On 21/06/22 16:51, Lionel SCHWARZ wrote:
Dear all,

I feel a bit shameful, I cannot find any log files in my Syncope setup.
I have created a Syncope project with Maven archetype, then built with Maven, 
and then copied war in Tomcat9.
The application works fine, and I can watch logs in the console, but am unable 
to find an 'core.log' on the machine...

I tried also to build with 'mvn -Dlog.directory=/tmp' but found nothing in 

What did I miss?

Hi Lionel,
it seems you've missed the notice [1] which invites you to head to the Reference Guide 
"to understand how to configure, extend, customize and *deploy* your new Apache 
Syncope project".

In particular, the explanation about Deployment Directories [2] and following 
instructions about how to build your project for deployment, e.g.

mvn clean verify \
   -Dconf.directory=/opt/syncope/conf \
   -Dbundles.directory=/opt/syncope/bundles \

The WAR files generated by this command are configured differently than the 
ones built for embedded mode [3].

Hope this helps.

[2] https://syncope.apache.org/docs/reference-guide.html#deployment-directories

Francesco Chicchiriccò

Tirasa - Open Source Excellence

Member at The Apache Software Foundation
Syncope, Cocoon, Olingo, CXF, OpenJPA, PonyMail

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