Re: Linking page

2010-05-21 Thread Denis Cabasson
I personnaly prefer to use the same Action for things that are logically 
grouped. So in your case, I would use the execute method to return 
SUCCESS, pointing to the jsp, and a doSearch method with SEARCH result, 
pointing to the other JSP. That way, you have only one action for both JSP.

I don't like going straight to the JSP, as you lose all of the struts 2 
benefits, and so I prefer everybody to go through their action, even if 
that sometimes means having a execute method that just return SUCCESS.

We are using so many struts default functionnalities that only work with 
the underlying actions (like resource bundles, etc..) that I really 
couldn't live without an action.


Le 2010-05-21 07:59, Fabio Perfetti a écrit :

Hi all,
i am wondering what is the best way for link a page to other.
Imagine this scenario:

Index Page with a menu:
- Search
- Insert

if i click on search, must show a form.
so I use
a href=s:url action='searchForm' /Search/a

in my struts.xml i have an action
action name=searchForm

now i fill the form and on submit, i call the action doSearch

action name=doSearch class=it.tesina.action.Search

So i have 2 actions. one for show the form and one for the true search.
and the same for the Insert.

is it correct? is there any other method more efficient?

Thanks all


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Re: Forms with Multiple Submit buttons (Bug or Expected?)

2010-05-19 Thread Denis Cabasson
Why not doing that on the server side, using the s:token approach? That 
would prevent double submit on the server side.
On the client side, I would say that your disabling the button before 
the form is submitted (the onsubmit technically happens before the 
submit, so that you can uypdate some value before the submit of the form 
actually happens) prevents the value of this button to be sent to the 
server (which makes sense, since it's disabled). I would recommend not 
disabling the button (as the formsubmitted var will be enough to prevent 
a re-submission). If you really want to disable your button, consider a 
timer that would do so 200ms after, leaving time for the form to be 
submitted *with* the value of this button.


Le 2010-05-19 05:41, RogerV a écrit :

For a long while I've been building forms along the lines of

s:submit id=submit type=button label=Continue action=processForm/
s:submit id=cancel type=button label=Cancel

which has worked well. Until today. Today I needed to prevent a double
submit on a form so I chose the quick way by creating a javascript onsubmit
handler to cancel the button after the first click and referenced it in the
s:form onsubmit handler

script type=text/javascript
var formsubmitted=false;
function preventDoubleSubmit() {
if (formsubmitted) {
return false;
var submitButton = document.getElementById('submit');
 return true;

On clicking the submit button, the javascript disabled the button but the
performAction was never called and the form was redisplayed. So I tried
again, moving the javascript to the submit buttons onclick attribute. Same
thing. Looking at the POST through Firebug I see that without any javascript
handlers it looks like;

form dataaction%3performAction=Submit

and with the javascript handlers

form data  i.e the Struts action information is not being attached.

Is this expected or a bug? Am I handling multiple submit buttons in the
wrong way?



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Re: spring, struts2, convention plugin, how to wire an action class

2010-05-13 Thread Denis Cabasson
Jake, the short answer to your problem is : use the struts-spring plugin 
( ). Include 
the jar for that plugin in your classpath, and Struts 2 will use Spring 
to manage the Action lifecycle, meaning you can inject anything the way 
you are describing it above (including String, etc...)


Le 2010-05-13 08:09, Jake Vang a écrit :

thanks. example please? (when you have time).

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:52 AM, James  wrote:

Ahh hmm.

You can use the autowired, You just have to declare you stuff in the spring 
xml. E.g.

bean id=myJDBCString class=java.lang.String 

I think you can also use the @Resource anno as well. Can't think off the top of 
my head.

-Original Message-
From: Jake Vang []
Sent: 13 May 2010 11:44
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: spring, struts2, convention plugin, how to wire an action class

yes. precisely.

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:41 AM, James  wrote:

Oh, did you want your action as a spring managed bean? Ah I think i massively 
miss read you. You want to inject predefined values etc?

-Original Message-
From: Jake Vang []
Sent: 13 May 2010 11:38
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: spring, struts2, convention plugin, how to wire an action class

thanks. i won't go that route. i noticed your example (in the first
response) and i realized that i may trying to push some business logic
into the Action class. and, i don't think that's too good of a
practice. i simply revised my Service class to hold these values
(booleans, String, int, etc...) and now the problem goes away. it's a

if anyone is reading this post and knows how to use struts2 (w/
convention plugin) + spring to construct Action classes, please let me
know. the examples i've seen are only with struts1 (and though not too
complicated, seem verbose with the xml).

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:20 AM, James  wrote:

Yeah sorry, short on time here, didn't see your question at the bottom. Add the 
spring jar from the spring project.

-Original Message-
From: Jake Vang []
Sent: 13 May 2010 11:16
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: spring, struts2, convention plugin, how to wire an action class

doesn't answer the question but thanks anyways.

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 6:12 AM, James  wrote:

Nope, no they are not in the xml for me. I use the @Service/@Repository 
annotations on the class, coupled with the component scan in the Spring xml.

-Original Message-
From: Jake Vang []
Sent: 13 May 2010 11:09
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: spring, struts2, convention plugin, how to wire an action class

well, there's something strange about struts2 (with convention plugin)
+ spring. if your action has a field representing a service,
MyInjectedService myInjectedService, you just have to define that in
the spring xml file. for example, your Action class looks like the

public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {
  private Service service;

  public String dummy() { return SUCCESS; }
  public Service getService() { return service; }
  public void setService(Service service) { this.service = service; }

in your spring xml file (i.e. applicationContext.xml), you simply
define a bean with the id=service. for example,

bean id=service class=my.class.Service/

that's it; you don't have to do anything else. you don't even have to
explicitly say (using XML) to inject this when you are creating an
instance of MyAction. now when a user accesses /dummy, MyAction will
be created and its service field will actually be injected with what
is specified in the spring xml file.

what irks me or  bothers me is that it is not obvious at the moment
how to simply inject strings or booleans into the Action class. it
should be just as simple.

upon analyzing what i am doing, and in light of what you said, perhaps
i am trying to push some logic into the Action class that shouldn't be
there. perhaps i should push the logic to a service class instead. in
this case, this problem goes away. BUT, the question remains, how can
i use DI with struts2 (convention plugin)  and spring on Action
classes? or can i not? if i can't, end of story. if i can, how?

On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 5:44 AM, James  wrote:

Hmm. I use the same combo.

I found at some point I could jsut do

public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {

private MyInjectedService service

etc etc

But I have started doing:

public class MyAction extends ActionSupport {

private MyInjectedService service

I am not sure if that alters the way Struts2/Spring does it. But it does
make it a bit clearer to read.

