Re: Populate two fields with one value

2007-05-18 Thread Ed Griebel

You should probably be doing this in your action class, not your JSP.
If it should always be set to acc.firstName, then you could just
hardcode a hidden field: input type=hidden

On 5/18/07, Mansour [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

how to populate 2 fields in my action with one value ?
for example I need to populate the first name and last name with one
value for searching:

s:form action=searchAccount method=post theme=xhtml 
h4 Search Account /h4
s:textfield label=id /
s:textfield label=AccountName Contains name=acc.firstName id=fn /
s:hidden name=acc.lastName value=${fn} /

I tried this. This is not working.

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Re: IDE for struts-enabled web application

2007-03-30 Thread Ed Griebel

I agree with Dave, MyEclipse is a decent/good IDE, and unbeatable for
the price, if you're paid by the hour you'll make back the $50
quickly. You might also want to take a look at the Eclipse WTP, I have
not used it personally but I believe it has tools for JSP editing.

Also, you can probably get away with using Tomcat for development and
deploying the war/ear to ServletExec occasionally to verify correct


On 3/30/07, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't want to use MyEclipse too as my company
 won't be paying for it.

Spend the $50; good grief.

AFAIK nothing really supports S2 yet, although I don't
know what the state of WW support was in any of the


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Re: Book recommendations for performance tuning

2007-03-22 Thread Ed Griebel

I'd second that book recommendation. I've read it and there's a lot of
good tips in there.

On 3/22/07, Karr, David [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

One I like is Pro Java EE 5 Performance Management and Optimization,
by Steven Haines.  Note that Steven Haines is associated with Quest
Software and Jprobe (and related products).  Although the book uses some
pictures from those products, it is not in any way a veiled ad for
those products.  In the one section where he discusses actual products,
he clearly discloses his relationship, and gives a very even survey (not
really a review) of the products on the market.

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Re: Time of displaying data on the page

2007-03-20 Thread Ed Griebel


Do you mean to say that the time difference is much less than the time
from when you click the mouse, to when page is rendered in browser?

In your code below, since you are using %=scriptlets% you are only
going to measure the time that the Java servlet itself takes. This
will not take into account the time for:
- an action servlet to execute and forward to this JSP
- any database access to generate the 'users' collection
- translating the JSP to Java code (first time JSP is called)
- the Java to be compiled to a servlet .class file (first time JSP is called)
- streaming the generated HTML across your network to your browser
- browser to load main.css
- browser to render the page

The best way to trace these is lots of debugging statements at
strategic places in your code.

However, the simple way is to use endTime to store the time that the
JSP is executed. If you are using an Action class, store a Date into
the session or request scope, and then in your JSP page, have
Javascript code that stores a datestamp as well. By comparing these
figures you can get an idea of how long some of these steps take. If
you had a lot of data being displayed you could also get a fourth
javascript function to run in body onload= so you could get a
timestamp of how long it takes for the browser to render your page.

Good luck,

On 3/20/07, puchacz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Hi If anybody could tell me, how can I measure the time of displaying some
data on the screen?


%@ include file=/WEB-INF/jsp/include.jsp%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] import=bus.TimeHold%
[EMAIL PROTECTED] import=java.util.Date%

link type=text/css href=./css/main.css rel=stylesheet media=screen


script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
function displayName(){
var myVar = document.getElementById(startTime).value;
var myVary = document.getElementById(endTime).value;
alert(Value is:  + myVar  + + myVary +  + (myVary-myVar));


java.util.Date begin = new Date();

long pomocnicza;
pomocnicza = begin.getTime();


body onload=displayName();

c:out value=${startTime} /

input type=text value=%=pomocnicza % id=startTime

table width=100%


display:table name=users export=false id=currentRowObject decorator=view.Wrapper
display:column property=name title=Name  /
display:column property=lastName title=Last name /
display:column property=school title=School
headerClass=table_head /


java.util.Date end = new Date();

pomocnicza2 = end.getTime();


input type=text value=%=pomocnicza2 % id=endTime/




The thing is that the time which in the pomocnicza2 is much more smaller
then the time of displaying the page. How to check time after display the
If anybody has any idea, please tell me!!! I sit on this problem for a such
a long time, and nothing :(.


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Re: Please help: Struts tags don't evaluate any expressions

2007-03-16 Thread Ed Griebel

I've done EL expressions like you want to do. Try using the -el
version of the html tag:

html-el:text property=num_linea[${i}]/

On 3/16/07, irene [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a problem with Struts tags.
I can't use any expression (EL, runtime) in the tag attributes :

html:text property=num_linea[${i}] /

html:text property=num_linea[%=i%] /

The result is an error: Invalid argument looking up property:

I suppose i have something wrong in my webapp configuration...

I use tomcat 5, struts 1.2.9

Please help!!!
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Re: Need Help -Urgent

2007-03-14 Thread Ed Griebel

Textarea doesn't support the maxlength attribute:

On 3/14/07, Sachin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi ,

i am using below snippet and i am getting the following error :


TH class=tRightCP Description/TH

TDhtml:textarea readonly=${isReadOnly} property=cpDesc *maxlength=**
2* //TD



[3/14/07 14:57:52:094 EST] 715b61a9 WebGroup E SRVE0026E: [Servlet
Error]-[/Pages/adjustReporting.jsp#40;139,8#41; *Attribute maxlength
invalid according to the specified TLD]:
/Pages/adjustReporting.jsp(139,8) Attribute maxlength invalid according to
the specified TLD*

please help me on this.


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Re: Two Struts validation problems

2007-03-03 Thread Ed Griebel

Chris is right, the zero occurs in the java.lang.Integer(String)
constructor when it is passed a non-numeric string value. You would
see this happen in your ActionForm and action class if you weren't
using the validator. The same thing happens with a non-numeric in a
java.lang.Double(String) constructor.

For Struts 1.x, the question of Strings vs. native types in formbeans
comes up about every 6 months, judging from the questions this week it
seems it's that time again. The general consensus is that Strings
preserve incorrect input for redisplay and don't do mysterious
conversions like above, but if native types are used then the formbean
can also be used as a data transfer object for the database layer,
removing a set of DTO (a.k.a. DO, VO, etc) classes. Of course, using
LazyDynaBeans and their ilk let you have the best of both worlds :-)


On 3/3/07, Christopher Schultz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hash: SHA1


Oren Livne wrote:
 Dear Chris:
 Yes, other validations are working. For instance, I also have an
 intRange validation on the same integer field. If I type a letter for
 the integer field, it sets it to 0, displays it as 0, and says it's
 outside the permissible range (which happens to be 1-4). No errors on
 startup. Any idea what could go wrong? :(

 Should I use a String instead of int in my form for that field?

I pretty much always use strings.

If you have your field type set to java.lang.Integer, then its value
will be either null of an actual number. It's possible that the
converter used by the validator will set an invalid input to new
Integer(0) just as a default value. So, for instance, if you enter foo
in for a number, it comes back 0, when it should have been foo (at
least, I would expect it to say foo and an error message).

IMHO, a rejected form should come back to the user in exactly the same
way it was submitted (plus error messages, of course).

Using strings for all form fields /will/ work, but I'm not entirely sure
it's necessary to make that happen. I just know that it works for me.

- -chris

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Re: DynaValidatorForm and BigDecimal problem

2007-03-01 Thread Ed Griebel

It has nothing to do with Struts, the error message is saying that
commons BeanUtils cannot convert the string from the form submit into
a BigDecimal. Turns out that your issue is BigDecimal is not as
permissive as Double when it converts a non-numeric string to a
BigDecimal. If a string is not a number, Double converts it to 0.0,
but BigDecimal will throw an exception, even for an empty string.

Struts copies screen fields to formbean fields in
RequestUtils.populate() before it does anything else including
validation. So, even though there's not a value in the field (actually
*because* there's no numeric value!) populate() re-throws the
exception that you are seeing.

To get it to work you could create and register a custom converter
that will do some checking on the string before it passes it to the
BigDecimal(String) constructor.  You will need a class that extends
org.apache.commons.beanutils.converters.BigDecimalConverter, and
register your custom converter by calling ConvertUtils.register(new
your class(), BigDecimlal.class);

Or, you could instead use an alternate approach that many (me
included) recommend, of having all formbean fields be Strings. You
would have a String display field and a second field that is a
non-string, and have this populated by your action after validation


On 3/1/07, Gundersen, Richard [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


Has anyone had problems with BigDecimal and DynaValidatorForms?

I've got a form with two fields (advisorFee and grossIncome) defined as
java.lang.Double. I want to change them to java.math.BigDecimal because
they are money fields.

If I change advisorFee to BigDecimal, the validation fails when I enter
a value into grossIncome, even though this is still a Double.

This is the error I get:

javax.servlet.ServletException: BeanUtils.populate


[Caused by]...



This doesn't make any sense to me. Is it possible that it's a bug in
1.3.5? Why should changing the definition of one field change the
behaviour of another (they are not linked in any way e.g. in the
validation rules)


Richard Gundersen
Java Developer

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Re: Validation Framework and DispatchAction

2006-12-28 Thread Ed Griebel

Use a page field in your form (set this in your action class before
you call form.validate()) and set page=x in your validation.xml
file. The example below shows using a HTML hidden field page, which
is a different way to set this page variable.


On 12/28/06, Andy Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks Wendy,

Switching validation off in struts-config and invoking manually in each
method where required will work. This can be done as follows:

// validate
ActionMessages errors = form.validate(mapping,request);
if ( errors != null  !errors.isEmpty() )
saveErrors(request, errors);
return mapping.getInputForward();

This should solve my problem as each submitaction that requires validation
validates the same set of data.

However this will not work if there are three methods create and update both
need to validate but each validate against a different set of parameters and
the third submitaction does not validate.



-Original Message-
From: Wendy Smoak [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28 December 2006 16:46
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Validation Framework and DispatchAction

On 12/28/06, Andy Foster [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This validates at the action mapping level so in the above case it
 on update as well as create.

 How do you validate just against the create submitaction of the
 DispatchAction mapping?

I would suggest turning off the automatic validation, and calling it
manually when needed.

Here's an article about it (though the motivation here is different):


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-MY Original Message-
Hi all,

This is probably a common question but have struggled to find an answer so
apologies if I have missed the obvious. Below is an example of issue:

I have a page that uses a single form to hold all the display data but can
perform the following multiple submit actions:

Create - create as a new object
Update - update the original

The page calls / which is represented by a DispatchAction
that has a method for each submit action. This is simple to implement and is
all working fine.

I now turn to the validation framework I want to specify a rule to validate
the name to 3 characters only when the submitaction is create and this is my
problem. So the basic validation.xml entry is:

form name=/process_object
field property=name depends=minlength
arg0 key=name.heading/
arg1 key=${var:minlength} name=minlength

This validates at the action mapping level so in the above case it validates
on update as well as create.

How do you validate just against the create submitaction of the
DispatchAction mapping?


Andy Foster

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Re: Preprocessing of request

2006-12-15 Thread Ed Griebel

On 12/15/06, Anil Kumar T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi ...

Thanks to Ed and Frank for explaining this.. I understand it. One more
question was .. is there a way to avoid mandatory calling it in all the
sub actions, instead the call should happen automatically.

For Ex : I believe ..
when we instantiate a sub class by saying
code SubClass subcls = new SubClass();/code,
the base class constructor is called and then the sub class constructor
is called (hope am correct). Some thing like this am looking at method
level. I think am moving out of struts and getting into the concepts

Use Frank's suggestion of  declaring  execute() in the base action  (I would
also declare it final so it can't be extended) and then define 'public
abstract ActionForward realExecute(ActionForm form, ...)' which is called by
the base action's execute() method. Since it's declared abstract, any class
extending the base action MUST define the method.

Coming to the actual point. I want to have the user name to be available

in all the action class instances with less effort. During the login
time I can get it from DB and then put it in session. And then in all
the actions I need the user name/id for my processing. So as of now am
getting the user name from session in all the actions. But looking for a
better handling

This is what I usually do, if it's just a user name it's not that big to
worry about storing it in the session. There can even be a method in the
base class, protected String getUserName() { ... }. You could also pass it
as a cookie to the browser, but unless you encrypt it, someone could just
change their cookie to a different user id. Browsers don't have any access
to session variables and don't have to get sent back and forth to the


Any thoughts on this point.?

Thanks  regards,

-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 14, 2006 9:03 PM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Cc: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Preprocessing of request

I'm glad Ed replied because I missed your reply Anil... I wasn't
you :)

Ed covered it well... when I do this, I tend to do it slightly
different... I write an Action that has an extra empty method,
realExecute()... execute() calls realExecute(), and any common code,
like your transformation logic, is in execute()... then I extent this
class to create the Actions for my application, I override
and that's that.  Same basic concept, just a slightly different

Still saying filter though :)


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology
(2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
Java Web Parts -
Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

On Thu, December 14, 2006 9:59 am, Ed Griebel wrote:
 You would define a base action that extends
 org.apache.struts.action.Action and includes a method execute() or
 maybe a helper method doSetup().

 Your action classes would then extend this BaseAction class and then
 one of the first things you would do in execute() would be to call
 super.execute() or super.doSetup().

 But, like Frank said, it would be better to decouple your logic from
 Struts by implementing a servlet filter which will work regardless if
 using struts 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, or just plain old servlets+JSPs.


 On 12/14/06, Anil Kumar T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi Frank,

 Referring to your response..
 you might also be able
 to have a base Action that all your Actions extend from, and the base
 action does the transformation before the real work happens.  This
 work if you don't need the transformation to happen before that

 How does this works ? Theoretically I understand this, but how to
 implement this? I mean where do we mention our CustomizedBaseAction
 class name? some where in properties ? Can you tell me..?


 -Original Message-
 From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:03 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Cc: ''
 Subject: Re: Preprocessing of request

 Your best bet most likely is a servlet filter.  Do the transformation
 stuff the transformed content in request as an attribute, then grab
 later in your Actions.

 Which version of Struts are you using?  If pre-1.3, modifying the RP
 one of the few other options as Dave mentioned... you might also be
 to have a base Action that all your Actions extend from, and the base
 action does the transformation before the real work happens.  This
 work if you don't need the transformation to happen before that

 If using 1.3.x, you could write a command to do it and modify the RP

 If 2.x, an interceptor is probably the right answer.

 However, in all

Re: Preprocessing of request

2006-12-14 Thread Ed Griebel

You would define a base action that extends
org.apache.struts.action.Action and includes a method execute() or
maybe a helper method doSetup().

Your action classes would then extend this BaseAction class and then
one of the first things you would do in execute() would be to call
super.execute() or super.doSetup().

But, like Frank said, it would be better to decouple your logic from
Struts by implementing a servlet filter which will work regardless if
using struts 1.2, 1.3, 2.0, or just plain old servlets+JSPs.


On 12/14/06, Anil Kumar T [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Frank,

Referring to your response..
you might also be able
to have a base Action that all your Actions extend from, and the base
action does the transformation before the real work happens.  This might
work if you don't need the transformation to happen before that point.

How does this works ? Theoretically I understand this, but how to
implement this? I mean where do we mention our CustomizedBaseAction
class name? some where in properties ? Can you tell me..?


