Re: Pass config file through spark-submit

2018-08-17 Thread James Starks
Accidentally to get it working, though don't thoroughly understand why (So far 
as I know, it's to configure in allowing executor refers to the conf file after 
copying to executors' working dir). Basically it's a combination of parameters 
--conf, --files, and --driver-class-path, instead of any single parameter.

spark-submit --class --master local[*] --conf 
"spark.executor.extraClassPath=-Dconfig.file=" --files 
 --driver-class-path ""

--conf requires to pass the conf file name e.g. myfile.conf along with spark 
executor class path as directive.

--files passes the conf file associated from the context root e.g. executing 
under dir , under which it contains folders such as conf, logs, 
work and so on. The conf file i.e. myfile.conf is located under conf folder.

--driver-class-path points to the conf directory with absolute path.

‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐
On August 17, 2018 3:00 AM,  wrote:

> So can you read the file on executor side?
> I think the file passed by --files would be added under
> classpath, and you can use it directly.
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Re: Pass config file through spark-submit

2018-08-16 Thread
So can you read the file on executor side?
I think the file passed by --files would be added under
classpath, and you can use it directly.

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Pass config file through spark-submit

2018-08-16 Thread James Starks
I have a config file that exploits type safe config library located on the 
local file system, and want to submit that file through spark-submit so that 
spark program can read customized parameters. For instance, {
  db {
host =
port = 1234
db = dbname
user = myuser
passwd = mypass

Spark submit code looks like

spark-submit --class "" --master local[*] --conf 

But the program can not read the parameters such as db, user, host, and so on 
in my conf file.

Passing with --files /path/to/myapp.conf doesn't work either.

What is the correct way to submit that kind of conf file so that my spark job 
can read customized parameters from there?
