Re: [Neo4j] Traversal RelationshipExpander

2010-11-25 Thread Kalin Wilson Development
Thanks for your suggestions regarding my model, Craig. I agree about the ids. 
Using a generalization for Asset Types might be something to look at.
I'm still stuck on wanting to capture the general nature of an Asset as well as 
the specific triple of Producer-Asset-Consumer. I'll have to think about your 
statement that Asset is
specific to a Producer. In my current model, an Asset may have multiple 
Producers and multiple Consumers. The concept of an Asset is more general than 
a single Producer-Consumer relationship.
Maybe it's appropriate to duplicate the Asset node (not the actual node but the 
properties that identify an Asset). My relational DB mind doesn't want that 
kind of duplication.

Some of the questions I want to answer:
1. Given a Consumer, what Assets does it subscribe to?
2. Given a Consumer, what Producers is it dependent upon?
3. Given a Producer, what Assets does it contribute to?
4. Given a Producer, what Consumers are dependent on it?
5. Given an Asset, what Producers contribute to it and what Consumers subscribe 
to it?

There's other node types and properties within the graph that aren't important 
or that I can't discuss (this is a mock model anyway).

What is the consensus about duplicating node data within a network? I can see 
how using indexing or a hierarchy, as you've pointed out, might help with that.
Part of my hangup is that I'm looking at using Neo4J as an adjunct to a RDBMS 
to store dependency relationships. Each node will have information that ties 
back to the RDBMS for lookups. But that doesn't require absolutely unique 
nodes. Keeping the two DBs in sync will be a challenge but I don't have the 
option to push all of the data into Neo4J and I'd rather not manage the 
dependencies in the RDBMS.

Actually, now that I've talked around it, I think I see how your model would 
work for what I want to do. I'd have to see how a Traverser would return the 
Thanks for your time,

On Nov 24, 2010, at 4:50 PM, Craig Taverner wrote:

 I also do not like having the producers ids in the relationship. This is
 like having an non-indexed foreign key. I think the right solution is to
 change the database structure to match the intention of the model.
 I'll go out on a limb here and make some assumptions about what you really
 mean by your model. You want to ask 'who consumes assets by this producer'.
 Your problem is that what you are calling an Asset is actually a type of
 Asset, but some consumers are interested in a specific asset, not just all
 assets of that type, and so you are having to add extra data to resolve the
 type in the 'subscribes' relationship. A far better solution is to have a
 real asset node. By that I mean a 'ford mustan '68' node instead of a 'car'
 Then the case where the subscribes node has no producers property really
 means the Consumer subscribers to the AssetType, and the case where there
 are producers properties, the Consumer subscribers to those specific Assets
 (where Asset is now specific to a producer).
 Then the model will have no foreign keys, only relationships, and a plain
 old standard out-the-box traverser will give you your answer :-)
 Some further clarifications of the relationships I see in the graph:
   - Assets can have IS_A relationships to AssetTypes
   - Produces CONTRIBUTE_TO Assets, never AssetTypes (just like Ford
   produces the 'Ford Mustang', not 'cars')
   - Consumers can SUBSCRIBE_TO either Assets directly (ie. specific
   models), or AssetTypes (this deals with your two cases before, but no longer
   needs ids in properties)
 The traverser can traverse directly from the Producer to the Subscriber
 without any complications. Just follow the right relationships in the right
 order, and only return Subscribers.
 The paths could look like:
 Producer1 --(contributes_to)-- AssetX --(subscribes_to)-- Consumer1
AssetTypeP --(subscribes_to)-- Consumer2
 Notice that traversing to consumers that are subscribing to specific assets
 (assets by specific producers) is a shorter path than traversing to
 consumers that subscribe to assets by any producer (asset types). This
 should have no impact on the traverser. Just remember to include the IS_A
 relationships type (with the right direction) to get the results you want.
 Cheers, Craig
 On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:00 AM, Mattias Persson
 Hi Kalin,
 To begin with I'm not fond of storing ids as properties... that's what
 relationships are for. So I'd perhaps insert a middle node between Asset
 and Consumer which then also can have relationships to Producers.
 Anyways, to get that behaviour you can use a filter which will exclude
 unwanted paths.

