Re: Tez UI

2016-10-19 Thread Hitesh Shah
Thanks for doing all the investigative work and patiently trying out the 
various options we provided. 

If you get a chance, feel free to try the following ( and hopefully provide a 
patch if it works better for you as a long term solution ):
   - compile the tez source against CDH’s distribution of hadoop ( would entail 
adding the cdh maven repo to the pom as well as updating hadoop.version hence 
the patch if you can put this under a maven profile )
   - the above I believe will pull in the transitive dependencies of jackson 
from the hadoop version compiled against.
   - this allows you to retain CDH components as is and only modify tez instead 
of messing with the hadoop install. 

— Hitesh

> On Oct 18, 2016, at 9:28 PM, Stephen Sprague  wrote:
> i'll be a monkey's uncle.  that did it.
> this is what i did:
> * i untarred share/tez.tar.gz
> * i then set these two env vars:
>  export YARN_USER_CLASSPATH=/usr/lib/apache-tez-0.8.4-bin/share/*
> * and started up the ATS as such:
>  sudo -u yarn -- ./ --config /etc/hadoop/conf start 
> timelineserver
> hard to believe that jackson version from 1.8.8 to 1.9.13 made that 
> difference.
> great call Hitesh.  many thanks. I've been wrestling with this for quite some 
> time.
> Cheers,
> Stephen.
> On Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 8:09 PM, Stephen Sprague  wrote:
> * hadoop version: Hadoop 2.6.0-cdh5.4.7
> * tez version: 0.8.4 (i am using the bin distro from apache - so i didn't 
> "make" it)
> * i found these in the tez distro tarball.
>$ cd /home/dwr/downloads/apache-tez-0.8.4-bin
>$ find . -name '*jers*'
> ./lib/jersey-client-1.9.jar
> ./lib/jersey-json-1.9.jar
> * i found these in the tez server-side tarball
> $ tar ztf share/tez.tar.gz | grep jers
> lib/jersey-json-1.9.jar
> lib/jersey-core-1.9.jar
> lib/jersey-client-1.9.jar
> lib/jersey-guice-1.9.jar
>  $ tar ztf share/tez.tar.gz | grep jack
>  lib/jackson-core-asl-1.9.13.jar
>  lib/jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar
>  lib/jackson-jaxrs-1.9.13.jar
>  lib/jackson-xc-1.9.13.jar
> * i found these in the hadoop ATS timeline server classpath:
>  * /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/jersey-server-1.9.jar
>  * /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/jersey-core-1.9.jar
>  * /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/jersey-json-1.9.jar
>  * /usr/lib/hadoop-yarn/lib/jersey-client-1.9.jar
>  * /usr/lib/hadoop-yarn/lib/jersey-guice-1.9.jar
>  * /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/jackson-jaxrs-1.8.8.jar
>  * /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/jackson-xc-1.8.8.jar
>  * /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/jackson-core-asl-1.8.8.jar
>  * /usr/lib/hadoop/lib/jackson-mapper-asl-1.8.8.jar
> so jersey jars look to be in sync but the jackson ones look a step behind.  
> what do you think?  should i force the 1.9's into the ATS CLASSPATH?  can't 
> hurt would be my guess. lemme try.
> Cheers,
> Stephen.
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 2:44 PM, Stephen Sprague  wrote:
> Thanks Hitesh.   i'll look into this tonight.
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 10:31 AM, Hitesh Shah  wrote:
> Hello Stephen,
> I checked branch-2.4.0 of hadoop just to make sure - it does contain 
> “eventinfo” as a member of the TimelineEvent class so this does not seem to 
> indicate any issue in terms of a potential mismatch or a missing patch in the 
> version of hadoop that you are running.
> Based on the logs, YARN_APPLICATION_ATTEMPT is data being written by the YARN 
> RM into YARN Timeline and that seems to be working. What is not working is 
> the Tez AM talking to YARN Timeline. I have not come across the property not 
> found issue in the past. One guess I have is that this potentially could due 
> be either due to something incompatible with the timeline client class on Tez 
> AM’s classpath and/or a combination of the jackson/jersey jars in use.
> There are a few things you should look into and update this thread with the 
> following info:
>- what version of hadoop you are running
>- what version of Tez ( and also what version of hadoop it was compiled 
> against )
>- check the hadoop classpath for jackson/jersey jars and compare the 
> versions in it to the versions in the tez tarball.
> thanks
> — Hitesh
> > On Oct 16, 2016, at 9:24 PM, Stephen Sprague  wrote:
> >
> > thanks Allan.  so i enabled DEBUG,console on the ATS.  I see this in that 
> > log:
> >
> > 16/10/16 21:07:59 DEBUG mortbay.log: call filter Cross Origin Filter
> > 16/10/16 21:07:59 DEBUG mortbay.log: call filter static_user_filter
> > 16/10/16 21:07:59 DEBUG mortbay.log: call filter guice
> > 16/10/16 21:07:59 DEBUG security.TimelineACLsManager: Verifying the access 
> > of yarn on the timeline entity { id: appattempt_1476593404620_0211_0
> > 16/10/16 21:07:59 DEBUG timeline.TimelineDataManager: Storing the entity { 
> > id: appattempt_1476593404620_0211_01, type: YARN_APPLICATION_

ApacheCon is now less than a month away!

2016-10-19 Thread Rich Bowen
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