-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2006 1:03 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Cc: ''
Subject: Re: Preprocessing of request

Your best bet most likely is a servlet filter.  Do the transformation
stuff the transformed content in request as an attribute, then grab it
later in your Actions.

Which version of Struts are you using?  If pre-1.3, modifying the RP is
one of the few other options as Dave mentioned... you might also be able
to have a base Action that all your Actions extend from, and the base
action does the transformation before the real work happens.  This might
work if you don't need the transformation to happen before that point.

If using 1.3.x, you could write a command to do it and modify the RP

If 2.x, an interceptor is probably the right answer.

However, in all these cases, a servlet filter would work, and would keep
your transformation logic abstracted out of Struts itself, so one less
thing to worry about if you upgrade versions later :)


Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM/Yahoo: fzammetti
Author of Practical Ajax Projects With Java Technology
 (2006, Apress, ISBN 1-59059-695-1)
Java Web Parts -
 Supplying the wheel, so you don't have to reinvent it!

On Tue, December 12, 2006 1:17 pm, O'Toole, Joe wrote:

 My application receieves an xml request. I need to perform some
 transformation of this xml before performing business logic etc.

 Is there anyway I can configure through struts that I can invoke a
 class that does this task as I don't want to perform it in the action
 model. Something like the plug-in element in the struts-config.xml
 invokes a java class that adheres to correct interface for performing
 when the app is starting/stopping.

 I cannot see where I can do this and I would really to make this task
 configurable and push it out from the action or model



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Re: log4j configurations?

2006-12-13 Thread Ed Griebel

I've never used Exadel, but you can try to look for a WEB-INF/classes
or WEB-INF/lib directory in your project, they are usually included in
IDE-based execution.


On 12/13/06, Mallik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi friends
i am working on struts in Exadel studio
i am getting the error:
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

i go through google and every where saying that add to
but i don't know how to add to classpath in exadel studio
please let me know how to overcome this problem

thanks in advance

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Re: Query

2006-12-05 Thread Ed Griebel

Start here, it doesn't get much clearer than this, and google for
unfamiliar terms:

On 12/5/06, Jagaran Bubai Das [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I hav done that...
  but how to install and run the sample application i am not clear..
  it would be great if could get some simple steps and some simple application

Narayanaswamy, Mohan [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

First download the struts from
and play with the sample programs.

-Original Message-
From: Jagaran Das [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 5:04 PM
Subject: Query

Hi all,

How to install a simple application in Struts?

I am new to this field.

Please let me know what is good way to start exploring STRUTS.

Thanks in Advance


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Re: Displaying a JSP in a pop-up window

2006-12-05 Thread Ed Griebel

The trick is to use the target=xx parameter in the generated a
tag. Try something like this: In your jsp you will have html:link
target=_blank action=SomeAction/. In your struts-config you will
have action path=SomeAction forward=/mypage.jsp/action


On 12/5/06, Pierre Goupil [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hello, Strusters !

My question is quite simple. As you should have guessed : is there a way, in
Struts / Tomcat to display a JSP, not in the main browser window but rather
in a pop-up window ?

This would but great for confirm requests, errors displaying and such.



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Re: How to get a dynaform in the Action class ?

2006-12-01 Thread Ed Griebel

I prefer dynaforms as I don't need *any* explicit formbean classes.
With a good-sized application there's 30 classes I don't need to
maintain. For a further reduction, use Lazy-flavor Dyna beans, then no
changes to XML are required, just change the action class and JSP.


On 12/1/06, Thomas Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If u add a property in a bean, or remove ...
I think u will have to change the code anyway and recompile ...

2006/12/1, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 From: Thomas Thomas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  There is not much code for a FormBean in Java ...
  I don't see the point to have it in XML



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2006-11-30 Thread Ed Griebel

The easiest way to do this is to turn off automatic validation in your
struts-config.xml and manually call validation in your desired
methods. Something like:

ActionMessages errors = form.validate(mapping, request);
if ( errors != null  errors.size()  0 ) {
  LOG.warn(Errors detected!!);
  return mapping.getInputForward();


On 11/30/06, Juan Espinosa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi to all, im having some problems with validation i have an action named
RegisterCustomer with three methods and an object

RegisterCustomer implements ModelDriven
Customer customer = null;


I want to know if could use validation in this way, telling validation to be
used only in the medthod registercustomer and the results for this method

validationOk - result  registrationView
validationFail - result registrationEnd

I dont want to use the methods input and success, also in this action im
using the interceptor Modeldriven the get the customer The customer is
created upon a session parameter, if parameter is personal i create a
Personal customer, if the parameter is enterprise i create a
EnterpriseCustomer, both extends Customer class.

This parameter class is loaded by another action SelectCustomer, that based
in a pair of radio buttons load the parameter in the session.

I had all working but i cant do the validation work

Please help me !


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2006-11-30 Thread Ed Griebel

Sorry, I assumed you were using S1, I don't know how for s2.

On 11/30/06, Juan Espinosa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Im using struts2, doing in this way works in struts2
In struts2 i have the object mapping and form??

-Mensaje original-
De: Ed Griebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Enviado el: Jueves, 30 de Noviembre de 2006 10:51 a.m.
Para: Struts Users Mailing List

The easiest way to do this is to turn off automatic validation in your
struts-config.xml and manually call validation in your desired methods.
Something like:

ActionMessages errors = form.validate(mapping, request); if ( errors != null
 errors.size()  0 ) {
   LOG.warn(Errors detected!!);
   return mapping.getInputForward();


On 11/30/06, Juan Espinosa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi to all, im having some problems with validation i have an action
 named RegisterCustomer with three methods and an object

 RegisterCustomer implements ModelDriven
 Customer customer = null;


 I want to know if could use validation in this way, telling validation
 to be used only in the medthod registercustomer and the results for
 this method

 validationOk - result  registrationView validationFail - result

 I dont want to use the methods input and success, also in this action
 im using the interceptor Modeldriven the get the customer The customer
 is created upon a session parameter, if parameter is personal i create
 a Personal customer, if the parameter is enterprise i create a
 EnterpriseCustomer, both extends Customer class.

 This parameter class is loaded by another action SelectCustomer, that
 based in a pair of radio buttons load the parameter in the session.

 I had all working but i cant do the validation work

 Please help me !


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Re: need help in Tag-lib

2006-11-24 Thread Ed Griebel

Propertiesid is probably a java.lang.Long, and at some point datain is
this URL above, and the URL cannot be converted to a Long to be
assigned to propertesid. To figure out which one it is, you could
iterate thru the collection and log each element inside your action
before the JSP is called.

As far as having iterated fields populate into a vector (usable in
your Action via a formbean, I assume?), there are many examples on the
internet of how to do this, you could start with or


On 11/24/06, Prashant Saraf [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all..
I had following problem

c:forEach var=data items=${requestScope.List} 
c:forEach var=datain items=${data} 

c:when test='${datain0}'
c:set  value=${datain} scope=session
tda href=edit?id=${datain}Edit/a/td
tdc:out value=${datain} //td



It gives following error

An exception occured trying to convert String
http://localhost:7003/cctc/pic1; to type java.lang.Long (null)

I am having one more problem.. can i assign value came from forEach which
iterate from vector of bean to my  useBean. if yes how.

Thanks in advance

Cup of Java + Suger of XML = Secure WebApp

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Re: Validation XMl entity

2006-11-24 Thread Ed Griebel

Struts validation is generally used only for validations of fields
from HTTP submissions, check out

If you need to validate an XML file, you may be able to use the Apache
Digester classes ( or some
of the J2SE java XML libraries.


On 11/24/06, Vishal Seth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Does struts validation support XML entity.


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Re: html form

2006-11-22 Thread Ed Griebel

In short, no. You should create hidden fields for each of the params
you want to pass.

On 11/22/06, temp temp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a  html form

form method=post action=/firegrant/jsp/fire_admin/awards/spec/check_out.jsp?sortFlag= 

select name=display

option value=10Display Options/optionoption value=10Show 10/option

option value=20Show 20/option

option value=50Show 50/option

option value=100Show 100/option

option value=200Show 200/option


  input type=submit name=go value=Go

  When I  receive request posted from this form I don't get the parameter 
value  display  why?
  Is it safe  to create url with several parameters as in the example 
above and post to that  url ?

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Re: can not reach the jsp file

2006-11-17 Thread Ed Griebel

Does work correctly? I would first try to get that working
because then you will know that your jsp's are in the correct
directory and you are calling the do from the correct directory.

If doesn't work, check out:
- check that you have defined that *.do is mapped to Struts servlet in
your web.xml file. There should be a servlet section which
references org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet and
/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml, and a servlet-mapping that maps *.do to
the action servlet.
- check that your URL is to the correct path, e.g. if you deploy in
test.war and your app server is on your machine listening on 8080,
your url should be http://localhost:8080/test/ and that
should bring up your JSP

If those are set up right, then:
- You want to be able to tell where the problem is, if your action is
not being called, or if it's not forwarding to your JSP
- put some kind of logging (or a breakpoint if debugging) in your
action to verify that your action class is being executed
- print out the mapping you get (mapping.findForward()) to make sure
that it exists and you haven't made a typo, and see what JSP it's
going to forward to.
- You have probably already done this, but make your jsp very simple,
just  htmlbodyh1hello/h1/body/html will do


On 11/16/06, Ken Hu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Dear All:

I'm doing a simple strus test, but all I can see after I try to visit is a blank page.

action path=/Welcome forward=/welcomeStruts.jsp/
action path=/ShowDocs
forward name=success path=showDocs.jsp /

My Action class:
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping,
ActionForm form,
ServletRequest request,
ServletResponse response)
throws Exception{
return mapping.findForward(success);

I can not find anything wrong , could someone please tell me what's
going on here ?

研發部 胡重威 Ken Hu  [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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Re: Dynamically adding row!

2006-11-15 Thread Ed Griebel

It's worked for me using a LazyDynaBean as the formbean and
java.util.Map as the contained object for a given property, and the
framework does populate new records into the contained map for me.


On 11/15/06, Lance Semmens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I realize your field names have to comply with the struts naming (ie so that 
BeanUtils.setProperty() will work. But if your form has a collection that you 
are adding a record to, struts will not create a new record, add it to your 
form's collection then set the properties on it.

Once you do the create and add, struts will then do the populate. That's why I 
suggested the ajax call to add the record to the server side struts form so 
that the subsequent post will populate the fields.

-Original Message-
From: Ed Griebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 November 2006 14:24
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Dynamically adding row!

You can have a form auto-populate from the javascript-generated
fields, you just need to be careful what you call the generated field
names. It will be hard-coded and none too attractive, but it will
work. Look at the rendered HTML to see what format the field names are
as an example.


On 11/14/06, Lance Semmens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The least messy way is to post to an addRecord action which adds a blank 
record to your form. Form must be in session scope. This requires a page redraw so 
is less responsive but this is the approach I often use.

 If you add a row to your table using javascript, struts will not 
automatically populate your form with the new record(s) upon save so you will need 
to handle this in your action. Unless of course you use ajax (which you have said 
you don't want to do) to add the record to your struts form on the server.

 Display tags will work for both suggestions. The javascript option usually 
involves cloning an existing row and blanking out the fields.


 -Original Message-
 From: Balwinder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: 14 November 2006 10:05
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Dynamically adding row!

 Hi All!

 I am trying to add a row in a table dynamically to add new record in
 Struts web application.

 Iam using struts 1.1 and need to implement non-Ajax solution.

 Will display tags has solution to this situation?

 Any help  will be appreciated.

 Thanks and Regards,
 Balwinder Kumar

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Re: Struts 1.3.5 and Eclipse 3.2

2006-11-14 Thread Ed Griebel

YOu don't need to (and never should) extract TLD files from jars and
put them into a WEB-INF directory in your war. Web app servers that
follow servlet version 2.3 and up have been able to extract TLDs from
See for more information:


On 11/10/06, robin bajaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Or actually you can just get it from your project structure, depending
upon your jsp and tld location.

Say your jsp is in WebRoot/   [[ webRoot/abc.jsp ]]
and your tld is lying in web-Inf/struts-logic.tld  {usual tooling/user

Then you can access the .tld as
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld prefix=logic %

I wonder why you dont have the actual .tld files in the web-inf folder
of your webApp. If you actually don't then you can get them from Struts
download site.
Hope it helps,

Paul Benedict wrote:
 The taglib URI should be the the http:// address, not the /META-INF
 location. If you are unsure what the address is, open up the TLD files
 and see.

 -- Paul

 Bruno Melloni wrote:
 I have a strange problem, with Struts 1.3.5 in Eclipse 3.2.
 - struts-taglib-1.3.5.jar is in the classpath.
 - Inside the jar, in /META-INF/tld are the struts tld files.  - I have
 the following in index.jsp:
 %@ taglib uri=/META-INF/tld/struts-logic.tld prefix=logic
 logic:redirect forward=welcome /
 - Eclipse whines about the tag not being known.  I even tried replacing
 the URI with;, but no cigar.

 Any idea what is going on, and how to fix it?



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Re: Validation + multiple Submit buttons

2006-11-14 Thread Ed Griebel

You could turn off automatic validation in struts-config.xml and call
it manually in the action method when you need validation.

If you are using a recent version of Struts you can use
LookupDispatchAction that will call a given method based on which
button was pressed.


On 11/14/06, Andrew Martin [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

JS Free, clunky UI  you don't have to tell us! But those are the 
restrictions we are working on.
It basically means additional actions/forms/JSP's when we want to do anything 
of consequence. Usability is a big issue, but we can't do anyting about it.

I don't think wrapping (nested) forms will actually work. certain form buttons 
are located in the middle of the 'main' form as they cater for a select option 
to another page.

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Lance Semmens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Verzonden: dinsdag 14 november 2006 14:54
Aan: 'Struts Users Mailing List'
Onderwerp: RE: Validation + multiple Submit buttons

A JS free application? You can assume today's browsers have javascript, the web 
would break otherwise. Sure there are some cross platform issues but to go JS 
free is a tall order and will limit you to a clunky UI.

If JS free is your direction, you could wrap your back button in a html:form 
that posts to a different action to your save.


-Original Message-
From: Andrew Martin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 November 2006 13:36
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Validation + multiple Submit buttons


I have just begun to add validation to my forms using struts validator, which 
is quite nice. I have however a problem when I have more than one submit button 
on a form.

For example I have a Save button and a Back button.
The Back button is also a submit (instead of a standard button - basically 
because we are creating a JS free applciation!)

Within the struts configuration the validate is set to true for this action 
with an input page defined.
The validation is set to check certain fields are not empty.

As both buttons call the same action the validation is called on both, but I do 
not want validation to occur on certain submit actions (namely the Back button)

Ideally I would like to configure this in the XML Struts-config.xml or 
validation.xml but I am not sure if this is actually possible (I fear the worst)

If anyone has any tips, much appreciated.


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Re: Dynamically adding row!

2006-11-14 Thread Ed Griebel

You can have a form auto-populate from the javascript-generated
fields, you just need to be careful what you call the generated field
names. It will be hard-coded and none too attractive, but it will
work. Look at the rendered HTML to see what format the field names are
as an example.


