Re: How to get Thread Group number

2022-07-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
Hi, _elgato.

AfaIk, there is no Thread Group number/sequence/index in JMeter's functions

As explained by Dmitri, you could use a naming pattern on the Thread Group
names and extract the group number using regular expressions.

Kind regards,
Flavio Gomes

On Mon, Jul 11, 2022 at 8:46 AM _elgato  wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I am trying to get the Thread Group number of the thread group
> executing a request so I can correlate it with a property (or maybe a
> CSV line), but I am having a hard time getting the number alone.
> I am able to get the full thread name (including the number) with
> thread.getThreadName(), but I would need to isolate the number from
> the name and I would like to skip that part if possible.
> Methods that I have used:
> ctx.getThreadGroup().getName() returns Thread Group
> ctx.getThreadGroup().getThreadName() returns null for some reason
> ctx.getThreadNum() returns 0 as it is the first thread to run inside
> the Thread Group
> ctx.getThread().getThreadName() returns Thread Group 1-1
> ctx.getThread().getThreadNum() returns 0
> Where can I find this information?
> Thank you.
> Regards.
> -
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Re: Help Needed in creation of JDBC connection at runtime

2020-07-24 Thread Flavio Cysne
You could create a pre-flight Jmeter Test plan that will generate a
property file with those values and use it as data on your JMeter script
with the simulated scenario.

This is only one way to do it, and I'm pretty sure that there are plenty
more. JMeter has other components to help you achieve this goal.

Best of luck.
Be safe and drink water!

Flavio Cysne

On Thu., Jul. 23, 2020, 11:17 a.m. deepak kodigepalli, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Is there anyway where we can create a JDBC connection using JDBC Connection
> Confiuration during runtime. The user name and password will be generated
> with a temporary connetion and new username and password will be used to
> create a new connection during runtime.
> Thanks
> Deepak

Re: Need help in Mobile app recording

2019-11-09 Thread Flavio Cysne
Hi Anil,

what's the error you are experiencing? Could you sent us the error message?

How are you capturing the requests from your app into JMeter? Are you
testing the mobile app using a device emulator or a real device?

If it's via Proxy configuration, did you add JMeter Dummy certificate to
the truststore your mobile app is using?

Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to pinpoint the problem.

Kind regards,
Flávio Cysne

On Sat, Nov 9, 2019, 1:22 AM Anil Gaur,  wrote:

> Hi Team,
> I have a mobile app which used HTTPS traffic. When I try to record this
> app using Jmeter. I couldn't do and getting error.
> In have configure all the steps which requires to configure in Mobile app.
> Is something different in need to do with HTTPS traffic mobile app.
> Please help me if someone have any idea.
> Thanks
> Anil
> Get Outlook for Android

Re: URL extracting from JMeter in Real time

2017-11-09 Thread Flavio Cysne
You're completely right. My bad. I was blindly thinking that the expression
was correct.

The expression should be #.*access_token=([^#&;'"]*)

Thanks for insisting and opening my eyes.

Em 9 de nov de 2017 7:24 AM, "Felix Schumacher" <> escreveu:

> Am 9. November 2017 11:10:55 MEZ schrieb Flavio Cysne <
> >After the character # there are 3 parameters, and, as I said, you can't
> >guarantee that the parameter the OP is looking for is the very first
> >one.
> >Then this [.*] will look for the parameter name provided in the
> >expression
> >in the entire text after the character #.
> As I see it, it will look for exactly on character that can be either a
> dot or an asterisk.
> So you either match #.access or #*access. Both seem unwanted to me.
> Did you mean (.*)? And if so, should we place a barrier in there?
> Felix
> >
> >Thanks for asking.
> >
> >Em 9 de nov de 2017 6:59 AM, "Felix Schumacher" <
> >> escreveu:
> >
> >Am 09.11.2017 um 10:56 schrieb Flavio Cysne:
> >
> >> The provided URL have other 2 parameters: scope and id_token.
> >>
> >> You can't guarantee that access_token will be always the first
> >parameter.
> >> But, I think, it will always come after the character #.
> >>
> >> #[.*]access_token=([^#&;"']*)
> >>
> >Why do you have [.*] in between # and access_token?
> >
> >Regards,
> > Felix
> >
> >
> >> This expression can be used to extract the other 2 parameters. Just
> >change
> >> the parameter name in it.
> >>
> >> Hope it helps.
> >>
> >> Em 8 de nov de 2017 7:51 AM, "Srinivas Shenoy" <>
> >> escreveu:
> >>
> >> Hi All,
> >>
> >> The unique token comes in a URL . I am supposed to read this and
> >capture in
> >> a variable. I have added a regular expression extractor for URL. It
> >is not
> >> working. Anyone knows about how to extract the URL using regular
> >expression
> >> extractor. Left hand of the token has a format like
> >>
> >> However Right hand is blank.
> >> For Ex: An unique token is given below
> >>
> >> 6aXAiOiJOT05FIiwia2lkIjoiYi9PNk92VnYxK3krV2dySDVVaTlXVGlvTHQ
> >> wPSIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJzdWIiOiJzc2hlbm95IiwiYXVkaXRUcmF
> >> ja2luZ0lkIjoiZDRkOTgyYmUtMWI4Yy00M2IyLWI1MzYtOThmYmI2NWQxZDR
> >> kIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9vcGVuYW1xYS53di5tZW50b3JnLmNvbTo0NDM
> >> vb3BlbmFtL29hdXRoMiIsInRva2VuTmFtZSI6ImFjY2Vzc190b2tlbiIsInR
> >> 4OWItNDQ3MC05NmQ4LWI4ZDJlNmEyMjg5OSIsIm5vbmNlIjoiZjRBcWt5NmV
> >> uZ3VsYXJBcHAiLCJuYmYiOjE1MTAxMzYxNzgsImdyYW50X3R5cGUiOiJ0b2t
> >> lbiIsInNjb3BlIjpbIm9wZW5pZCIsInByb2ZpbGUiXSwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjo
> >> xNTEwMTM2MTc4LCJyZWFsbSI6Ii8iLCJleHAiOjE1MTAxMzc5NzgsImlhdCI
> >> 6MTUxMDEzNjE3OCwiZXhwaXJlc19pbiI6MTgwMDAwMCwianRpIjoiZTljYzU
> >> EHn9py9xgkjjcLq8EeaaW6SWr4rQuQXxjp47JQ9XuiFLoQx4vZshXIm_3sQv
> >> Q7s0QmyglJuqhgbYXxjntP4p_FZ_NCH6Rd9H_-5jmtZe41DP8KUjMvvVoi
> >> HBH8TgYK4megMcr6YOiGESj3i50u2A8HJd-WBHcmCEOqttlHlW-zLh1tieRi
> >> VzrIP4wJRYi9qIH3qAo3vw8etPs7Nejx2yo1MzYRcB1g1SIF8A0LbI7nPFx_
> >> Q8CB5ALDPjLqnyBDd5-WoCAMxOlJRddX1DmKuw4yW4PPCJRhmk-
> >> nXHZyHGqwfjf2H6zXwbTq1-5n5uQoHc7zZViyA=openid%20profil
> >> e_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJraWQiOiJiL082T3ZWdjEreStXZ3JIN
> >> VVpOVdUaW9MdDA9IiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJhdF9oYXNoIjoiRGR4Nm
> >> gtMTY1MzkxIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9vcGVuYW1xYS53di5tZW50b3JnLm
> >> NvbTo0NDMvb3BlbmFtL29hdXRoMiIsInRva2VuTmFtZSI6ImlkX3Rva2VuIi
> >> wibWF4SWRsZVRpbWUiOjMwLCJn
> >>
> >> Thank You
> >>
> >> Regards
> >> Shenoy
> >>
> >>
> >
> >-
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> >For additional commands, e-mail:
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Re: URL extracting from JMeter in Real time

2017-11-09 Thread Flavio Cysne
After the character # there are 3 parameters, and, as I said, you can't
guarantee that the parameter the OP is looking for is the very first one.
Then this [.*] will look for the parameter name provided in the expression
in the entire text after the character #.

Thanks for asking.

Em 9 de nov de 2017 6:59 AM, "Felix Schumacher" <> escreveu:

Am 09.11.2017 um 10:56 schrieb Flavio Cysne:

> The provided URL have other 2 parameters: scope and id_token.
> You can't guarantee that access_token will be always the first parameter.
> But, I think, it will always come after the character #.
> #[.*]access_token=([^#&;"']*)
Why do you have [.*] in between # and access_token?


