RE: RDD caching, memory & network input

2015-01-28 Thread Andrianasolo Fanilo
Each machine has 24 cores, but I assume each executor on a machine is 
attributed one core max because I set the –executor-cores property to 1.

I’m going to try a higher memoryOverhead later, I’ll post the results.

I’m caching the parsed version, something like

val matrix = PredictionReader.getFeatures(…).cache

Where getFeatures() loads the file then parses it.

De : Sandy Ryza []
Envoyé : mercredi 28 janvier 2015 17:12
À : Andrianasolo Fanilo
Cc :
Objet : Re: RDD caching, memory & network input

Hi Fanilo,

How many cores are you using per executor?  Are you aware that you can combat 
the "container is running beyond physical memory limits" error by bumping the 
spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead property?

Also, are you caching the parsed version or the text?


On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 4:25 AM, Andrianasolo Fanilo>> 
Hello Spark fellows ☺,

I think I need some help to understand how .cache and task input works within a 

I have an 7 GB input matrix in HDFS that I load using .textFile(). I also have 
a config file which contains an array of 12 Logistic Regression Model 
parameters, loaded as an Array[String], let’s call it models.

Then I basically apply each model to each line (as a LabeledPoint) of my matrix 
as following :

val matrix = sc.textFile(// HDFS path to matrix)…(parse matrix to make 
RDD[(String, LabeledPoint)] model =>
val weights = // parse model, which is an Array[String], to a 
Vector to give to LogisticRegressionModel
val rl = new LogisticRegressionModel(weigths, intercept)

   point => rl.predict(point._2.features) match {
   case 1.0 => Seq(“cool”)
   case 0.0 => Seq()

It seems normal to cache the matrix, since otherwise I’m going to read it 12 
times, each per model.

So…I launch my job on a 3 machines YARN cluster, using 18 executors with 
4GB memory each and 1 executor core.

When I don’t cache the matrix, the job executes in 12 minutes, and going to 
Spark UI I can see that each task has a 128 MB Hadoop input which is normal.

When I cache the matrix before going through the part, the first 
tasks process data from Hadoop input, and the matrix is completely stored 
in-memory (verified in the Storage tab of Spark UI). Unfortunately, the job 
takes 48 minutes instead of 12 minutes, because very few tasks actually read 
directly from memory afterwards, most tasks have network input and NODE_LOCAL 
locality level and those tasks take triple the time than tasks with Hadoop 
input or memory input.

Can you confirm my initial thoughts that :

• There are 18 executors on 3 machines, so 6 executors per machine

• One partition from matrix rdd is stored into one executor

• When a task needs to compute a partition in memory, it tries to get 
itself allocated on the executor that stores the partition

• If the executor is already dealing with a task, it is going to 
another executor on the same machine and then “downloads” the partition, hence 
the network input

If that is the case, how would you deal with the problem  :

• Answer 1 : Higher number of cores per executor ? (that got me a 
Container [pid=55355,containerID=container_1422284274724_0066_01_10] is 
running beyond physical memory limits from YARN, sadly)

• Answer 2 : Higher spark.locality.wait ? Since each task takes about 8 
seconds and it’s at 3 by default

• Answer 3 : Replicate the partitions ?

• Answer 4 : Something only you guys know that I am not aware of ?

• Bonus answer : don’t cache, it is not needed here



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Re: RDD caching, memory & network input

2015-01-28 Thread Sandy Ryza
Hi Fanilo,

How many cores are you using per executor?  Are you aware that you can
combat the "container is running beyond physical memory limits" error by
bumping the spark.yarn.executor.memoryOverhead property?

Also, are you caching the parsed version or the text?


On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 4:25 AM, Andrianasolo Fanilo <> wrote:

