
I have the following situation. I have several HTTP requests in my test plan 
and some of the requests are "transations", i.e. they must happen immediatelly 
one after another. Consider the following example:


Quickview Printed summer dress is a "Transation controler" and there are two 
requests which happen when I select "Printed Summer dress" in webshop. So I 
want them to be executed without any timer. I could do this by puting a 
separate timer as a child of each request, but this is not very convenient if 
there are many requests. So I want to have one timer for most of my requests, 
but I want to be able to exclude some request sequesnces from this timer. Or to 
say in other words I want to override the "Gaussian Random Timer" just for the 
two requests under "Quickview Printed summer dress".
This is a real situation in a webshop, because "Quickview Printed summer dress" 
opens a new html page and then immediatelly submits ajax request to open popup.

Maybe there is a way to do it? Or is it only possible with new feature?

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