> This expression can be used to extract the other 2 parameters. Just change
> the parameter name in it.
> Hope it helps.
> Em 8 de nov de 2017 7:51 AM, "Srinivas Shenoy" <>
> escreveu:
> Hi All,
> The unique token comes in a URL . I am supposed to read this and capture in
> a variable. I have added a regular expression extractor for URL. It is not
> working. Anyone knows about how to extract the URL using regular expression
> extractor. Left hand of the token has a format like
> However Right hand is blank.
> For Ex: An unique token is given below
> 6aXAiOiJOT05FIiwia2lkIjoiYi9PNk92VnYxK3krV2dySDVVaTlXVGlvTHQ
> wPSIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJzdWIiOiJzc2hlbm95IiwiYXVkaXRUcmF
> ja2luZ0lkIjoiZDRkOTgyYmUtMWI4Yy00M2IyLWI1MzYtOThmYmI2NWQxZDR
> kIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9vcGVuYW1xYS53di5tZW50b3JnLmNvbTo0NDM
> vb3BlbmFtL29hdXRoMiIsInRva2VuTmFtZSI6ImFjY2Vzc190b2tlbiIsInR
> 4OWItNDQ3MC05NmQ4LWI4ZDJlNmEyMjg5OSIsIm5vbmNlIjoiZjRBcWt5NmV
> uZ3VsYXJBcHAiLCJuYmYiOjE1MTAxMzYxNzgsImdyYW50X3R5cGUiOiJ0b2t
> lbiIsInNjb3BlIjpbIm9wZW5pZCIsInByb2ZpbGUiXSwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjo
> 6MTUxMDEzNjE3OCwiZXhwaXJlc19pbiI6MTgwMDAwMCwianRpIjoiZTljYzU
> EHn9py9xgkjjcLq8EeaaW6SWr4rQuQXxjp47JQ9XuiFLoQx4vZshXIm_3sQv
> Q7s0QmyglJuqhgbYXxjntP4p_FZ_NCH6Rd9H_-5jmtZe41DP8KUjMvvVoi
> HBH8TgYK4megMcr6YOiGESj3i50u2A8HJd-WBHcmCEOqttlHlW-zLh1tieRi
> VzrIP4wJRYi9qIH3qAo3vw8etPs7Nejx2yo1MzYRcB1g1SIF8A0LbI7nPFx_
> Q8CB5ALDPjLqnyBDd5-WoCAMxOlJRddX1DmKuw4yW4PPCJRhmk-
> nXHZyHGqwfjf2H6zXwbTq1-5n5uQoHc7zZViyA=openid%20profil
> e_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJraWQiOiJiL082T3ZWdjEreStXZ3JIN
> VVpOVdUaW9MdDA9IiwiYWxnIjoiUlMyNTYifQ.eyJhdF9oYXNoIjoiRGR4Nm
> gtMTY1MzkxIiwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9vcGVuYW1xYS53di5tZW50b3JnLm
> NvbTo0NDMvb3BlbmFtL29hdXRoMiIsInRva2VuTmFtZSI6ImlkX3Rva2VuIi
> Thank You
> Regards
> Shenoy

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Re: URL extracting from JMeter in Real time

2017-11-09 Thread Flavio Cysne
The provided URL have other 2 parameters: scope and id_token.

You can't guarantee that access_token will be always the first parameter.
But, I think, it will always come after the character #.


This expression can be used to extract the other 2 parameters. Just change
the parameter name in it.

Hope it helps.

Em 8 de nov de 2017 7:51 AM, "Srinivas Shenoy" 

Hi All,

The unique token comes in a URL . I am supposed to read this and capture in
a variable. I have added a regular expression extractor for URL. It is not
working. Anyone knows about how to extract the URL using regular expression
extractor. Left hand of the token has a format like
However Right hand is blank.
For Ex: An unique token is given below

Thank You


Re: dynamically change the load when Jmeter Test is running

2016-06-20 Thread Flavio Cysne

Re: Ramup Period in Jmeter

2016-05-27 Thread Flavio Cysne
You can add a Constant Timer in the first Sampler of your Test plan and
write an exponential formula inside a JMeter function like
${__javaScript(Math.pow(${__threadNum()},2)}. This constant Timer will act
like a delay to the first Sampler, in a similar way of the rampup.

Hope it helps.

Re: Elapse Time = Response Time in .jtl file (generated in Non GUI Mode)?

2016-05-20 Thread Flavio Cysne
A long time ago I asked a similar question in this list. The answer I
received was that Latency in JMeter is the time elapsed since the request
sent and the first chunk (4kb) of the response is received.

To overcome this issue I start a program inside a shell or prompt to get
latency statistics during the test.

The concept of Latency is the elapsed time since the last byte sent and the
first byte received.

Re: Counters in Multi-thread Thrd grp are resetting: unexpected!!!

2016-04-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
Counters are per JMeter slave and, if chosen, by Thread user.

When doing a local test there's only one slave, per say. When executing a
distributed test each slave will count starting from the same number
written in the test script.

To have a counter to start with different values you should add CSV Dataset
Config and distribute a CSV file with distinct values for each slave.

Re: Adding CSVDataconfig to test Planthrough Java API

2016-04-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
Maybe this code will help:

Re: Adding CSVDataconfig to test Planthrough Java API

2016-04-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
Adding up.

Did you try using addConfigElement instead of addTestElement ?

Re: Adding CSVDataconfig to test Planthrough Java API

2016-04-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
Use __CSVRead function if the CSV file is not a large file.

Are you adding a CSVDataset inside a normal Thread Group or in a Setup
Thread Group?

Re: Starting JMeter 2.13 with more memory

2016-03-26 Thread Flavio Cysne
Just some thoughts.

Xms and Xmx can be set with the same value and this is advisable to do so
as it save some cpu cycles.

Using JDK 8 you could set HEAP variable, defined in jmeter.bat and jmeter,
to blank since new jdk will set Xms and Xmx automatically. The new
algorithm will scale JVM memory as needed.

Hope it helps.

Re: Separate User Processes?

2016-02-18 Thread Flavio Cysne
Maybe I have misunderstood your question, but remember that each Java
process will allocate some memory and it stacks for each Java process you
create. Unless you have a huge amount of memory at your disposal, this is
not advisable.

Said that, you could repeat a command line, that executes a JMeter script
with only one user, as many times as the desired number of simulated users.
Log files must be unique and you'll have to process them after the test to
get a full view of all your processes.

In any case, Tokens are commonly set as Cookie parameters and a HTTP Cookie
Manager have to be added to your script.

If your token is validated as a Header Parameter maybe you'll have to add
its entry manually. Using the HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder to record all
steps will indicate this if it adds automatically an HTTP Authorization
Manager (I have experienced this when response header contains a Set-Token:

I hope I helped more then confused.

Re: Out of Memory Error in JMeter during Endurance testing

2016-01-22 Thread Flavio Cysne
I have been using the configurations below for jdk 7 and 8 at work.

1st try: change HEAP declaration in jmeter for "-XX:+AggressiveOpts

2nd try: change HEAP declaration in JMeter for about 70% of available RAM,
Xms and Xmx with the same value.

1st option is better suitable when using jdk 8.

Re: Concurrent GB File PUTs causing Out of Memory

2016-01-12 Thread Flavio Cysne

dos you try to stream the file you want to upload? like this:
Em 08/01/2016 18:23, "Ahmad Alnafoosi"  escreveu:

> Hi
> I have a jmeter performance multi-stage test using HTTP REST API.
> The test has 10 concurrent users
> The test fails on Object Upload (PUT) that are 100MB  (and larger) in size
> with Out of Memory Exception.
> I did some research on Jmeter Memory optimization.  I did not find
> anything on the issue that I am dealing with specifically.
> So I followed optimization recommendations and did the following:
> 1- Removed all listeners from the test
> 2- Running from non gui command line
> 3- Saving JTL as CSV
> 4- doing all the graph and summery as post process outside the test.
> 5- Experimented and Increase heap up to 20 GB as follows
> HEAP="-Xms20g -Xmx20g" (this allowed the 100MB to pass but still failed at
> 1GB and 5GB file sizes).
> 6- I added HTTP Cache manager and enabled (Clear Cache on Each Iteration)
> and Limited (Max Number of elements in cache to 3).
> All of the above did not help in getting 10 concurrent users to PUT 5GB.!!
> Is there a way to do 10 users uploading 5GB concurrently with the default
> 512MB?
> Does Jmeter cache in its heap all of the objects that it uploads?
> What is the optimum heap size that is recommended for the above scenario??
> your help is appreciated.
> thanks
> Ahmad

Re: JMeter feature request - Overriding timer

2015-11-07 Thread Flavio Cysne
You could try using multiple Thread Groups and a property to control
(inside a while controller, maybe) when these requests should be fire.

There's a plugin, from JMeter Plugins, that could help you synchronize
these requests.

There's also the Beanshell Sampler that you could use to implement your own
way of achieving it.
Em 06/11/2015 09:46, "Ričardas Šliapikas"  escreveu:

> Hello,
> I have the following situation. I have several HTTP requests in my test
> plan and some of the requests are „transations“, i.e. they must happen
> immediatelly one after another. Consider the following example:
> Quickview Printed summer dress is a „Transation controler“ and there are
> two requests which happen when I select „Printed Summer dress“ in webshop.
> So I want them to be executed without any timer. I could do this by puting
> a separate timer as a child of each request, but this is not very
> convenient if there are many requests. So I want to have one timer for most
> of my requests, but I want to be able to exclude some request sequesnces
> from this timer. Or to say in other words I want to override the „Gaussian
> Random Timer“ just for the two requests under „Quickview Printed summer
> dress“.
> This is a real situation in a webshop, because „Quickview Printed summer
> dress“ opens a new html page and then immediatelly submits ajax request to
> open popup.
> Maybe there is a way to do it? Or is it only possible with new feature?

