The JavaDocs
say that `infoChanged` is a "callback for changes in any information that
is not the handle's state."

*Can I get more information on what counts as a change in information? How
often does this callback occur?*

I am running into an issue on YARN where the Mapper container is failing
due to a timeout. I want to pass a Hadoop Context
periodically update the status to let the Mapper know that the Spark job is
making progress.

I've included some pseudocode below for what I would like to do. This code
would only work if `infoChanged` is called frequently (i.e. if my Mapper
timeout is 10 minutes, `infoChanged` should be called more frequently than
once every 10 minutes).

public static class SparkAppHandleListener implements
SparkAppHandle.Listener {
    private final Context context;

    public SparkAppHandleListener(Context context) {
        this.context = context;

    public void stateChanged(SparkAppHandle appHandle) {
        this.context.setStatus("some update here");

    public void infoChanged(SparkAppHandle appHandle) {
        this.context.setStatus("some update here");

SparkLauncher sparkLauncher = ...
Context context = ...
sparkLauncher.startApplication(new SparkAppHandleListener(context));


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