
I have rendered a link with <s:a> and <s:url>

<s:url id="showAccountView" value="/showAccountView.action" >
      <s:param name="ipNbr" value="%{ipNbr}" />
<td align="right" style="width:50px;">
      <s:if test="%{prospect == false}">
       <div class="account"><s:a theme="ajax" targets="displaySearchResults"
href="%{showAccountView}" title="Alle Konten anzeigen"><span>Alle Konten

In HTML this is generated.

<a showerror="true" targets="displaySearchResults" href="#" title="Alle
Konten anzeigen" dojotype="struts:BindAnchor"><span>Alle Konten anzeigen</

1. When I move the cursor over the link the calling url from my application
is shown not a link with showAccountView.action in it. I click on it
showAccountView is executed. Alright!
2 Now I open the link in a new window my application with the start action
is shown not the showAccountView. After that I click in the old window and
an error is occurs in my backend instead of executing the correct action.

Why does the application behave different after open a ajax link in a new

Best regards,


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