Re: Jmeter error distribution

2015-09-18 Thread Flavio Cysne
What do you mean with error distribution?

If I understood it right, open a JTL file in an Active Threads Over Time
listener with "Errors" checked. Hits per second, Response Codes per second
and Transactions per second could be useful for your purpose too.
Em 17/09/2015 10:51, "Shay Ginsbourg"  escreveu:

> Is there a simple way to produce Jmeter error distribution information in a
> graph or a table ?
> thanks,
> Shay

Re: Randomizing Loop controller Repetition Behaviour

2015-08-05 Thread Flavio Cysne
Sorry, sent again to correct what I said in the second paragraph.

 Create a CSV file containing that random order and use its values to
designate what sampler will be executed.

 From the example I wrote, remove the Loop Controller and use Thread group
loop count, if there is no login-thing or something else involved. If there
is something else, keep the Loop Controller and use the __CSVRead function.

 Instead of using the random function to determine the order, you'll use a
CSV file; so you can control the number of times each sampler will be

Re: Randomizing Loop controller Repetition Behaviour

2015-08-04 Thread Flavio Cysne
Loop Controller: 6 times
- Random 1 through 3
- If Controller: randNum == 1
- Search sampler
- If Controller: randNum == 2
- ViewItem sampler
- If Controller: randNum == 3
- CreateItem sampler
Em 04/08/2015 13:29, pubudu thilakaratne escreveu:

 I want to include following behavior in my jmeter test script

 My test plan have 3 transaction controllers Search,ViewItem and CreateItem.
 Those transaction are located inside loop controllers as I want each one to
 run in different ratios for a one iteration.

 Test Plan
 Thread Group 1
 Loop Controller 1 (3 times)  Search TC
 Loop Controller 1 (2 times)  ViewItem TC
 Loop Controller 1 (1 time)  CreateItem TC

 So the normal execution behaviour would be as below

 User 1 Iteration 1 :Search TC, Search TC, Search TC, ViewItem TC, ViewItem
 TC, CreateItem TC

 But I wanted to randomize the repition of Transaction controllers inside
 same iteration, some thing like  below.

 User 1 Iteration 1 :Search TC,Search TC, ViewItem TC, CreateItem TC,
 ViewItem TC, Search TC

 so at the end of the test each transaction controller has been executed in
 various ratios but repeat in a random manner. Is this possible?

 Please share  your valuable idea on this

 Thanks and regards

Re: Loop controller behaviour

2015-05-18 Thread Flavio Cysne
I didn't see before that there is an error message referring to a BeanShell
sampler in JMeter's log sent in the first message. If you are using
expressions like this field_${Fields_g1} inside your BeanShell code, I
advise you to pass variables, or expressions using variables,  as arguments
(i.e. don't use JMeter variables or functions inside BeanShell code, or
prefer not to) to avoid interpreter exception during execution. BeanShell
code is compiled to a static version (if Reset before each call is not

I built a script similar to which you presented, but ATM I'm not seeing
errors or unexpected behaviors. I'll try to post it and send the link into
this thread.

RE: Loop controller behaviour

2015-05-18 Thread Flavio Cysne

I published a script in pastebin,, using a Thread Group with the
logic you mentioned and another Thread Group using a Test Fragment as well.
ATM it is not using a CSV dataset nor the dynamic values per user, as you

Hope it helps.
Em 18/05/2015 00:39, Nigel Donaldson escreveu:

 Hello, Flavio.

 I have to admit I didn't comprehend your statement per se, given that my
 entries _are_ being used correctly.   However, it eventually lead me to
 revisit the documentation for Loop Controller, and I've just realised that
 it doesn't function how I understood it would.   (Why only once per

 I need to reassess my approach :  a BeanShell Sampler producing something
 for a ForEach Controller looks likely.

 Thanks again.


 -Original Message-
 From: Flavio Cysne []
 Sent: Friday, 15 May 2015 8:31 PM
 To: JMeter Users List
 Subject: Re: Loop controller behaviour


 I forgot to mention that CSV Dataset config don't go to the next line
 when using loop controller. In your case, just when using Test Plan's Loop

 Hope it helps.

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Re: Loop controller behaviour

2015-05-15 Thread Flavio Cysne

 what`s inside TestFragment XYZ? Is there any relationship betweeen
this fragment and the Test Plan presented?
 Where in the script is Fields_matchNr initialized?

 I suggest you to print the ${Fields_matchNr} value to check if it
has an unexpected content.

Re: Remote test execution

2015-05-15 Thread Flavio Cysne

can't say for sure in Mac ('cause I don't have one), but in Windows I
experienced the same hang-thing and solved it adding rules in windows
firewall for JMeter and RMI ports used.

Hope it helps.

Re: Loop controller behaviour

2015-05-15 Thread Flavio Cysne

I forgot to mention that CSV Dataset config don't go to the next line
when using loop controller. In your case, just when using Test Plan's Loop

Hope it helps.

Re: Remote test execution

2015-05-15 Thread Flavio Cysne
The machines used at the work environment is using CentOS and had no
problems like this. Maybe this could be related to a missing openssl
package or similar native package that handles SSL connections.

Re: What is alternative function of __P() and __property() for variables?

2015-05-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
As sebb said you can use __V() similarly to __P(). There's also the
__javaScript as one of the alternatives. Another, is using __eval() as it
will process the content of the named variable and return the resulted
variable content. As Erez said there's the alternative of using a BeanShell
pre-proceasor and, as well, the __BeanShell() function.

__javaScript() function is the least performatic of the alternatives,
followed closely by BeanShell.

RE: CSV - how to simulate each user will use all values from CSV file?

2015-05-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
If you don't want to waste time doing the logic, just repeat each line of
your original CSV file by the number of users.
Ex.: in a file with lines

For 3 users you'll need to convert to

RE: CSV - how to simulate each user will use all values from CSV file?

2015-05-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
I tested Felix suggestion and it worked nicely. You just have to set the
Test Plan loop count by the number of lines you want to all users go

Re: communication between thread groups

2015-05-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
Recently I had to create a script to test a Long-Polling HTTP request,
while also doing another HTTP request every 5 seconds. I added two Thread
Groups to the Test Plan: one for the authentication and the
5-seconds-repeating-request; another to the long-polling one.

I tried to use Inter-thread group communication components (pre and
postprocessor) but it didn't go as expected (probably I misused the
components). My second approach was to control the simcronization using
thread-specific variables such as jsessionid_${__theadNum()} and

I passed the variables from one thread group to the other using a BeanShell
sampler. I passed jsessionid_${__threadNum()} and ${jsessionid} as
arguments and used the code props.put(bsh.args[0], bsh.args[1]); to share
the thread variables as properties.

The tricky part was to don't let the long-polling request be executed while
the jsessionid property, specific to that thread, isn't available. For that
I used a Loop Controller, looping forever, and inside it an If Controller
testing the property for unexpected values like empty, the default return
of the __P() function (when the property doesn't exist), the default value
when the expression extracting the jsessionid fails. And inside the If
Controller I put the Long-Polling HTTP request sampler.

P.S.: ATM I'm using my phone to answer your question, 'cause I can't use
gmail at work (damn firewall). When I get home I can share the Test plan.

RE: CSV - how to simulate each user will use all values from CSV file?

2015-05-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
Using Felix's approach there is no need to replicate CSV values.

RE: CSV - how to simulate each user will use all values from CSV file?

2015-05-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
Will users run concurrently or sequentially? You said that the first user
will click all 54 links, then the second and so on. To me, it's like a
sequential behavior. A concurrent one means that all 100 users will click
the first link, then all goes for the second link and so on.

Could you give more details on your need?

Re: Automation test

2015-04-13 Thread Flavio Cysne

Re: got performance question

2015-04-08 Thread Flavio Cysne
If you are sure that the variable values will not change during the tests
and you have no need to simulate different values through agents, adding
static values to your Test Plan will use less memory than using a CSV
Dataset Config, at least at the start up of your test.

Re: Multiple Cookie Headers Handling

2015-04-07 Thread Flavio Cysne
HTTP Request Defaults, HTTP Headers Manager and HTTP Cookies Manager are
hierarquical, then you can include them inside Threads Group and/or
Controllers and all samples inside will respect the nearest configuration
element in the hierarchy tree.

I tested them in JMeter 2.13 and 2.9 and I'm pretty sure that other
versions will behave as these two.

RE: Multiple Cookie Headers Handling

2015-04-07 Thread Flavio Cysne
Use a Beanshell Pre-processor to handle dynamics values instead.

Re: is there a way to randomize CSV file values?

2015-04-07 Thread Flavio Cysne
As already suggested in this thread, to achieve this level of random
access, without compromising such ammount of CPU and memory, you should use
a Redis Data Set, from JMeter-Plugins.

Another possible solution (will use as much memory as the size of your data
set) is to put all your data in one line and have the first row be the
variables name list. Use a sequencial value in variable names and use
JMeter's random function to determine the group of variables you'll use.


Re: is there a way to randomize CSV file values?

2015-04-02 Thread Flavio Cysne
In a Linux machine you can use shuf file command to randomize your csv
and then use it in your test.

Re: Remote run

2015-03-31 Thread Flavio Cysne
The message Port already in use: 1099 indicates that JMeter is already
running on another process. In linux ps aux | grep -v grep | grep jmeter
should show you all JMeter processes running atm.