[Neo4j] Modeling inheritance in Neo4J

2010-11-25 Thread Yaniv Ben Yosef

I'm looking for best practices in modeling inheritance in Neo4J.
Suppose I have a Person class. In the DB I naturally have a node for each
person. I'm following the design guide, and created a PEOPLE subreference
node, connected to all Person nodes (A and B in the diagram below)

 +--- A
 +--- B

Now suppose I introduce a User class, that extends Person. I thought about a
couple of options:
1. I could just connect the user nodes to the PEOPLE node, but then it would
be more difficult to traverse only users.

2. Adding another layer of sub-referencing

 +--- USERS +-- C
 |   |
REF -- PEOPLE --+   +-- D
 +--- NONUSERS -+-- A
 +-- B

So there's the USERS node that is connected to all user nodes, and a
NONUSERS node that is connected to all of the concrete Person nodes.
This way the Person and User factories handle the connections to each
subreference node.
The downside of this is that as I introduce more types in the class
hierarchy I need to start rewiring everything, which can be quite tedious at
present and very costly in the long run.

3. Perhaps a better way is to avoid the NONUSERS node, keep the concrete
People (A and B in this example) connected to the PEOPLE node [Option2]:

 +--- USERS +-- C
 |   |
REF -- PEOPLE --+   +-- D
 +---+-- A
 +-- B

Of course, I'd use different relationship types so I can tell between people
and and subreferences connected to PEOPLE.

I'm sure these aren't the only ways, and there may be different ways to
handle different cases.
In any event, I'd appreciate your feedback, as well as any additional tips
related to inheritance. Also, if there's any Neo4J guide for managing
inheritance that I missed, it would be great if someone would point me out
to it.

--- Yaniv
Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Traversal RelationshipExpander

2010-11-25 Thread Craig Taverner
Hi Kalin,

I'm not sure I follow about duplicating. The suggestion I made did not
involve any duplicating. The AssetType nodes would contain properties
appropriate to the type of asset, and the Asset node would contain
properties only appropriate to that instance (or none if none are
appropriate). Perhaps it is easier if I rather revert back to your original
names, and use Asset for the type again, and come up with a new name for the
specific instance? Then you get something like:

Producer[1] --(contributes_to)-- [X] --(subscribes_to)-- Consumer1
   Asset[P] --(subscribes_to)-- Consumer2

Now you can see that the X is really just like a join table in a relational
database. In fact my suggestion is very similar to a common refactoring that
occurs in a relational database when you have a foreign key to another table
and then need to add properties to that relationship, you create an
intermediate 'join table' and add the properties there.

I definitely still think you will need to expand your
producer-asset-consumer triple to be a producer-x-asset-consumer, where the
'x' is the 'join table' that allows a consumer to subscribe to assets by a
particular producer. Which is what you want, right?

I will answer, based on my model suggestion, each of the queries you ask

1. Given a Consumer, what Assets does it subscribe to?

Traverse from consumer along both outgoing 'subscribes_to' and outgoing
'is_a' relationships, and you will get all assets regardless of whether the
consumer subscribes to the asset in general, or the specific producer-asset.

 2. Given a Consumer, what Producers is it dependent upon?

Traverse from consumer along outgoing 'subscribes_to', incoming 'is_a' and
incoming 'contributes_to' relationships, and you will get all producers of
all assets (specific or otherwise) that the consumer subscribes to.

 3. Given a Producer, what Assets does it contribute to?

Traverse from producer along outgoing 'contributes_to', and outgoing 'is_a'
relationships, and you get the Assets they they contribute to.

