We use MapR Hadoop and I have configured mesos-0.18.1 and spark-1.0.1 to work 
together on top of the nodes running mapr hadoop. I would like to configure 
spark to access files from the mapr filesystem (maprfs://) and I'm starting 
with configuring the SPARK_EXECUTOR_URI environment variable in the 
spark-env.sh file to access the precompiled spark version for our environment. 
I have tried the following in spark-env.sh:


but when I submit a job from the spark-shell going throught the mesos master, I 
see this in my stderr log:

WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR

I0819 11:09:59.404290 27027 fetcher.cpp:73] Fetching URI 

E0819 11:09:59.404392 27027 fetcher.cpp:142] A relative path was passed for the 
resource but the environment variable MESOS_FRAMEWORKS_HOME is not set. Please 
either specify this config option or avoid using a relative path

Failed to fetch: maprfs:///mapr/CLUSTER1/MAIN/tmp/spark-1.0.1-bin-mapr3.tgz

I the tried setting  the MESOS_FRAMEWORKS_HOME environment variable in 
/etc/environment to MESOS_FRAMEWORKS_HOME=/usr/local/mesos-0.18.1 and now I see 
this in the stderr log:

WARNING: Logging before InitGoogleLogging() is written to STDERR
I0819 11:05:12.430522  4774 fetcher.cpp:73] Fetching URI 
I0819 11:05:12.430616  4774 fetcher.cpp:138] Prepended environment variable 
MESOS_FRAMEWORKS_HOME to relative path, making it: 
I0819 11:05:12.430635  4774 fetcher.cpp:160] Copying resource from 
cp: cannot stat 
 No such file or directory
E0819 11:05:12.433964  4774 fetcher.cpp:165] Failed to copy 
 : Exit status 256
Failed to fetch: maprfs:///mapr/CLUSTER1/MAIN/tmp/spark-1.0.1-bin-mapr3.tgz

Has any gotten Spark to interact successfully with maprfs?

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