The log also indicates that you have connected succefully to a JMeter

If you are using too instantes of JMeter in the same machine you must use
different ports to RMI. Read section 15.3 of JMeter's Remote Distributed
Testing Guide (

Re: Response Time Split Up

2015-03-27 Thread Flavio Cysne
If you need to analyse each request done, capturing a script with follow
redirects unchecked would help. I think If you want to group some requests
to know the total response time then a Transaction Controller can be a good


2015-03-26 Thread Flavio Cysne
Erez Naim, why not use BSF Post-processor and JavaScript as language? You
could parse/manipulate JSon using javascript.

Re: Unable to capture http traffic for “Login” (through ADFS) on Web App with Jmeter

2015-03-18 Thread Flavio Cysne
Diz you install JMeter's temporary certificate in your browser before
turning proxy on?

Re: influxdb + grafana

2015-03-18 Thread Flavio Cysne
Did you install only Influga or also InfluxDB? The config.toml file will
only be present if you install InfluxDB. This is needed to allow graphite
data to be inserted by JMeter into InfluxDB.

Hope it helps.

Re: Unable to capture http traffic for “Login” (through ADFS) on Web App with Jmeter

2015-03-17 Thread Flavio Cysne
You didn't mention if you are or not using a Cookie Manager in your script.

Re: Jmeter and heap dump on out of memory

2015-03-13 Thread Flavio Cysne
Execute a df -h to see if you still have HD  to store JMeter resulta file,
because HeapDump generates a huge file in your filesystem. Maybe the number
of threads you are starting in this machine is too much for it. Another
approach is to use -XX:AggressiveHeap (jdk 6-) or -XX:AggressiveOpts
(jdk7+) instead of default JMeter -Xms and -Xmx options.
Em 13/03/2015 12:19, RPh on yahoo


 I run my jmeter tests from a shell script on linux.  The shell
 script basically loops through many jmeter jmx files.

 Often, I see heapdump messages, which I guess mean out of memory.
 My jmeter shell script, default that comes with jmeter install,  contains
 DUMP=-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError so I guess this is
 what causes the message to appear in my  linux session window.

 I guess I'm ok with the heapdump message appearing, but I do not know
 how to fix.

 My question is when the heap dump occurs, does it mean
 that the jmeter test stops completely, or does the jmeter test pause until
 more memory is available?

 Any help is so appreciated.

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Re: Is there a way to pause/resume thread group according to variable value?

2015-03-09 Thread Flavio Cysne
You could replace the Test Action by a While Controller, an If Controller
and a Constant Timer. The main idea is to check the property value from
time to time and get out the loop after getting the expected value or after
a defined number of loops.

RE: Script question

2015-03-02 Thread Flavio Cysne
You could save each user data in a different file. Maybe
user-data-userID.csv. And have another file with all userIDs captured.

Re: Loop Controller

2015-03-02 Thread Flavio Cysne
If you are using only one JMeter, using a CSV Dataset Config will do what
you want.

If you are using a distributed environment (presuming 10 JMeter slaves and
each onde in a different machine) each file has to have only one line from
the original CSV file.

This shell script should help you to distribute your CSV:

sed -n '1p' original.csv | ssh host:port 'cat  original.csv'

'1p' in sede is used to print the first line of original.csv file. Use '2p'
to print the second and so on.

Hope it helps
Em 01/03/2015 11:07, Erez Naim escreveu:

 Hello all,

 How can I make it in Jmeter that if I am using a loop that take values
 from external text file it will take the next value in the text file for
 each iteration of the Loop controller? For 10 users

 For example: I got 10 users that for each of them I got 10 values which I
 take from external file but I noticed that it will take always the first
 value inside the Loop controller and it won't proceed to the next one, any
 idea how can I solve this problem?


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 mobile (+972) 50 9 555 686 | fax (408) 689.1366 | skype erez.neura

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Re: Loop Controller

2015-03-02 Thread Flavio Cysne
I think I misundertood your question in my first post. Inside a loop
Controller you'll have to use CSVRead function using another call of this
function with 'next' value to read the next line of the file.

Hope it is the case.

Re: Loop Controller

2015-03-02 Thread Flavio Cysne
I agree that CSVRead function should be avoided, but, inside a Loop
Controller, CSV Dataset Config has no utility since it will not get new
data/line after each loop iteraction. Although, it'll work if you use the
Thread Group loop count instead of a Loop Controller.

Re: Server operations Steps execution

2015-02-25 Thread Flavio Cysne
What do you want to accomplish with these commands? Are these commands
executed sequentially or could them execute separeted?

If running them grouped, you could do as below.

1. Create a bash script to execute all your commands.

2. Use an OS Process Sampler, from JMeter-Plugins' package, to execute this
bash script.

I'm assuming that you need to execute these commands via telnet client, as
your first step is using putty/winscp.

You could use an OS Processo Sampler for each command instead of grouping
them in a bash script, if they not depend on each other.

Re: If Controller with Function

2015-02-24 Thread Flavio Cysne
Maybe is a typo, you used just one equal sign. To compare you should have
used == or ===. The expression should be ${ExpectedResult1}==TRUE

I suggest you to compare strings when using javascript, because if your
variable doesn't have the value type you expect it may lead to undesired
errors in you execution. Try this: '${ExpectedResult1}' === 'TRUE'

Hope it helps.

Re: Test Script Recorded: change suggested excludes

2015-01-28 Thread Flavio Cysne
Yes, you're right, don't need these bars. Nice to know about non-capturing
groups and its better performance, never used them before.

Em 27/01/2015 14:31, Felix Schumacher

 Am 27. Januar 2015 14:02:40 MEZ, schrieb Flavio Cysne
 Testing some JSF URLs I've got some requests with #jsessionid and
 ;jsessionid. To exclude those requests I had to change the proposed
 a bit:

 Do you really need the bar (|) characters in the char class listing? I
 think you wanted [?;#], only.

 Another thing to try would be to reduce the used memory by using a no
 capture modifier at the beginning of the groups like (?:[?;#]). That way
 the regex parser doesn't need to store what it found. Haven't tested it,

 Also includes svg and ttf extensions.
 Em 27/01/2015 10:22, sebb escreveu:
  It might be safer to use:
  i.e. only allow trailing strings which start with ?
  Otherwise I think you will match the following:
  which is probably not what was intended.
  On 27 January 2015 at 11:54, Bob Meliev wrote:
   Thanks, forgot about such workaround.
   On 27.01.2015 14:32, SanderW wrote:
   View this message in context:
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Re: how to pass 200 reqs/2 millisecond in thread group

2015-01-27 Thread Flavio Cysne
Throughput is directly dependent of response times. If a request is
responding in 10ms, you'll need 1000 requests to achieve targeted
throughput (considering that the response times are 10ms constant). You'll
need a bunch of JMeter slaves to achieve 100 requests/ms, or equivalent.

Try the Throughput Shapping Timer, from JMeter-Plugins, and increase the
number of slaves if VM resources aren't enough to achieve the targeted load.

If you don't have enough resources for this, you could try BlazeMeter.
Em 27/01/2015 09:20, Mahadev Karpe escreveu:

  Hi Team,

 I am facing issues with our business scenario for 200 requests/2 ms.

 I have checked with all throughput timer and tried.

 Requests are  staggered over the course of a second.

 Please let me know how to pass 200 requests/2ms in one thread group  in

 Thanks  Regards,

 *Mahadev Karpe*

 *[image: Description: cid:image001.png@01CF2E27.BC33B020]*

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Re: Test Script Recorded: change suggested excludes

2015-01-27 Thread Flavio Cysne
Testing some JSF URLs I've got some requests with #jsessionid and
;jsessionid. To exclude those requests I had to change the proposed pattern
a bit:

Also includes svg and ttf extensions.
Em 27/01/2015 10:22, sebb escreveu:

 It might be safer to use:


 i.e. only allow trailing strings which start with ?

 Otherwise I think you will match the following:

 which is probably not what was intended.

 On 27 January 2015 at 11:54, Bob Meliev wrote:
  Thanks, forgot about such workaround.
  On 27.01.2015 14:32, SanderW wrote:
  View this message in context:
  Sent from the JMeter - User mailing list archive at
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  Sincerely, Bob!
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Re: Can I limit the number of VUsers that can be simulated from JMeter

2015-01-07 Thread Flavio Cysne
You could use an If Controller as a root element, inside Test Plan, with
the expression ${__threadNum()} = ${maxThreads} . maxThreads property must
be defined in every JMeter slave initialization or using a -J parameter in
master's. Having this property set per slave is a good option if your
distributed environment is heterogeneous.
Em 07/01/2015 12:33, sebb escreveu:

 On 7 January 2015 at 09:58, vineeth wrote:
  Hi All,
  We are planning to set up a Lab in our organisation, where we want to
  our resources to have hands-on experience on JMeter. For the same
 purpose we
  would like to limit the number of threads that can be simulated by the
  JMeter user so that people can't simulate heavy loads on the test
  application and clog it.

 Just tell them not to use large numbers of threads.

 Anyway if one or two users put so much load on the system that it
 stops working properly, that is a useful lesson in perfomance testing.