-Original Message-

Re: spring, struts2, convention plugin, how to wire an action class

2010-05-13 Thread Denis Cabasson
My best guess is that the Action instance used in the web application is 
not actually loaded from the configuration in your applicationContext, 
but directly by Struts 2 (through the Spring Factory, but still Struts 2).

That mean that you will have a bean named myAction in you application 
context, but that is not the bean that will actually be used by Struts 
to serve your request. Struts will create another instance, which won't 
have any of your configuration. This different instance is then 
autowired by type (defaut behaviour) which means your service 
(configured in your context) gets injected because it has the right type.

I can't actually confirm that behaviour, but that seems like the likely 
explanation. I will be able to double check tomorrow.

To check that, I can recommend 2 things :
* Set the autowiring to be by name, create 2 beans named verbose and 
message, and see how that works
* Leaving the autowiring by type, create 2 instances of your service, 
and my best guess is that Struts will crash, unable to decide between the 2

I think what your are missing is the fact that while struts uses Spring 
to manage the lifecycle of its action, it doesn't use the action defined 
in your application context, but will load its own instances, and 
autowire them.


Le 2010-05-13 20:18, Jake Vang a écrit :


thanks for the steps. i went through each of those steps and made sure
my settings/configurations complied. however, i still cannot
initialize Action classes using Spring.

as an illustration of the problem i am facing, i have created an
example that you may download and verify for yourself that this does
not work.

this will download a zip file with an Eclipse project; unzip it. if
you have Ant, you simply type in ant war and the war file will be
created. if you have Tomcat, then drop the war file into the webapps
directory (assuming you have Tomcat 6.0).

if you go to http://localhost:8080/myapp/, you will see four lines displayed.
String from Action: default
boolean from Action: false
String from Service: overwritten
boolean from Service: true

The first and second lines confirm that the String and boolean values
are not injected into the Action class. The third and fourth lines
confirm that the String and boolean values are injected into the
service class.


On Thu, May 13, 2010 at 9:32 AM,  wrote:

Jake Vang wrote:

If you want Spring to create your action class (as opposed to Struts
creating them) then you need to define your action in the
applicationContext.xml file.

how do you do that? here's a couple of ways i have tried that do NOT work.


1) Addconstant name=struts.objectFactory
value=org.apache.struts2.spring.StrutsSpringObjectFactory /  to your
struts.xml file.

2) Addlistener


to your web.xml

3) Make sure that you have the Struts2 Spring plugin installed.

4) Put something along the lines of
bean id=myAction class=com.somwhere.mypackage.MyAction
scope=prototype/  (The scope prototype is important otherwise Spring
creates a singleton rather than a new action on each invocation which is
what Struts 2 expects)

and that should get Spring instantiating your action classes for you.

Although I'm guessing from your response you've already got to that stage.

I'm not sure that I understand what you are trying to acheive with

bean name=/action
  property name=propertyA value=${propertyA}/

If you're trying to inject another class, then the format is on the lines of

bean name=/action
  property name=classA ref=classA/

where you need a setter that matches the name parameter (setClassA(ClassA
classA)) in MyAction. The ref value points to anotherbean id=classA

HTH and I haven't completely misunderstood what you are trying to do.


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Re: Some Spring/Struts questions

2010-05-12 Thread Denis Cabasson

A new requirement means that we need to have available across pretty much
every action a separate, independent bean that carries information that may
(or may not) need to be displayed on the resulting web-pages. I am wondering
what the best way is to make this bean available to each JSP.
We have a case which is pretty much like that. We have decided to use a 
static property in a configuration class to hold this instance. OGNL 
works pretty nicely with static members, using syntax. We are injecting this bean onto the 
static member using the MethodInvokingFactoryBean (see

I'm happy with injecting certain beans into certain actions, but I'm not
clear what I should be injecting *this* bean into. Ideally it should just
pop into existence and be available to the JSPs without the Actions even
being aware that it is there. It's not part of the business logic and is
purely informational. If I have to make it available through the Actions
then I would *like* to be able to inject it into the common base class with
a single configuration and have that work automatically for all sub-classes
(and this would be a useful trick for some other places in the application)
but that does not seem to be possible unless I'm missing a trick?

That's actually possible. We are doing that type of things by using the 
@Autowired annotation, which means that spring needs to find a suitable 
bean to inject there. If you put that annotation on your base class, the 
instance will get injected in all sub-classes. But in that case, it's 
better for the actions to be unaware of that, so I would using the 
static approach. Otherwise, you could use an interceptor to push that 
object on to the stack.


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Re: how to set default focus field in s:form ?

2010-05-12 Thread Denis Cabasson
I recommend attaching the focus to the relevant form element purely 
using Javascript,

ie, including in you JSP :
script type=test/javascript
window.onload = function() {

That way you have a pure javascript implementation, and you can push 
that code to the relevant JSP without having to mess up with your template.

My second recommendation is to use a Javascript framework, instead of 
the plain and ugly javascript as up there (since the example above will 
break if you want to attach more than one thing to the onload).

So rewritten with jquery ( )
script type=test/javascript
$(document).ready(function() {

But the idea is the same in both case, do the focus purely in Javascript.


Le 2010-05-12 14:53, Emi Lu a écrit :

By using tiles,body  is in global_layout.jsp page, for decedent 

I will not be able to set body onload.

Admittedly I don't know tiles, but Sitemesh will copy the body onLoad 

unload functions to the decorating page and I would be suprised if Tiles
didn't support this as well.

For the global page.jsp: if body onload is set, it's for all 
decedents; no, I do not want that.

(1) Do not bother to create several parents layout files
(2) Only one file needs default focus;
Other hundreds of .jsp foucs will be set differently or
not set at all

So, I do need s:form to support focus.

Lu Ying

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Re: Login redirection

2010-04-27 Thread Denis Cabasson

Hi Mark,

To implement security across multiples applications (Struts or non 
Struts), you will have to rely on the container. The container is really 
the best way to go if you want to implement a cross applications sign-on.

Now, about your specific question, I guess we are missing some specifics 
to be able to answer. You will basically have all your login pages 
(L1,L2,L3... ) and I will assume that they all point to that central 
authentication component. Or do you call the component that does the 
authentication another way? Is it a web service? A post to a URL? And 
after that, this component will probably accept a parameter telling him 
where to redirect the user.

Which authentication component are you planning on using? We are using 
Get Access from Entrust, that has this single sign on and authentication 
capabilities is your product the same type of product?


