Re: Streams: How do RDDs get Aggregated?

2014-10-21 Thread jay vyas
Hi Spark !  I found out why my RDD's werent coming through in my spark

It turns out you need the onStart()  needs to return , it seems - i.e. you
need to launch the worker part of your
start process in a thread.  For example

def onStartMock():Unit ={
  val future = new Thread(new Runnable() {
def run() {
  for(x - 1 until 10) {
val newMem = Runtime.getRuntime.freeMemory()/12188091;
if(newMem != lastMem){
  System.out.println(in thread :  + newMem);

Hope that helps somebody in the same situation.  FYI Its in the docs :)

 * {{{
 *  class MyReceiver(storageLevel: StorageLevel) extends
NetworkReceiver[String](storageLevel) {
 *  def onStart() {
 *  // Setup stuff (start threads, open sockets, etc.) to start
receiving data.
 *  // Must start new thread to receive data, as onStart() must be
 *  // Call store(...) in those threads to store received data into
Spark's memory.
 *  // Call stop(...), restart(...) or reportError(...) on any
thread based on how
 *  // different errors needs to be handled.
 *  // See corresponding method documentation for more details
 *  }
 *  def onStop() {
 *  // Cleanup stuff (stop threads, close sockets, etc.) to stop
receiving data.
 *  }
 *  }
 * }}}

Re: Streams: How do RDDs get Aggregated?

2014-10-21 Thread jay vyas
Oh - and one other note on this, which appears to be the case.

If , in your stream forEachRDD implementation, you do something stupid
(like call rdd.count())

tweetStream.foreachRDD((rdd,lent)= {
  //val count = rdd.count() DONT DO THIS !

You can also get stuck in a situation where your RDD processor blocks

And for twitter specific stuff, make sure to look at modifying the
TwitterInputDStream class
so that it implements the stuff from SPARK-2464, which can lead to infinite
stream reopening as well.

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 11:02 AM, jay vyas

 Hi Spark !  I found out why my RDD's werent coming through in my spark

 It turns out you need the onStart()  needs to return , it seems - i.e. you
 need to launch the worker part of your
 start process in a thread.  For example

 def onStartMock():Unit ={
   val future = new Thread(new Runnable() {
 def run() {
   for(x - 1 until 10) {
 val newMem = Runtime.getRuntime.freeMemory()/12188091;
 if(newMem != lastMem){
   System.out.println(in thread :  + newMem);

 Hope that helps somebody in the same situation.  FYI Its in the docs :)

  * {{{
  *  class MyReceiver(storageLevel: StorageLevel) extends
 NetworkReceiver[String](storageLevel) {
  *  def onStart() {
  *  // Setup stuff (start threads, open sockets, etc.) to start
 receiving data.
  *  // Must start new thread to receive data, as onStart() must be
  *  // Call store(...) in those threads to store received data
 into Spark's memory.
  *  // Call stop(...), restart(...) or reportError(...) on any
 thread based on how
  *  // different errors needs to be handled.
  *  // See corresponding method documentation for more details
  *  }
  *  def onStop() {
  *  // Cleanup stuff (stop threads, close sockets, etc.) to stop
 receiving data.
  *  }
  *  }
  * }}}

jay vyas

Streams: How do RDDs get Aggregated?

2014-10-11 Thread jay vyas
Hi spark !

I dont quite yet understand the semantics of RDDs in a streaming context
very well yet.

Are there any examples of how to implement CustomInputDStreams, with
corresponding Receivers in the docs ?

Ive hacked together a  custom stream, which is being opened and is
consuming data internally, however,  it is not empty RDDs, even though I am
calling store(...) mutliple times - however, Im relying on the default
implementation of store(...) which may be a mistake on my end.

By making my slide duration  small, I can make sure that indeed the job
finishes - however im not quite sure how we're supposed to shuttle data
from the ReceiverInputDStream into RDDs ?