  Is there any JMeter property by which we can restrict the maximum number
  users that could be simulated from JMeter

 No, and I don't think we will ever add that functionality.

 Of course it is open source, so you can create your own version.

  Your Response is highly appreciated
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Re: Using the same parameter value

2015-01-05 Thread Flavio Cysne
You could also use the expression ${__javaScript(vars.put(${__UUID},myID))}
and add ${myID} in other samplers refering the uuid value generated.
Em 31/12/2014 14:40, Aditya Dhage escreveu:

 I've been through the same problem recently.

 User defined value are assigned only once at the start of the test plan.

 You can use pre processor called 'User Parameters' to generate unique
 values per iteration. You can also assign it to a variable and use it

 Aditya Dhage

 On 31 Dec 2014 19:47, Dan Zaitoun wrote:

  I wrote a script in jmeter that used the ${__UUID} in the first call of
  the script. I would like to use the same value in other calls of the
  iteration of the script.
  But each iteration I need to create other GUID..
  Currently for each call that I;m doing it create other value.
  I tried to create user defined value, but the value doesn’t changed in
  each iteration but stay the same of all the test.
  Can Anyone help me here?
  *Dan zaitoun* *||**| *17 Hatidhar St., Raanana, 43665,
  Israel *|*  Mobile: +972-54-6880500 *|*

Re: Howto use User Parameters inside Loop controller

2014-12-29 Thread Flavio Cysne
Not sure of what you're really trying to achieve but using CSV Dataset
Config would be a way of doing it (if by user you mean thread).
Em 28/12/2014 04:34, Bob Meliev escreveu:


 Howto use User Parameters inside Loop controller? On each loop value
 remains the same. I need on each loop value should be changed. Here is log:

 2014/12/28 11:13:00 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 iteration start true
 2014/12/28 11:13:00 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 Running up named: User Parameters
 2014/12/28 11:13:00 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 saving variable: itemId=1321
 2014/12/28 11:13:00 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 process true
 2014/12/28 11:13:03 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 iteration start true
 2014/12/28 11:13:03 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 Running up named: User Parameters
 2014/12/28 11:13:03 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 saving variable: itemId=1321
 2014/12/28 11:13:03 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 process true
 2014/12/28 11:13:06 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 iteration start true
 2014/12/28 11:13:06 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 Running up named: User Parameters
 2014/12/28 11:13:06 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 saving variable: itemId=1321
 2014/12/28 11:13:06 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 process true
 2014/12/28 11:13:07 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 iteration start true
 2014/12/28 11:13:07 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 Running up named: User Parameters
 2014/12/28 11:13:07 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 saving variable: itemId=1321
 2014/12/28 11:13:07 DEBUG - jmeter.modifiers.UserParameters: Thread Group
 1-1 process true

 Sincerely, Bob!

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Re: Keystore Configuration mutual ssl problem

2014-12-18 Thread Flavio Cysne
Did you try using an If Controller to skip thread 1 instead of
deactivating/disabling it?

Re: Output byte counting

2014-12-17 Thread Flavio Cysne
You could use a BeanShell Post-Processor to get the Content-Length
parameter's value from the Request Header and include this value as a new
attribute in the sample result.

Or you could have a look at JMeter Plugins' Bytes Throughput over Time
Listener code to see how they are summarizing these values (Bytes Sent).

2014-12-17 17:30 GMT-03:00 Sergio Boso


 I just saw that the bytes filed of standard statistics just counts the
 bytes *from* the server *to* jmeter.
 Is there any way to record (or to sum) also the traffic from jmeter to the

 In my specific case most of the traffic is done by POSTing documents.
 Any suggestions?

 Thank you in advance


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Re: Jmeter is not starting in mac osx 10.10

2014-11-24 Thread Flavio Cysne
Maybe there's more than one Java in your PATH as mentioned in this post

Try to export the correct Java 6 as suggested in the answers.

Re: possible issue with While Controller

2014-11-18 Thread Flavio Cysne
If you are using BeanShell Pre-Processor so it will be triggered only for
the samplers.

I'm supposing that While Controller wasn't been executed, because BeanShell
Pre-Processor (or even Post-Processor) will not be triggered until a
Sampler is executed.

That's why when you add a Debug Sampler before the While Controller it

Use an User Defined Variables configuration element to initialize
DONE_UPLOAD 's value or a BeanShell Sampler.

Re: possible issue with While Controller

2014-11-18 Thread Flavio Cysne
@Lorenzo if you only need to set a initial value to a variable (in you case
DONE_UPLOAD) you could do this in BeanShell Sampler. If this is the case,
there's no need to use a Post-Processor.

2014-11-18 9:33 GMT-03:00 Lorenzo Fundaró

 @Flavio your suggestion works best for me when using a Beanshell Sampler.
 Defining a User Variable it's not what I want because they have Thread
 Group scope. So now, the While Controller works putting a Beanshell Sampler
 before it and using a Beanshell PostProcessor. Thank you.

 Lorenzo Fundaró García

 On Tue, Nov 18, 2014 at 12:48 PM, Flavio Cysne

  If you are using BeanShell Pre-Processor so it will be triggered only for
  the samplers.
  I'm supposing that While Controller wasn't been executed, because
  Pre-Processor (or even Post-Processor) will not be triggered until a
  Sampler is executed.
  That's why when you add a Debug Sampler before the While Controller it
  Use an User Defined Variables configuration element to initialize
  DONE_UPLOAD 's value or a BeanShell Sampler.

Re: Coding JMeter tests

2014-11-14 Thread Flavio Cysne
@sebb, Thanks to clarify this.

My mistake.

That's why I need to know better JMeter's source code.

Glad to know this.

2014-11-13 22:32 GMT-03:00 sebb

 On 13 November 2014 12:54, Flavio Cysne wrote:
  My 2 cents.
  I really love JMeter and I'll try to get this passion aside from my
  1. Developers are free to do whatever they can with JMeter.
  JMeter can test TCP, SOAP, JSF, .NET, common websites, Socket, Database
  Queries, WebSocket (not from the core, but there is a plugin for this)
  many more (and even MycroStrategy flash reports. I made a script to test
  using WebDriver).
  2. JMeter gives you the opportunity to evolve itself by your hands (make
  If there's a protocol you can't test because JMeter has no Sampler for
  do yours. It's not an excuse to be unhappy with JMeter. If there's a
  Sampler but it is not complete enough, fork it, do your upgrades and
  back to community.
  3. Developers can do logic programming in JMeter test script.
  There are plenty of ways you can customize your script logic. The way you
  use Logic Controllers, and programmable Samplers like BeanShell Sampler,
  Process Sampler or BSF Sampler, is what you need to make it work.
  Free your mind!!!
  I've been using JMeter for performance tests since 4 years ago, and
  capturing 2 scripts, in average, every week for different test scenarios.
  Some of those scripts had a complex logic to fulfill (test workflow
  requirements). Sometimes I had to write down the logic and make tests
  different JMeter components to know exactly what I had to use to achieve
  the test requirements.
  You have to understand how JMeter components interact to use them
  About this link
  I use JMeter Ant task and took some tests with JMeter Maven Plugin. Ant
  task is more easily customized than Maven plugin. When I tested JMeter
  Maven plugin it was brandy new and have less documentation than now. I'll
  take a look again to know If I hadn't used its full potential.
  I can't say that JMeter has no cons, all tools have theirs.
  What I can say about that is JMeter source code is a bit tricky, but I've
  not dedicated enough time to understand it.


  My opinion is that JMeter GUI classes and classes used during non-GUI
  execution should be taken apart so it could use less memory for non-GUI

 This is already the case.
 The GUI is built from separate classes that are not loaded during
 non-GUI test runs.

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Re: Coding JMeter tests

2014-11-13 Thread Flavio Cysne
My 2 cents.

I really love JMeter and I'll try to get this passion aside from my opinion.

1. Developers are free to do whatever they can with JMeter.

JMeter can test TCP, SOAP, JSF, .NET, common websites, Socket, Database
Queries, WebSocket (not from the core, but there is a plugin for this) and
many more (and even MycroStrategy flash reports. I made a script to test it
using WebDriver).

2. JMeter gives you the opportunity to evolve itself by your hands (make a

If there's a protocol you can't test because JMeter has no Sampler for it,
do yours. It's not an excuse to be unhappy with JMeter. If there's a
Sampler but it is not complete enough, fork it, do your upgrades and submit
back to community.

3. Developers can do logic programming in JMeter test script.

There are plenty of ways you can customize your script logic. The way you
use Logic Controllers, and programmable Samplers like BeanShell Sampler, OS
Process Sampler or BSF Sampler, is what you need to make it work.

Free your mind!!!

I've been using JMeter for performance tests since 4 years ago, and
capturing 2 scripts, in average, every week for different test scenarios.
Some of those scripts had a complex logic to fulfill (test workflow
requirements). Sometimes I had to write down the logic and make tests using
different JMeter components to know exactly what I had to use to achieve
the test requirements.

You have to understand how JMeter components interact to use them properly.

About this link,
I use JMeter Ant task and took some tests with JMeter Maven Plugin. Ant
task is more easily customized than Maven plugin. When I tested JMeter
Maven plugin it was brandy new and have less documentation than now. I'll
take a look again to know If I hadn't used its full potential.