Le 2010-04-27 16:26, Mark Hansen a écrit :

I am working on a Struts 1.x application that has a number of login pages L1, 
L2, L3, ...  If a non-authenticated user requests a page - P - that requires 
authentication, the user will be redirected to one of these login pages L1, L2, 
L3, ... - depending on the context.  Once authenticated, he proceeds to page P.

Now, authentication is being centralized across a variety of applications 
(Struts and non-Struts).  All the login pages from my application (L1, L2, ...) 
need to be redirected to this central security application (outside my control) 
for authentication.  Once the redirected user is authenticated by the central 
security application, the user needs to be sent back to his originally 
requested page - P.

What would be the best way to securely implement this redirected authentication 
in the Struts 1.x framework?


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Re: Issue with logic:iterate Tag

2010-04-25 Thread Denis Cabasson
I recommend using displaytag for displaying tables in JSP :

It comes with support for Grouping (see ) 
which is the feature you are looking for.

I love displaytag for its ease of use, its clean implemtation which 
allows for extension if needed, and for its native support for paging / 
sorting which is pretty much always needed when it comes to long list of 
data. By using displaytag throughout our application we ensure the 
consistency of the user experience when it comes to dealing with tables.

Good luck!

Le 2010-04-24 11:39, Thangavel Loganathan a écrit :

Hi !!

am newbie to struts taglib, my requirement is want display the values from
DB in which there many fields includes date,resource_name, time and
etc.. Based on these 3 criteria i want display in table.

i am getting the values from DB with request scope... and am iterating using
logic:iterate  taglib, through this tag i can able to display the values
one by one for eache and every row am putting a line to separate...

when come to my requirement based on the date , resource name and time i
want display in one row. for example ,


Date   ResourceName Time

14-12-10 XXX  09:00
  YYY  01:00
 ZZ   05:00


15-12-10   AAA   04:00
   BBB 01:00
CC 05:00

Like above want display in jsp..

but am usinglogic:iterate  tagalib ,


Date ResourceName Time

14-12-10 XXX   09:00
14-12-10 XXX 05:00
14-12-10   YYY   01:00

14-12-10 ZZ  05:00


15-12-10 AAA   04:00
15-12-10  BBB   01:00

Like this am getting in jsp .. and my jsp code is below ,

logic:iterate id=item name=list type=com.bean.AppoinmentInformation
 div class=agenda_datebean:write name=item  property=startDate
 div class=agenda_content_container

 div class=agenda_content_list
 ul class=agenda_content

 li class=agenda_schedule_name
 divbean:write name=item  property=rsc_name/  /div
 li class=appointment_schedule_info
 table class=schedule_list cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0
 td width=5%
 div class=bean:write name=item  property=status
 td width=18%bean:write name=item  property=
app_st_hr/   -bean:write name=item  property=app_end_hr/
 td width=77%---bean:write name=item
   property=service_name/   ***bean:write name=item  property=
 (bean:write name=item  property=ctitle_add
/   )/td

 waiting for ur reply

So i want break the condition and i want to compare two list date and
resource name.

how to achieve this inlogic:iterate  or want to use another tag...

suggest me plz ..

thanks in advance


Thanks  Regards,


my skype : thangavel.nathan
gtalk : lthangavel


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Re: Setting selected with s:select tags

2010-04-24 Thread Denis Cabasson

Hi Kartik,

Remove the attribute value from your s:select tag, and in your action, 
preset the value of your attribute actionStatus (on your Action class) 
At least, it is working in my case. Let us know if it is not working for 
you that way, and I will put together a simple example showcasing this.


Le 2010-04-23 20:37, Kartik Kumar a écrit :

I have some thing like this

s:iterator value=actionItems
 tds:property value=creatorName //td
 tds:property value=assignedTo //td
 tds:property value=creationDate //td
 tds:property value=dueTo //td
 tds:property value=externalItemNumber //td
 tds:property value=description //td
 tds:property value=currentStatus //td
 td width=100s:property value=status/
*s:select name=actionStatus value = status'
list=#{'OPEN':'OPEN', 'CLOSED':'CLOSED'} headerKey= headerValue=Change
 a href = s:url action = 'updateActionStatus.action'
s:param name = 'id' value =


But I don't see the preselected value,



On Fri, Apr 23, 2010 at 5:11 PM, Kartik Kumarkrishnan.1...@gmail.comwrote:


Hi Struts gurus,

I am have an object level attribute that is selected from the s:select tag.

   s:select key=search.criterion name=searchCriterion
   list=#{'': 'Select One',
'bean.attributeValue':'bean.attributeValue', 'abc':'abc'}
   required=true onchange=showSearchCriterionField() /

If I want to set 'abc' to selected, then how do do that ? Any advice would
be welcome.




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Re: Using json in Struts

2010-04-16 Thread Denis Cabasson
As of struts 2.1.8, you have (well can, but it's recommended) use the 
struts2-json-plugin rather than the googlecode version (the google code 
one has been transferred to apache as a struts 2 plugin).

To do that, just use the class name org.apache.struts2.json.JSONResult  
) for your json result.

Ie :

package name=package_name extends=struts-default 
result-type name=json class=org.apache.struts2.json.JSONResult /

And include the jar file (can be found at
 or in the complete distribution of struts 2) in your classpath.

So your understanding is good, but you need the struts2-json-plugin- 
file too.


Le 2010-04-16 10:00, sharath karnati a écrit :

Hi sameer,
In  struts having 'struts2-dojo-plugin-' file so we don't need to use 'jsonplugin-0.34.jar'  for using json.  This is my understanding :)
If we are not including 'jsonplugin-0.34.jar' then we cannot use com.googlecode.jsonplugin.JSONResult
With new Struts version how to use json without using any annotations in action.
Can someone please send me some examples for using json in this new version of struts2.
Thanks in advance.
--- On Thu, 4/15/10,  wrote:

Subject: Re: Using json in Struts
Date: Thursday, April 15, 2010, 7:22 PM

Do something like this:

In your struts.xml define result types as follows:

package name=package_name extends=struts-default
 result-type name=json class=com.googlecode.jsonplugin.JSONResult 

then in the action mapping:

action name=action_name class=AutocompleteField 
 result type=json

and put annotation in the getter method in your action class:
public MapString,String  getJson() {
 return json;

and u can use this json map in the jsp page.