 4. Given a Producer, what Consumers are dependent on it?

Traverse from producer along outgoing 'contributes_to', outgoing 'is_a'
relationships and incoming 'subscribes_to' and you get all Consumers that
depend on assets that producer contributes to. This one is more subtle,
though, because it depends on what you mean by 'dependent on'. Since the
traverser I described will not exclude consumers that subscribe_to assets
that are produced by both the given producer and others also (giving the
consumer the choice of producer). If you only want consumers that have no
choice, leave the 'is_a' relationship out of the traverser.

 5. Given an Asset, what Producers contribute to it and what Consumers
 subscribe to it?

For producers traverse on incoming 'is_a' and incoming *contributes_to'. For
consumers traverse on incoming 'is_a' and incoming 'subscribes_to'.

There's other node types and properties within the graph that aren't
 important or that I can't discuss (this is a mock model anyway).

Hopefully the fact that I renamed my AssetType back to your original Asset,
and have a new 'join table', possibly called 'producer-asset' for the
additional concept I added before will make it easier to see how to fit this
model into your existing structures.

What is the consensus about duplicating node data within a network? I can
 see how using indexing or a hierarchy, as you've pointed out, might help
 with that.
 Part of my hangup is that I'm looking at using Neo4J as an adjunct to a
 RDBMS to store dependency relationships. Each node will have information
 that ties back to the RDBMS for lookups. But that doesn't require absolutely
 unique nodes. Keeping the two DBs in sync will be a challenge but I don't
 have the option to push all of the data into Neo4J and I'd rather not manage
 the dependencies in the RDBMS.

I dislike duplicating data in neo4j as much as I dislike duplicating it in a
RDBMS. I'm sorry if I gave the impression in my previous email that I was
suggestion duplication. My suggestion was just the addition of this
'join-table' idea (an extra node in the graph), so make it possible to
capture the concept of a consumer subscribing to an asset and an asset by a
particular producer.

Actually, now that I've talked around it, I think I see how your model would
 work for what I want to do. I'd have to see how a Traverser would return the
 Thanks for your time,

Super. Perhaps I should have read your complete mail before writing this new
one or hopefully the new one, especially all the traverser suggestions,
has helped clarify further ? :-)

Regards, Craig
Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Modeling inheritance in Neo4J

2010-11-25 Thread Craig Taverner
Another factor to consider is multiple inheritance, where you are grouping
the people into overlapping groups. For example, you can have the
users/non.users split, but also perhaps a man/woman split, and this results
in four types. If you are concerned about having to restructure the graph
when adding new types, then I would suggest using a tag approach. This means
you forget about inheritance, keep all person nodes directly under people,
and add tags to the person as and when you need to.

There are two ways to add a tag:

   - Have a ref-tags-tag tree along side your ref-people-person tree,
   and then you can cross link individual tag nodes to person nodes as an when
   you want. This is very dynamic and easy to maintain. If your GUI allows
   users to add tags, you can support that also, by adding missing tags if
   - Use lucene, by adding a tags string property to the person and indexing
   that. This allows for free-form tagging, but does make the whole thing less

My preference, as usual with such things, is to build a graph for it :-)
(ie. the tag tree).

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Yaniv Ben Yosef wrote:


 I'm looking for best practices in modeling inheritance in Neo4J.
 Suppose I have a Person class. In the DB I naturally have a node for each
 person. I'm following the design guide, and created a PEOPLE subreference
 node, connected to all Person nodes (A and B in the diagram below)

 +--- A
 REF -- PEOPLE --+
 +--- B

 Now suppose I introduce a User class, that extends Person. I thought about
 couple of options:
 1. I could just connect the user nodes to the PEOPLE node, but then it
 be more difficult to traverse only users.

 2. Adding another layer of sub-referencing

 +--- USERS +-- C
 |   |
 REF -- PEOPLE --+   +-- D
 +--- NONUSERS -+-- A
 +-- B

 So there's the USERS node that is connected to all user nodes, and a
 NONUSERS node that is connected to all of the concrete Person nodes.
 This way the Person and User factories handle the connections to each
 subreference node.
 The downside of this is that as I introduce more types in the class
 hierarchy I need to start rewiring everything, which can be quite tedious
 present and very costly in the long run.