I can't say that JMeter has no cons, all tools have theirs.
What I can say about that is JMeter source code is a bit tricky, but I've
not dedicated enough time to understand it.
My opinion is that JMeter GUI classes and classes used during non-GUI test
execution should be taken apart so it could use less memory for non-GUI

Re: Running load test for N number of users and M number of transactions, using possibly two datasources

2014-10-30 Thread Flavio Cysne
I'll just link you to a third party comparison, since I never used Visual
Studio Load Test tool.

Since JMeter don't have any built-in test data distribution component is up
to you to decide what is the best approach for spreading your test data.
You could use Maven and JMeter Maven Plugin or JMeter Ant Task. The
goals/tasks with the distribution strategy could be defined in the pom.xml.
Since you can pass parameters to maven execution, the number of machines
you'll have to distribute your test data can be configurable.

Any way, as JMeter is an open-source project and allows plugins to be
attached to it, you can also write your own test data distribution plugin.

JMeter-Plugins has also a plugin, Redis Data Set, that can help you with this.

Re: Running load test for N number of users and M number of transactions, using possibly two datasources

2014-10-28 Thread Flavio Cysne

* For single JMeter instance, distribute your transaction data in files
numbered by user thread number (from 1 to 10, in your case)

Test Plan (if users have to run sequentially)
- CSV Dataset Config (userDs.csv)
- Counter (start: 1, end: 10, increment: 1, referenceName: counter)
- Threads Group (threads: 1, loop: 10)
- Loop Controller (loop: 100)
- Samplers - Use __CSVRead to a variable using ${counter} as
part of it, like: __CSVRead(per-user-csv-file-${counter}.csv,0)

Test Plan (if users will run simultaneously)
- CSV Dataset Config (userDs.csv)
- Threads Group (threads: 10, loop: 1)
- Loop Controller (loop: 100)
- Samplers - Use __CSVRead to a variable using __threadNum as
part of it, like: __CSVRead(per-user-csv-file-${__threadNum()}.csv,0)

* For distributed environment with 10 JMeter slaves, each slave will have
to have two CSV files (userDs.csv and per-user-csv-file.csv) with the data
to use for the specific user

each JMeter slave will have a userDs.csv file with only one line inside it,
the one with the specific user data (ex: in JMeter slave 1, userDs.csv will
have only one line: user1,password1)

Test Plan (add Test Plan variables relative to keys. ex:
user: ${__P(user,NOT_DEFINED)} / password : ${__P()}
- CSV DatasetConfig (userDs.csv)
- CSV DatasetConfig (per-user-csv-file.csv)
- Thread Group (threads: 1, loopCount 100)
- Samplers (no specific advice here. since every per-user data is
distributed in distinct JMeter slaves, just use the field names as normal)

Hope it helps

Re: counting threads

2014-10-17 Thread Flavio Cysne
To see the total number of threads/requests done use a Transaction
Controller as a wrapper for the Throughput Controllers, and save log as XML.

As Adrian Speteanu said, exceeding 100% in percentage mode could lead to
unexpected results.
When I need to exceed 100% of total threads I usually use a calculation for
the Total Executions mode.

Test Plan ( Test Plan Variables: [ threads: 100 ] )
Thread Group ( Number of Threads: ${threads} )
Thoughput Controller ( Throughput:
${__javaScript(Math.ceil(${threads}*0.35))}  )

Hope it helps.

Re: Using Multiple KeyStore Configurations

2014-10-16 Thread Flavio Cysne

as sebb said you can do this using 3 different JMeter slaves, each one
configured to use a distinct JKS file. I think this is the easiest way to
achieve what you want.

Another approach that could work fine is to use only one Thread Group
configured to loop 3 times, a KeyStore Configuration using all 3 certs,
each group of requests would go inside a Loop Controller, configured to
iterate 10 times, and use a Interleave Controller
shown below.

Test Plan
- KeyStoreConfiguration (start:0, end:2)
Thread Group (loop count: 3)
- Interleave Controller
- Simple/Transaction/Recording Controller (1)
- Loop Controller (loop count: 10)
- requests (1st group)
- Simple/Transaction/Recording Controller (2)
- Loop Controller (loop count: 10)
- requests (2nd group)
- Simple/Transaction/Recording Controller (3)
- Loop Controller (loop count: 10)
- requests (3rd group)

Re: Documentation for custom plugins

2014-10-04 Thread Flavio Cysne
I think that, for what you said, write o whole new plugin for TCP
encryption may not be the best approach.

Have a look at the TCP Sampler component

It says that Users can provide their own implementation. The class must
extend org.apache.jmeter.protocol.tcp.sampler.TCPClient.

Checkout JMeter`s source code and take a look at TCPClientImpl,
BinaryTCPClientImpl, LengthPrefixedBinaryTCPClientImpl classes.
Writing your own TCP Encrypted client would be a better way to solve your
request and will take less code to put it on.

Before start digging JMeter`s source code, try to write a TCP with SSL/TLS
using a BeanShell sampler.

Some resources related to this:

Re: Documentation for custom plugins

2014-10-03 Thread Flavio Cysne
If by encrypt you mean using MD5 algorithm, and by data you mean parameter
values or body message, you could use Jmeter-Plugins' md5 function (

The articles below, from JMeter official site, talks about writing your own

Checkout JMeter and JMeter-Plugins source codes and have a look at them.

Re: Unique values pick up from CSV file

2014-09-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
CSV Dataset Config, when 'Recycle on EOF' is true and 'Stop thread on EOF'
is false, will start reading the first line again when next thread requires
new data and file reader gets to EOF. Each thread in the same JMeter
machine will get a different row from CSV file. For distributed
environment, if you want to read distinct values from CSV you'll need to
have a CSV with distinct values for each JMeter slave, since each JMeter
Slave will start reading from the first line of CSV file.

For example, if your CSV file has 15 rows then the 16th thread of a
specific JMeter machine will read the CSV file's first line again. 17th
thread will read the 2nd line, and so on.

@JMeter Devs
CSV Dataset Config could have some extra parameters such as 'Start from
line', 'Step by' and 'Read random lines?' to help better config tests with
this kind of requirement.

CSVRead also could have a 'Reset?' or 'Cursor at line' and 'Step By before
reading' parameters so it could be done using a function, mimicking the
parameters suggested above.

Re: Unique values pick up from CSV file

2014-09-11 Thread Flavio Cysne
Added an issue, as enhancement, as suggested.

Re: Unique values pick up from CSV file

2014-09-10 Thread Flavio Cysne
Using Linux you can use sed, grep, awk, head  tail, and many more through
a OS Processor sampler and store its return value in a variable using a

Reading from windows is a bit more challenging:

This is the way I can remember, because was the one I used.

Re: Connection Timeout with timeout = 0

2014-09-09 Thread Flavio Cysne
Correct me If I'm saying/asking something wrong, but ...

Does the application has been set to not time out connections too?
Time outs could be triggered from JMeter, but also from target

Re: Suppressing Transfer-Encoding

2014-08-25 Thread Flavio Cysne
One way of ensuring this is changing HTTP 1.1 header to HTTP 1.0. But this
will make every request's embedded resources to be downloaded, each one, in
a new connection. Maybe JMeter's HTTP Request Download all embedded
resources option will not work as expected.

2014-08-25 10:11 GMT-03:00 Guruprasad R


 Is there a way to suppress Transfer-Encoding: chunked which goes by
 default during the post requests. I tried adding Content-Length with 0 as
 its value. But it dint help.


Re: tell me if I am doing things correctly

2014-07-17 Thread Flavio Cysne
As far as I can see, there's no relationship between the requests
/User_Management/Content_CSS/Style.css neither /login.aspx, nor your
crd.txt CSV Dataset.

Add a View Results Tree in your script and see what response code and
response message is been returned. Maybe is only a CSS parsing warning, not
an error.

What I can advise you is that you must use a JMeter variable for
_EVENTVALIDATION, and _VIEWSTATE if present, parameter's value in
/login.aspx request. For Asp.Net they work same way as
javax.faces.ViewState in JSF pages.

Hope it helps.

2014-07-17 8:55 GMT-03:00 Vivekananda D Shetty


 *Thanks and regards*,

 Vivekananda D Shetty |QA Lead-Maximus Infoware | +91 9930486180

 *Maximus Infoware (India) Private Limited *

 *ISO 9001 : 2008*

 On 17-07-2014, vivekananda shetty wrote:

 *Shri Vivekananda D Shetty*

 Subject: RE: tell me if I am doing things correctly
 Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 11:46:42 +

 *Shri Vivekananda D Shetty*

  Subject: RE: tell me if I am doing things correctly
  Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 09:45:43 +
  I recorded some event of logging into a web application for 2 threads
 with different user name but I got 2 warnings, please go through the screen
 shot plus file I will be sending in series due to limitation in sending
 huge file size in one go and tell me if the test has passed.
  Shri Vivekananda D Shetty
   Date: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 05:43:55 +
   Subject: WELCOME to
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Re: Ramp up time distribution in JMeter

2014-07-16 Thread Flavio Cysne
In JMeter, Ramp-up is the period, in seconds, that a specified number of
threads will have been started.