I Hope it helps!

sharath wrote:

Hi All,
I'm having following Action
-  Action(Begin) -

public class AutocompleteField extends ActionSupport {

 private String city;
 private MapString,String  json;

 public String execute() throws Exception() {
 return SUCCESS;

 public String getCities() throws Exception() {
 json = new HashMapString,String();

 if(city != null  city.length()  0) {
 CityDao dao = new CityDao();
 ListCity  cities = dao.getCitiesStartingWith(city);
 for(City city : cities) {
 json.put(city.getId(), city.getName() + ,  +

 return SUCCESS;

 public void setCity(String city) { = city;

 public MapString,String  getJson() {
 return json;


-  Action(End) -
In struts.xml file I given following entries

action name=Autocomplete!* class=gov.action.AutocompleteField
!--result type=jsonjson/result  --
result name=success type=json /
When I keep 'jsonplugin-0.34.jar' file getting below error
   java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/opensymphony/xwork2/util/TextUtils
After reading some posts, they said that we should not include this .jar

in this new struts2.1.8 version. I removed this .jar file
I added 'struts2-dojo-plugin-' file in /WEB-INF/lib folder.
When I deploy the application getting below error
There is no result type defined for type 'json' mapped with name

'success'.  Did you mean 'json'? - result
  Can anyone please let me know, how to define 'json' in struts.xml file?

in package level I even added 'json-default'

package name=admin extends=struts-default,json-default
  Thanks in advance.



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Re: [Struts] Internationalization: how to remain in the current page ?

2010-03-29 Thread Denis Cabasson


We use a simple and empty s:url includeParam=get/ tag to loop back 
to the current action/url.

The only thing you have to look for are those unsafe urls: we don't 
have any unsafe urls in our application, thanks to an extensive POST 
then GET approach. Whenever some action is done in the application 
(through a POST), we process this action, update the relevant stuff in 
the database, and issue a redirect answer to a GET url, that will 
display the result of the action. That way, we can reload the current 
page (be it for switching language or just a browser reload) without any 
issue. This approach takes care of the bookmarking issue as well. I 
think this approach way more robust that tinkering with URLs to define 
safe and unsafe URLs.

We had to do a bit a workaround code so that on the redirect to a GET, 
we don't lose all of our context. We actually save the current action in 
the session, and when the get comes back, pop it out of the session to 
place it in the stack. If somebody is interested, I can share that code


Le 2010-03-29 04:55, Alex Rodriguez Lopez a écrit :
Thanks Zoran for sharing your approach, greatly appreciated, I'm 
thinking about implementing a similar interceptor, and maybe replace 
the i18n one so work is done implicitly with only a change in 
struts.xml and the new interceptor.

Em 29-03-2010 02:58, Zoran Avtarovski escreveu:

Hi Guys,

We simplified it for struts to use a simple interceptor. Can’t show the
exact code due to legal crap, but here’s the overview.

In our base action we have a String called requestString, with
appropriate getters and setters. We also have a MapString, String of
unsafe URL’s and their safe counterparts. For example if the unsafe url
was deleteObject.action it’s safe option would be listObject.action

The interceptor uses the following code:

if(unsafeUrls.get(request.getRequestURI()) != null)
responseUrl = unsafeUrls.get(request.getRequestURI());
responseUrl = request.getRequestURI();

StringBuffer rStr = new StringBuffer(responseUrl);
for (Iterator iter = request.getParameterMap().keySet().iterator();
iter.hasNext();) {

String key = (String);
if (!request_locale.equalsIgnoreCase(key)) {
if (request.getParameter(key) != null) { // you can also include
your own parameter specific exceptions. With the tag we used to have
a comma delimited list of excluded parameters.
rStr.append((String) request.getParameter(key));



And then on the page we have:

div class=”localeFlag”a
href=${requestString}request_locale=${localeOpt.lang} img

alt=s:text name=%{“select.”+ attr.localeOpt.lang} /
title=s:text name=%{“select.”+ attr.localeOpt.lang} / //a/div

I had to modify the code to satisfy our people but let me know if you
have any questions. We use a complex parameter filtering process to
unsure that security isn’t compromised.

We’ve had to do quite a bit of i18n which has involved implementing DB
based properties and tighter integration with S2 and spring.


Hi Zoran,

would you mind sharing the code of this tag? It would be helpful 
to me,
as somehow I've been able to link to the same sction with an 
empty url

tag but unable to retain params. Thanks!

Em 24-03-2010 22:42, Zoran Avtarovski escreveu:
  I wrote a small custom tag which builds the link with the existing
  and parameters. This way it just reloads the page. I also included a
  parameter that wouldn’t allow the change (a jQuery dialog would
give the
  user feed back) to take place if there might me an issue with system
  integrity – for example submitting a form twice.

  I have a quick and basic question.
  Regarding internationalization, whenever a user clicks on a link
with a flag,
  i want to change the locale (language)
  of the web application.
  That works well with the i18n interceptor.
  However i always redirect the user to the home page (home.jsp)
when i do that
  because that is how i have setup the input result :
  action name=changeLanguage class=ServicesAction
  result name=input/home/home.jsp/result
  My JSP looks like this :
  s:url id=url action=changeLanguage.action
  s:param name=request_localefr/s:param
  s:a href=%{url} theme=xhtmlimg
  src=%=request.getContextPath()%/images/flag_fr.png //s:a
  So my question is :
  how do you specify the current page in the input result name ?
  so that the user stays on the current page when he changes 

  Thanks for helping.


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Re: validation xml file

2009-11-29 Thread Denis Cabasson

Do you have a result named input tied to your LoginAction? What is it?


Nguyen Xuan Son a écrit :

Dear all
I have these in the LoginAction-validation.xml file
field name=txtName
field-validator type=requiredstring
param name=trimfalse/param
 field name=txtPass
field-validator type=requiredstring
param name=trimfalse/param

but it seems that even there is a error it still continue to implement the file
what should i do if i want it stop implementing the
whenever there is any error appear
thank you very much


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Re: [Struts 2.1.8] Message properties on SUBMIT tag not working

2009-11-29 Thread Denis Cabasson
You should use key to change the text outputted on the screen. You 
should use name as well to avoid the error you are seeing: the name is 
being used as the property to set on your action.

This error is actually a warning, that is not preventing anything from 
working fine in your application. It you are really worried about this 
warning, you can configure the params interceptor to ignore that 
property : see or 

What is the generated HTML code in your second case (the one using key)?


Celinio Fernandes a écrit :
I have a message properties file in my web application.

