability, send an email to
so that we can investigate and address the vulnerability in a responsible

In total, HBase had 6 releases over this quarter.

Francis Liu agreed to step up as a PMC member on Tue Apr 10 2018.

Two contributors became committers during this reporting period:
- Guangxu Cheng was added as a committer on Thu May 31 2018
- Reid Chan was added as a committer on Mon Jun 25 2018

Thanks to the new committers and PMC members for agreeing to take on more
responsibilities in the project.


The dev@ mailing list saw a slight increase in subscribers over the last
quarter, and a 35% decrease in traffic, consistent with the summer quarter.

The user@ mailing list saw a a slight decline in subscribers, and a 13%
decrease in traffic, consistent with the summer quarter.

75 committers (+2 from last quarter)
42 PMC members (+1 from last quarter)
497 JIRA tickets created (down from 664 last quarter)
428 JIRA tickets closed/resolved (down from 651 last quarter)