>  Hello Spark fellows J,
> I think I need some help to understand how .cache and task input works
> within a job.
> I have an 7 GB input matrix in HDFS that I load using .textFile(). I also
> have a config file which contains an array of 12 Logistic Regression Model
> parameters, loaded as an Array[String], let’s call it models.
> Then I basically apply each model to each line (as a LabeledPoint) of my
> matrix as following :
> val matrix = sc.textFile*(// HDFS path to matrix)…(parse matrix to make
> RDD[(String, LabeledPoint)]*
> model =>
> val weights = *// parse model, which is an Array[String],
> to a Vector to give to LogisticRegressionModel*
> val rl = new LogisticRegressionModel(weigths, intercept)
> rl.setThresold(0.5)
> matrix.flatMap(
>point => rl.predict(point._2.features)
> match {
>case 1.0 => Seq(“cool”)
>case 0.0 => Seq()
> )
> ).reduce(_++_)
> It seems normal to cache the matrix, since otherwise I’m going to read it
> 12 times, each per model.
> So…I launch my job on a 3 machines YARN cluster, using 18 executors
> with 4GB memory each and 1 executor core.
> When I don’t cache the matrix, the job executes in 12 minutes, and going
> to Spark UI I can see that each task has a 128 MB Hadoop input which is
> normal.
> When I cache the matrix before going through the part, the
> first tasks process data from Hadoop input, and the matrix is completely
> stored in-memory (verified in the Storage tab of Spark UI). Unfortunately,
> the job takes 48 minutes instead of 12 minutes, because very few tasks
> actually read directly from memory afterwards, most tasks have network
> input and NODE_LOCAL locality level and those tasks take triple the time
> than tasks with Hadoop input or memory input.
> Can you confirm my initial thoughts that :
> · There are 18 executors on 3 machines, so 6 executors per machine
> · One partition from matrix rdd is stored into one executor
> · When a task needs to compute a partition in memory, it tries to
> get itself allocated on the executor that stores the partition
> · If the executor is already dealing with a task, it is going to
> another executor on the same machine and then “downloads” the partition,
> hence the network input
> ?
> If that is the case, how would you deal with the problem  :
> · Answer 1 : Higher number of cores per executor ? (that got me a 
> *Container
> [pid=55355,containerID=container_1422284274724_0066_01_10] is running
> beyond physical memory limits *from YARN, sadly)
> · Answer 2 : Higher spark.locality.wait ? Since each task takes
> about 8 seconds and it’s at 3 by default
> · Answer 3 : Replicate the partitions ?
> · Answer 4 : Something only you guys know that I am not aware of ?
> · Bonus answer : don’t cache, it is not needed here
> Regards,
> Fanilo
> --
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RDD caching, memory & network input

2015-01-28 Thread Andrianasolo Fanilo
Hello Spark fellows :),

I think I need some help to understand how .cache and task input works within a 

I have an 7 GB input matrix in HDFS that I load using .textFile(). I also have 
a config file which contains an array of 12 Logistic Regression Model 
parameters, loaded as an Array[String], let's call it models.

Then I basically apply each model to each line (as a LabeledPoint) of my matrix 
as following :

val matrix = sc.textFile(// HDFS path to matrix)...(parse matrix to make 
RDD[(String, LabeledPoint)] model =>
val weights = // parse model, which is an Array[String], to a 
Vector to give to LogisticRegressionModel
val rl = new LogisticRegressionModel(weigths, intercept)

   point => rl.predict(point._2.features) match {
   case 1.0 => Seq("cool")
   case 0.0 => Seq()

It seems normal to cache the matrix, since otherwise I'm going to read it 12 
times, each per model.

So...I launch my job on a 3 machines YARN cluster, using 18 executors with 
4GB memory each and 1 executor core.

When I don't cache the matrix, the job executes in 12 minutes, and going to 
Spark UI I can see that each task has a 128 MB Hadoop input which is normal.

When I cache the matrix before going through the part, the first 
tasks process data from Hadoop input, and the matrix is completely stored 
in-memory (verified in the Storage tab of Spark UI). Unfortunately, the job 
takes 48 minutes instead of 12 minutes, because very few tasks actually read 
directly from memory afterwards, most tasks have network input and NODE_LOCAL 
locality level and those tasks take triple the time than tasks with Hadoop 
input or memory input.

Can you confirm my initial thoughts that :

* There are 18 executors on 3 machines, so 6 executors per machine

* One partition from matrix rdd is stored into one executor

* When a task needs to compute a partition in memory, it tries to get 
itself allocated on the executor that stores the partition

* If the executor is already dealing with a task, it is going to 
another executor on the same machine and then "downloads" the partition, hence 
the network input

If that is the case, how would you deal with the problem  :

* Answer 1 : Higher number of cores per executor ? (that got me a 
Container [pid=55355,containerID=container_1422284274724_0066_01_10] is 
running beyond physical memory limits from YARN, sadly)

* Answer 2 : Higher spark.locality.wait ? Since each task takes about 8 
seconds and it's at 3 by default

* Answer 3 : Replicate the partitions ?

* Answer 4 : Something only you guys know that I am not aware of ?

* Bonus answer : don't cache, it is not needed here



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