I use it for many tags such as textfield, text ...
For instance : s:textfield 
It works well except with the SUBMIT tag :
  s:submit name=inscription.button align=center/
  s:submit key=inscription.button align=center/

I get this error, whether i use name or key :

20:33:21,198 INFO  [BeanSelectionProvider] Loading global messages from messages
20:57:09,451 WARN  [OgnlValueStack] Error setting expression 
'inscription.button' with value '[Ljava.lang.String;@7c0c01'
ognl.OgnlException: target is null for setProperty(null, button, 
at ognl.OgnlRuntime.setProperty(
at ognl.ASTProperty.setValueBody(
at ognl.SimpleNode.evaluateSetValueBody(
at ognl.SimpleNode.setValue(
at ognl.ASTChain.setValueBody(
at ognl.SimpleNode.evaluateSetValueBody(
at ognl.SimpleNode.setValue(
at ognl.Ognl.setValue(
at com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl.OgnlUtil.setValue(

Re: validation xml file

2009-11-29 Thread Denis Cabasson

Everything seems to be looking good.

Is your validation xml file in the same package as your action? Are you 
using the defaultStack interceptor stack?

If you leave txtName or txtPass empty, are you still proceeding to 

Something must not be in place, because your example seems simple enough 
and definitely should be working. I tried at my place, and everything's 
working fine, so you must have some misconfiguration somewhere.

Can you share more of your code? What is your complete struts.xml?

Good luck!

Nguyen Xuan Son a écrit :

I think i have it. here is the detail
action name=login class=com.baibai.action.LoginAction
result name=successC0002_Home.jsp/result
result name=inputlogin.jsp/result

Here is the HTML tag for the submit button
input type=image alt=Login border=0 
src=images/login_btn_arr.gif width=26 height=26 style=cursor:hand

Please tell me what should i correct?
thank you very much

2009/11/30 Denis Cabasson

Do you have a result named input tied to your LoginAction? What
is it?


Nguyen Xuan Son a écrit :

Dear all
I have these in the LoginAction-validation.xml file
field name=txtName
field-validator type=requiredstring
param name=trimfalse/param
 field name=txtPass
field-validator type=requiredstring
param name=trimfalse/param

but it seems that even there is a error it still continue to
implement the file
what should i do if i want it stop implementing the
whenever there is any error appear
thank you very much


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Ritsumeikan University, Asia JinZai Project
Master of Information Science
Nguyen Xuan Son

Add   : Japan, Shiga-Ken, Kusatsu-Shi, Kasayama 3choume 1-18 
ShiteiHaimu Rien, Room 103

Tel/Fax  : 81-(0)90-3976 2246
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Re: unstatable implement

2009-11-29 Thread Denis Cabasson

Obviously, if you don't have a session,

ses.get(context) will return null.

And null.toString() that's a nice NPE.

I usually use StringUtils.isNotEmpty for commons-lang :


Nguyen Xuan Son a écrit :

dear all
I have the C0002_Home.jsp and sessionChk.jsp files. The C0002_Home.jsp's
source code is
s:action name=SessionCheck/s:action

the meaning of this source code is to check users session whenever they
enter the webpage
the struts.xml is structured as:
action name=SessionCheck class=com.baibai.action.SessionCheckAction
result name=inputsessionChk.jsp/result
 action name=C0002_Home class=com.baibai.action.C0002_HomeAction
result name=inputC0002_Home.jsp/result

the detail of the file is
public class SessionCheckAction extends ActionSupport{
public String execute() throws Exception {
Map ses = ActionContext.getContext().getSession();
// the user is loginned as an administrator
System.out.println(you have session);
} else {
System.out.println(you dont have session);
return SUCCESS;

however when i tried to enter the C0002_Home.jsp without Login
the error appears
2009/11/30 10:40:07
com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger error
致命的: Could not execute action: /SessionCheck
at com.baibai.action.SessionCheckAction.execute(
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

this doesnt happen if I login into the system
could you tell me where did I went wrong


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Re: S2 Strange behaviour of validation

2009-11-28 Thread Denis Cabasson

Hi Titus,

This behaviour is the standard behaviour of struts 2. Your second 
message comes from the conversion error :

I suppose that your field is of type int (or any number like class). 
Struts will in the first try to convert the parameter value to stick it 
in your variable. Obviously, that won't work (abc isn't much of an 
int). Because if that, struts will output a stack trace in the console 
as warning (it is just for information, not an actual error). And will 
add the conversion error to the list of action errors (see interceptor 

Only after that does your validation kicks in, and of course, at that 
point your value is empty, thus trigerring the required validation.

So, the bottom line is an int validator on a numeric field, when the 
type of this attribute is int is useless as it will never be reached. 
Either change your field to be a String, in which case all validation 
and conversion is up to you, or you will have to dig in Struts 2 to 
handle the conversion error a little more graciously.

Good luck!

Marsman a écrit :


I'm using the Struts 2 validation for my form fields. For a required numeric
input field, I've set the required and the int validator and a custom
message for each of them. But when the user enters none numeric characters,
the custom localized required-messages and a default Invalid field value
message are displayed in the error box. Also a NoSuchMethodException occurs
because Struts tries to store the alphanumeric field value in an action
class property of type string.

Why is a the field marked as required, when the user has entered a wrong,
but has entered a value?

Why is a default message instead of my custom message shown?

And why is there is Struts trying to store the value in a bean property, if
the value is identified as invalid?

Here is my validation:

  field name=myNumber
field-validator type=required
  message key=addEntry.error.myNumber.required /
field-validator type=int
  message key=addEntry.error.myNumber.format /

I'm using Struts The valiidateion XML is assigned to the action
class. The action class implements ModelDriven but myNumber is outside the
model class in the of type Integer.

Thanks for any hints or comments.



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Re: Hibernate/Spring

2009-11-14 Thread Denis Cabasson

From what you are saying, I would have a look at the :

My best guess is that this would fix your issue. If not, you probably 
have an issue with the way you are dealing with your entities.


Chris Cranford a écrit :

I have done a fair amount of reading today on the topic again and
developed a few simple classes to support my service, model, and dao
architecture for using Hibernate 3.3.2 and Spring 2 with Struts2.  The
problem I am currently facing is I get a detached error when deleting
an object and I get a null pointer exception in when
I try to locate an object by its id.

/* */

public T findById(Object id) {
  return(getEntityManager().find(clazz, id));

public void delete(T entity) {

Some posts I have seen say for the delete, you should use
getReference() or merge() in order to get an association to the entity
before you call the remove() method.  I attempted to use the same type
of logic with getReference() during the findById() and it failed.

Am I missing something in my configuration with Hibernate/Spring with
respect to the session factory or something that I need to revisit?
It really seems as though I may have a missing component or a poor
configuration somewhere.

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Re: Hibernate/Spring

2009-11-14 Thread Denis Cabasson

Hi Martin,

I am building a Struts 2 / Spring / Hibernate application, using the JPA 
specification as it seems to be the case here. It is not required to go 
through all the pain of using EJB entities. I am running this 
application both in Websphere and Tomcat, without using the container at 
all. To me the problem is only a JPA / Hibernate problem, and Spring is 
totally able to handle that without having to rely on the container.


