Re: k8s orchestrating Spark service

2019-07-03 Thread Pat Ferrel
Thanks for the in depth explanation.

These methods would require us to architect our Server around Spark and it
is actually designed to be independent of the ML implementation. SparkML is
an important algo source, to be sure, but so is TensorFlow, and Python
non-spark libs among others. So Spark stays at arms length in a
microservices pattern. Doing this with access to Job status and management
is why Livy and the (Spark) Job Server exist. To us the ideal is treating
Spark like a compute server that will respond to a service API for job
submittal and control.

None of the above is solved by k8s Spark. Further we find that the Spark
Programatic API does not support deploy mode = “cluster”. This means we
have to take a simple part of our code and partition it into new Jars only
to get spark-submit to work. To help with Job tracking and management when
you are not using the Programatic API we look to Livy. I guess if you ask
our opinion of spark-submit, we’d (selfishly) say it hides architectural
issues that should be solved in the Spark Programatic API but the
popularity of spark-submit is causing the community to avoid these or just
not see or care about them. I guess we’ll see if Spark behind Livy gives us
what we want.

Maybe this is unusual but we see Spark as a service, not an integral
platform. We also see Kubernetes as very important but optional for HA or
when you want to scale horizontally, basically when vertical is not
sufficient. Vertical scaling is more cost effective so Docker Compose is a
nice solution for simpler, Kubernetes-less deployments.

So if we are agnostic about the job master, and communicate through Livy,
we are back to orchestrating services with Docker and Kubernetes. If k8s
becomes a super duper job master, great! But it doesn’t solve todays

From: Matt Cheah  
Reply: Matt Cheah  
Date: July 1, 2019 at 5:14:05 PM
To: Pat Ferrel  ,  
Subject:  Re: k8s orchestrating Spark service

> We’d like to deploy Spark Workers/Executors and Master (whatever master
is easiest to talk about since we really don’t care) in pods as we do with
the other services we use. Replace Spark Master with k8s if you insist. How
do the executors get deployed?

When running Spark against Kubernetes natively, the Spark library handles
requesting executors from the API server. So presumably one would only need
to know how to start the driver in the cluster – maybe spark-operator,
spark-submit, or just starting the pod and making a Spark context in client
mode with the right parameters. From there, the Spark scheduler code knows
how to interface with the API server and request executor pods according to
the resource requests configured in the app.

> We have a machine Learning Server. It submits various jobs through the
Spark Scala API. The Server is run in a pod deployed from a chart by k8s.
It later uses the Spark API to submit jobs. I guess we find spark-submit to
be a roadblock to our use of Spark and the k8s support is fine but how do
you run our Driver and Executors considering that the Driver is part of the
Server process?

It depends on how the server runs the jobs:

   - If each job is meant to be a separate forked driver pod / process: The
   ML server code can use the SparkLauncher API

   and configure the Spark driver through that API. Set the master to point to
   the Kubernetes API server and set the parameters for credentials according
   to your setup. SparkLauncher is a thin layer on top of spark-submit; a
   Spark distribution has to be packaged with the ML server image and
   SparkLauncher would point to the spark-submit script in said distribution.
   - If all jobs run inside the same driver, that being the ML server: One
   has to start the ML server with the right parameters to point to the
   Kubernetes master. Since the ML server is a driver, one has the option to
   use spark-submit or SparkLauncher to deploy the ML server itself.
   Alternatively one can use a custom script to start the ML server, then the
   ML server process has to create a SparkContext object parameterized against
   the Kubernetes server in question.

I hope this helps!

-Matt Cheah

*From: *Pat Ferrel 
*Date: *Monday, July 1, 2019 at 5:05 PM
*To: *"" , Matt Cheah <>
*Subject: *Re: k8s orchestrating Spark service

We have a machine Learning Server. It submits various jobs through the
Spark Scala API. The Server is run in a pod deployed from a chart by k8s.
It later uses the Spark API to submit jobs. I guess we find spark-submit to
be a roadblock to our use of Spark and the k8s support is fine but how do
you run our Driver and Executors considering that the Driver is part of the
Server process?

Maybe we are talking past each other with some mistaken assumptions (on my
part perhaps).

From: Pat Ferrel  

Reply: Pat Ferrel  

Attempting to avoid a shuffle on join

2019-07-03 Thread Mkal
Please keep in mind i'm fairly new to spark.
I have some spark code where i load two textfiles as datasets and after some
map and filter operations to bring the columns in a specific shape, i join
the datasets.

The join takes place on a common column (of type string).
Is there any way to avoid the exchange/shuffle before the join?

As i understand it, the idea is that if i, initially, hash partition the
datasets based on the join column, then the join would only have to look
within the same partitions to complete the join, thus avoiding a shuffle.

In the rdd API, you can create a hash partitioner and use partitionBy when
creating the RDDS.(Though im not sure if this a sure way to avoid the
shuffle on the join.) Is there any similar method for Dataframe/Dataset API?

I also would like to avoid repartition,repartitionByRange and bucketing
techniques since i only intend to do one join and these also require
shuffling beforehand.

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