The HBase team is happy to announce the immediate availability of HBase
1.1.8! Download it from an Apache mirror near you,, or wire up through the maven

HBase 1.1.8 is the eighth patch release in the HBase 1.1 line, continuing
on the theme of bringing a stable, reliable database to the Hadoop and
NoSQL communities. This much anticipated release includes over 30 bug fixes
since the 1.1.7 release. Notable correctness fixes include:

HBASE-16886 hbase-client: scanner with reversed=true and small=true gets no
HBASE-16931 Setting cell's seqId to zero in compaction flow might cause RS
HBASE-16960 RegionServer hang when aborting
HBASE-17023 Region left unassigned due to AM and SSH each thinking others
would do the assignment work
HBASE-17044 Fix merge failed before creating merged region leaves meta
HBASE-17206 FSHLog may roll a new writer successfully with unflushed entries

The full list of fixes included in this release is available at
and and in the CHANGES.txt file included in the distribution.

Thanks to all the contributors who made this release possible!

The HBase Dev Team

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