Martin Gainty a écrit :

good morning denis

i sent chris a summary of working hibernate examples in Glassfish
the getReference is a method from Ejb3Configuration
the merge method comes from org.hibernate.ejb.AbstractEntityManagerImpl (and 
implements the sessions merge)
whichever app server he will be implementing will have to be configured to 
serve his specific Bean as an EJBEntity..
Glassfish Users list would be more helpful

i hope this clarifies 
Martin Gainty 
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Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 08:45:46 -0500
Subject: Re: Hibernate/Spring

 From what you are saying, I would have a look at the :

My best guess is that this would fix your issue. If not, you probably 
have an issue with the way you are dealing with your entities.


Chris Cranford a écrit :

I have done a fair amount of reading today on the topic again and
developed a few simple classes to support my service, model, and dao
architecture for using Hibernate 3.3.2 and Spring 2 with Struts2.  The
problem I am currently facing is I get a detached error when deleting
an object and I get a null pointer exception in when
I try to locate an object by its id.

/* */

public T findById(Object id) {
  return(getEntityManager().find(clazz, id));

public void delete(T entity) {

Some posts I have seen say for the delete, you should use
getReference() or merge() in order to get an association to the entity
before you call the remove() method.  I attempted to use the same type
of logic with getReference() during the findById() and it failed.

Am I missing something in my configuration with Hibernate/Spring with
respect to the session factory or something that I need to revisit?
It really seems as though I may have a missing component or a poor
configuration somewhere.

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Re: Struts 2.1.8 and Tiles

2009-10-17 Thread Denis Cabasson

Make sure to use the tiles plugin as described in :

I am using it, and have no issue so far with it. Your error seems to be 
in the result you are redirecting to. How is your action tied up?


Sommers, Elizabeth a écrit :

Is it possible to use 2.1.8 with tiles.  I have tried everything I can
think of.  Currently I am getting an error from

It says that 




And then the rest of the stack.

If 2.1.8 doesn't work with Tiles, what is the newest version that does?


Elizabeth Sommers
Build and Release Engineer
Pragmatics, Inc.

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protected information of Pragmatics, Inc. Any unauthorized review, use,
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received this communication in error and are not the intended recipient,
please immediately notify the sender of this message by reply e-mail and
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Re: Struts2 on Websphere 6.1 : 404 errors

2009-10-17 Thread Denis Cabasson
I concur. We are using struts 2.1.8 with WAS and there is no 
way around this variable. It is documented in our installation 
procedure, and you will never get any filter based framework to work 
unless you set this variable.

The default Websphere behaviour (without this variable that is) seems to 
first check for the target URL existence, before processing the filters. 
Or with Struts 2, there is no such target (as the filter answer the 

So yes, you have to use this variable.


Struts Two a écrit :

Yes, it is. If you plan to turn on container security, you need another flag as 

--- On Fri, 10/16/09, Raghuveer.V wrote:


From: Raghuveer.V
Subject: Struts2 on Websphere 6.1 : 404 errors
Received: Friday, October 16, 2009, 1:03 PM
Hi Struts2 Users,
I have problem when deploying application struts2.1.6
application on
Websphere6.1 which was succefully working on
We have used configuration option to make it work as per
available in Websphere forums and Struts2 forums on my
local websphere.
Could you suggest is this the ONLY possible solution to

make struts2 work on
Initially we have received 404 errors.

Servlet filter is not called for URL resources on WAS 6.1 ,
option has been set in server 

The webcontainer custom property
was  set to true as per
below links.

Application Servers - server - Web
Container Settings - Web Container
- Custom Properties



Goggle Refrence: 


struts2 +websphere +There is no Action mapped for namespace
/ and action






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Re: execute() not getting executed

2009-10-17 Thread Denis Cabasson
No out of the box way of dealing with that. You can send your jsp code / 
Action code to see if we can figure out what is wrong.


james billa a écrit :

Hi - I am using struts 2.1.6. From my jsp on submitting the form, the
control goes to my action class, methods prepare() and validate() gets
executed. But after that the execute() is not getting called. I don't have
any error messages printed on my console. I have only system.out in
prepare() and validate(). Can anyone think of any reason why it would happen
or any way to debug this? Thanks.



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Re: Struts 2.1.8: Do we need to escape messages?

2009-10-17 Thread Denis Cabasson
What code are you using to output this message? Is it a s:text? a 

Alex Siman a écrit :

I just have found that Struts 2.1.8 escapes messages, so instead of message
(in browser) like:
User with email registered successfully.

now I get this one:
User with email lt;stronggt;u...@example.comlt;/stronggt; registered

In first example I used to escape only the inserted parameter email.
I am not against automatic escaping of messages. It's good for security. But
I am wonder, how to use expected HTML markup into messages? Maybe you have
any another design solution?

P.S. The downside of upgrades.

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Re: Struts 2.1.8 and Tiles

2009-10-16 Thread Denis Cabasson

Make sure to use the tiles plugin as described in :

I am using it, and have no issue so far with it. Your error seems to be 
in the result you are redirecting to. How is your action tied up?


Sommers, Elizabeth a écrit :

Is it possible to use 2.1.8 with tiles.  I have tried everything I can
think of.  Currently I am getting an error from

It says that 




And then the rest of the stack.

If 2.1.8 doesn't work with Tiles, what is the newest version that does?


Elizabeth Sommers
Build and Release Engineer
Pragmatics, Inc.

Practical. Reliable. Secure.

This e-mail message, including any attachments, is intended only for the
identified recipient(s). It may contain proprietary or otherwise legally
protected information of Pragmatics, Inc. Any unauthorized review, use,
copying, disclosure or distribution is strictly prohibited. If you have
received this communication in error and are not the intended recipient,
please immediately notify the sender of this message by reply e-mail and
delete or otherwise destroy the e-mail, attachments, and any copies.


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Re: Struts2 on Websphere 6.1 : 404 errors

2009-10-16 Thread Denis Cabasson
I concur. We are using struts 2.1.8 with WAS and there is no 
way around this variable. It is documented in our installation 
procedure, and you will never get any filter based framework to work 
unless you set this variable.

The default Websphere behaviour (without this variable that is) seems to 
first check for the target URL existence, before processing the filters. 
Or with Struts 2, there is no such target (as the filter answer the 

So yes, you have to use this variable.


