Storm Juno

2015-01-26 Thread Martin Gainty

Mon-pm Tuesday all day forecast is 24 inches for Western CT / Western Ma / 
Central NH
Cape will get  at LEAST12-24 inches with howling winds
30 inches snow for Hartford - Boston Corridor with 'signifcant winds'

Shout out your snow totals when you get 'em
Martin P


RE: Using Struts2 Rest Plugin with deep cascading actions

2015-01-26 Thread Martin Gainty
the dynamic namespace assignment ListPeopleAction example

package org.apache.struts2.showcase.person;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import com.opensymphony.xwork2.ActionSupport;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.ParentPackage;
import org.apache.struts2.convention.annotation.Result;

@Namespace(value=listPerson) //theoretically this should change namespace 
from /person to /listPerson
@Result(name=list, location=list-people.action, type=redirect),
@Result(name=input, location = list-people.action, type=redirect),
@Result(name=success, location = listPerson.jsp, type=redirect)
//produces No result defined for action 
org.apache.struts2.showcase.person.NewPersonAction and result input

//@Result(name=input, location=/person/editPerson.jsp),
public class ListPeopleAction extends ActionSupport {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 3608017189783645371L;
PersonManager personManager;
List people = new ArrayList();
public void setPersonManager(PersonManager personManager) {
this.personManager = personManager;
public String execute() {
return SUCCESS;
public List getPeople() {
return people;
public int getPeopleCount() {
return people.size();
theoretically listPerson namespace is supposed to replace default assigment of 
'person' so lets take a look at behavior once struts-showcase webapp is loaded:
I see the original 2 menu options:
1) Create a new Person
2) List all persons
I want to see if the /listPerson is assigned is working so I click on 2)List 
all persons and the dispatcher takes me to
listPeople.action is correct because @Result(name=input, location = 
list-people.action, type=redirect)

but the dynamic re-assigment of namespace /person to listPerson has not taken 
I then correct address bar
and am displayed 404 by dispatcher

2 possible courses of action
1)redact @Namespace since it doesnt invoke JDKProxy to redirect namespace 
'person' to 'listPerson'

2)is there a way to change xwork ObjectFactory to not use ProxyObjectFactory or 
CGLIB but the JDK Proxy change:
bean type=com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory name=default 
class=com.opensymphony.xwork2.ProxyObjectFactory /

to a factory which will implement JDK Proxy e.g:
// Implement interface
Class? clazz = Class.forName(Namespace);

Object listenerInstance = Proxy.newProxyInstance(clazz.getClassLoader(), 
new Class?[]{clazz}, new InvocationHandler() {
  public Object invoke(Object proxy, Method method, Object[] args) throws 
Throwable {
  System.out.println(ARGS:  + (Integer)args[0] + ,  + 
  return 1;
else return -1;
The key to prevent a hacked email account is to change password more than every 
5 years..

 Subject: RE: Using Struts2 Rest Plugin with deep cascading actions
 Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 18:38:43 -0500
  Date: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 15:24:49 +0530
  Subject: Re: Using Struts2 Rest Plugin with deep cascading actions
  Well after doing some research on designing rest api ***best practices*** I
  realized I was doing something wrong.
  For getting all companies, we must use
  For getting all locations of that company we can use
  For anything else to get from any particular location we can use
  http://localhost/company/locations/111 - to get location details
  (/company/ only in namespacing )
  http://localhost/company/locations/111/contacts - to get location contacts
  Now question is how do we implement namespacing in struts2 rest api???
  As by default all actions are @root right?
  can we have @namespace(value=/company/) annotation in Location Action
  But this does not work for me, it redirects to company action only and says
  no method available.
  Or we must not use such namespacing and its better to use
  http://localhost/location instead of http://localhost/company/location
  Please suggest. 
 MGyou need to specify the namespace attribute in package specification
 MGthere is a movement to add more 

Re: Storm Juno

2015-01-26 Thread Jan-Olav Eide

Maybe shout somewhere else than this mailing list ? 
Sendt fra min Sinclair ZX Spectrum

Den 26. jan. 2015 kl. 15.13 skrev Martin Gainty

Mon-pm Tuesday all day forecast is 24 inches for Western CT / Western Ma / 
Central NH
Cape will get  at LEAST12-24 inches with howling winds
30 inches snow for Hartford - Boston Corridor with 'signifcant winds'

Shout out your snow totals when you get 'em
Martin P

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