Hello again,

it seems like MCF is sending empty data to SolR?

Around 3% of my documents (JDBC- and FileShare-Connector) throw the following 

Error from server at http://myserver:myport/solr/mycore: 
org.apache.tika.exception.ZeroByteFileException: InputStream must have > 0 bytes

While these documents are not even empty, the bigger problem is that the job 
gets stuck in a loop while retrying endlessly to deal with those documents. At 
least that is what "Simple History" indicates.

And I can't see why MCF should transfer this empty data to solr in the first 
place? It's probably me doing sth wrong, but the question is WHAT?

Ah, and one more question for dummies like me: Is there a simple way to search 
through mailing-list-archives?


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