Dear Karaf user and dev subscribers,
I would like to share information about free Apache Karaf hackathon which will 
take a place in Brussels within few days (4-5 May 2019). If you are interested 
in Apache Karaf or other Apache projects which will be presented during these 
two days please register using below form. [1]
We also encourage you to promote Apache Karaf presence via media social 
channels such twitter [2] and linkedin [3].

Thanks to Apache marketing team and organisers I will be able to personally 
participate in this event. I will present Apache Karaf (up to 60 minutes) and 
surrounding ecosystem. As part of my presentation you will learn present state 
of Karaf, you will also see it compared to present trends in software industry. 
I will be more than happy to help you to help you with your projects and boost 
its adoption to Apache Karaf as runtime.

To give you a brief idea of what whole event is about. There is a EU-FOSSA [4] 
program was launched by European Union institutions with primary aim to 
organise bug bounty for selected Apache projects (Tomcat & Kafka). Over time a 
scope of program was extended to other Apache communities.
If you are security researcher you might win a nice reward for finding an 
vulnerability. For details please follow last link. [4] Remember, its not only 
about bug bounties, but about moving Open Source projects forward.

Your sincerely,
Łukasz Dywicki
Apache Karaf commiter
Twitter: @ldywicki |


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