On 11/14/06, Lance Semmens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The least messy way is to post to an addRecord action which adds a blank record 
to your form. Form must be in session scope. This requires a page redraw so is 
less responsive but this is the approach I often use.

If you add a row to your table using javascript, struts will not automatically 
populate your form with the new record(s) upon save so you will need to handle 
this in your action. Unless of course you use ajax (which you have said you 
don't want to do) to add the record to your struts form on the server.

Display tags will work for both suggestions. The javascript option usually 
involves cloning an existing row and blanking out the fields.


-Original Message-
From: Balwinder [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 14 November 2006 10:05
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Dynamically adding row!

Hi All!

I am trying to add a row in a table dynamically to add new record in
Struts web application.

Iam using struts 1.1 and need to implement non-Ajax solution.

Will display tags has solution to this situation?

Any help  will be appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,
Balwinder Kumar

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Re: Struts 1.3.5 and Eclipse 3.2

2006-11-14 Thread Ed Griebel

I use the NitroX 2.x plugin for Eclipse (now BEA Web developer or
somesuch) and I too have this problem occasionally. Usually when this
happens doing Project-Clean... will clear it up as this forces the
NitroX plugin to rebuild its internal database. It doesn't always
work, though.


On 11/14/06, Bruno Melloni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think I am being misunderstood.

The problem is not related to building a WAR/EAR and running on an
application server.  Using the TLDs from the jars nor using the URI
(thanks for the clarification Wendy) are fine for running in an
application server.

The problem is the annoying error message from the Eclipse editor.  It
is the Eclipse editor (or the WTP plug-in) that is not smart enough to
recognize the taglibs unless they are physically in WEB-INF.

From the messages in this thread that does not appear to be a problem
with the pre-packaged MyEclipse distribution, but it does affect the
vanilla Eclipse + manually added plugins - even if they are the latest
versions.  Hopefully this problem will go away in a future version of
Eclipse and the WTP.  Maybe they'll copy the MyEclipse solution, and if
I understood James' comment correctly, it might just be a question of a
simple rebuild.


-Original Message-
From: Ed Griebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:54 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Struts 1.3.5 and Eclipse 3.2

YOu don't need to (and never should) extract TLD files from jars and put
them into a WEB-INF directory in your war. Web app servers that follow
servlet version 2.3 and up have been able to extract TLDs from jars.
See for more information:


On 11/10/06, robin bajaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Or actually you can just get it from your project structure, depending

 upon your jsp and tld location.

 Say your jsp is in WebRoot/   [[ webRoot/abc.jsp ]]
 and your tld is lying in web-Inf/struts-logic.tld  {usual tooling/user


 Then you can access the .tld as
 %@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld prefix=logic %

 I wonder why you dont have the actual .tld files in the web-inf folder

 of your webApp. If you actually don't then you can get them from
 Struts download site.
 Hope it helps,

 Paul Benedict wrote:
  The taglib URI should be the the http:// address, not the /META-INF
  location. If you are unsure what the address is, open up the TLD
  files and see.
  -- Paul
  Bruno Melloni wrote:
  I have a strange problem, with Struts 1.3.5 in Eclipse 3.2.
  - struts-taglib-1.3.5.jar is in the classpath.
  - Inside the jar, in /META-INF/tld are the struts tld files.  - I
  have the following in index.jsp:
  %@ taglib uri=/META-INF/tld/struts-logic.tld prefix=logic
  logic:redirect forward=welcome /
  - Eclipse whines about the tag not being known.  I even tried
  replacing the URI with;, but
no cigar.
  Any idea what is going on, and how to fix it?
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Re: setting an an html:text value with another html:text

2006-11-14 Thread Ed Griebel

This general approach would work, but if you can use JSTL, it could be
written much cleaner as:

c:set var=isReadOnlyc:out value=${editable} default=true//c:set
html-el:text property=foo readonly=${isReadOnly}/

You may be able to get away with not even having the c:set statement
and using just ${editable}

On 11/14/06, Puneet Lakhina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On 11/14/06, Adam K [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all , I am attempting to do the following, and it obviously isn't
 working, but I was hoping someone on the list would point me to something
 that might work instead:

 I have this text field and I want to be able to alternate the readonly
 property from true and false.  I tried to put in the below which is bolded

 html:text name=OrderForm property=shipTo
 readonly=WANTTOTOGGLE  /html:text

 html:text name=OrderForm property=shipTo
 readonly=html:text name=OrderForm property=readonly/html:text

 Any thoughts or ideas as to how I could do that in a nice manner would be
 greatly appreciated.

 What is going to happen is that the action is going to toggle the value
 depending on a parameter comming in from the URL.

so supposing your url has something like this

Then you could have in your JSP
logic:present parameter=editable
logic:equal parameter=editable value=true
bean:define id=isReadOnly scope=pagefalse/bean:define
bean:define id=isReadOnly scope=pagetrue/bean:define
logic:notPresent parameter=editable
bean:define id=isReadOnly scope=pagetrue/bean:define

So now your text box would have

html:text property=foo readonly='%=new

I know this is unclean but just doing bean write instead of the scriptlet
thing didnt work for me. You could probably clean up the logic tags also.
But i havent ever done JSTL so...

thanks in advance for any thoughts or ideas.

Hope it helps

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Re: html messages tag

2006-11-13 Thread Ed Griebel

The error message is not related to the logic:messagesPresent tag.
This error is caused by having an html:xxx form field tag (checkbox,
file, text, textarea, password, etc.) that is not inside an
html:form/html:form tag. Look at the erroring jsp's to see where
this is the case.

Often exception traces (if the JSP is compiled with debugging support)
will contain the line in the JSP that caused the exception which can
help a lot in localizing the problem.


On 11/13/06, Puneet Lakhina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am using html messages tag to do custom formatting of my error messages on
different pages.
I have something like this
html:messages id=error
bean:write name=error filter=false /
This usually works fine but under certain conditions I get
Cannot find bean error in any scope
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find bean error in any scope
at org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils.lookup(
at org.apache.struts.taglib.bean.WriteTag.doStartTag(

I don't understand this.  If there are no messages then it shouldn't even
come to bean write isn't it?
I am using struts 1.1 and any errors are added in the validate method of the
form bean.


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Re: DispatchAction help?

2006-11-13 Thread Ed Griebel

You should do validation manually in your action. Set
validation='false' in your struts-config.xml and call form.validate
in the action methods that need to be validated on. For example, do
something like this in a method:

ActionMessages errors = form.validate(mapping,request);
if ( errors != null  errors.size()  0 ) {
   saveErrors(request, errors);
   return mapping.getInputForward(); // if action defines input= in


On 11/13/06, Mallik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

HI friends
i am using DispatchAction but i don't want to validate for some buttons and
i want validate the data for some another buttons
like suppose
i have
 save (to add the data and go to view details page) for this validation
should work
 Add more (to add the data and back to same page) for this validation
should work
 cancel (just go back) for this validation should not work
 View (just go to View page) for this validation should not work

how can i do this
help me please


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Re: logging initialization order

2006-11-12 Thread Ed Griebel

On 11/10/06, Ping Yu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Nov 9, 2006 2:35:23 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.HostConfig
  INFO: Deploying web application archive test.war log4j:WARN No
appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.digester.Digester).
  log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.

  digester.jar is in my classpath and I didn't use any
file in my application directly.

This is exactly why you are getting the warnings. As I said last week,
you need a log4j.xml or somewhere in your WAR
classpath (under WEB-INF will work).

  I have the following questions:
  1) Who initializes Digester logger? Tomcat or Struts? How to get to
  2) When is Digester loaded? How can I get to know? I am using
MyEclipse. Are there any ways to trace the loading of Digester logger?
  3) Since I am not using log4j or Digester directly in my application,
are there any ways that I can load my own log class before
Tomcat/Struts load Digester logger?

The digester is used by Struts to load XML configuration information
for your web application, so therefore is instantiated when an app is
deployed (as web.xml is procesed IIRC).

Some apps use Jakarta Commons logging which allows one to change the
logger that is used. Off the top of my head I don't know what Digester
or Struts uses, you can probably google for this answer. But I think
this is beyond the scope of your question.

If you are not using log4j for your own application logging and don't
care about messages from the Struts infrastructure, then just put a
log4j.xml file with a minimum of info in it, see how to do this.

You could create a context listener which is fired when the
application starts up, but it is much simpler to just put a minimal
log4j.xml file in your classpath, which would solve your problems with


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Re: object[] to string[]

2006-11-10 Thread Ed Griebel

Maybe I'm just being pendantic, but this isn't really related to Struts at all.

java.util.Arrays and java.util.Collections provide a lot of methods to
transform between arrays and collections. You will find your answer
after some reading and some experimentation.

On 11/10/06, temp temp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want contents  of java.util.list   as string array

  Object aObject[]=   list.toArray();
  How can I  cast this to string []?
  Thanks  Regards

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Re: iterate through two collections

2006-11-10 Thread Ed Griebel

Try using bean:write name=collection2[indexId] /. indexId should
be replaced with 0, 1, 2, ... as it iterates and the underlying
BeanUtils will extract the n-th element from the collection. I don't
think this will if you are using an unsorted collection (set, map)
because they don't support get(int)

On 11/10/06, Van Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I have two ArrayList that I need to iterate through:

logic:iterate id=line indexId=indexId name=collection1

  bean:write name=line /

  // write info contained in collection2

  // something like this… but not working??

  bean:write name=collection2[indexed] /


collection1 and collection2 will always have the same number of records…

Any ideas?

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Re: object[] to string[]

2006-11-10 Thread Ed Griebel

On 11/10/06, Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I dont know 'pendantic' so I would suggest System.arrayCopy as in

(Sorry for being pedantic...)

LOL, TGI Friday! :-)

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Re: problem with moving jsp pages under web-inf/ folder

2006-11-09 Thread Ed Griebel

What happens when the JSP is converted to HTML, it is sent to the
browser. The browser then tries to access the css and js files from
the webserver, but since the HTML points to web-inf, it won't serve

One way to do it is to create an action mapping that is just defined
as a ForwardAction, e.g. action path=/css

However, why do you need to protect the CSS and javascript files? Why
not have them outside of the WAR files's WEB-INF directory, then your
http would just have a simple script type=text/css
file=${context_root}/css/my.css/ ? You are not going to keep
anything secret by keeping them in WEB-INF because they are simple
text files and anyone who looks at the generated HTML will see where
the CSS comes from.

On 11/9/06, robin bajaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Everybody,

Can anyone tell me as to how can I make my jsp lying in Web-inf/jsp/ folder
pick the stylesheet and javascript lying
in Web-inf/scripts and Web-inf/css ??

I have SSL enabled my web-app this morning using SSLext release 0 .
I am using Struts 1.2.x with Tiles. Now I can switch from http to https etc.
So,everything is working fine except that my jsp pages
(and other images, css and javascript files) are still lying under WebRoot\
To be specific - webRoot\jsp , webRoot\css, webRoot\images, webRoot\scripts
have the corresponding resources.

I want to avoid direct access to the jsp (and the static resources) from the
(foreg: since my jsp pages are currently in webRoot\jsp, user can still
access them
using http://hostname:port//context-name/jsp/abc.jsp )

So I tried moving my jsp folder (and images, css, scripts folders) to
from webRoot. Since I am using tiles, I also updated the references to the
from /jsp/abc.jsp   to --- /WEB-INF/jsp/abc.jsp

Now when i go to my home page. My images, javascripts and css are not being
applied to the jsp pages. I get plain white jsp page with contents.

Just to make sure, that Tiles is not messing things up. I created a new JSP
page - Web-inf\jsp\non-tiles.jsp
And copied the contents of another jsp that uses javascript and css

And forwarded my index.jsp to an actionForward that points to this
Even this .jsp shows up without applying the css and javascript.

So I thought its a path issue.
I am accessing my javascript and css as
script src=../scripts/oBCTS_scripts.js language=javascript
link rel=stylesheet type=text/CSS HREF=../css/styles.css

Since my non-tiles.jsp is in Web-inf/jsp/ folder , and oBCTS.js file is in
Web-inf/scripts/ folder  (similary .css file is in Web-inf/css/styles.css)
I think the above paths should resolve correctly. But they DO NOT and hence
even my non-tiles.jsp shows up without applying the .css stylesheet and .js
javascript effects.

Just to prove it for myself, I copy-pasted the contents .css and .js files
into the jsp itself and now access them as
script type=text/javascript  [...] /script
style type=text/css  [...]  /style

So this works fine. (After all... :-(
Can anyone tell me as to how can I make my jsp lying in Web-inf/jsp/ folder
pick the stylesheet and javascript lying in Web-inf/scripts and Web-inf/css

Thanks in advance,

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Re: problem with moving jsp pages under web-inf/ folder

2006-11-09 Thread Ed Griebel

You're getting blank pages or no styles because ${context_root} is not
a real variable, the string ${context_root} may even be in your
generated HTML, which would be way wrong.

Actually, ${context_root} was a placeholder for the correct variable
that I didn't know the exact value of off the top of my head, you
probably want to use ${requestScope.contextPath}. If you're not in a
JSTL 2.0 environment you'll have to surround it with c:out
value=.../. Also, the path after the ${} will have to match what
directory you put it into when you build your war file.


On 11/9/06, robin bajaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Ed,
Thanks for the suggestion, I agree with you.
But when I changed my JSP Web-inf/jsp/non-tiles.jsp
to point to my .css and .js in your suggested way, I get weird behaviour in
the browsers.
In IE 6, I get a blank page *(yes a totally white blank page)
In Mozilla firefox 2.0 , I get simple content (as before making this
changes) without applying the stylesheets... what am I doing wrong now.
Here's non-tiles.jsp code , may be you can spot the culprit.
%@ page language=java%
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=bean %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=logic %
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=tiles %
script src=${context_root}/scripts/oBCTS_scripts.js language=javascript
script type=text/css src=${context_root}/css/styles.css/
body class=sidebar
dl id=menu
%-- html:button property=Back
onclick=location.href=''Back/html:button --%
dt onclick=javascript:show();a New Patient/a/dt
dt onclick=javascript:show();a href=listPatients.doView Working
%--dt class=level1Menu onclick=javascript:show('smenu3');Access
Patient Roster/dt--%
dt onclick=javascript:show();a
Patient Roster/a/dt
dd id=smenu3
lia Presentations/a/li
lia Malignancies/a/li
dl id =menu2
dt style=text-align:right; onclick=javascript:show('ssmenu1');
dd id=ssmenu1
lia Adjuvant/a/li
lia Chemo/a/li
lia Agents/a/li
lia Trial/a/li
%-- lia --% %-- robin:
Check with M if this is required here. --%
lia Evaluation/Follow-ups/a/li
%--dt onclick=javascript:show('smenu4');View Images/dt--%
dt onclick=javascript:show();a
dd id=smenu4
lia Scans/a/li
lia Scans/a/li
lia Scans/a/li
lia Studies/a/li

- Original Message -
From: Ed Griebel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: problem with moving jsp pages under web-inf/ folder

 What happens when the JSP is converted to HTML, it is sent to the
 browser. The browser then tries to access the css and js files from
 the webserver, but since the HTML points to web-inf, it won't serve

 One way to do it is to create an action mapping that is just defined
 as a ForwardAction, e.g. action path=/css

 However, why do you need to protect the CSS and javascript files? Why
 not have them outside of the WAR files's WEB-INF directory, then your
 http would just have a simple script type=text/css
 file=${context_root}/css/my.css/ ? You are not going to keep
 anything secret by keeping them in WEB-INF because they are simple
 text files and anyone who looks at the generated HTML will see where
 the CSS comes from.

