Have you tried using


AFAICT these config options replace SPARK_CLASSPATH. Further info in the
docs. I've had good luck with these options, and for ease of use I just set
them in the spark defaults config.


On Tue, 17 Nov 2015 at 21:06 Michal Klos <michal.klo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are running a Spark Standalone cluster on EMR (note: not using YARN)
> and are trying to use S3 w/ EmrFS as our event logging directory.
> We are having difficulties with a ClassNotFoundException on EmrFileSystem
> when we navigate to the event log screen. This is to be expected as the
> EmrFs jars are not on the classpath.
> But -- I have not been able to figure out a way to add additional
> classpath jars to the start-up of the Master daemon. SPARK_CLASSPATH has
> been deprecated, and looking around at spark-class, etc.. everything seems
> to be pretty locked down.
> Do I have to shove everything into the assembly jar?
> Am I missing a simple way to add classpath to the daemons?
> thanks,
> Michal

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