I have two java applications sharing the same spark cluster, the applications 
should be running on different servers. 

Based on my experience, if spark driver (inside java application) connects 
remotely to spark master (which is running on different node), then the 
response time to submit a job would be increased significantly in compare with 
the scenario that app&driver&master are running on the same node. 

So i need to have two spark master beside my applications.

 On the other hand i don't want to waste resources by dividing the spark 
cluster to two separate groups (two clusters that phisicaly separated ), 
therefore i want to start two slaves on each node of cluster, each (slave) 
connecting to one of masters and each could access all of the cores. The 
problem is that spark won't let me. First it said that you already have a 
worker, "stop it first". I set WORKER_INSTANCES to 2, but it creates two slave 
to one of the masters on first try!

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