 On 11/9/06, robin bajaj [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Everybody,

 Can anyone tell me as to how can I make my jsp lying in Web-inf/jsp/
 pick the stylesheet and javascript lying
 in Web-inf/scripts and Web-inf/css ??

 I have SSL enabled my web-app this morning using SSLext release 0 .
 I am using Struts 1.2.x with Tiles. Now I can switch from http to https
 So,everything is working fine except that my jsp pages
 (and other images, css

Re: Struts problem, random properties after every restart of server

2006-11-08 Thread Ed Griebel

I have never experienced this problem, so this is a guess. Since it
always comes up in German, it seems like the German locale is set
somewhere either in the app server or operating system configuration.
Did you check the locale setting on your client's machine and for the
user that Orion is running under? In Redhat there's about 3 places
that Locale can be set too.

A problem like this could be caused by a web server or an OS
configuration, so if you don't have Orion-specific code, you could try
running it on another open-source app server on your client's system
to try to isolate that problem.


On 11/8/06, Philippe Schober [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I am using Struts on Orion 2.0.5 and have some languages (de, sv, en, tr
and so on). en is the default language (

The problem I have only occurs on the clients online system. It is not
reproducable on our test systems, his test systems or locally.

After each restart of the server some texts are in english, some in
german. It just mixes up. Those texts are always the same until the next
restart. So changing the locale, reloading the page or whatever doesn't
change the result. Only restarting the server does. So it seems to be a
caching problem.

I am aware of bug STR-2925 but think that I have avoided that problem.

The strange thing is that it always seems to be german that mixes up with
other languages and none of the others. We mirrored the server and tried
to reproduce it but the problem just didn't show up.

Does anyone have any ideas? Our client is very upset and we are forced to
act. The last resort would be to replace Struts but that would be
something we all want to avoid at all costs.

  Philippe Schober

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Re: how recover a map of a bean in a select list of the jsp and to post the data ?

2006-11-06 Thread Ed Griebel

You need to use either logic:iterate or c:forEach to iterate over your

This deals with arrays but is useful for how to use the iterator and how to
populate a select list:


On 11/6/06, nalimoussa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everybody,

I have to create a map in a bean which recovers the data of a table, I
would like post(integrate) these data in a select list of a JSP?



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Re: DynaActionForm indexed properties

2006-11-02 Thread Ed Griebel

If you are using basic arrays you need to create an array for the item
before the JSP is displayed.

You might want to use a java.util.List instead, you don't need to
pre-allocate when using Dyna forms.


On 11/2/06, Puneet Lakhina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This is the first time I am trying to use indexed properties with
DynaActionForm. Now the number of fields that I will have is not certain. So
does that mean I cant use DynaActionForm. And i don't have normal strings in
my list. I have a custom object.

so what i have currently is something like this

form-bean name=dynaForm type=org.apache.struts.action.DynaActionForm
form-property name=number type=mypackage.Number[] /

I cant specify any size because I don't know the size before hand. So this
has no problems loading the page, but on submit it throws an

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Re: logging system initialization

2006-10-30 Thread Ed Griebel

For a WAR file you are going to deploy: create a or a
log4j.xml file and get it into your warfile under WEB-INF/classes. The
actual process of doing this differs if you are using Maven, an IDE
deployer (e.g. JDeveloper or WSAD), or Ant to generate and deploy a

For a webapp running within an IDE, you will need to put the file in a
directory in your deployed application's classpath. This is highly
specific based on what IDE and plugins you are using, but usually this
will be the WEB-INF/classes directory. It could also be placed in an
arbitrary directory and the webapp's classpath should then include
this arbitrary classpath.

If this has nothing to do with a webapp, then it is not even
tangentially a Struts issue but you will still want to create a or log4j.xml file and have that on the classpath when
executing whatever app you are using.


On 10/30/06, Ping Yu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

People in the list,

  I have my own, and I would like to make a call to my own log 
definitions before initialize/using the digester 
(org.apache.commons.digester.Digester). However, I have no idea how to call my 
own log first. Any suggestions? Thank you very much!

  Right now, I am always getting the log4j warning.


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Re: logging system initialization

2006-10-30 Thread Ed Griebel

...but note that unless you are dong something fancy, log4j doesn't
need any separate initialization steps as long as the log4j config
file is set up properly and in the classpath so log4j's static
initializer can find it.

One problem I have run into before is when there are two log4j.xml
files in the classpath, the first one log4j finds is what is used,
which is probably not the one intended.


On 10/30/06, Chris Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

If you need to initialize anything before the rest of the system gets a hold
of it (like logging), use a javax.servlet.ServletContextListener and process
the contextInitialized() event.  It gets called before anything else in the
context gets initialized.

On 10/30/06, Ed Griebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 For a WAR file you are going to deploy: create a or a
 log4j.xml file and get it into your warfile under WEB-INF/classes. The
 actual process of doing this differs if you are using Maven, an IDE
 deployer (e.g. JDeveloper or WSAD), or Ant to generate and deploy a

 For a webapp running within an IDE, you will need to put the file in a
 directory in your deployed application's classpath. This is highly
 specific based on what IDE and plugins you are using, but usually this
 will be the WEB-INF/classes directory. It could also be placed in an
 arbitrary directory and the webapp's classpath should then include
 this arbitrary classpath.

 If this has nothing to do with a webapp, then it is not even
 tangentially a Struts issue but you will still want to create a or log4j.xml file and have that on the classpath when
 executing whatever app you are using.


 On 10/30/06, Ping Yu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  People in the list,
I have my own, and I would like to make a call to my own log
 definitions before initialize/using the digester (
 org.apache.commons.digester.Digester). However, I have no idea how to call
 my own log first. Any suggestions? Thank you very much!
Right now, I am always getting the log4j warning.
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Re: Session tracking in struts?

2006-10-28 Thread Ed Griebel

To answer your question:
1) create a filter that does your tests for a valid session but only
check it if the isNewSession flag in a session is not set. When you
find a bad session, call session.invalidate() and forward to an
action-forward for the login page. You should add redirect=true to
the action-forward so that the browser will load the login page as if
they were coming in the first time. If you need to have the
sessionExpire page you can have it display and either embed a button
that will bring user to the login page or have a meta redirect tag
that redirects them after x seconds.

The real question is, why are you going to re-check authentication
every time they go in, is there anything more you need to check for it
to be a valid session? Remember that a given browser's requests will
always go to the same session; so once they are validated, you can set
a flag in the session that they have been validated and don't worry
about re-authentication.


On 10/28/06, Mallik [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

HI friends
In my application i want to test session valid or not before affaring any
service to the user.
that means, once the user logon, i will maintain a session and for any
request thenafter upto logout i need to test that session is valid,
otherwise i need to display sessionExpire page and requires relogin.
please let me know that how to do it?


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Re: Tags nested

2006-10-27 Thread Ed Griebel

Or in a JSP 1.0 environment, use the EL Struts libraries:

html-el:link action= ...

On 10/27/06, Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Juanjo Cuadrado wrote:
 html:link action=bean:write name='dataQueries' property='action' /
bean:write name=dataQueries property=name /
I think that JSP spec firbids this. The inner bean.. is ok, however.

I'd use JSTL because it is much shorter.

html:link action=${dataQueries.action${}/html:link

Mikolaj Rydzewski [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: new line char in xml

2006-10-26 Thread Ed Griebel

To generate a blank line I've used

On 10/26/06, Chris Pratt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

You can't specify a newline character in XML.  XML specifically normalizes
all whitespace out of the data.  If you need to handle data that contains
specific formatting, you need to apply that formatting yourself, either
using a technique like HTML (inserting br/ elements in the XML) or using
something like XSL-T (and the xsl:preserve-whitespace element).

On 10/26/06, Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 #0D #0A

 This e-mail communication and any attachments may contain confidential and
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 - Original Message -
 From: temp temp [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 1:53 PM
 Subject: Re: new line char in xml

  Here is my xml could you tell me how to put new line char?.
   Here is my xml
   pop letter=
   You are requesting a one-year, no-cost extension to the period frrf of
 performance for agreement number ? until  ?. \n
   Retain this document in your official grant file.
  Li [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  have you tried \n? it should work
  On 10/27/06, temp temp  wrote:
  I have some  text in xml file which I will   show in a text area to
  edit . I don't  know how to specify a new line char in xml. Currently I
  tag  instead of a new line char .Using
  works in jsp
but  a text area  displays them as
  which would  confuse user
  .So I need to put  the new  line char in xml which will be  understood
  the browser as new line  .Please somebody guide me how to put new
 line  char
  in xml.
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Re: How to show downloadable link using FormFile class .

2006-10-25 Thread Ed Griebel

What I have done in this situation is
- obtain a list of valid files and create an identifier or token for
each one (usually as simple as the name of the file) corresponding
with the identifier expected in the action described below
- throw the list of files into a List in the request/session/formbean
- iterate thru this list in the jsp, displaying a hyperlink for each
one with html:link
- each hyperlink points to the action below, with the file ID as a
param on the hyperlink, likely with an embedded target='_blank' in
the link so it is displayed in its own page
- Extend DownloadAction and implement getStreamInfo method. The
getStreamInfo method should instantiate and return a StreamInfo class
that will retrieve and stream a file to the browser, setting MIME type
in the header appropriately. This method will read an
application-specific identifier from the form bean to know what file
to serve up. In your situation, your method or StreamInfo class will
likely pull the blob from the database as a byte array and set up this
byte array as an InputStream. your DownloadAction superclass will
automatically hand this stream to the browser.
- Add an action-mapping to the action


On 10/25/06, Anuraag Shinde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In my application i need to allow user to upload files, View list of
uploaded files and download a specific file.
 I have sucessfully configured my application to upload the file using
FormFile as type for my file field.
Now the problem is how to Get data from database and show a downloadable

There are n number of examples for file upload but none of them cover the
download part. i.e Getting file from database which is stored as blob and
a downloadable link on browser.

Any suggetion will be a great help

Thanks and Regards
Anurag Shinde.

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Re: How to show downloadable link using FormFile class .

2006-10-25 Thread Ed Griebel

For 1.1, you could try extending Servlet or a generic Action which
will redirect the InputStream to the servlet response writer. You will
have to do some of the busywork yourself like getting the writer and
setting up the InputStream yourself.

Can't help you with the blob stuff, but my guess is that there is a
way to transform resultsset.getBlobl(), maybe even
java.sql.Blob.getBinaryStream() would suit your purposes?


On 10/25/06, Anuraag Shinde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Thanks a lot friend for ur detailed explanation,
But the problem is DownloadAction came with struts 1.2 and i am using 1.1 :(
And i am saving the file in databse as blob.
I can get content using resultset.getblob(file) but what after that ?
How can i transfer this to my formbean's file field ??

On 10/25/06, Ed Griebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What I have done in this situation is
 - obtain a list of valid files and create an identifier or token for
 each one (usually as simple as the name of the file) corresponding
 with the identifier expected in the action described below
 - throw the list of files into a List in the request/session/formbean
 - iterate thru this list in the jsp, displaying a hyperlink for each
 one with html:link
 - each hyperlink points to the action below, with the file ID as a
 param on the hyperlink, likely with an embedded target='_blank' in
 the link so it is displayed in its own page
 - Extend DownloadAction and implement getStreamInfo method. The
 getStreamInfo method should instantiate and return a StreamInfo class
 that will retrieve and stream a file to the browser, setting MIME type
 in the header appropriately. This method will read an
 application-specific identifier from the form bean to know what file
 to serve up. In your situation, your method or StreamInfo class will
 likely pull the blob from the database as a byte array and set up this
 byte array as an InputStream. your DownloadAction superclass will
 automatically hand this stream to the browser.
 - Add an action-mapping to the action


 On 10/25/06, Anuraag Shinde [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   In my application i need to allow user to upload files, View list of
  uploaded files and download a specific file.
   I have sucessfully configured my application to upload the file using
  FormFile as type for my file field.
  Now the problem is how to Get data from database and show a downloadable
  There are n number of examples for file upload but none of them cover
  download part. i.e Getting file from database which is stored as blob
  a downloadable link on browser.
  Any suggetion will be a great help
  Thanks and Regards
  Anurag Shinde.

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Thanks and Regards
Anurag Shinde.
Ph : 9823014942

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Re: Drag-and-drop struts-aware IDE?

2006-10-25 Thread Ed Griebel

Yes, this is the issue with Struts, it's hard for an OSS product to
compete with the .Net marketing juggernaut. MS seems to be happy
trotting out their dog-and-pony show to anyone who will look at it.
The source control, code checking, etc. components in Eclipse match
closely to what VisualStudio has, just not out of the box
unfortunately, and there's nobody going around giving demos of Struts
+ Eclipse, at least not for free.


On 10/25/06, Bruno Melloni [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Probably because managers are always looking for the famous silver
bullet that will allow them to use untrained developers in half the
time... Yes, it is a dream, but it is the dream being sold by Micro$oft
for .NET, and showing a tool that does it for Struts is the first step
to avoid the miriad of problems caused by using .NET and Visual Studio.
The lesser of two evils and all that.

Anyway, the Exadel Studio mentioned by Juan looks promising.  It seems
to allow drag-and-drop layout while preserving the basic coding model.


-Original Message-
From: Leon Rosenberg [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2006 6:43 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Drag-and-drop struts-aware IDE?


I'm. Drag and Drop may save you some time at the beginning and will cost
you thrice the time later.
Why are people so hot for drag and drop and are ignoring the evidence
that it never works?


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Re: Performance of my code

2006-10-24 Thread Ed Griebel

On 10/24/06, Daniel Chacón Sánchez [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all, this is not a question about struts, but is a question about java,

Well then it probably shouldn't be asked here :-)

Is there a tool that let me check performance issues in my code, like
example the variables that I declared but never used?

Anyway, your example is more about static analysis than [speed or
memory] performance; Eclipse will do some basic static analysis, also
look at:

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Re: Debugging struts applications with eclipse

2006-10-24 Thread Ed Griebel

This should answer all your questions:

Google is your friend, this is the first link for tomcat eclipse
debugging search.


On 10/24/06, Joe Yuen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can anyone tell me how to debug an application running under tomcat? Is there 
any special setup I have to do in eclipse?


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Re: Struts Validation DTD

2006-10-23 Thread Ed Griebel

(Redirecting response to user list where this type of question belongs...)

You can swap in the new validator version without any changes to the
rest of your application; the commons-validator team run a regression
test at the binary level. This page has a complete list of what jars
need to be updated:

We upgraded to 1.2 validator in struts 1.2.8 and only had to update 2
JARs, collections and beanutils. Note that the MANIFEST.MF in the 1.7
version of beanutils says that it is 1.6.2, the best way to see what
version you have is to either compare the size of the jar file with
that on an official commons-beanutils download site, or run 'sum' or
'md5sum' on the jar file and compare it to the md5sum on the
commons-beanutils download site.