If you want to have 90 threads started wthin 30 minutes, for a total test
time of 30 minutes, then you'll have to go for something like this:

90 / 30 * 60 = 90 / 1800 = 1 / 20, so 1 thread at each 20 seconds interval.
At this rate you'll achieve 200 threads in 4000 seconds (66 minutes and 40

Be aware that if your script has many requests, threads you'll be
considered actives until the execution of the last request.

Just to mention, the definitions of requests per minute and active threads
per minute are different.

Re: Need help regarding distributed load test

2014-06-03 Thread Flavio Cysne
If you're using Linux it's possible to configure many network interfaces
with different IP addresses in the same machine, and say, using 3 to 4
JMeter slaves per machine.

If you're using more than one machine and nevertheless all of them are
converging to the same IP, probably you'll have to configure the switch
between those sub-networks to maintain the different IP addresses upon
forwarding (that's what has been doing at the enterprise I work for).

2014-06-02 23:38 GMT-03:00 Ankit Sethiya

 Hello all,

 I am new to distributed load testing so please bare with my knowledge.

 We need to perform distributed load test and the DBA guy told me that even
 if we distribute the load in different machines (3 slave - 1 master), it
 will not make any difference as we wont be sending requests from different
 IP addresses. Also he said we can not jam our server with s much load.

 So we are looking for a third party company who can let us rent their
 servers to run JMeter scripts. Can someone please link me to any such
 company who provide this service. Any idea how much approximately it might

 Thank you so much in advance. I appreciate your time and help.


 Software Quality Analyst
 Los Angeles, CA

Re: Urgent : Concurrent Users JMETER

2014-05-05 Thread Flavio Cysne
Native to JMeter, Throughput
the only one I can remember that controls throughput.
About JMeter plugins, the Throughput Shapping
Timer can also be
used to achieve this.

Remember to use a considerable amount of threads to maintain your
throughput. Sometimes it can exceed two or three times the desired rps.
Response times affect your throughput, so you'll have to consider this when
defining the amount of threads used to maintain your desired rps.

Re: Header read when using CSV Set Data Config

2014-04-30 Thread Flavio Cysne

The first thing that came in mind is to delete the first line (header) from
the csv file.

But this could be a chance to evolve JMeter and ask for a new feature: An
option to skip the first line (header), in CSV Dataset Config, unchecked by

Contribute to JMeter and register this feature request. ;)

Best regards

Re: Urgent : Concurrent Users JMETER

2014-04-30 Thread Flavio Cysne
If you want these 5 samplers to run consecutively, each with 20 concurrent
users, try this:

Thread Group ( threads: 20, ramp-up: 0, iterations: 1 )
  - Synchonizing Timer ( threads: 0 )
  - Sampler 1
  - Sampler 2
  - Sampler 3
  - Sampler 4
  - Sampler 5

Or, If you want to run all samplers concurrently, each one with 20
concurrent users, try this:

Thread Group ( threads: 100, ramp-up: 0, iterations: 1 )
  - Throughput Controller ( percentage: 20 )
- Sampler 1
  - Throughput Controller ( percentage: 20 )
- Sampler 2
  - Throughput Controller ( percentage: 20 )
- Sampler 3
  - Throughput Controller ( percentage: 20 )
- Sampler 4
  - Throughput Controller ( percentage: 20 )
- Sampler 5

Re: Urgent : Concurrent Users JMETER

2014-04-30 Thread Flavio Cysne
I believe that Interleave Controller will do good for the second approach

Re: dynamic ramp-up

2014-04-29 Thread Flavio Cysne
I created a post in my blog

Hope it helps

2014-04-29 8:13 GMT-03:00 Flavio Cysne

 Ramp-up is commonly configured in Threads Group.

 If you need to delay a specific sampler, could use the following approach.
 To delay every thread by 1 second (1000 ms), use a Constant Timer with the
 expression below:


 2014-04-29 7:42 GMT-03:00


 Is it possible to do dynamic ramp-up without using the JMeter plugins?

 Many Thanks


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Re: Add Users Dynamically : Stress Test

2014-04-29 Thread Flavio Cysne
See this

The example shown in this post uses a file published in a local Apache Web
Server, but you could use a Variable changing its value sending a command
via Beanshell server.

2014-04-29 9:02 GMT-03:00 ZK

 you should have a look at:


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Re: URGENT : How to Record the desktop application in jmeter

2014-04-25 Thread Flavio Cysne
What implementation of HTTP are you using? Java defaults or HTTPClient?

If Java defaults initialize your app using these directives:
-Dhttp.proxyHost=hostname_or_hostIP -Dhttp.proxyPort=port_number
- when using HTTPS, add this to above directives:
-Dhttps.proxyHost=hostname_or_hostIP -Dhttps.proxyPort=port_number
( Documentation: )

If HttpClient follow these instructions:
If you need to Authenticate via HTTPS, try this:

Hope it helps.

2014-04-25 3:20 GMT-03:00 Ginny Dhawan

 I have already changed the proxy setting but still no luck.

 Best Regards,
 Ginny Dhawan

 -Original Message-
 From: Ryabtsev Vladimir []
 Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:41 PM
 To: JMeter Users List
 Subject: RE: URGENT : How to Record the desktop application in jmeter

 1. Try to change system proxy settings in Control Panel, Internet,
 Connections, Proxy. May be, it would be enough.
 2. Try to find manuals for your application or some of its configuration
 files which can contain proxy settins.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ginny Dhawan []
 Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 5:23 PM
 To: JMeter Users List
 Subject: RE: URGENT : How to Record the desktop application in jmeter

 Thanks Ryabtsev,

 Could  you please elaborate.. I have to record the window desktop based
  application... the whole application is desktop based .

 We are using the VM, in which we install the thin client/ window based
 application  .After successful installation .. we  comes out with some
 folders and cmd files..

 One of the CMD file is using to launch the application as an window based
 pop-up having the following parameters :

 Connection :
 URL :
 Username :

 After successful authentication ,it redirects to the non-web based  page.

 Note :  OS Process sampler is used to launch the application in jmeter.

 Stucked Point : Jmeter is not able to identify the window based pop-up...
 deadlock :(

 Could you please elaborate regarding the Keytool settings in
 system.propeties file.

 I go through the link which u shared .. but I need more details for the

 Thank u so much for your help ..

 Best Regards,
 Ginny Dhawan

 -Original Message-
 From: Ryabtsev Vladimir []
 Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 4:09 PM
 To: JMeter Users List
 Subject: RE: URGENT : How to Record the desktop application in jmeter

 In a recording process Jmeter acts as simple proxy server, so you need to
 set up your application to work through the proxy.
 General information can be found at
 Your desktop application might respect system proxy settings or might have
 its own proxy settings, thus you have to find it out and apply correct
 The rest process is the same as for web applications.


 -Original Message-
 From: Ginny Dhawan []
 Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2014 2:03 PM
 To: JMeter Users List
 Subject: URGENT : How to Record the desktop application in jmeter

 Hello Everone ,

 Please anyone know how to record the desktop application from JMeter.

 We have the cmd file with the help of this application is launched
 (non-web ) / pop-up window for authentication ...

 Currently , m using the OS process sampler  to execute the cmd file, in
 result it  opens the pop-up window or first page of desktop application..

 Could anyone tell me how to record the application .. After Authentication
 there is one more page which is again non-web based / desktop ..

 Please help me out for the same.. ITS VERY VERY URGENT...

 Thanks a ton in advance!!!

 Best Regards,
 Ginny Dhawan

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Re: How to send HTTP PUT request using Jmeter

2014-04-24 Thread Flavio Cysne
Have you tried adding these parameters directly in Raw Body tab of HTTP
Request Sampler, using PUT as method?

2014-04-24 3:36 GMT-03:00 Abhijit Gupta

I want to send HTTP Put request with following three parameters
 a) name=ABCD
 b) URL=
 c) ICON=http//

 I have filled up values in 'Send parameter with request'  but I am getting
 400 Bad request, url is missing from parameters.

 I went through mailing list and tried some of the suggestions
 1) Keep name empty and provide only values  (not sure how values will be
 picked up against the name ?)
 2) Set Content encoding UTF8

 If you can provide me screenshot of how to send PUT request, it will be of
 great help.

 Best Regards,

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Re: Jmeter Record Playback some activities in a server using Putty/WinSCP/Filezilla

2014-03-20 Thread Flavio Cysne
Maybe you could use OS Process Sampler

Re: HTTPS Failing with 2.11, 2.9, and 2.8

2014-03-18 Thread Flavio Cysne
I had the same issue a few days ago and maybe HC4 and HC3 have issues
dealing with SSL Handshakes when using a Proxy.
I changed Type field in HTTP Proxy Server and Implementation field in
HTTP Request Defaults to Java.