 3. Perhaps a better way is to avoid the NONUSERS node, keep the concrete
 People (A and B in this example) connected to the PEOPLE node [Option2]:

 +--- USERS +-- C
 |   |
 REF -- PEOPLE --+   +-- D
 +---+-- A
 +-- B

 Of course, I'd use different relationship types so I can tell between
 and and subreferences connected to PEOPLE.

 I'm sure these aren't the only ways, and there may be different ways to
 handle different cases.
 In any event, I'd appreciate your feedback, as well as any additional tips
 related to inheritance. Also, if there's any Neo4J guide for managing
 inheritance that I missed, it would be great if someone would point me out
 to it.

 --- Yaniv
 Neo4j mailing list

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] [SPAM] Re: Datetimes in Neo4j REST Server

2010-11-25 Thread Craig Taverner
Perhaps I'm missing something here, but since Neo4j does not support dates,
then surely neither should the main REST API? If a users application decided
to store dates in strings, then their client code would also already need to
deal with the dates as strings, regardless of whether the client talked to
the database direct, or through REST. Likewise if they used long timestamps.
IMHO it is an application level issue.

My vote is to keep the REST API as close as possible to the core Neo4j. If
dates are added to the core, then add them to the REST API. Until then,
surely this is an application level issue...

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 8:23 AM, Max De Marzi Jr. maxdema...@gmail.comwrote:

 I was thinking about this...Neo4j doesn't really do Dates.  It's Java
 Primitives or Strings.

 So how about we just establish a convention?

 Something like:

 Any field ending in date, time, _at, or _on is assumed to be a
 date (in Unix Epoch milliseconds) and will be converted (from string,
 int, long, float, double) into whatever the idiomatic way for handling
 dates is (in the language of the library being used).

 On Wed, Nov 24, 2010 at 2:15 AM, Mattias Persson wrote:
  Neo4j REST/Server handles array values:
  { array-property: [10, 321, 45] }
  2010/11/24 Max De Marzi Jr.
  BSON seems to have an Array type as well.
  On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 7:40 PM, Javier de la Rosa
   IMHO, the data types that are not supported by the Neo4j REST API are
   Date and Binary data. So it could be a solution add a Neo4j special
   dictionary for these cases:
   streetAddress: 21 2nd Street,
   city: New York,
   state: NY,
   postalCode: 10021,
   birthdate: {
   __ntype__: /Date(36779659600.0)/, # Timestamp in
   Javascript supports BC dates
   __nval__: 1971-02-03T00:00:00  # ISO Format also
   supports BC dates
   On the other hand, I don't know how Neo4j handles Arrays and Objects
   in order to put them like values in properties when they came from a
   REST client. It Neo4j doesn't handle this, then it's not a problem to
   have some special dics for dates.
   All of this come from the limitations on JSON by itself. It's more
   usual of what we think to use a domain specific implementation for the
   JSON interchange. For example, Cassandra uses JSON2SStable to
   import/export data, and mongoDB created BSON [1] to support Date and
   binary data.
   Best regards.
   On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 19:02, Max De Marzi Jr.
   What about:
   data: {name : NeoS::Max}, age: {NeoI::31 }
   data: {name : NeoS[]::Max,Javier,Peter}, age:
  {NeoI[]::31,29,33 }
   On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 4:59 PM, Rick Bullotta wrote:
   FWIW, we store all dates as milliseconds relative to UTC, and pass
   around in that format.  We identify the data types of
   separate metadata structures embedded in the response, making the
   content easily parsable and interpretable by relatively dumb
   -Original Message-
   From: [mailto:] On
   Behalf Of Javier de la Rosa
   Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2010 4:26 PM
   To: Neo4j user discussions
   Subject: [SPAM] Re: [Neo4j] Datetimes in Neo4j REST Server
   On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 16:05, Peter Neubauer wrote:
   Jim, what do you say about that? How type safe can we make the REST
   API? At least I think this warrants an issue over at for this.
   Thank you Peter and Max for the quick response. It would be great to
   have well defined data types in the REST server.
   I hope the solution also works in order to talk to the server what
   types are sent to it, because now we have no way to create Date or
   List objects like properties in nodes or relationships trhough the
   It's not easy manage with Dates and objects in JSON. The proposal in adds some overhead although I
   is a very good solution. However, there wouldn't be backwards
   Best regards.
   Javier de la Rosa
   Neo4j mailing list
   Neo4j mailing list
   Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Modeling inheritance in Neo4J

