DUCC Job does not work on any other language except English

2018-08-03 Thread Rohit Yadav


I've tried running DUCC Job for various languages but all the content is 
replaced by (Question Mark)

But for english it works fine.I was wondering maybe this is a problem in 
configuration of DUCC.

Any idea about this?



High CPU Load on Job Driver

2018-07-18 Thread Rohit yadav


I am running a job on DUCC along with CR,AE and CC.But while running Job 
Driver ,CPU consumption of JD increases to 600%.

I wanted to know is it normal to have high CPU consumption in Job Driver.
Also after running for 1-2 hours the DUCC stops.
And after i restart the DUCC and check the logs of JD there is nothing 
mentioned why DUCC stopped.

Also, my DUCC is running on 3 nodes.
The JD is configured at the head node.
*Rohit Yadav*

Problem in running DUCC Job for Arabic Language

2018-06-13 Thread Rohit yadav


I use DUCC for english language and it works without any problem.
But lately i tried deploying a job for Arabic Language and all the 
content of Arabic Text is replaced by *'?'* (Question Mark).

I am extracting Data from Accumlo and after processing i send it to ES6.

When i checked the log files of JD it shows that arabic data is coming 
into CR without any problem.
But when i check another log file it shows that the moment data enters 
into my AE arabic content is replaced by Question mark.

Please find the log files attached with this mail.

I think this may be a problem of CM because the data is fine inside CR 
and the most interesting part is that if i try running the same pipeline 
through CPM  it works without any problem which means DUCC is facing 
some issue.

I'll look forward to your reply.

Best Regards,
*Rohit Yadav*
Wed Jun 13 18:25:47 2018
050 ducc_ling Version 2.2.1 compiled Nov 22 2017 at 15:59:27
4050 Limits:   CORE soft[0] hard[-1]
4050 Limits:CPU soft[-1] hard[-1]
4050 Limits:   DATA soft[-1] hard[-1]
4050 Limits:  FSIZE soft[-1] hard[-1]
4050 Limits:MEMLOCK soft[65536] hard[65536]
4050 Limits: NOFILE soft[65000] hard[65000]
4050 Limits:  NPROC soft[256774] hard[256774]
4050 Limits:RSS soft[-1] hard[-1]
4050 Limits:  STACK soft[8388608] hard[-1]
4050 Limits: AS soft[-1] hard[-1]
4050 Limits:  LOCKS soft[-1] hard[-1]
4050 Limits: SIGPENDING soft[256774] hard[256774]
4050 Limits:   MSGQUEUE soft[819200] hard[819200]
4050 Limits:   NICE soft[0] hard[0]
4050 Limits:  STACK soft[8388608] hard[-1]
4050 Limits: RTPRIO soft[0] hard[0]
1120 Changed to working directory /mario/Uima_Arabic_new_v_1.1
Environ[0] = DUCC_PROCESSID=0
Environ[1] = DUCC_UMASK=002
Environ[2] = USER=mario
Environ[3] = LANG=en_IN
Environ[4] = DUCC_STATE_UPDATE_PORT=52048
Environ[5] = DUCC_PROCESS_UNIQUEID=2196a7f9-1ecd-4716-9139-861ca674f834
Environ[6] = DUCC_JOBID=41010
Environ[7] = DUCC_IP=
Environ[8] = DUCC_PROCESS_LOG_PREFIX=/mario/ducc/logs/41010/41010-JD-S145
Environ[9] = HOME=/mario
Environ[10] = DUCC_NODENAME=S145
1000 Command to exec: /usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_25/jre/bin/java
arg[2]: -Dducc.deploy.components=jd
arg[3]: -Dducc.job.id=41010
arg[4]: -Xmx300M
arg[5]: -Dducc.deploy.JobId=41010
arg[8]: -Dducc.deploy.WorkItemTimeout=10
arg[9]: -Dducc.deploy.JobDirectory=/mario/ducc/logs
arg[10]: -Dducc.deploy.JpFlowController=org.apache.uima.ducc.FlowController
arg[13]: -Dducc.deploy.JpThreadCount=5
arg[14]: -DDUCC_HOME=/mario/apache-uima-ducc-2.2.1
arg[15]: -Dducc.deploy.JpUniqueId=2196a7f9-1ecd-4716-9139-861ca674f834
arg[16]: -Dducc.process.log.dir=/mario/ducc/logs/41010/
arg[17]: -Dducc.process.log.basename=41010-JD-S145
arg[18]: -classpath
arg[20]: org.apache.uima.ducc.common.main.DuccService
1001 Command launching...
13 Jun 2018 18:25:48,534  INFO DUCC.DuccService - J[N/A] T[1] Component  
Starting Component 
 file.encoding.pkg=sun.io, ducc.orchestrator.http.node=S145, 
ducc.sm.meta.ping.stability=10, ducc.rm.admin.endpoint.type=queue, 
ducc.jd.share.quantum.reserve.count=3, ducc.sm.http.port=19988, 
ducc.jd.communications.scheme=https, ducc.rm.reserve_overage=0, ducc.head=S145, 
ducc.rm.class.definitions=ducc.classes, ducc.agent.jvm.args=-Xmx500M, 