On 10/23/06, Enzo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Excuse my dropping in the matter...
I am not so experienced on the versions of the various jars, but I have got the
same problem with struts custom validator, tiles ecc...
my question is:
is it possible to raise the commons validator version to solve this problem and
not to raise also the struts version ?
without impacts ?
is there a sort of compatibility matrix for the various jars?

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Re: Forward Action to Action

2006-10-23 Thread Ed Griebel

The easiest is to put your data as attributes in the request scope
with request.setAttribute( name, value), and then extract them in the
second action with 'MyClass value = (MyClass)
request.getAttribute(name)'. You can also put the attributes in the
session scope, but you need to remember to remove them when you are
done with them.

If the second action is to be called as a regular action and therefore
need params in the formbean, you could try creating a formbean of the
type the second action is expecting and then store it in the request
scope under the name expected. The problem with this is that
hardcoding a name/class is involved and now your implementation is
tightly coupled to the class and name of the second action's formbean.
As long as you are doing this kind of hardcoding you could in the
second action see if the first action's formbean is in the
request/session and extract params from there.


On 10/21/06, Jean-Marie Pitre [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I would like to forward an Action to another one.
My problem is : I want to pass a data from my first first action to my
second formbean (second action).

I tried to do a setattribute in my first action before calling
mappingfindforward and in my second formbean to create an acessor but
the formbean is never populated.

Have you got and idea ? is it possible and correct to do that ?

Regards JMP.

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Re: html form instantiating form bean

2006-10-11 Thread Ed Griebel

You should not instantiate manually your own formbean nor put it into
the request scope, you must use the formbean passed into your action
class via the ActionForm object.

When you get the handle to the formbean you can either cast the
formbean to it's real class or you can use
BeanUtils.populate(formbean, param_1, value1) to get your values
into the formbean. Hopefully I have not missed the point of your


On 10/11/06, Puneet Lakhina [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This has to be one of the most bewildering thing I have faced in my 3 months
of learning struts.
Now I have an action(PreapreAction) which I use to prepare a page for
display. This for fetches values from a Database and creates an instance of
the formbean and puts values into the form bean. Now i do
request.setAttribute(formBeanName,formBeanObject). And then forwards to
the page which has something like this
html:form action=/fooAction


the fooAction has formBeanName as its form bean defined in the struts
config. But Im not able to get any values into the fields in my form.

However if I do this
bean:write name=formBeanName property=someProperty /. It prints the
correct value i.e. the value that I set in the PrepareAction. Does this mean
that there are two form bean in the request scope. but theere cant be two
attributes with the same name.

So i printed all the attribute names and their class in my jsp page.
Turns out there is another attribute of type formBeanObject in my request
under the key org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN

Why is this happening?? I even tried using they key
org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN in my PrepareAction but still ti does not

SO i printed a message from the default constructor of my form bean. Thats
printed twice, once when i instantiate it in PrepareAction and again when
the page is loaded.

Plz plz help me sort this out.


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Re: render trademark symbol

2006-10-11 Thread Ed Griebel

You could create a filter and put it in the chain that would display
that page. You would do something like:
- get a handle to the original response writer
- extend HttpServletResponseWrapper to capture the output
- pass in an instance of above to chain.doFilter()
- parse the response, looking for (TM) and replace it.
 + This could be as simple for prototyping as String out =
wrapper.toString().replaceAll( /*unicode for TM*/(TM), trade;);
- write the string above to the original response writer

There are more efficient ways to change the (TM), but the above will
get the job done, at least as a proof-of-concept. If you can limit the
filter to only a few pages in the app and the page generated is not
big, you may get away with the above code.


On 10/11/06, Van Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OK... so I've been playing around with this for the pass day.

1. I don't want to store the trademark symbol as trade; in my lucene index.
2. I could write a method to detect the TM symbol and then encode it to trade; and then 
use the filter=false in the bean:write tag.

But is there a more elegant way about this?

-Original Message-
From: Van Nguyen
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:59 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: render trademark symbol

Ok... setting the filter to false works.

-Original Message-
From: Ed Griebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:26 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: render trademark symbol

Sorry, escapeXml is for c:out /, Nuawn is right, filter=false is
what you are looking for.

On 10/10/06, Nuwan Chandrasoma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 set the filter attribute of bean:write tag to false and try

 - Original Message -
 From: Van Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 6:14 PM
 Subject: RE: render trademark symbol

 Is escapeXml an attribute for the bean:write tag?

 I do not see that in the Struts 1.2.9 API.

 -Original Message-
 From: Ed Griebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:05 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: render trademark symbol

 bean:write may be escaping the amp; so maybe you could try adding
 escapeXml=false inside the bean:write tag.


 On 10/10/06, Van Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  That displays:
  We need it to display:
  -Original Message-
  From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:33 AM
  To: Struts Users Mailing List
  Subject: Re: render trademark symbol
  This e-mail communication and any attachments may contain confidential and
  privileged information for the use of the
  designated recipients named above. If you are not the intended recipient,
  you are hereby notified that you have received
  this communication in error and that any review, disclosure,
  dissemination, distribution or copying of it or its
- Original Message -
From: Van Nguyen
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:13 PM
Subject: render trademark symbol
I'm using struts 1.2.9 and am running into a problem rendering the
  trademark symbol using the bean taglib.
I have this string stored in my lucene index as:
W.RoseT Convex Jointer
It stores it in my bean as such. but when I use the bean:write tag, it
  displays it as:
  W.Rose? Convex Jointer
I added some breakpoints in the WriteTag class inside the struts
  library, and I see that it comes in as
W.RoseT Convex Jointer
And it is being returned as the same string.
Is there anything else that needs to be done to render the Trademark
  symbol as T?
I've read online that HTML needs it to be trade; to render correctly.
  But I've tried changing the text in the bean to:
W.Rosetrade; Convex Jointer
But that did not work either. the bean:write tag just displays it as
  W.Rosetrade; Convex Jointer
Any suggestions?
United Rentals
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Re: content management system

2006-10-10 Thread Ed Griebel will tell you all you need to know, it even
has demos set up for every CMS.

Now, as this has absolutely nothing to do about Struts, can further
conversations occur offline? Thanks.


On 10/10/06, Stein Erik Berget [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Tue, 10 Oct 2006 14:12:05 +0200, Gomathi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to use content management system in my project .We dont know
 about this much.
 Which content management tool  is best one.whether it is possible to use
 struts and ajax and hibernate and all those things.
 we need very urgent
 thanks in advance

Depending on your requirements, you could check out

Stein Erik

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Re: render trademark symbol

2006-10-10 Thread Ed Griebel

bean:write may be escaping the amp; so maybe you could try adding
escapeXml=false inside the bean:write tag.


On 10/10/06, Van Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

That displays:

We need it to display:

-Original Message-
From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:33 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: render trademark symbol



This e-mail communication and any attachments may contain confidential and 
privileged information for the use of the
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this communication in error and that any review, disclosure, dissemination, 
distribution or copying of it or its
  - Original Message -
  From: Van Nguyen
  Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:13 PM
  Subject: render trademark symbol


  I'm using struts 1.2.9 and am running into a problem rendering the trademark 
symbol using the bean taglib.

  I have this string stored in my lucene index as:

  W.RoseT Convex Jointer

  It stores it in my bean as such. but when I use the bean:write tag, it 
displays it as:

W.Rose? Convex Jointer

  I added some breakpoints in the WriteTag class inside the struts library, and 
I see that it comes in as

  W.RoseT Convex Jointer

  And it is being returned as the same string.

  Is there anything else that needs to be done to render the Trademark symbol 
as T?

  I've read online that HTML needs it to be trade; to render correctly.  But 
I've tried changing the text in the bean to:

  W.Rosetrade; Convex Jointer

  But that did not work either. the bean:write tag just displays it as 
W.Rosetrade; Convex Jointer

  Any suggestions?


  United Rentals
  Consider it done.â¢


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Re: render trademark symbol

2006-10-10 Thread Ed Griebel

Sorry, escapeXml is for c:out /, Nuawn is right, filter=false is
what you are looking for.

On 10/10/06, Nuwan Chandrasoma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


set the filter attribute of bean:write tag to false and try

- Original Message -
From: Van Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 6:14 PM
Subject: RE: render trademark symbol

Is escapeXml an attribute for the bean:write tag?

I do not see that in the Struts 1.2.9 API.

-Original Message-
From: Ed Griebel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 11:05 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: render trademark symbol

bean:write may be escaping the amp; so maybe you could try adding
escapeXml=false inside the bean:write tag.


On 10/10/06, Van Nguyen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 That displays:

 We need it to display:

 -Original Message-
 From: Martin Gainty [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 10:33 AM
 To: Struts Users Mailing List
 Subject: Re: render trademark symbol



 This e-mail communication and any attachments may contain confidential and
 privileged information for the use of the
 designated recipients named above. If you are not the intended recipient,
 you are hereby notified that you have received
 this communication in error and that any review, disclosure,
 dissemination, distribution or copying of it or its
   - Original Message -
   From: Van Nguyen
   Sent: Tuesday, October 10, 2006 1:13 PM
   Subject: render trademark symbol


   I'm using struts 1.2.9 and am running into a problem rendering the
 trademark symbol using the bean taglib.

   I have this string stored in my lucene index as:

   W.RoseT Convex Jointer

   It stores it in my bean as such. but when I use the bean:write tag, it
 displays it as:

 W.Rose? Convex Jointer

   I added some breakpoints in the WriteTag class inside the struts
 library, and I see that it comes in as

   W.RoseT Convex Jointer

   And it is being returned as the same string.

   Is there anything else that needs to be done to render the Trademark
 symbol as T?

   I've read online that HTML needs it to be trade; to render correctly.
 But I've tried changing the text in the bean to:

   W.Rosetrade; Convex Jointer

   But that did not work either. the bean:write tag just displays it as
 W.Rosetrade; Convex Jointer

   Any suggestions?


   United Rentals
   Consider it done.â¢


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 United Rentals
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Re: session management

2006-10-04 Thread Ed Griebel

It is not clear what you are asking. Is the problem that
- the session is not being maintained even when setting the timeout to
30 minutes
- even after 1/2 hour the session does not timeout

An observation, pinging the server every 10 seconds will create a
lot of unnecessary work on the server. You can probably change it to a
30-50 second ping and set the session timeout to around a minute if
you want to maintain the session.

Since you are pinging the server regularly, as long as the user has a
window up their session will never expire, even if they walk away or
leave their computer on and browser window up all nite. An alternate
solution would be to keep track of non-ping activity and terminate the
user's session after n minutes of only ping activity, maybe redirect
them to a idle too long screen without the AJAX ping when this

An alternative approach would be to be able to re-establish the user's
session if they happen to time out, but that is no small task.

good luck,

On 10/3/06, sowjanya chimmani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

  In our webapplication (struts based) we are using Ajax code
(as part of header in all jsp)which will hits the server for every 10 sec
so every time session will be updated so it is not possible to maintain the
session (sesstion will not expires though after the session time out value )
.Please can any one help me to mintain the session(iam setting the session
time out value as 30 min)

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Re: jsession id in url

2006-10-04 Thread Ed Griebel

As stated in above response to (your) similar question, the first
request that is returned will have jsessionid= appended. To get rid of
it you can try having the first page of the application be a dummy
page that merely redirects to the real page.

The reason why the jsessionid is appended the first time is that the
web server cannot know _a priori_ if a browser has enabled cookies.
Only when the web server gets a second request from the browser with a
jsession id cookie can it assume that it has cookies and will strip
the jsessionid from future requests.


On 10/4/06, sunil virmani [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

In my application in each request jsessionid is passed both in cookie as
well as in url. I have enabled the cookie then why it is appearing in the
URL also.


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Re: Avoiding multiple validation messages

2006-10-03 Thread Ed Griebel

In your form's onclick=validate() method (or whatever it may be
called in your case), it may work to add return to the javascript
method call. The validate method will return false if validation
fails, and the form will not be submitted back to the server.


On 10/3/06, priya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am using client-side and server-side validation in my login form.

Both work and when I dont enter the required fields I recieve a javascript
alert box saying that the fields username or password are required. After
I click okay it does a serverside validation as well and prints on the
screen that the username or password are required..

I was wondering if its possible to show username or password are required
only once. When there is javascript enabled on the browser, to show the
client side version only and when javascript is disabled use the serverside

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Re: Avoiding multiple validation messages

2006-10-03 Thread Ed Griebel

Let me clarify, in your html:form statement, try adding a return like so:

html:form action=/login method=post onsubmit=return

On 10/3/06, priya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Ed,

Thank you for your response!
Since I am using Struts client side validation, I am not creating the
validate method.. Struts is creating it for me..
Do you mean I should create another method ? I am not sure if I can add
return to the javascript which Struts creates for me?

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-html.tld prefix=html %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/tld/struts-bean.tld prefix=bean %
html:form action=/login method=post
TDhtml:text property=userName //TD
TDhtml:password property=password //TD
TDhtml:submit value=Login onclick=anotherValidateHere?()
html:javascript formName=loginForm/


On 10/3/06, Ed Griebel [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 In your form's onclick=validate() method (or whatever it may be
 called in your case), it may work to add return to the javascript
 method call. The validate method will return false if validation
 fails, and the form will not be submitted back to the server.


 On 10/3/06, priya [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am using client-side and server-side validation in my login form.
  Both work and when I dont enter the required fields I recieve a
  alert box saying that the fields username or password are required.
  I click okay it does a serverside validation as well and prints on the

  screen that the username or password are required..
  I was wondering if its possible to show username or password are
  only once. When there is javascript enabled on the browser, to show
  client side version only and when javascript is disabled use the

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Re: Session Timeout

2006-08-30 Thread Ed Griebel

[moving to struts-user list]
A new session is created when you request a new session somewhere,
it's not created automatically. However, there could be a filter,
request processor, action, or JSP  somewhere that does a
request.getSession() or .getSession(true) (or '... session=true...'
in JSP), which all will create a session if none exists. If it's
buried deep enough in a chain of filters it could *appear* to be magic

There is a method isNew() on the session that you can check to see if
it's a new session that might help in your case.


On 8/30/06, Nuwan Chandrasoma [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


  I think a new session is created if you invoke an action mapping. this code 
will not work. what you have to do is, add some attribute to the session.. and 
check if that attribute is on the session. if not you can redirect to your 
session timeout page.

  Correct me if i am worng in here.



John De Lello [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  The mandate is no JS. I'd prefer to not use a filter either for this. I was
just wondering why I was getting a valid session when the session was indeed

-Original Message-
From: faisal abdallah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 2:30 PM
To: Struts Developers List; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Session Timeout

This can be done easily with javascript inside the main layout
email me on [EMAIL PROTECTED] and I will send you the code

-Original Message-
From: John De Lello [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, August 29, 2006 11:15 AM
Subject: Session Timeout

Hey Everyone,

I am trying to use a custom session timeout JSP. To do this, I extended
RequestProcessor and overrode processPreprocess and added the following

HttpSession sess = req.getSession(false);

if(sess == null){
// even when the session IS timed out, I never get here.
String uri = /myapp/sessiontimeout.jsp;
doForward(uri, req, resp);
}catch(Exception ex){}

return false;

The problem is, even when I know the session was expired, I never get a null
session. Am I missing something?