2010-11-25 Thread Yaniv Ben Yosef

I like the tag tree idea. Quite flexible indeed.


--- Yaniv

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Craig Taverner wrote:

 Another factor to consider is multiple inheritance, where you are grouping
 the people into overlapping groups. For example, you can have the
 users/non.users split, but also perhaps a man/woman split, and this results
 in four types. If you are concerned about having to restructure the graph
 when adding new types, then I would suggest using a tag approach. This
 you forget about inheritance, keep all person nodes directly under people,
 and add tags to the person as and when you need to.

 There are two ways to add a tag:

   - Have a ref-tags-tag tree along side your ref-people-person tree,
   and then you can cross link individual tag nodes to person nodes as an
   you want. This is very dynamic and easy to maintain. If your GUI allows
   users to add tags, you can support that also, by adding missing tags if
   - Use lucene, by adding a tags string property to the person and indexing
   that. This allows for free-form tagging, but does make the whole thing

 My preference, as usual with such things, is to build a graph for it :-)
 (ie. the tag tree).

 On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 12:49 PM, Yaniv Ben Yosef

  I'm looking for best practices in modeling inheritance in Neo4J.
  Suppose I have a Person class. In the DB I naturally have a node for each
  person. I'm following the design guide, and created a PEOPLE subreference
  node, connected to all Person nodes (A and B in the diagram below)
  +--- A
  REF -- PEOPLE --+
  +--- B
  Now suppose I introduce a User class, that extends Person. I thought
  couple of options:
  1. I could just connect the user nodes to the PEOPLE node, but then it
  be more difficult to traverse only users.
  2. Adding another layer of sub-referencing
  +--- USERS +-- C
  |   |
  REF -- PEOPLE --+   +-- D
  +--- NONUSERS -+-- A
  +-- B
  So there's the USERS node that is connected to all user nodes, and a
  NONUSERS node that is connected to all of the concrete Person nodes.
  This way the Person and User factories handle the connections to each
  subreference node.
  The downside of this is that as I introduce more types in the class
  hierarchy I need to start rewiring everything, which can be quite tedious
  present and very costly in the long run.
  3. Perhaps a better way is to avoid the NONUSERS node, keep the concrete
  People (A and B in this example) connected to the PEOPLE node [Option2]:
  +--- USERS +-- C
  |   |
  REF -- PEOPLE --+   +-- D
  +---+-- A
  +-- B
  Of course, I'd use different relationship types so I can tell between
  and and subreferences connected to PEOPLE.
  I'm sure these aren't the only ways, and there may be different ways to
  handle different cases.
  In any event, I'd appreciate your feedback, as well as any additional
  related to inheritance. Also, if there's any Neo4J guide for managing
  inheritance that I missed, it would be great if someone would point me
  to it.
  --- Yaniv
  Neo4j mailing list
 Neo4j mailing list

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] [SPAM] Re: Datetimes in Neo4j REST Server

2010-11-25 Thread Javier de la Rosa
On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 07:11, Craig Taverner wrote:
 My vote is to keep the REST API as close as possible to the core Neo4j. If
 dates are added to the core, then add them to the REST API. Until then,
 surely this is an application level issue...

