
2018-02-09 Thread wangsan

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Generate windows on processing time in Spark Structured Streaming

2017-11-10 Thread wangsan
Hi all,

How can I use current processing time to generate windows in streaming 
window function's Scala doc says "For a streaming query, you may use the 
function current_timestamp to generate windows on processing time.”  But when 
using current_timestamp as column in window function, exceptions occurred.

Here are my code:
val socketDF = spark.readStream
.option("host", "localhost")
.option("port", )

val windowedCounts = spark.sql(
|SELECT value as word, current_timestamp() as time, count(1) as count FROM 
|   GROUP BY window(time, "5 seconds"), word

And here are Exception Info:
Caused by: org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: nondeterministic expressions 
are only allowed in
Project, Filter, Aggregate or Window, found: