Dear all,

About the index of each partition of an RDD, I am wondering whether we
can keep their numbering on each physical machine in a hash
partitioning process. For example, a cluster containing three physical
machines A,B,C (all are workers), for an RDD with six partitions,
assume that the two partitions with index 0 and 3 are in A, partitions
with index 1 and 4 are in B and the ones with index 2 and 5 are in C.
Then, if I hash partition the RDD using "partitionBy(new
HashPartitioner(6))", will the new created RDD still have the same
partition index on each machine? Is it possible that the partitions
with index 0 and 3 are now on B but not A? If it is, is there any
method that we can use to keep both the RDDs having the same numbering
on each physical machine?

Thanks in advance.


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