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Re: Has anyone had this problem? Getting 3 question marks ??? at top of HTML page using action class and rendering JSP in browser

2006-08-02 Thread Ed Griebel

There's not much to go on, but check to see that all keys referenced
in bean:message are defined in the appropriate message properties
files. Look at message-resources in your struts-config.xml file to
see what properties files are included.


On 8/2/06, Patterson, Marie E [CPB] [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Has anyone had this problem?

Getting 3 question marks ??? at top of HTML page using action class and
rendering JSP in browser

Thank you

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Re: Some JSP Taglib help needed

2006-08-01 Thread Ed Griebel

You could try something like:

html:form action=
c:foreach begin='0' end='${endval}' varStatus='idx'
 html-el:text property='student_name_${idx.count}'/

But, why not make the student_name an array? The code below should
work, I havent' compiled it and I usually iterate thru a list of beans
not scalar Strings, but it should be close.
- Declare the element in the formbean as form-property
name=student_name type=java.util.List/ or create student_name as
a java.util.List if using a POJO for an ActionForm
- Create a setup action that is called before the JSP is initially
rendered which  does a '((MyFormType)form).student_name = new
- In the JSP form:
html:form action=...
c:foreach begin='0' end='${endval}' varStatus='idx'
 html-el:text property=student_name[${idx.index}]/


On 8/1/06, Bart Busschots [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I want to do some thing that I think should be simple but I can't figure
out how to do it with the Struts taglibs. So far I've never used a
single scriptlet and I don't want to start now.

I have a number stored in a bean which I can get at just fine (tested
with bean:write).

What I need to do is loop from 1 to that number and print a text area
for each element in that range. Were the number three I should get the
following output:

input type=text name=student_name_1  /
input type=text name=student_name_2  /
input type=text name=student_name_3  /

Can I do that easily with a taglib?

To put this into context, I have a two-step form, on the first form the
user enters the number of students in their class (as well as other
info) and then on the second page the user is presented with the
appropriate number of text areas to allow them to enter the names of
each of their students. Because I'm can't think of a better way to do it
I'm submitting the list of names in a single hidden form field separated
by :. I was going to use Java Script to suck all the names from the text
areas, encode them and then stick the details in the hidden form field
in an onsubmit action. Perhaps there is a better struts way to do
this. If anyone has any advice I'm entirely open to changing the way I'm
doing this.

Thanks for your time and help,


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Re: Can you use a LinkedList or similar as the type for a FormElement?

2006-08-01 Thread Ed Griebel

Lists is where you want to be headed, see answer to previous question
as to how to do it on JSP. The key is that the Jakarta
BeanUtils/PropertyUtils classes treat arrays and collections the same
way so both can use brackets for element indexing. The key is to
predefine the instance, I think struts will throw an exception if your
list instance is null.

It doesn't even need to be a LinkedList, as long as it implements List
(and possibly Collection??).

As to the validator, I'm pretty sure it handles it, just don't know
off the top of my head how it does it.


On 8/1/06, Bart Busschots [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Following on from my earlier email it strikes me that the most sensible
way to deal with collecting a variable number of student names is to
have a LinkedList in your form bean. However, the question then is, can
Struts handle this? Can the validator handle this? I would need the
validator to apply one rule to all elements of a variable length list?

I have a feeling I've stumbled into a limitations with Struts here but I
could be wrong. So far no amount of googling has helped me out here. If
anyone has any pointers on where to look for solutions to this I'd be
much obliged. I can't be the first person to want to change the layout
of a latter page in a multipage form within struts based on the values
submitted in a previous page!



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Re: dynamic casting in Action class

2006-07-26 Thread Ed Griebel

If you only need to get predefined variables, you can use Jakarta
BeanUtils or PropertyUtils on the object. For instance, with a form
bean ActionForm form:

String val = BeanUtils.getProperty(someProperty);
Object valAsOriginalClass = PropertyUtils.getProperty(someProperty);
BeanUtils.setProperty(someProperty, somePropertyValue);


On 7/26/06, Andreas Hartmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Gareth Evans wrote:
 You can't do either of these things!


 AFAIK you can't do dynamic casting in java, although in
 java 5 you may be able to utilise the Class.cast method.

I did it another way now:
I try to do the fm's and catch a possible cast-exception. All needed
values are stored in predefined variables.

Thanks for your help,
kind regards,
Andreas Hartmann

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Re: problems using validation framework in struts

2006-07-11 Thread Ed Griebel

I haven't seen this error, but my guess is that you have referenced a
form bean in your validation.xml that is not defined in
struts-config.xml. Look for a typo in the name.


On 7/11/06, Anil Kumar Pippalapalli [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

hi all,
 iam new to struts  and iam tryin out a simple application which validates
 password for minlength and maxlength in nb 4.1.

iam gettin several exceptions saying unable to load validation.xml and 

check below errors,

Using CATALINA_BASE:   C:\Documents and 
Using CATALINA_HOME:   C:\Program 
Using CATALINA_TMPDIR: C:\Documents and 
Using JAVA_HOME:   C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:09 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol init
INFO: Initializing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-8084
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:09 PM org.apache.catalina.startup.Catalina load
INFO: Initialization processed in 3535 ms
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:10 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardService start
INFO: Starting service Catalina
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:10 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardEngine start
INFO: Starting Servlet Engine: Apache Tomcat/5.5.7
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:10 PM org.apache.catalina.core.StandardHost start
INFO: XML validation disabled
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:17 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: action: []: Verifying ModuleConfig for this module
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:17 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: action: []: Verification of ModuleConfig has been completed
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:17 PM 
org.apache.struts.webapp.example.memory.MemoryDatabasePlugIn init
INFO: Initializing memory database plug in from '/WEB-INF/database.xml'
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:17 PM org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn 
INFO: Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml'
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:17 PM org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn 
INFO: Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validation.xml'
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:21 PM org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
INFO: Tiles definition factory loaded for module ''.
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:21 PM org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn 
INFO: Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml'
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:21 PM org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn 
INFO: Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validation.xml'
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:25 PM org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
INFO: Tiles definition factory loaded for module ''.
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:25 PM org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn 
INFO: Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml'
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:25 PM org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn 
INFO: Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validation.xml'
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:26 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: ContextListener: contextInitialized()
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:26 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: SessionListener: contextInitialized()
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: ContextListener: contextInitialized()
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:27 PM org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationContext log
INFO: SessionListener: contextInitialized()
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:37 PM org.apache.struts.tiles.TilesPlugin 
INFO: Tiles definition factory loaded for module ''.
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:37 PM org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn 
INFO: Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validator-rules.xml'
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:37 PM org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn 
INFO: Loading validation rules file from '/WEB-INF/validation.xml'
Jul 11, 2006 3:16:38 PM org.apache.struts.validator.ValidatorPlugIn init
SEVERE: null
at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.init(
at javax.servlet.GenericServlet.init(

Re: html-el:checkbox No Longer Works If Preceded by html-el:form

2006-06-29 Thread Ed Griebel

The reason is that your checkbox really is no longer in the form, so
the framework doesn't know where to pull the value from. All of the
html and html-el tags which create form 'widgets' must be between
html:form and /html:form.

What you probably need to do is to create a second form on the page by
adding html:form action=/admin/ before the
c:forEach and change the html:link to html:submit followed by


On 6/29/06, Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

My html-el:checkbox  worked fine.  But if the
html-el:form  ... /html-el:form come before
the html-el:checkbox ... , I got the runtime JSP
error: cannot find bean:
org.apache.struts.taglib.html.BEAN in any scope.

The complaint points specifically to the
property=selectedUsers[${idx.index}].selected /.
The getter method for selectedUsers[0].selected can no
longer be recognized.

I need help because I really do not understand why it
happens this way.

%@ page import=..common.pojo.user.User %
!-- Create a variable in scope called userRows from
the Users object --
c:set var=userRows value=${requestScope.Users} /

   // many
textfields and a submit button

c:when test=${not empty userRows}
 !-- create a user object for
each element in the userRows --
c:forEach var=user items=${userRows}
property=selectedUsers[${idx.index}].selected /
td colspan=6 align=left
html-el:link action=/admin/selectUsers.doEdit
Selected Users/html-el:link

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Re: Eclipse plugin

2006-06-29 Thread Ed Griebel

I've used MyEclipse also, it works pretty well. It can be a little
rough around the edges, but you can't beat the price, $50 w/UML
support, $30 without.

I'm currently using NitroX v2, since bought by BEA and rebranded BEA
Workbench or something like that. It's a lot more expensive, but it is
better integrated and has a nice JSP and struts-config.xml editor. I
probably use the JSP and XML editors the most, and I've found the
AppXRay feature isn't terribly useful except for very simple apps.

I've been meaning to fire up eclipse's WTP, I hear it does struts and/or JSP.


On 6/29/06, Wilson, Scott [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 There's myEclipse...

It's free for a month and subscription after,


-Original Message-
From: David Friedman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: June 29, 2006 12:25
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: Eclipse plugin

Here's one (complete with pictures):

Also, if you are using Eclipse, I believe a new RELEASE version is coming
out in the next week (or sooner) so you might want to upgrade almost
immediately once it comes out in case it has any benefits (speed, new
features, better possible stability, etc.).


-Original Message-
From: Rafael Taboada [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, June 29, 2006 12:17 PM
To: Struts List
Subject: Eclipse plugin

Hi folks... In my all Struts life I've used Netbeans as IDE favourite... But
right I have to develop in Eclipse... Because I have to work in a team...

So I'm wondering if there is a Struts plugin for Eclipse... I was googling
and there is EasyStruts but I want to know if there is another plugin in
order to help me to develop Struts projects in Eclipse.

Do u know another plugin? what is the best?

Thanks in advance..

Greetings from Peru

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Re: Validate just certain fields

2006-06-27 Thread Ed Griebel

You can use the page attribute on the validations, with the page
attribute. Look at
under Multi page forms for an extremely brief overview.

Basically,  create a java.lang.Integer variable in your form called
page and before you call form.validate() set this page variable
appropriately: if subtotal was pressed set page=1, if submit then

Define validations common to both in validations with page=1, and
submit only with page=2 in validation.xml:
form name=SomeForm
 field property=quantity page=1 depends=required ... /field
 field property=address page=2 depends=required.../field

It's not the most elegant, but it does work well when you have a
linear page flow.


On 6/26/06, Jennifer Jacobs [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I'm using the Struts Validator framework.

I have a form with two buttons on it, one that calculates a subtotal and one
that submits the form.  I have validation set to false, because I don't want
to validate the shipping address/email/phone number/etc when they calculate
the subtotal.  So, I do a form.validate() when the submit button is hit.

However, I DO want to validate the values they put in for quantity, etc.  I
know I can write validation for it all, but then my validation is in two
places - is there any way to tell it to validate JUST a certain set of

Thanks in advance,
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Sent from the Struts - User forum at

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Re: handle to form w/i jsp?

2006-06-23 Thread Ed Griebel

If you know the formbean it's a simple as
c:set value=${theSessionVar}/

If you don't konw the formbean name or want to make it generic you can
get the current action's form bean name and then populate it something
like below. Modify requestScope/sessionScope as appropriate.

c:set var=actionMapping'
c:set var=requestScope[].map.propName


On 6/23/06, Brian Long [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi folks -

I've got session data that I'd like to jam into a DynaValidatorForm
before it displays, so that all of the html tags that do auto-population
from the form work.

How do I get a handle to the form within the jsp?

Thanks in advance,

Brian M. Long
Middleware Services, Virginia Tech
Ancora Imparo (I am still learning) - Michaelangelo, age 87

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Re: how to download a file

2006-06-22 Thread Ed Griebel

Take a look at org.apache.struts.actions.DownloadAction, I created an
action that extended it (and implemented the internal StreamInfo) and
was able to create an action that downloaded a PDF doc in less than an

For creating a new file to stream, one approach is to create the temp
file using (untested, of course):
 File dir = new
 File tmp = File.createTempFile(web,null,dir);
You may not have rights to write to the web server's root directory,
you might be able to get away with File tmp =
File.createTempFile(web, null);
Store the data to this temp file, passing the file as a stream in the
aformentioned StreamInfo object. To eliminate creating the temp file,
stream the file directly without having an intermediate file.


On 6/22/06, Kavita Mehta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

my requirement is to save some lines on the server in a file and then
download it to the client's PC .  can anybdy suggest how to go abt it 

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Re: Why My JSTL Tag Cannot Do What Struts Tag Does?

2006-06-22 Thread Ed Griebel

You don't need to do the intermediate assignment to user, it should be
sufficient to do:
c:forEach var=User items=${userRows } 
 c:when test=${( idx.count+1)%2 ==0}
   tr class=contentCell1
   tr class=contentCell2
  tdc:out value=${User.createdByUserID}   //td
  tdc:out value=${User.firstName}   //td
  tdc:out value=${User.lastName}   //td
Also, the convention is to keep var names lowercase, as in c:forEach


On 6/21/06, Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I am able to display a List of object returned from
the database using the Struts tags:
%@ page import=.common.pojo.user.User %

List user =
pageContext.setAttribute(Users, user);
logic:iterate id=users name=Users type=.
commom.pojo.user.User scope=request
  tdbean:write name=users
 tdbean:write name=users
 tdbean:write name=users

But, when I use JSTL tags to do the same thing, I
cannot display my data.  I mean, I do not get any
JSP error.  I can see each row in a table, but it is
complete blank in every single column for every single
row.  I did import the JSTL tag library.  And the
JSTL tag library exists and works in other JSPs.
Please help me to see what went wrong.  Here is my
JSTL code (I am typing my code and there may be typos.
 Anyway, no error is given in the browser.):

%@ taglib uri=/tags/core prefix=c %
%@ page import=.common.pojo.user.User %

c:set var=userRows value=${requestScope.Users} /
 c:forEach var=User items=${userRows } 
 % User user = (User)pageContext.getAttribute(
user ); %
   c:when test=${( idx.count+1)%2 ==0}
 tr class=contentCell1
 tr class=contentCell2
value=${user.createdByUserID}   //td
value=${user.firstName}   //td
value=${user.lastName}   //td

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Re: seeking quick start struts tutorial

2006-06-21 Thread Ed Griebel

There's too many to mention; here are some of my favorites: Look at Struts Lessons in left menu


On 6/21/06, hicham [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm a newbie to struts framework
 if anybody knows of a quick start easy tutorial that can get me on the road
links ? pdf ?

Thank you

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Re: need urgent help

2006-06-20 Thread Ed Griebel

This exception is caused by outputting a message without specifying a
message resource in your struts-config.xml file.