Struts Two a écrit :

Yes, it is. If you plan to turn on container security, you need another flag as 

--- On Fri, 10/16/09, Raghuveer.V wrote:


From: Raghuveer.V
Subject: Struts2 on Websphere 6.1 : 404 errors
Received: Friday, October 16, 2009, 1:03 PM
Hi Struts2 Users,
I have problem when deploying application struts2.1.6
application on
Websphere6.1 which was succefully working on
We have used configuration option to make it work as per
available in Websphere forums and Struts2 forums on my
local websphere.
Could you suggest is this the ONLY possible solution to

make struts2 work on
Initially we have received 404 errors.

Servlet filter is not called for URL resources on WAS 6.1 ,
option has been set in server 

The webcontainer custom property
was  set to true as per
below links.

Application Servers - server - Web
Container Settings - Web Container
- Custom Properties



Goggle Refrence: 


struts2 +websphere +There is no Action mapped for namespace
/ and action






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Re: Struts 2.1.8: Do we need to escape messages?

2009-10-16 Thread Denis Cabasson
What code are you using to output this message? Is it a s:text? a 


Alex Siman a écrit :

I just have found that Struts 2.1.8 escapes messages, so instead of message
(in browser) like:
User with email registered successfully.

now I get this one:
User with email lt;stronggt;u...@example.comlt;/stronggt; registered

In first example I used to escape only the inserted parameter email.
I am not against automatic escaping of messages. It's good for security. But
I am wonder, how to use expected HTML markup into messages? Maybe you have
any another design solution?

P.S. The downside of upgrades.

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Re: execute() not getting executed

2009-10-16 Thread Denis Cabasson
No out of the box way of dealing with that. You can send your jsp code / 
Action code to see if we can figure out what is wrong.


james billa a écrit :

Hi - I am using struts 2.1.6. From my jsp on submitting the form, the
control goes to my action class, methods prepare() and validate() gets
executed. But after that the execute() is not getting called. I don't have
any error messages printed on my console. I have only system.out in
prepare() and validate(). Can anyone think of any reason why it would happen
or any way to debug this? Thanks.



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Re: [S2]All the methods with get prefix are invoked

2009-09-09 Thread Denis Cabasson


The debug tag is inspecting the status of your action to build its 
HTML output, which include knowing the value of test1, and thus calling 
the corresponding getter.

Take out the debug tag, and everything should be back to normal.


Gábor Kovács a écrit :

Hi everyone,

I'm confused, because I don't understand this problem:

I've made a simple Struts2 project. Here are the codes (they're short)


package test.action;

import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;

public class TestAction extends ActionSupport{

public String getTest1(){
return SUCCESS;



package name=test extends=struts-default

action name=test class=test.action.TestAction

web-app xmlns:xsi=; xmlns=; xmlns:web=; xsi:schemaLocation=; id=WebApp_ID




%@ page language=java contentType=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
%@ taglib uri=/struts-tags prefix=s %

style .errorMessage { color:red; }/style
s:url id=test namespace=/test action=test /
s:a href=%{test}TEST/s:a



When I click the link which calls the action named test, I expect that:
Struts can see the struts.xml, then calls the TestAction's execute method().
Yes, it does, but besides, it calls the TestAction's getTest1() method (it
writes getTest1 to the console)...and if I write another method, which is
public and it's return type is String AND it has a GET prefix (getFOO)
it will be called, too.
I don't get it...Why?

Thanks in advance!



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Re: Align issues in struts 2 UI atgs

2009-05-08 Thread Denis Cabasson


I usually use s:submit theme=simple  / s:reset theme=simple 
... / which will generate the buttons only, allowing you to take care 
of the presentation your way.


Murugesh a écrit :

Hi guys

i have tried out but not getting the solution.

i need two buttons in a row


please give me a correct way to implemnt to get output in a single row..


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Re: pagination in struts2

2009-04-23 Thread denis cabasson
Display tag is great for table pagination.
If you are looking for pagination without tables, I'd recommend the pager
tag library :
Custom coding is my least favorite way of solving an issue.
To extract a variable from an action to the page, I'd recommend using a
s:set tag to set a variable holding the list in the page context.
Your example of displaytag is missing :
s:set name=testList scope=page value=testList id=testList/s:set
(before the display tag)


On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 1:01 PM, Stefano Tranquillini wrote:

 i've done a pagination by myself.
 is an Alpha relase :D, not tested but u can set size and page to display:


private ListItem items = new ArrayListItem();
 private int tot;
private int page = 0;
private int size = 1;
private List pages = new ArrayList();

public AllItem() {

public String execute() throws Exception {
   ListItem temp = mgmt.getAllItem();
if (page  0) {
if (size  temp.size()) {
size = temp.size();
int start = Math.min(page * size, temp.size());
if (start == temp.size()) {
start = start - size;
int end = Math.min((page + 1) * size, temp.size());
items = new ArrayListItem();
items = temp.subList(start, end);
tot = getItems().size();
pages = new ArrayList();
for (int i = 0; i  temp.size(); i = i + size) {
pages.add((i / size) + 1);
return SUCCESS;

public ListItem getItems() {
return items;

 public int getTot() {
return tot;

public int getPage() {
return page;

public void setPage(int page) { = page;

public int getSize() {
return size;

public void setSize(int size) {
this.size = size;

public List getPages() {
return pages;


 %@ taglib uri=/struts-tags prefix=s %

 s:iterator value=items 
do your presentation of the data


 this is the menu change the action!
s:iterator value=pages 
a href=s:url action=showShop namespace=/shop
   s:param name=page
   s:param name=size value=%{size}/

 On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 18:28, Andy Sykes wrote:
  I found I had to use the s:set tag to set the object in the request
  before displaytag could see it, since displaytag doesn't know about the
  Value Stack (maybe it should?). Confusingly, displaytag gives you that
  message if it can't see the variable you're referencing, as well as if
  variable is empty.
  eg. s:set name=items value=items scope=request/
  On 23 Apr 2009, at 17:11, Stefano Tranquillini wrote:
  i done this:
  this is the class taht create the list
private ListItem items = new ArrayListItem();
private Integer resultSize;
public AllItem() {
public String execute() throws Exception {
   items= mgmt.getAllItem();
return SUCCESS;
public ListItem getItems() {
return items;
public Integer getResultSize() {
return resultSize;
  this is the page
  %@ taglib uri=/struts-tags prefix=s %
  %@ taglib uri=; prefix=display %
  display:table name=testList pagesize=2 partialList=true
display:column property=name /
display:column property=descitipion /
display:column property=prize  /
  the result is:
  Nothing found to display.
  On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 17:52, Stefano Tranquillini wrote:
  emm i've a list in my session called items.
  so i'd write
  a ok, i'd understand, now works.
  anyway, how can i create the page number below?
  On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 17:40, Bhaarat Sharma
  u have to first create TestList for the code to work
  On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Stefano wrote:
  when i put
  % request.setAttribute( test, new TestList(2, false) ); %
  netbeans said: cannot find construtcto TestList(int,bool)
  and the application goes in a exception:
  org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:
  An error occurred at line: 1 in the jsp file: /jsp/shop/shop.jsp
  TestList cannot be resolved to a type
  1: % request.setAttribute( test, new TestList(2, false) ); %
  2: %@ taglib uri=/struts-tags prefix=s %
  2009/4/23 André Diniz
  It's just a sample pages...
  2009/4/22 Dave Newton

