Hello Usergrid Team,

We are suddenly facing "out of memory" exceptions in our Tomcat Severs,
under low load conditions. Please note, our usergrid installations have
been very stable over the last 6 months, and we have "not" seen such issues
before. Our setup configuration is as below:
Environment: Ubuntu 14.04, Tomcat 7, JDK 1.8.0_65 (Oracle);
Cassandra version: 2.2.6 (DataStax);
Usergrid version: 2.2.0 (Master branch, 3rd May, 2016)

I am pasting a few logs that have suddenly started showing up.

Nov 09 16:15:26 catalina.out: 05:45:26,812  WARN EntityMappingParser:116 -
Encountered 2 collections consecutively.  N+1 dimensional arrays are
unsupported, only arrays of depth 1 are supported
Nov 09 17:22:12 catalina.out: 06:52:12,848  WARN AsyncEventServiceImpl:362
- No index operation messages came back from event processing for msg:
Nov 09 17:39:56 catalina.out: 07:09:56,177  INFO transport:470 -
[ip-10-0-2-128] failed to get local cluster state for
[#transport#-3][ip-10-0-2-128][inet[/]], disconnecting...
Nov 09 17:39:56 catalina.out:
[][inet[/]][cluster:monitor/state] request_id [11652] timed
out after [5247ms]
Nov 09 17:39:56 catalina.out:  at
Nov 09 17:39:56 catalina.out:  at
Nov 09 17:39:56 catalina.out:  at
Nov 09 17:39:56 catalina.out:  at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)
Nov 09 17:40:17 catalina.out: 07:10:17,557  WARN transport:415 -
[ip-10-0-2-128] Received response for a request that has timed out, sent
[10887ms] ago, timed out [3ms] ago, action [cluster:monitor/state], node
id [11678]
Nov 09 17:43:05 catalina.out: 07:13:05,091 ERROR AbstractExceptionMapper:74
- com.netflix.hystrix.exception.HystrixRuntimeException 5XX Uncaught
Exception (500)
Nov 09 17:43:05 catalina.out:
ConsistentReplayCommand timed-out and fallback failed.
Nov 09 17:43:05 catalina.out: Caused by:
Nov 09 17:43:05 catalina.out: Caused by:
rx.exceptions.OnErrorThrowable$OnNextValue: OnError while emitting onNext
Nov 09 17:43:05 catalina.out: 07:13:05,123 ERROR
AbstractExceptionMapper:108 - Server Error (500):
Nov 09 17:43:05 catalina.out:
timed-out and fallback

Our monitoring indicates there is no issue in cassandra and elasticseach
clusters. Look forward to your help.


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