You can learn some more about Struts starting at these links:


On 6/19/06, Medicherla Lakshmi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

   I have a problem, please give me soln.
  I have an actionform which has String aswellas int types with get and set methods.  In the jsp, when am 
trying to get the int type value of that actionform using bean:write name=ele 
property=empid where empid is one of the get/set method in the action form, its throwing 
exception saying:

  The error it is specifying in the servlet class is of that empid value.  
Please tel me how to int type of actionform in jsp.  am in urgent need of it.

  type Exception report
  description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it 
from fulfilling this request.
javax.servlet.ServletException: Cannot find message resources under key 

  root cause
javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: Cannot find message resources under key 

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Re: web.xml specifications from 2.4 to 2.3

2006-06-14 Thread Ed Griebel

You can't do it without changing your JSPs. It isn't as simple as
wrapping everything with c:out value=${someVariable}/ as JSP tags
cannot be nested within attributes. Also, to my knowledge there is no
way to just include some jar file to enable EL exprs.

A suggestion too, your code:
bean:define id=biz_link type=String name=Biz_Bean
html:link action=/viewBiz/ViewBusinessDetail?business_id=${biz_link}

can be rewritten as: html-el:link


On 6/14/06, chuanjiang lo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

i have some other pages that uses c:if and etc etc..

I've read on the net and realize that the 2.3 specifications supports only
JSTL 1.0 and it would not evaluate the EL expressions.

So how do i make it evaluate the EL expression without changing my

On 6/14/06, Rahul Akolkar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 6/14/06, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  chuanjiang lo wrote:
   bean:define id=biz_link type=String name=Biz_Bean
  You need to use the EL-enabled tag libs (struts-el or something like
  that) when you don't have JSP 2.0 available.




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Re: struts-config xml file throws a java exception

2006-06-07 Thread Ed Griebel

Hi Oliver-

I'm going to guess that you have defined a form bean and properties in
your form bean, and one of these properties is called loginRequired.
I'm also going to guess that you don't have a setter method for this
property with the method signature of 'public void
setLoginRequired(String x)'


On 6/7/06, Olivier Bex [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi everyone,

When I start Tomcat 5.0.28, it says that I have a parsing error in my
struts-config.xml, but I think it's not.

The log file throws a java.lang.NoSuchMethodException : bean has no property
named loginRequired


Olivier BEX

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Re: Object size in App Server

2006-05-25 Thread Ed Griebel

For interactive session viewing look at It's not something I'd put on a
production server, but it is useful for testing.


On 5/25/06, Chaudhary, Harsh [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I just wrote the object to a file as a bit blob and looked at the file
size. But I needed something quick and dirty and not necessarily
extremely accurate.

-Original Message-
From: Frank W. Zammetti [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 12:16 AM
To: Struts Users Mailing List
Subject: Re: Object size in App Server

I can help with the session size at least:

Specifically, the SessionSize class:

I think you should be able to yank that code and and make it generic to
work with any Object (it must be serializable though), in which case you

  can get the size of a ResultSet too.


Hanmay Udgiri wrote:
 I am getting a ResultSet from database.
 I want to get the size of the object in the App Server.
 Also I want to get the size of session object after the user is
 and the user details are added to session.

 Thanks and Regards
 Hanmayya Udgiri

Frank W. Zammetti
Founder and Chief Software Architect
Omnytex Technologies
AIM: fzammetti
Yahoo: fzammetti
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Re: Getting a list of fields in a form along with their values

2006-05-24 Thread Ed Griebel

Take a look at jakarta BeanUtils.describe()




The DynaActionForm class has a method called getMap which Returns the Map
containing the property values

We've found this quite useful for some of the things we need to do. I am
looking for a similar method in the ActionForm  ValidatorForm but I can't
find anything.

Can someone tell me if there is an easy way to get all the property keys
along with their values from those two classes?

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Re: How to disallow opening a page directly from URL

2006-05-17 Thread Ed Griebel

Put your JSPs unde WEB-INF and forward to the JSP in struts-config.xml:

For roles, use declarative roles:


On 5/17/06, Pankaj Gupta [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

I am new to struts and have a basic question. I am making an application
and I want that all the pages should be accessed through the menu items
only.i.e. if a user copies the url in the browser the page should not
get loaded. How can I enforce such a security?

Another question is how can I selectively disable some menus based on
login roles?


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Re: How to dertermine the url from which a request is made ?

2006-05-15 Thread Ed Griebel

You can check the referer field in the request, notice that the
actual field name is misspelled. Also, the field is optional and
browser-dependent if it's sent (but most/all modern browsers will send
it), and a user could spoof this field as well.

You may be better off putting the current URL in a session variable
and then referring to this variable in the next access. However, you
will encounter a problem if the user has two windows open with the
same session.


On 5/15/06, temp temp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

The method request.getServletPath returns current request uri.Can I get the 
previous request uri .ie
  I have a filter which is mapped to all .do's .So any .do is called this  
filter is invoked.In this filter I can retrieve  the requested url.
  Is there any way I can determine url from which this request was made ?
  Thanks  Regards

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Re: how to display a message for every request

2006-05-08 Thread Ed Griebel

You can create a base action class which extends Action and implements
execute(). In execute you would call your preferred logging method as
described below. Then, every action you create would extend your
BaseAction class and the first line of every execute() method would
call super.execute()


On 5/8/06, Adam Hardy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Srinivas Vakkalanka on 08/05/06 11:32, wrote:

  I am new to struts. I have a request that, for every request I want to
 display a message or log a message using struts frame work. How this could
 achieve. Please help in this regard

Hi Srinivas,
your requirement would normally be implemented using your logging
component (commons-logging would be a good first choice). You code
against the logging API and you control where it puts the output via the
configuration. Check out the jakarta website and look for commons, and
then the logging subproject. They have a useful 'quickstart' section in
their docs online.


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Re: page validation in wizzard app

2006-05-07 Thread Ed Griebel

You could have the ActionForward mapped to an Action class in your
struts_config.xml file just as easily as a JSP, e.g. forward
name=validation_failed action=RepopulateAction/ and then just
'return ActionForward(validation_failed)' if validation failed on


On 5/6/06, Jakub Milkiewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Ed
Thanks for an answer. The problem with your idea is:
IF validation fails i can not forward to previous JSP!
I need to forward to previous action to prepare me a view - retireve
something from DB and put it in html:select.
I have the same idea to put form.setPage(pageNo) as first thing in each
action. Moreover if i disable autovalidation
i do not have to make those tricks to decrement page in validate if errors
are found.

2006/5/6, Ed Griebel [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hi Jakub-

 I'm not sure if I fully understand your pageflow, but here goes. I
 would turn off automatic validation in struts_config.xml. In each
 action, one of the first things I would do is call
 form.setPage(pageNo) and then call form.validate(...), and if there
 are any errors I'd return an ActionForward corresponding to the
 previous JSP. I have an app that is very similar to this but I use a
 DispatchAction and set things as described above and it works well.

 As to overriding the page variable counter, it's an interesting idea,
 but you may run into a problem so you'll have to trap it from going
 below zero, for instance if they keep failing validation on the first
 screen. One way to find out for sure is to try it out and see how it


 On 5/6/06, Jakub Milkiewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I have a wizzard application with 5 screens. All user inputs are
  in one bean, which is named: viewBean and is stored in HTTP session.
  So each action has the same formBean - viewBean.
  I use commons-validator and viewBean properties to validate are present
  validation.xml with page attributes.
  ViewBean extends ValidatorForm and it's validation occurs automatically
 - i
  have validation set to true for all ACTIONS.
  The structure of my app is:
  Populate view  - jsp -populate view -jsp -populate view - jsp ...
  Population of view happens in ACTION class and can consists of
  some data from DB, sets these data in HTTP request.
  After population process i forward to appropriate jsp to give user a
  to fill the form and to present population process results as for
  options in html:select.
  If form is correct i go to another action which populate view for a next
  screen (jsp).
  If form is not filled correctly i need to show it again, but i can not
  forward to jsp - i need to forward to action that prepares the form -
  why i have my input parameter of action tag set to action which
  the view - previous action.
  I have a problem with page attribute. Please take a look at the sample
  processing in my app:
  ACTION1 - JSP1 -ACTION2 - JSP2  -Action3 -JSP3 ...
  Let's assume that user submits form in JSP2 to action3. After ActionForm
  bean population, page property is set to 2. Next, validation fails in
  Action3 and input parameter of action3 forwards user to ACTION2.
  Before execute method in Action2 is invoked, ActionForm (viewBean)
  validation occurs. The page attribute is still set to 2 ! and
  commons-validator tries to validate properties that has page attribute
  to 2.Obviously validation fails and control is forwarded to Action1.
  also has validation set to true and validation of ActionForm occurs
  with page =2.
  Validation fails and control is forwarded to ...
  Does anyone have any idea to solve the problem.
  My idea is to not to use hidden page parameter in each jsp action but
  page property of viewBean in each Action: for ACTION2 sets it to 2,  for
  Action3 sets it to 3 ...
  and to override validate method in viewBean:
  public ActionErrors validate(
  ActionMapping mapping,
  HttpServletRequest request) {
  ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping,request);
  if(errors != null  errors.size()  0 )
  return errors;
  Maybe someone knows more elegant solution, or maybe architecture of my
  isn't valid.

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Re: page validation in wizzard app

2006-05-07 Thread Ed Griebel

On 5/7/06, Jakub Milkiewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I do not catch it:

 name=validation_failed action=RepopulateAction/

I do not think this synax is ok.

The forward .../ is inside of a action block in your
struts-config.xml, the syntax is approximate and should be enough to
give you the idea.

The problem is that i use autovalidation.

Yes, I understand you want to use autovalidation, but if turn it off
and call form.validate() manually it's only a few additional lines in
your action classes and will save you a lot of headaches.


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Re: page validation in wizzard app

2006-05-06 Thread Ed Griebel

Hi Jakub-

I'm not sure if I fully understand your pageflow, but here goes. I
would turn off automatic validation in struts_config.xml. In each
action, one of the first things I would do is call
form.setPage(pageNo) and then call form.validate(...), and if there
are any errors I'd return an ActionForward corresponding to the
previous JSP. I have an app that is very similar to this but I use a
DispatchAction and set things as described above and it works well.

As to overriding the page variable counter, it's an interesting idea,
but you may run into a problem so you'll have to trap it from going
below zero, for instance if they keep failing validation on the first
screen. One way to find out for sure is to try it out and see how it


On 5/6/06, Jakub Milkiewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have a wizzard application with 5 screens. All user inputs are collected
in one bean, which is named: viewBean and is stored in HTTP session.
So each action has the same formBean - viewBean.
I use commons-validator and viewBean properties to validate are present in
validation.xml with page attributes.
ViewBean extends ValidatorForm and it's validation occurs automatically - i
have validation set to true for all ACTIONS.
The structure of my app is:
Populate view  - jsp -populate view -jsp -populate view - jsp ...
Population of view happens in ACTION class and can consists of retrieving
some data from DB, sets these data in HTTP request.
After population process i forward to appropriate jsp to give user a chance
to fill the form and to present population process results as for example
options in html:select.
If form is correct i go to another action which populate view for a next
screen (jsp).
If form is not filled correctly i need to show it again, but i can not
forward to jsp - i need to forward to action that prepares the form - that's
why i have my input parameter of action tag set to action which populate
the view - previous action.
I have a problem with page attribute. Please take a look at the sample of
processing in my app:
ACTION1 - JSP1 -ACTION2 - JSP2  -Action3 -JSP3 ...
Let's assume that user submits form in JSP2 to action3. After ActionForm
bean population, page property is set to 2. Next, validation fails in
Action3 and input parameter of action3 forwards user to ACTION2.
Before execute method in Action2 is invoked, ActionForm (viewBean)
validation occurs. The page attribute is still set to 2 ! and
commons-validator tries to validate properties that has page attribute set
to 2.Obviously validation fails and control is forwarded to Action1. Action1
also has validation set to true and validation of ActionForm occurs again
with page =2.
Validation fails and control is forwarded to ...
Does anyone have any idea to solve the problem.
My idea is to not to use hidden page parameter in each jsp action but set
page property of viewBean in each Action: for ACTION2 sets it to 2,  for
Action3 sets it to 3 ...
and to override validate method in viewBean:

public ActionErrors validate(
ActionMapping mapping,
HttpServletRequest request) {
ActionErrors errors = super.validate(mapping,request);
if(errors != null  errors.size()  0 )
return errors;

Maybe someone knows more elegant solution, or maybe architecture of my app
isn't valid.

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Re: Struts filter help

2006-05-05 Thread Ed Griebel

Depending on what you mean by Java file starts, there's 3 things you can do.

- Once on creation of a session, implement HttpSessionListener and
specify the listener in web.xml
- Once for every request, create a filter by extending
AbstractHttpFilter or implementing HttpFilter and specify the filter
and what URLs map to the filter in web.xml
- Once on startup (or shutdown) of the web app (including deployment),
create a ContextListener by implementing ServletContextListener and
specify the listener in web.xml


On 5/5/06, Stanislav [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


I want to do some check every time when java file starts. How can i do this? 
I think that is
posible with filter in web.xml, but i dont know how to do this :-(


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Re: How to create a Waiting Page for long requests?

2006-05-03 Thread Ed Griebel

I've done exactly this in another app with both a meta-tag to resubmit
and a button to do same. It would check a status flag somewhere (db,
session var, whatever) and when set it will jump to a done action.

The tricky part is that you can't create a new thread in your action
as it violates the servlet spec (as you don't know what thread will
get subsequent requests from the same session, so you've lost the
handle to your child thread), so what I did is had a JMS receiver that
sat idle until the action sent a JMS message to the receiver which
would then start the asynchronous process. The receiver process
[thread] would do what it needed to do, set the magic status flag, and
then wait for another request.


On 5/3/06, Shshank Jain [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I have used div and js and it works fine. but if u dont want to use

just an idea. redirect the user to a page with the waiting message and the
hidden form and resubmit that..


On 5/3/06, Julian Tillmann [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi again,

 thanks for the suggestions, but I'd rather not use JavaScript, so any
 besides that?

 ciao 4 now

  --- Ursprüngliche Nachricht ---
  Von: Shshank Jain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  An: Struts Users Mailing List
  Betreff: Re: How to create a Waiting Page for long requests?
  Datum: Wed, 3 May 2006 12:34:08 +0530
  One way could be to dynamically create a full page size div and place it
  over the whole page on the higher z-index this will disable the access
  to the  underlying buttons etc. If you have select list with submission
  onchange event then you may have to disable them manually using
  as browser places them on the highest z-index exposing them during the
  - Shanky
  On 5/3/06, Roy, Ansuman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   when a user submits anything on the jsp page you can try and disable
   submit button and display a message for please wait.
   all this can be achieved with the help of java script.
   -Original Message-
   From: Julian Tillmann [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 11:44 AM
   Subject: How to create a Waiting Page for long requests?
   I want to prevent a user from submitting
   long during database queries twice.
   Therefore I try to include a waiting page.
   Can someone name me an example or give me
   a tip how to implement it?
   Thanks a lot
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Re: How to create a Waiting Page for long requests?

2006-05-03 Thread Ed Griebel

Great link, thanks!!