2014-03-17 20:06 GMT-03:00 Derry, Stanton

 Attempting to record our test site with Jmeter which fails in the versions
 listed above.  Configuration of system running Jmeter and jmeter test plan

   *   Mac 10.9.2
   *   Java
  *   Java version 1.7.0_51
  *   Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_51-b13)
  *   Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.51-b03, mixed mode)
   *   Firefox 27.0.1
   *   Jmeter 2.11 r1554548
  *   Test Plan
 *   Thread Group
*   HTTP Cache Manager, Clear cache
*   HTTP Cookie Manager, Clare cookies, Compatibility,
*   HTTP Header Manager, No headers defined
*   View Results
*   User Defined Variables
   *   Server - domain being recorded
   *   UserId - Userid used during recording
 *   HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
*   Port 8080
*   HTTPS Domains: domains used by test site
*   Target Controller: Thread Group, Capture Headers, Regex
*   HTTP Sampler:  HttpClient4, Follow Redirects, Use KeepAlive
*   URL Patterns to include: none
*   URL Patterns to exclude: none

   *   Start Jmeter, Start recorder, message displayed about crt being
   *   Start Firefox, set proxy settings, access web site, have a recorded
 http request in thread group
   *Displayed in browser window:
 domainname: nodename nor servname provided, or not known ... at
   *   Reset Firefox to no proxy, stop jmeter test script recorder
   *   Accessing web site is successful, login page is fully displayed
   *   Reset Firefox to proxy, restart script recorder, have a recorded
 http request in thread group
   *   Displayed in browser window: Certificates does not conform to
 algorithm constraints ... at

 This site uses ajax, redirects, and akamai for static resources. My prior
 email outlined the requests in Jmeter and Charles Proxy.

 What needs to be done to handle the SSLHandshakeException. I can add hosts
 to my /etc/hosts and hopefully resolve the UnknownHostException, although
 without the Jmeter proxy in the middle Firefox is able to find all the
 hosts requested.

 Look forward to replies.


 Full Stack traces  both exceptions displayed: nodename nor servname
 provided, or not known

 at Method)


Re: Har to Jmeter's jmx

2014-03-17 Thread Flavio Cysne

2014-03-17 12:25 GMT-03:00 Derry, Stanton

 Is anyone aware of a open source tool that will convert a har file to
 jmeter's jmx?  I'm able to record via Charles Proxy and save the recording
 as a har file.


Re: Exclude URL Patterns

2014-03-14 Thread Flavio Cysne
Sometimes your site uses resources from another domain or domains and you
don't want your intranet in a black list.

Re: CSVRead multiple rows

2014-03-10 Thread Flavio Cysne
When this operation is not working? It's when reading the second line, the
third, ???
Try adding a Debug Sampler to see what exactly it is reading and what it's

Verify if it is a blank line somewhere in your file because If a blank
line is detected, this is treated as end of file ... (extracted from
JMeter functions page)
Verify if it has reached the end of the file.

Can you share your JMX and CSV files? If not, could you detail what
components you are using?

I was thinking that reading the second column and doing the next operation,
before reading the first column, will interfere in reading the first column
on the next row, but I tested it and worked fine.

Hope it helps you.

Re: Response Assertion Validation

2014-03-10 Thread Flavio Cysne
use a regular expression to expect for exactly 34 characters


\w  is the same of this expression [a-zA-Z0-9_]  (Ref.: )

if you are expecting other characters change the \w for the extend form
and add the new ones.

Re: Need help to write regular expression

2014-02-17 Thread Flavio Cysne
Try this:


2014-02-17 6:10 GMT-03:00 ZK

 No it is not to do with the extra spaces before the word groups

 I suspect the response you posted not the format of the response you are
 could you check and repost the response where the regEx is not working

 (All three examples should work for you)


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Re: Load distibution for different threadgroups in same test

2014-02-10 Thread Flavio Cysne
Your question is missing, but accordingly to the title this is my

Define a Test Plan property called threads and use its value to distribute
load among Threads Groups

# threads=50

Threads Group 1 (60%) - __javaScript(Math.ceil(${threads}*0.6))

Threads Group 2 (40%) - __javaScript(${threads}-Math.ceil(${threads}*0.6))

If you want to vary the load for each Threads Group then use another Test
Plan property to define load percentiles and pass it with -J or -G JMeter
command line parameters

# threads=50 and loadFactor=0.6

Threads Group 1 (60%) - __javaScript(Math.ceil(${threads}*${loadFactor}))

Threads Group 2 (40%)
- __javaScript(${threads}-Math.ceil(${threads}*${loadFactor}))


Re: JMeter and Richfaces FileUpload on Flash mode

2014-01-25 Thread Flavio Cysne
Thanks Deepak,

I'll use that example page to test this scenario too. I have to make an
entry in the enterprise wiki to document this case and how to solve it.

Again, thanks for helping.

2014-01-24 Deepak Shetty

 I dont notice anything that wont work though there is a lot of dynamic
 stuff and the Content-Type: multipart/form-data which you sometimes need to
 be careful with (if you have taken care of that) - i'll try and see if I
 can get the demo to work

 On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 3:53 AM, Flavio Cysne

  Hi Deepak,
  the link you provided uses the frame version of Richfaces fileupload
  and is a newer version.
  The page I'm testing is using Richfaces 3.3.3.
  This link is a
  good example of how it is working, just have to enable checkbox for Flash
  Thanks for helping
  2014/1/23 Deepak Shetty
   Do you have a demo that is open to the public?
   or is it the same as
   On Thu, Jan 23, 2014 at 5:25 AM, Flavio Cysne
Dear users,
did you have any test case that used a Richfaces FileUpload
with Flash mode enabled (component default behavior) in a form ?
I, recently, had a bad experience with this scenario. Doing the
scenario manually, the file is uploaded an 'attached' to the entity
correctly. But when I do it using JMeter the file is uploaded
(Content-Length request's header is present and show the file length
extras) but at the end is not 'attached' to the entity.
I verified that the file upload component is using the Flash
I thought that because of it I could not simulate correctly this
Development team can't deploy another version with Flash mode off
frames instead).
At first, I thought that the HTTP POST request parameter
_richfaces_upload_uid had something to do with this issue, but it is
   only a
random number (as seen in FileUpload.js code).
Is there any way I could overcome this issue?
Thanks in advance.

JMeter and Richfaces FileUpload on Flash mode

2014-01-23 Thread Flavio Cysne
Dear users,

did you have any test case that used a Richfaces FileUpload component
with Flash mode enabled (component default behavior) in a form ?

I, recently, had a bad experience with this scenario. Doing the
scenario manually, the file is uploaded an 'attached' to the entity
correctly. But when I do it using JMeter the file is uploaded
(Content-Length request's header is present and show the file length plus
extras) but at the end is not 'attached' to the entity.

I verified that the file upload component is using the Flash mode, then
I thought that because of it I could not simulate correctly this scenario.
Development team can't deploy another version with Flash mode off (using
frames instead).

At first, I thought that the HTTP POST request parameter
_richfaces_upload_uid had something to do with this issue, but it is only a
random number (as seen in FileUpload.js code).

Is there any way I could overcome this issue?

Thanks in advance.

Re: One or more test threads won't exit

2014-01-15 Thread Flavio Cysne
It have happened to me when network devices get overcharged and start
dropping packages.
I overcome this issue defining a timeout; in my case, using HTTP Request
samplers, connection and response timeouts.

What samplers are you using?

2014/1/15 Oliver Lloyd

 I wanted to check this here first before raising an issue. I see this
 message pretty much every single time I try stopping a test. It's been a
 part of JMeter for me for quite a while now and even appears to be an issue
 when running headless,  I now include steps in my automation scripts that
 will kill the jmeter pid when the stop call fails.

 Is it just me?
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Re: New to jmeter 2.10 SSL error while recording Https websites

2014-01-13 Thread Flavio Cysne
Maybe this bug report,, could
help you.

2014/1/13 charan sethi


 I'm using JDK 7 and java version is 1.7.0_45

 Yes this is happening on all browsers for me.

 Can it be because of some firewall or any additional browser settings?

 On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 4:56 PM, sebb wrote:

  On 10 January 2014 05:32, charan sethi wrote:
   Hi All
   I get the message the error when i try to record any website with a
   webpage in Mozilla Firefox. when i start my HTTPS test recorder and
   any webpage with HTTPS request then Mozzilla firefox shows me the SSL
   error. But if i open a normal HTTP request in mozilla the webpage opens
   fine and jmeter is able to record the actions . So the issue is
   with the certificate according to me for the browser.
   Steps to re-pro are:
   open jmeter
   add HTTPs Test Script Recoder
   Start the recorder
   Open Mozilla Firefox
   Open any HTTPS webpage (for ex
   SSL error is given
  That works fine for me, and presumably most others otherwise there
  would have been more reports.
  Does it also happen with other browsers?
   It Opens fine.
   On Fri, Jan 10, 2014 at 8:11 AM, sebb wrote:
   On 8 January 2014 20:13, charan sethi
I'm new to jmeter. I tried recording google and facebook with HTTPS
recorder but i get the following error:
An error occurred during a connection to SSL
record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. (Error code:
HTTP websites work fine and I am able to record the script but the
with HTTPS
   What do you mean exactly?
   Do you get the error when you are recording?
   Or only during playback?
   What URL is involved?
How do i resolve this issue.
   Works OK for me using Firefox and JMeter 2.11.
   Might be worth updating to 2.11, because that has some fixes relating
   to the Test Script Recorder.
   However, it's a bit unlikely that it will directly fix the error you
   Best to use Java 7 for recording.
   Also, try using different browsers - do they all have the same issue?
   Can you provide a (short) recipe to reproduce the problem?
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