Re: s:url, s:param and german umlauts

2009-04-23 Thread denis cabasson
Escape is escaping you text in an HTML friendly way. your ü was tranformed
to #xFC; (which is the corresponding HTML entity).
The issue is that you were using that in URL that was URL-encoded. So you
#xFC; is transformed to %26%23xFC%3B (with %26= , ...).
So in the case you are using the value of a property as a URL parameter, you
need to set the encoding of that parameter to false (that's pretty much why
this parameter exists on the property tag).
Hope it helps!



 I have solved the problem. There is to set escape=false in s:property,
 s:param name=titles:property value=%{title} escape=false

 But what does escape=false, actually?

  -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
  Von: []
  Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. April 2009 07:51
  Betreff: AW: s:url, s:param and german umlauts
  Does this mean there is a bug in 2.1.16?
  Von: Martin Gainty []
  Gesendet: Mittwoch, 22. April 2009 15:19
  An: Leeb Juergen, TD-311
  Betreff: RE: s:url, s:param and german umlauts
  Vielen Danke,
  Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung
  Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene
  Empfaenger sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede
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  Subject: RE: s:url, s:param and german umlauts
  Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 09:06:58 -0400
  Bestandteil, die setEncoding Methode verwenden
   public static final String STRUTS_I18N_ENCODING =
  description=Include a servlet's output  +
   (result of servlet or a JSP page))
  public class Include extends Component {
   public void setDefaultEncoding(String encoding) {
   defaultEncoding = encoding;
  aber wir sind interessiert, an, die URL Kategorie zu verschlüsseln
  tldTagClass=org.apache.struts2.views.jsp.URLTag, description=This
  tag is used to create a URL)
  public class URL extends ContextBean
   public void setDefaultEncoding(String encoding) {
   defaultEncoding = encoding;
  setEncoding Methode fehlt in der URL Kategorie?
  Verzicht und Vertraulichkeitanmerkung
  Diese Nachricht ist vertraulich. Sollten Sie nicht der vorgesehene
  Empfaenger sein, so bitten wir hoeflich um eine Mitteilung. Jede
  unbefugte Weiterleitung oder Fertigung einer Kopie ist unzulaessig.
  Diese Nachricht dient lediglich dem Austausch von Informationen und
  entfaltet keine rechtliche Bindungswirkung. Aufgrund der leichten
  Manipulierbarkeit von E-Mails koennen wir keine Haftung fuer den Inhalt
   Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 14:34:27 +0200
   Subject: s:url, s:param and german umlauts
   I have a problem with the struts tags s:url and s:param.
   I want to provide a link within me JSP. Therefore I use the s:url and
   s:url id=url_xls action=EinlaufTypen_Bericht_XLS
   s:param name=titles:property value=%{title} //s:param
   The value of Title can include german umlauts, like ü. i.e
   In this case I get the following url in the html-source:
   Can somebody help me to get here a ü?
   I have set constant name=struts.i18n.encoding value=ISO-8859-1
  / in my struts.xml and I have
   %@ page contentType=text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
  pageEncoding=ISO-8859-1 %
   In my jsps.
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Re: debugging jsp pages with struts html tags

2009-04-23 Thread Denis Cabasson

s:debug / is usually helpful (without being a real debugger).


Bhaarat Sharma a écrit :

Is there a way to debug jsp pages that have struts2 html tags??


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Re: [S2.1][Convention] Changing the ActionNameBuilder implemetation

2009-02-11 Thread denis cabasson
Thanks, I will test that and let you know how it is working out.

I have supplied some useful information as a comment on the wiki page you
previously mentionned. I believe this information is important for people
looking for backward compatibility, as I was.

Thanks for your help!

On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 11:10 AM, Musachy Barroso wrote:

 Fixed in trunk. This is the ticket:

 See Overwriting plugin classes in for


 On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 11:15 PM, Musachy Barroso
  The implementation is defined as a bean, but we didn't provide a way
  to change the bean used. That means you can't plugin your
  implementation without building the plugin yourself. I will fix in
  trunk soon, if you want to build it yourself, you need to change this
  and change this line:
  bean type=org.apache.struts2.convention.ActionNameBuilder
  with your actual class.
  On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 10:16 PM, denis cabasson wrote:
  Hi folks!
  I am using Struts 2.0.14 on a project with a fairly big existing
 codebase. I
  just tried to upgrade to struts 2.1.6 (as the release is now in GA).
  We were using extensively the zero configuration approach with the
  codebehind plugin and I am now looking at upgrading to the convention
  My last remaining hurdle is the change in the ActionNameBuilder. The
  uses the SEOActionNameBuilder which is a big change from what we had in
  Struts 2.0.14 : The name of our action is no longer myProfile, but
  my-profile, which involves changing all existing references to the
 action by
  its name (and we have quite a fex of them).
  So I'd like to use the convention plugin, with DefaultActionNameBuilder
  instead of the SEO. I configured struts.xml to have this bean created,
  question is how do I get the convention plugin to use that one rather
  the SEO one?
  Thanks for your help, and keep up the good work, you the struts team!
  Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone? Pink Floyd

 Hey you! Would you help me to carry the stone? Pink Floyd

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[S2.1][Convention] Changing the ActionNameBuilder implemetation

2009-02-10 Thread denis cabasson
Hi folks!

I am using Struts 2.0.14 on a project with a fairly big existing codebase. I
just tried to upgrade to struts 2.1.6 (as the release is now in GA).
We were using extensively the zero configuration approach with the
codebehind plugin and I am now looking at upgrading to the convention

My last remaining hurdle is the change in the ActionNameBuilder. The plugin
uses the SEOActionNameBuilder which is a big change from what we had in
Struts 2.0.14 : The name of our action is no longer myProfile, but
my-profile, which involves changing all existing references to the action by
its name (and we have quite a fex of them).

So I'd like to use the convention plugin, with DefaultActionNameBuilder
instead of the SEO. I configured struts.xml to have this bean created, my
question is how do I get the convention plugin to use that one rather than
the SEO one?

Thanks for your help, and keep up the good work, you the struts team!