On 5/3/06, Jakub Milkiewicz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think JMS is only valid , i.e. following specification solution.
Take a look at:

2006/5/3, Dave Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Ed Griebel wrote:
  The tricky part is that you can't create a new thread in your action
  as it violates the servlet spec (as you don't know what thread will
  get subsequent requests from the same session, so you've lost the
  handle to your child thread),

 Oh, yeah? Is that equally valid for a servlet that's run only on
 initialization that starts a thread that thrashes through the database
 every now and then doing something? I know I could use jCrontab/etc. but
 they're already mad enough at me for using not-invented-here stuff   :-(


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Re: Validator rules not loaded

2006-05-02 Thread Ed Griebel

You probably have some kind of typo in your DTD specification in
validation.xml or validator-rules.xml, as most modern appservers will
pull DTDs out of jars. Ensure that commons-validator.jar is included
in your war/ear file.

Also, if validator rules are so critical to security, you should
probably throw an exception at app startup (in an app context
listsener) so the app won't even be out there if the validation rules
are not loaded.


On 5/2/06, Lance Semmens [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Struts is not loading validator rules if the validator dtd can not be
On app server startup, the following is reported:

2006-04-29 16:18:23,420 ERROR

*Im assuming that this is exception occurs trying to retrieve
After this, my app works fine except there are now no rules being
applied to my forms which poses a *slight* security issue.

Lance Semmens
Marketpipe Limited
a. 7 Soho Square, London W1D 3QB, UK
t. +44 20 7297 8401
f. +44 20 7297 8427

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Re: jsessionid problem fix for weblogic servers

2006-05-02 Thread Ed Griebel

I don't have a copy of SIA, so I'm not sure what it says, but as I
understand URL rewriting, it is always used on the struts URLs on the
first page returned after a session is initiated, and for links in
subsequent pages when the browser doesn't return a cookie with the
session ID. By turning this off, sessions will not be maintained with
browsers whose cookies are turned off or not supported.

I'm sure you've tried a lot of things already, but using
hardcoded/hand-generated links instead of html:rewrite or
html:link tags would probably work (maybe with the path embedded as
config-params in web.xml), or if your app server is fronted by Apache
you could use mod_rewrite to strip the jsessionid= from URLs. Or,
maybe if you put the images in the WAR but not under /do/* (or
whatevers configured as the struts servlet prefix in servlet-mapping)
the links would not be rewritten. The first idea is the one that I'm
using on a project now.


On 5/2/06, Braun, James F [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I had a problem with jsessionid trashing all my images and urls until I
refreshed my browser. Ted Husted points out this phenomenon on page 66
of SIA.

The symptom is that ;jsessionid=~long id string here is appended to
urls which confuses the weblogic app server.

The fix for weblogic is to add the following to the weblogic.xml file


I'm sending out this solution because it has been a repeated subject on
this list. Should I put it in the wiki?


J. Braun
Polaroid Corp.
Waltham MA USA
+1 (781) 386 6871

java, sql, xml, jsp, eeuts

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Re: StrutsTestCases

2006-04-27 Thread Ed Griebel
There was a question about this a couple of days ago where web.xml was
not being found. Also, it looks like you have a leading slash before
the D: in  setConfigFile(), that could be the problem.


On 4/27/06, Chaitanya Parkhi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 hi friends i m working on  Struts Test Cases ,i have written the following
 code,for testing accurate user login from login page for my application i
 hav included strutsTest-2.1.3.jar,junit.jar from JUNIT_HOME directory,when i
 run the following code i m getting following failures:

 1.junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: The /WEB-INF/web.xml was not found.
 2.junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: No tests found in

 can anybody plz tell me whats a problem? is ther anything reqd to write in
 web.xml for StrutstestCases?

 import servletunit.struts.MockStrutsTestCase;

 public class TestLoginAction extends MockStrutsTestCase {

 public void setUp() throws Exception

 public void tearDown() throws Exception

 public TestLoginAction(String testName)

 public void testSuccessfulLogin() {




 String[] actionErrors = {username.required,password.required};


 public void testFailedLogin() {



 verifyActionErrors(new String[] {error.password.mismatch,


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Re: Synchronization of dispatch Action

2006-03-21 Thread Ed Griebel
To answer your question, in general, its a very bad idea to
synchronize action methods as that will bring your webapp to a
screeching halt because Struts only creates a single instance of a
given action class. What you will be doing is essentially handling a
single request at a time, very bad.

Now, the reason why you want to synchronize access is based on a bad
design idea. You DO NOT want to have an instance to a database
connection shared between different requests because of the
concurrency issues you refer to. You don't even want to share a
connection within a session for a couple of reasons: you don't want a
connection open across different requests, and even if holding
connections open for a long time isn't bad enough, you can have
multiple client web pages that are part of the same session hitting
the same connection at the same time, which will certainly break
something, and probaly not until your web app is in production :-)

You need to do some research on how to use a connection pool, and then
have your DAOs either get a connection from the connection pool or
take a connection as an argument which will be supplied by the action.
I prefer the latter, that way you can chain operations on the database
in an action without the overhead of each dao call getting and then
freeing a connection from the pool. Also, transactions across DAOs are
much easier with the latter solutions too.

I don't have any links handy, but there's probably at least a
half-dozen pages about this on the Struts wiki that you can find at


 Is it a good idea to synchronize DispathAction to make sure all requests
 to DB and results which come back don't overstep each other ?
 Pls help.

 Following is some detail of what am I doing in my application.

 I have few operation I want to synchronize.
 In my app following steps I am taking
 1.   calling dispatch Action getInstrumentsFromQ as under, Should
 this be synchronized ?

 public ActionForward getInstrumentsFromQ(ActionMapping
 mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request,  HttpServletResponse
 response) throws Exception {
 2. In Dao service I have couple of lists which are stored as Class
 variable, where I store one I received from DB.
 public class InstrumentDiceQdao extends BaseDao implements

 private List instruments  =(List )
 Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());
 private List instrumentDbItems  = (List)
 Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList());

 public synchronized  List
 getAllInstrumentsFromQ(Long sectorId) throws DiceWebException {
 3. I am putting service object which has results of all DB query
 in Session, so I can access from various places in web.

  InstrumentService  instService = new
 InstrumentDaoService(ds) ;

 try {
 List instruments =

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Re: Java (O/T) thing

2006-03-14 Thread Ed Griebel
I wrestled with this exact thing this week. For the benefit of people
searching the archives, to force a 1.4-compatible JDK to be used by a
1.5 compiler you can use -target 1.4 -source 1.4 on the javac
command line, or for ant, target='1.4'  source='1.4'  in your javac


On 3/14/06, Wendy Smoak [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On 3/14/06, Martin Gainty [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Does anyone know what this message means?
  class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0

 You're using JDK 1.4 and attempting to use a class that was compiled
 for JDK 1.5 (or Java SE 5).


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Re: How To Use Existing Tags to Test and Write Out the Value of the Size of a Collection?

2006-03-07 Thread Ed Griebel
If you're using a JSP 2.0 container you can use fn:length(expr), see and

If you're not using a JSP 2.0 container, you can use a taglib in the
Jakarta Taglibs sandbox, there's a size tag in the unstandard

I don't know how well supported the unstandard taglib is, but from
what I've found when looking at the source code for Unstandard is that
the methods are pretty basic and what I would write, so it saves me
writing my own tags.


On 3/6/06, Caroline Jen [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a Collection called 'remarks'.  I can use the
 logic:notEmpty or logic:empty tags to test out if
 the Collection has some elements in it or not.

 1. Is there any tag I can use to test the size value
 of that Collection to be zero or greater than zero?
 Or I have to use the Java code in my JSP page?

 2. Is there any tag I can use to output the


to the browser?

 I simply think that it should not be too much Java
 code in a JSP page.

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Re: [FRIDAY] You might be a pointy-haired-boss if ...

2006-01-30 Thread Ed Griebel
- When PHB asks for weekly progress report on a project and you begin
to describe tasks a, b, and c completion status, he interrupts with I
just need to know a percentage, and then gets visibly annoyed when
you take last week's progress and just add 5% to it.

- When PHB tries to relate his mainframe development experience from a
decade back to Java/Struts development, particularly in the context of
trying to knock down your task estimates.



  . . . you want to know whether that feature is 90% done or 95% done.

  --- On Fri 01/27, Ted Husted  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  wrote:
 From: Ted Husted [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 08:54:40 -0500
 Subject: [FRIDAY] You might be a pointy-haired-boss if ...

 ... you think blogs are a breakfast treat.Engineer: I like to start each day 
 with a cup of coffee and a couple of blogs.PHB: ... H ... A cream-filled 
 blog would hit the spot ...-Ted.**
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Re: constant strings in the tags

2006-01-24 Thread Ed Griebel
I've just started using the taglib unstandard in the Jakarta Sandbox
which has a JSP tag that does exactly what you want. Say you have a
class called org.myorg.Constants, this tag creates an associative
array of the members like so:
%@ taglib uri=; prefix=un%
un:useConstants var=Constants className=org.myorg.Constants/
c:out value=My constant value: ${Constants.FOO}/



 In my action classes, and other java classes, I use defined constants for my 
 Strings.  This is a common best practice.

 One frequent location of this practice is the names for the attributes I set 
 on the session and request ojbects.  Most of the time, I then access these 
 attributes on my JSP pages via various struts and jstl tags.  But when I 
 reference these objects from the JSP side, I find that I can't use defined 
 constants.  This undermines like 50% of the benefit of using defined 
 constants for my attribute names.

 Since the strust platform seems to demonstrate best practices most of the 
 time, I find it hard to believe that there isn't some what to use defined 
 constants in the JSP side.  I guess that isn't strut's realm, strictly 
 speaking.  It seems that if the JSP is really just a servlet, then surely I 
 can use the defined constants just as I do from java code.  But I don't know 
 how to do this.  Anybody know how?

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Re: struts and JSTL

2006-01-23 Thread Ed Griebel
The problem is that you're putting the 'amount' field into a hidden
field and then trying to use that hidden field as a value, but your
amt bean will actually contain the value of the form field: input
type='hidden' value='123.00'/

Try this instead. First, in your action save this amount value to the
request scope:
   request.setAttribute(amount, yourAmountVar);

Then put in your JSP, assuming a JSP 2.0 container:
fmt:formatNumber value=${amount} type=currency/


On 1/23/06, fea jabi [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 would like to display the value of property amount as $10,00,000. tried
 using the below.

 But getting an error/ it doesn't get displayed.

 Is this the way to do this. Or is there an easier way to do the same?

   bean:define id=amthtml:text name=Form1 property=amount
 styleClass=invisibleInput readonly=true tabindex=-1//bean:define
   % System.out.println(amt);%
   fmt:formatNumber value=${amt} type=currency/


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Re: What JDK version are you using?

2006-01-23 Thread Ed Griebel
1.4 (+ Struts 1.2 )

We're locked into this for at least a couple of years, corporate decision.


On 1/23/06, Niall Pemberton [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What JDK version are you using?

 [ ] JDK 1.2
 [ ] JDK 1.3
 [ ] JDK 1.4
 [ ] JDK 1.5 (or JDK 5)

 I'm mainly interested in the impact of moving Commons Valdator to a
 minimum dependency of JDK 1.4 to use the RegExp support rather than
 depending on ORO, so it would be useful if you could indicate whether
 you are using Validator or not.



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Re: gone MAD with servlet / xls download on winXP

2006-01-17 Thread Ed Griebel
I agree, it sounds like a configuration issue on your PC. Have you
tried it on a different PC? Possibly one not set up by the same
Corporate IT department?


On 1/17/06, Thomas Joseph [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Try any/all of these:
 1. WinXP + Firefox.
 2. reinstalling Excel
 3. save file and open

  Note that everything works on IE 6.0 (or firefox) in win2k (so I
  decided not to post any code samples) but opening file fails on IE 6.0
  in winXP
  What is wrong then?
  I tried plethora of different headers in every possible combinations
  found in posts of similar (but not equal) problems with file downloads.

 Thomas Joseph

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Re: downloading a file using struts action class

2006-01-17 Thread Ed Griebel
On the thread today called gone MAD with servlet / xls download on
winXP, someone suggested that sending the no-cache directive will
cause IE to download the file and then remove it before starting the
associated application. This sounds like what is happening in your
case as well.


On 1/17/06, temp temp [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  I am using struts action class to download a file .

   Here is the action class

   public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping aActionMapping, ActionForm 
HttpServletRequest aHttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse  
   throws Exception {
   String aFileName=aHttpServletRequest.getParameter(IWeb.FILE_NAME);

   Integer aSysAttachId = new 
 attachment; filename=\ +aFileName+ \);

   return null;

   private void download(byte[] byteArray, HttpServletResponse 
   throws IOException, SQLException {
   try {
BufferedOutputStream aBufferedOutputStream =new  
   } catch (Exception e) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException(e.getMessage());

   download works  in mozilla but  in internet explorer   when user chooses to 
 open  the downloaded file (a pdf) rather than  saving  IE opens Adobe Acrobat 
   with an error message There was an error opening this document .This file 
 cannot be found.

   Can somebody guide me what is going wrong  here ?
   Thanks  Regards

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The greatest tyrannies are always perpetrated in the name of the
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Re: more on wicket

2006-01-16 Thread Ed Griebel
On 1/16/06, Nick Heudecker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You can create aliases in the current version to provide shorthand names for
 pages.  Wicket 1.2 will allow you to mount pages at specified URLs, which
 should get around this problem.

...which are currently configured by what, XML? Doesn't this remove
some of the zero-conf advantages? And, there's going to have to be a
way to configure it in 1.2 somehow also. I guess almost zero
configuration isn't as catchy? :-)

All this Wicket/RoR/zero-conf stuff (and SilverStream too, if anyone
remembers that) reminds me of Visual Basic  back in the day: it's a
very productive framework if your problem is within the class of
problems that were envisioned, but once you need to step outside that
box, you're screwed as you are spending more time fighting with the
framework than problem domain coding.


 On 1/16/06, David G. Friedman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  More wicket articles?  I'm getting a message here: I bet you wish Struts
  Action 2.0 was really Struts Wicket 2.0. LOL.
  Personally, I had trouble with how it implements zero configuration files
  and how the URLs look freaky in the current
  David Friedman / [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  -Original Message-
  From: news [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of netsql
  Sent: Monday, January 16, 2006 9:29 AM
  Subject: ot: more on wicket
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Re: bean:write internationalization

2006-01-13 Thread Ed Griebel
Try this, it's much cleaner and doesn't use scriptlets:

   c:set var=promptValuebean:message key=prompt.myValue//c:set
   bean-el:message key=my.key arg0=${promptValue}/

You don't need the EL version of the library if you're using a JSP 2.0
server, just use bean:message.


On 1/13/06, Gary Feidt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The last time I did this in a jsp I had to write a little scriplet code
 to go with it.

 Here is what I did:
 java.util.ResourceBundle bundle =
 sArg0 = bundle.getString(jsp.event.future);

 bean:message key=jsp.appointment.nofutureappt arg0=%= sArg0 %/

 I hope this helps.


  [EMAIL PROTECTED] 1/13/2006 10:00:24 AM 
 Hello all,
 I m stuck with a very simple problem :(
 I have a bean:write key=my.key

 My.key =this is {0} message

 I need to replace {0} with another property which is in my app

 But looks like this syntax does not work

 bean:write key=my.key arg0=prompt.myvalue/

 Anyone could help?

 Thanx and regards

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