Re: Failed to wait for initial partition map exchange

2016-09-05 Thread Jason
No fix or workaround for this so far.

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Re: Failed to wait for initial partition map exchange

2016-09-05 Thread Ignitebie
Scenario that you shared is same as ours and we face similar issue for large
heap servers grid where one of node in restart keeps waiting on initial
partition map exchange.

Have you received a fix or were able to hack a solution. Please share.


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Not able to retrieve data from cache

2016-09-05 Thread chevy

 I am adding data to cache in below format -

"cache.putAll(finalMap)" and cache is of format "IgniteCache cache". "finalMap" looks like "finalMap.put(storeId,
salesModel)". SalesModel structure is shown below. I am not able to get data
using any of the "rest-api" provided or JDBC api and I have confirmed that
salesModel contains data before adding. Please let me know the reason and
what can be done to fetch data.


import java.sql.Date;

import org.apache.ignite.cache.query.annotations.QuerySqlField;

public class SalesModel implements Serializable {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

/** SalesModel: id (not-indexed). */
public String id;

/** SalesModel: storeId (not-indexed). */
public int storeId;

/** SalesModel: date (not-indexed). */
public String date;

/** TdyFeedModel: tdy (not-indexed). */
public TdyFeedModel day;

/** YstFeedModel: yst (not-indexed). */
public WtdFeedModel previousDay;

/** WtdFeedModel: wtd (not-indexed). */
public WtdFeedModel weekToDate;

/** MtdFeedModel: mtd (not-indexed). */
public MtdFeedModel monthToDate;

//setters and getters for all variables

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JVM tuning

2016-09-05 Thread Caio Nishibe
As I've mentioned  here

, I'm trying to use Ignite within a biometric identification system to store
fingerprint templates in memory and to use Ignite's compute grid capability
to perform matching operations, given an input fingerprint. My
identification task creates one job per cluster node and each job runs a
scan query through local cache entries performing fingerprint comparisons.
The problem is, even though I've created as many threads as cores, the cpu
only rises up to 20%. The comparison algorithm is very cpu intensive. I'm
using the jvm tunning suggested for OFF_HEAP caches. Any ideas or system
tunning hints to get to 100% cpu utilization? 

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Note that large topology

2016-09-05 Thread Ignitebie

We get following warning when we restart a client node trying to connect a
grid of 7 servers.

'2016-09-05 13:39:00 [WARN] [Thread=main]
[class=org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi] Node has not
been connected to topology and will repeat join process. Check remote nodes
logs for possible error messages. Note that large topology may require
significant time to start. Increase 'TcpDiscoverySpi.networkTimeout'
configuration property if getting this message on the starting nodes

Do we know cause for this and why it waits so long. Is there a configuration
issue that we need to look at.


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Re: javax.cache.CacheException: Failed to find mapping description

2016-09-05 Thread Alexey Kuznetsov
Hello @vikramT.

I prepared example that worked for me with H2 database, but it should work
with your DB also.
Take a look and try to run (I also put h2 database in zip).

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Re: why allocated containers much more than INGNITE_NODE_COUNT?

2016-09-05 Thread shirely
well, Thanks for your advise. examples for yarn works. and I have figured it
out. It seems the ignite yarn deployment is not a good choice for windows. 

The ignite source code override the onContainersAllocated function,  and
when it tried ctx.setEnvironment(env) where env=System.getenv(); it caused
the problem.

In cmd, %=d:% has special meaning and can not be set.

Besides, the source code below can also cause errors:


(props.licencePath() != null ? "cp
gridgain-license.xml ./ignite/*/ || true && " : "")

+ "cp -r ./libs/* ./ignite/*/libs/ || true && "

+ "./ignite/*/bin/ "

+ "./ignite-config.xml"

+ " -J-Xmx" + ((int)props.memoryPerNode()) + "m"

+ " -J-Xms" + ((int)props.memoryPerNode()) + "m"

+ IgniteYarnUtils.YARN_LOG_OUT


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Re: CacheJdbcPojoStoreExampleFactory for Maria DB

2016-09-05 Thread Vasiliy Sisko
Hello @seyeony. 

The idiomatic ways of data source usage with CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory are
specification of data source bean name or implementation of data source
factory class.

NOTE: When you implement data source bean factory class it should be
available in classpath for every node. F.e.:

public class MyDataSourceFactory implements Factory {
@Override public DataSource create() {
JdbcDataSource dataSource = new JdbcDataSource();
return dataSource;
CacheJdbcPojoStoreFactory storeFactoryJdbcPojo = new

storeFactoryJdbcPojo.setDataSourceFactory(new MyDataSourceFactory());
NOTE: When you specify data source bean name bean with that name should be
described in spring configuration for every node. F.e:



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