Re: Bug in Accumulators...

2014-11-22 Thread lordjoe
I posted several examples in java at

Generally code like this works and I show how to accumulate more complex

// Make two accumulators using Statistics
 final Accumulator totalLetters= ctx.accumulator(0L,
 JavaRDD lines = ...

JavaRDD words = lines.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction() {
public Iterable call(final String s) throws Exception {
// Handle accumulator here
totalLetters.add(s.length()); // count all letters


 Long numberCalls = totalCounts.value();

I believe the mistake is to pass the accumulator to the function rather than
letting the function find the accumulator - I do this in this case by using
a final local variable

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Re: ReduceByKey but with different functions depending on key

2014-11-18 Thread lordjoe
Map the key value into a key,Tuple2 and process that -
Also ask the Spark maintainers for a version of keyed operations where the
key is passed in as an argument - I run into these cases all the time

 * map a tuple int a key tuple pair to insure subsequent processing has
access to both Key and value
 * @param inp input pair RDD
 * @paramkey type
 * @paramvalue type
 * @return   output where value has both key and value
   public static 
JavaPairRDD> toKeyedTuples(@Nonnull JavaPairRDD< K, V>
inp) {
 return inp.flatMapToPair(new PairFlatMapFunction, K, Tuple2>() {
   public Iterable>> call(final
Tuple2 t) throws Exception {
   return   new Tuple2>>(t._1(),new

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RE: RDD.aggregate versus accumulables...

2014-11-17 Thread lordjoe
I have been playing with using accumulators (despite the possible error with
multiple attempts) These provide a convenient way to get some numbers while
still performing business logic. 
I posted some sample code at
Even if accumulators are not perfect today - future versions may improve
them and they are great ways to monitor execution and get a sense of
performance on lazily executed systems

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Re: disable log4j for spark-shell

2014-11-10 Thread lordjoe
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
 System.out.println("Set Log to Warn");
Logger rootLogger = Logger.getRootLogger();
 works for me

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Re: org.apache.spark.SparkEnv

2014-11-04 Thread lordjoe
I posted on this issue in

Code starts
public class SparkUtilities extends Serializable 
private transient static ThreadLocal threadContext; 
private static String appName = "Anonymous"; 

essentially you need to get a context on the slave machine saving it in a
transient (non serialized) field - at least that is what you want to do in

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Re: How to access objects declared and initialized outside the call() method of JavaRDD

2014-10-23 Thread lordjoe
 What I have been doing is building a JavaSparkContext the first time it is
needed and keeping it as a ThreadLocal - All my code uses
SparkUtilities.getCurrentContext(). On a Slave machine you build a new
context and don't have to serialize it
The code is in a large project at - a work in progress but the 
Spark aficionados on this list will say if the approach is Kosher

public class SparkUtilities extends Serializable
private transient static ThreadLocal threadContext;
private static String appName = "Anonymous";
   public static String getAppName() {
return appName;

public static void setAppName(final String pAppName) {
appName = pAppName;

 * create a JavaSparkContext for the thread if none exists
 * @return
public static synchronized JavaSparkContext getCurrentContext() {
if (threadContext == null)
threadContext = new ThreadLocal();
JavaSparkContext ret = threadContext.get();
if (ret != null)
return ret;
SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(getAppName());

//   Here do operations you would do to initialize a context
ret = new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf);

return ret;

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Re: How to calculate percentiles with Spark?

2014-10-21 Thread lordjoe
A rather more general question is - assume I have an JavaRDD which is
sorted -
How can I convert this into a JavaPairRDD where the Integer is
tie  index -> 0...N - 1.
Easy to do on one machine
 JavaRDD values = ... // create here

   JavaRDD positions = values.mapToPair(new PairFunction() {
private int index = 0;
public Tuple2 call(final K t) throws Exception {
return new Tuple2(index++,t);
but will this code do the right thing on a cluster

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