I wish the Date type were added soon to the Neo4j core. It woul be a
good extra point in traversals.

Javier de la Rosa
Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] [SPAM] Re: [SPAM] Re: Datetimes in Neo4j REST Server

2010-11-25 Thread

- Reply message -
From: Javier de la Rosa
Date: Thu, Nov 25, 2010 10:58 am
Subject: [SPAM] Re: [Neo4j] [SPAM] Re: Datetimes in Neo4j REST Server
To: Neo4j user discussions

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 07:11, Craig Taverner wrote:
 My vote is to keep the REST API as close as possible to the core Neo4j. If
 dates are added to the core, then add them to the REST API. Until then,
 surely this is an application level issue...

I wish the Date type were added soon to the Neo4j core. It woul be a
good extra point in traversals.

Javier de la Rosa
Neo4j mailing list

Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] New IndexProvider not registering

2010-11-25 Thread Mattias Persson
2010/11/25 Peter Neubauer

 Hi all,
 Craig and me thought of registering Neo4j-Spatial as a new
 IndexProvider, so you can set up a NodeIndex with all the geographic
 hints and setup you need, and then just index geometry nodes and ask
 spatial queries over it in order to make the component better usable,
 hopefully as easy as Lucene.

 Now, upon implementing
 and registering it like
 the test
 is failing, saying that no index provider spatial was found.
 Anything wrong in the process?

Sounds great, and be sure to express any difficulties/shortcomings with the
API so that it can improved for these kinds of scenarios.

It may be that you have to make the constructor public (I don't know in what
way the service API uses reflection and all that). Also there's this
assumption that an IndexProvider provides its own data source. The spatial
index provider uses the graph itself (right?) so it could be a problem. Let
me look at and fix that, and then document how that's done for such a
scenario (hopefully tomorrow).


 /peter neubauer

 GTalk:  neubauer.peter
 Skype   peter.neubauer
 Phone   +46 704 106975
 Twitter   - Your high performance graph database. - Scandinavia's coolest Bring-a-Thing party.
 Neo4j mailing list

Mattias Persson, []
Hacker, Neo Technology
Neo4j mailing list

Re: [Neo4j] Release 1.0.0.beta.22

2010-11-25 Thread Peter Neubauer
Great stuff Andreas,
we had a great evening in Barcelona yesterday, showing off the great
work you, Ben and all the others are doing! Fantastic API and

Craig and me are working on getting the Neo4j Spatial supported (at
least the basic features) as a normal index provider in Neo4j. That
would mean that you then in Neo4j.rb can directly ask not only text
queries with Lucene but even spatial queries. Would be very cool to
get that in, too :)

Btw, what does everyone feel about REST vs. native protocols like RMI,
Protobuffers, etc that can support a full Neo4j remote API for
integration, with TX etc and would be optimized for driver development
in other langs, minicing the Java core API capabilities very close?
Any thoughts or preferences on one or the other? Does REST do a
sufficiently good job for production use from other langs? What would
you like to see in REST to get there - top 3 features?

We are just trying to figure out the best way to expose and support
the different Remote options ...


/peter neubauer

GTalk:      neubauer.peter
Skype       peter.neubauer
Phone       +46 704 106975
Twitter               - Your high performance graph database. - Scandinavia's coolest Bring-a-Thing party.

On Thu, Nov 25, 2010 at 8:00 PM, Andreas Ronge wrote:

 I've just released 1.0.0.beta.22

 The big news is that you can now use the rails console while the rails
 application is already running.

 I first tried to access neo4j remotely via RMI and DRb but there were
 to many problems doing that, so
 instead I simply create a read only neo4j db when needed.

 * If a neo4j write instance is already running it will instead start a
 read only neo4j db instance.
 * Upgrade JARS to 1.2.M04
 * Does not automatically start Neo4j when used in Rails. E.g. now you
 can type rails routes without the database starting.

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